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Herwig  7.2.1
Herwig::Merger Class Reference

Merger handles the Merger ....... //TODO . More...

#include <Merger.h>

Inheritance diagram for Herwig::Merger:

Public Member Functions

bool matrixElementRegion (PVector incoming, PVector outgoing, Energy winnerScale=ZERO, Energy cutscale=ZERO) const
 define the ME region for a particle vector.
Energy mergingScale () const
 return the current merging scale, gets smeared around the central merging scale in generate kinematics. More...
Energy mergePt () const
 return the current merging pt (should be unified with mergingScale)
int M () const
 legsize of highest process with NLO corrections
int N () const
 legsize of the highest LO merged process
int N0 () const
 legsize of the production process
CrossSection MergingDSigDR ()
 cross section of as given by the merging
*set the current called from ME *void setXComb (tStdXCombPtr)
 set the current xcomb, called from ME
void setKinematics ()
 set kinematics, called from ME
void clearKinematics ()
 clear kinematics, called from ME
bool generateKinematics (const double *)
 generate kinematics, called from ME
void flushCaches ()
 generate kinematics, called from ME
size_t maxLegs () const
 return the current maximum legs, the shower should veto
void setME (MatchboxMEBasePtr me)
 set the current ME
double emissionProbability () const
 allow emissions with a given probability.in the ME region
void setEmissionProbability (double x)
 set a probability of allowed emission into ME region.
Functions used by the persistent I/O system.
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
 Function used to write out object persistently. More...
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
 Function used to read in object persistently. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Herwig::MergerBase
 MergerBase ()
 The default constructor.
virtual ~MergerBase ()
 The destructor.
virtual void setME (Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::ptr)=0
 set the current ME
- Public Member Functions inherited from HandlerBaseT< UseRandom >
double rnd () const
double rnd (double xu) const
double rnd (double xl, double xu) const
bool rndbool () const
bool rndbool (double p) const
bool rndbool (double p1, double p2) const
int rndsign (double p1, double p2, double p3) const
int rnd2 (double p0, double p1) const
int rnd3 (double p0, double p1, double p2) const
int rnd4 (double p0, double p1, double p2, double p3) const
long irnd (long xu=2) const
long irnd (long xl, long xu) const
const StandardModelBase & SM () const
tSMPtr standardModel () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
virtual bool defaultInit ()
PPtr getParticle (PID) const
PDPtr getParticleData (PID) const
bool used () const
void useMe () const
tEGPtr generator () const
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
PPtr getParticle (PID) const
PDPtr getParticleData (PID) const
bool used () const
void useMe () const
tEGPtr generator () const
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
string fullName () const
string name () const
string path () const
string comment () const
void setup (istream &is)
virtual void debugme () const
void update ()
void init ()
virtual bool preInitialize () const
void initrun ()
void finish ()
void touch ()
void reset ()
void clear ()
InitState state () const
bool locked () const
bool touched () const
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
void update ()
void init ()
virtual bool preInitialize () const
void initrun ()
void finish ()
void touch ()
void reset ()
void clear ()
InitState state () const
bool locked () const
bool touched () const
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Base
void debug () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
CounterType referenceCount () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Named
 Named (const string &newName=string())
 Named (const Named &)=default
const string & name () const
bool operator== (const Named &other) const
bool operator< (const Named &other) const

Static Public Member Functions

static void Init ()
 The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Herwig::MergerBase
static void Init ()
 The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::HandlerBase
static void Init ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
static void Init ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
static void Init ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Base
static void Init ()

Public Attributes

*set the current xcomb
 ***** virtual functions of the base class
- Public Attributes inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
- Public Attributes inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
const unsigned long uniqueId

