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Herwig  7.2.1
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::KaonThreeMesonCurrent class.
Brief class description:
The KaonThreeMesonCurrent class implements the model of Z. Phys. C 69 (1996) 243 [arXiv:hep-ph/9503474] for the weak current with three mesons, at least one of which is a kaon
See also Herwig::KaonThreeMesonCurrent

Name: OmegaParameters
Type: Switch

Use local values of the omega/phi meson masses and widths
Registered options:
Use the masses and widths from the particle data objects
Use local values of the parameters
Default value: 1

Name: OmegaKStarWeight
Type: Parameter

The relative weight of the omega-phi and K* terms
Default value: 0.707107
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 100

Name: PhiWidth
Type: Parameter

The width of the phi meson
Default value: 0.00443
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: PhiMass
Type: Parameter

The mass of the phi meson
Default value: 1.02
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: OmegaWidth
Type: Parameter

The width of the omega meson
Default value: 0.00843
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: OmegaMass
Type: Parameter

The mass of the omega meson
Default value: 0.782
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: EpsOmega
Type: Parameter

The omega-phi mixing
Default value: 0.05
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 1

Name: K1WeightRhoK
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

The relative weights for the K_1 resonances in the rho K final-state
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: K1WeightKStarPi
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

The relative weights for the K_1 resonances in the K* pi final-state
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: K1Widths
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

Widths of the K_1 mesons
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: K1Masses
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

Masses of the K_1 mesons
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: a1RunningQ2
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

The values of the q^2 for interpolation to giving the running width.
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: a1RunningWidth
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

The values of the a_1 width for interpolation to giving the running width.
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: a1WidthOption
Type: Switch

Option for the treatment of the a1 width
Registered options:
Use the parameterization of Kuhn and Santamaria for default parameters. This should only be used for testing vs TAUOLA
Use a calculation of the running width based on the parameters as interpolation table.
Default value: 1

Name: K1Parameters
Type: Switch

Use local values of the rho meson masses and widths
Registered options:
Use the masses and widths from the particle data objects
Use local values of the parameters
Default value: 1

Name: a1Parameters
Type: Switch

Use local values of the rho meson masses and widths
Registered options:
Use the masses and widths from the particle data objects
Use local values of the parameters
Default value: 1

Name: KstarParameters
Type: Switch

Use local values of the rho meson masses and widths
Registered options:
Use the masses and widths from the particle data objects
Use local values of the parameters
Default value: 1

Name: RhoParameters
Type: Switch

Use local values of the rho meson masses and widths
Registered options:
Use the masses and widths from the particle data objects
Use local values of the parameters
Default value: 1

Name: VectorKStarWeight
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

The weights of the different Kstar resonances in the F1,2,3 form factor
Default value: 0
Minimum value: -1000
Maximum value: 1000

Name: VectorRhoWeight
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

The weights of the different rho resonances in the F1,2,3 form factor
Default value: 0
Minimum value: -1000
Maximum value: 1000

Name: AxialKStarWeight
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

The weights of the different Kstar resonances in the F1,2,3 form factor
Default value: 0
Minimum value: -1000
Maximum value: 1000

Name: AxialRhoWeight
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

The weights of the different rho resonances in the F1,2,3 form factor
Default value: 0
Minimum value: -1000
Maximum value: 1000

Name: KstarVectorWidths
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

The widths for the Kstar resonances if used local values
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: KstarVectorMasses
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

The masses for the Kstar resonances if used local values
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: KstarAxialWidths
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

The widths for the Kstar resonances if used local values
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: KstarAxialMasses
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

The masses for the Kstar resonances if used local values
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: RhoVectorWidths
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

The widths for the rho resonances if used local values
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: RhoVectorMasses
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

The masses for the rho resonances if used local values
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: RhoAxialWidths
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

The widths for the rho resonances if used local values
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: RhoAxialMasses
Type: Varying size vector of parameters

The masses for the rho resonances if used local values
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: FPi
Type: Parameter

The pion decay constant
Default value: 92.4
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 200

Name: A1Mass
Type: Unlimited Parameter

The a_1 mass if using local values.
Default value: 1.251

Name: A1Width
Type: Unlimited Parameter

The a_1 width if using local values.
Default value: 0.599

Name: Initializea1
Type: Switch

Initialise the calculation of the a_1 running width
Registered options:
Use the default values
Initialize the calculation
Default value: 0

There may be interfaces inherited from the Herwig::ThreeMesonCurrentBase class.