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Herwig  7.2.1
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::Tree2toNGenerator class.
Brief class description:
Generate Tree2toNDiagrams for a given process.
See also Herwig::Tree2toNGenerator

Name: RestrictLines
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::ParticleData

Particles to be exluded from becoming internal lines.

Name: ExcludeInternal
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::ParticleData

Particles to be exluded from becoming internal lines.

Name: ExcludeVertices
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::VertexBase

The vertices to exclude.

Name: Vertices
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::VertexBase

All vertices to consider.

Name: ClearRestrictLines
Type: Command

Clear the container of lines to be considered for restrictions.

Name: TimeLikeRange
Type: Command

Limit the number of timelike occurences of the specified particle.

Name: SpaceLikeRange
Type: Command

Limit the number of spacelike occurences of the specified particle.