Protected Member Functions

void N0 (int n)
 the merging factory needs to set the legsize of the production process
Ptr< ColourBasis >::ptr largeNBasis () const
 return the large-N basis (TODO: implement check if born ME works with the choice)
void smearMergePt ()
 smear the merging pt
int openZBoundaries () const
 true if the phase space for initial emissions should not be restricted in z.
MatchboxMEBasePtr currentME () const
 return the current ME
NodePtr currentNode () const
 return the current Node
double gamma () const
 the gamma parameter to subtract dipoles above a alpha parameter and subtract the corresponding IPK operator
Standard Interfaced functions.
virtual void doinit ()
 Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an EventGenerator to disk. More...
Clone Methods.
virtual IBPtr clone () const
 Make a simple clone of this object. More...
virtual IBPtr fullclone () const
 Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
void reporeg (IBPtr object, string name) const
bool setDefaultReference (PtrT &ptr, string classname, string objectname)
 Interfaced (const string &newName)
 Interfaced (const Interfaced &i)
void setGenerator (tEGPtr generator)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
 InterfacedBase (string newName)
 InterfacedBase (const InterfacedBase &i)
virtual void readSetup (istream &is)
virtual void doupdate ()
virtual void doinitrun ()
virtual void dofinish ()
virtual IVector getReferences ()
virtual void rebind (const TranslationMap &)
virtual void readSetup (istream &is)
virtual void doupdate ()
virtual void doinitrun ()
virtual void dofinish ()
virtual IVector getReferences ()
virtual void rebind (const TranslationMap &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
 ReferenceCounted (const ReferenceCounted &)
ReferenceCountedoperator= (const ReferenceCounted &)
 ReferenceCounted (const ReferenceCounted &)
ReferenceCountedoperator= (const ReferenceCounted &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Named
const Namedoperator= (const Named &other)
const string & name (const string &newName)

