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Herwig  7.2.1
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NHerwig-*- C++ -*-
 NAPIA very high-level API for interacting with Herwig's different run modes
 NCheckIdThis is a namespace which provides some useful methods for checking the PDG id of particles
 NHiggsLoopFunctionsThis is a namespace which provides the loop functions from NPB297 (1988) 221-243 which are used to calculate Higgs production with an additional jet and the real correction to $h^0\to gg$
 NHistogramOptionsOptions for histogram output
 NKinematicsThis is a namespace which provides some useful methods for kinematics computation, as the two body decays
 NMathThe Math namespace includes the declaration of some useful mathematical functions
 NProcessTypeEnumerate the type of calculation required
 NRandomHelpersPhase space generation utilities
 NRunModeDefinition of the possible run modes of Herwig
 NParticleIDThe ParticleID namespace defines the ParticleCodes enumeration
 NElementTypesElementTypes contains the element type enumeration