Private Member Functions

double singlesudakov (Dipole, Energy, Energy, pair< bool, bool >)
 calculate a single sudakov step for a given dipole
bool dosudakov (NodePtr Born, Energy running, Energy next, double &sudakov0_n)
 calculate the sudakov supression for a clusternode between the current running scale and next scale
void cleanup (NodePtr)
bool isProjectorStage (NodePtr, int) const
 return true if the cluster node has the matching number of legs to the current projector stage
Energy CKKW_StartScale (NodePtr) const
 Calculate the staring scale: if Node is part of the production process, calculate according to the scale choice object in the merging scale objekt, else return max(scale as scalechoice , min(Mass(i, j)))
void CKKW_PrepareSudakov (NodePtr, Energy)
 prepare the sudakov calculation
double Nf (Energy scale) const
 number of active flavours as given by the shower
MergingFactoryPtr treefactory () const
 pointer to the factory
map< MatchboxMEBasePtr, NodePtr > firstNodeMap () const
 map from ME to first clusternode
void mergePt (Energy x)
 set the current merging pt, smeared in generate kinematics
Energy centralMergePt () const
 return the central merging pt
CrossSection MergingDSigDRBornStandard ()
 calculate the history weighted born cross section
CrossSection MergingDSigDRBornGamma ()
 calculate the history weighted born cross section add the difference of IPK with and without alpha parameter subtract the dipoles above the alpha parameter
CrossSection MergingDSigDRVirtualStandard ()
 calculate the history weighted virtual contribution
CrossSection MergingDSigDRRealStandard ()
 calculate the history weighted real contribution splitted into 3 differnt contibutions
CrossSection MergingDSigDRRealAllAbove ()
 calculate the history weighted real contribution all dipoles above: N*(R rnd(i)-Dip_i) history_i U(^n_i)
CrossSection MergingDSigDRRealBelowSubReal ()
 calculate the history weighted real contribution not all dipoles above: (R - sum PS_i) history_rnd U(^n+1)
CrossSection MergingDSigDRRealBelowSubInt ()
 calculate the history weighted real contribution not all dipoles above: rnd(i)-> N*(PS_i - Dip_i) history_i U(^n_i)
size_t maxLegsLO () const
 max legssize the shower should veto for LO
CrossSection TreedSigDR (Energy startscale, double diffalpha=1.)
 Calculate the LO partonic cross section. More...
Energy fillProjector (int)
 fill the projecting xcomb
void fillHistory (Energy, NodePtr, NodePtr)
 fill the history, including calculation of sudakov supression
double pdfratio (NodePtr, Energy, Energy, int, bool fromIsME, bool toIsME)
 calculate the pdf ratio for the given clusternode
double pdfReweight ()
 return the pdf-ratio reweight for the history
double alphaReweight (bool nocmw=false)
 return the alpha_s reweight for the history
size_t maxLegsNLO () const
 max legssize the shower should veto for NLO
CrossSection LoopdSigDR (Energy startscale)
 calculate the virtual contribution.
double sumPdfReweightExpansion () const
 calculate alpha_s expansion of the pdf-ratios
double sumAlphaSReweightExpansion () const
 calculate alpha_s expansion of the alpha_s-ratios, including K_g
double sumFillHistoryExpansion ()
 calculate alpha_s expansion of the sudakov exponents
double alphasExpansion (Energy next, Energy fixedScale) const
 calculate alpha_s expansion of the single step alpha_s-ratio, including K_g
double pdfExpansion (NodePtr, int, Energy, Energy, double, int, Energy) const
 calculate alpha_s expansion of the single step pdf-ratio
bool doHistExpansion (NodePtr Born, Energy running, Energy next, Energy fixedScale, double &HistExpansion)
 calculate alpha_s expansion of the single step sudakov exponent
double singleHistExpansion (Dipole, Energy, Energy, Energy, pair< bool, bool >)
 calculate alpha_s expansion of the single dipole sudakov exponent
double as (Energy q) const
void setFactory (MergingFactoryPtr f)
void setDipoleShower (DipoleShowerHandlerPtr dsh)
DipoleShowerHandlerPtr DSH ()
cDipoleShowerHandlerPtr DSH () const
void firstNodeMap (MatchboxMEBasePtr, NodePtr)
 insert map from ME to first clusternode
int chooseHistory () const
 history choice: weighted history choice
double smear () const
 the smearing factor for the merging scale
void largeNBasis (Ptr< ColourBasis >::ptr x)
 return the large-N colour basis
bool notOnlyMulti () const
 helper function to check the only multi condition.
double cmwAlphaS (Energy q) const
 Calculate the CMW AlphaS.
void debugVirt (double, double, double, double, CrossSection, double, double, double, NodePtr, CrossSection) const
 debug output for virtual
void debugReal (string, double, CrossSection, CrossSection) const
 debug output for reals
Mergeroperator= (const Merger &)=delete
 The assignment operator is private and must never be called. More...

Private Attributes

unsigned int theShowerExpansionWeights = 2
 calculate the history expansion
unsigned int theCMWScheme = 0
 use CMW scheme
bool projected = true
 true if current point should be projected
bool isUnitarized = true
 true if LO cross sections should be unitarised
bool isNLOUnitarized = true
 true if NLO contributions should be unitarised
int theChooseHistory = 0
 history weight choice
int theN0 = 0
 legsize of production process
int theOnlyN = -1
 calculate only the N particle contribution
int theCurrentMaxLegs = -1
 the current maxlegs (either LO or NLO maxlegs)
double weight = 1.0
 current weight and weight of clustered born
double weightCB = 1.0
double theGamma = 1.0
 subtract the dipole contribution above a given gamma
double theSmearing = 0.
 smearing factor for merging scale
bool emitDipoleMEDiff = false
 Allow emissions for the unitarising LO contributions according to the prob 1-min(B_n/sum Dip_n,Dip_n/B_n)
double theEmissionProbability = 0.
 The conditional emission probability if emitDipoleMEDiff is true.
Energy theIRSafePT = 1_GeV
 cutoff for real emission contribution
Energy theMergePt = 4_GeV
 current merging scale
Energy theCentralMergePt = 4_GeV
 central merging scale
double theRealSubtractionRatio =3.
 below mergingscale/theRealSubtractionRatio the dipoles are used to subtract. More...
History history
 current cluster histoy including sudakov weights
Ptr< ColourBasis >::ptr theLargeNBasis
 pointer to the large-N basis
NodePtr theCurrentNode
 current Node
MatchboxMEBasePtr theCurrentME
 current ME
Ptr< FFLightTildeKinematics >::ptr FFLTK = new_ptr( FFLightTildeKinematics() )
 Tilde kinematics pointers, only to use lastPt(emitter, emission, spectator)
Ptr< FILightTildeKinematics >::ptr FILTK = new_ptr( FILightTildeKinematics() )
Ptr< IFLightTildeKinematics >::ptr IFLTK = new_ptr( IFLightTildeKinematics() )
Ptr< IILightTildeKinematics >::ptr IILTK = new_ptr( IILightTildeKinematics() )
Ptr< FFMassiveTildeKinematics >::ptr FFMTK = new_ptr( FFMassiveTildeKinematics() )
Ptr< FIMassiveTildeKinematics >::ptr FIMTK = new_ptr( FIMassiveTildeKinematics() )
Ptr< IFMassiveTildeKinematics >::ptr IFMTK = new_ptr( IFMassiveTildeKinematics() )
DipoleShowerHandlerPtr theDipoleShowerHandler
MergingFactoryPtr theTreeFactory
 pointer to the MergingFactory
map< MatchboxMEBasePtr, NodePtr > theFirstNodeMap
 map from ME to first Node
map< NodePtr, CrossSection > theHighMeWeightMap
 map from ME to highest ME weight so far


class MergingFactory
class Node

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
enum  InitState
- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
typedef unsigned int CounterType
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
static void registerRepository (IBPtr)
static void registerRepository (IBPtr, string newName)

Detailed Description

Merger handles the Merger ....... //TODO .

Johannes Bellm
See also
The interfaces defined for Merger.

Definition at line 70 of file Merger.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ clone()

virtual IBPtr Herwig::Merger::clone ( ) const

Make a simple clone of this object.

a pointer to the new object.

Implements ThePEG::InterfacedBase.

◆ doinit()

virtual void Herwig::Merger::doinit ( )

Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an EventGenerator to disk.

InitExceptionif object could not be initialized properly.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::InterfacedBase.

◆ fullclone()

virtual IBPtr Herwig::Merger::fullclone ( ) const

Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane.

a pointer to the new object.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::InterfacedBase.

◆ Init()

static void Herwig::Merger::Init ( )

The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.

Called exactly once for each class by the class description system before the main function starts or when this class is dynamically loaded.

◆ mergingScale()

Energy Herwig::Merger::mergingScale ( ) const

return the current merging scale, gets smeared around the central merging scale in generate kinematics.

Implements Herwig::MergerBase.

Definition at line 84 of file Merger.h.

◆ operator=()

Merger& Herwig::Merger::operator= ( const Merger )

The assignment operator is private and must never be called.

In fact, it should not even be implemented.

◆ persistentInput()

void Herwig::Merger::persistentInput ( PersistentIStream is,
int  version 

Function used to read in object persistently.

isthe persistent input stream read from.
versionthe version number of the object when written.

◆ persistentOutput()

void Herwig::Merger::persistentOutput ( PersistentOStream os) const

Function used to write out object persistently.

osthe persistent output stream written to.

◆ TreedSigDR()

CrossSection Herwig::Merger::TreedSigDR ( Energy  startscale,
double  diffalpha = 1. 

Calculate the LO partonic cross section.

if diffalpha != 1, add the difference of IPK(1)-IPK(diffalpha)

Member Data Documentation

◆ theRealSubtractionRatio

double Herwig::Merger::theRealSubtractionRatio =3.

below mergingscale/theRealSubtractionRatio the dipoles are used to subtract.

above the shower approximation is in use.

Definition at line 304 of file Merger.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: