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Herwig  7.2.1
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::OmegaXiStarPionDecayer class.
Brief class description:
The OmegaXiStarPionDecayer class performs the weak decay of the Omega to Xi*0 and pi-
See also Herwig::OmegaXiStarPionDecayer

Name: Outgoing
Type: Integer parameter

The PDF code for the outgoing baryon
Default value: 3324
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 1000000

Name: Incoming
Type: Integer parameter

The PDF code for the incoming baryon
Default value: 3334
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 1000000

Name: MaximumWeight
Type: Unlimited Parameter

The maximum weight for the decay
Default value: 0.0032

Name: BS
Type: Parameter

The B_S coupling for the decay
Default value: -1.008e-06
Minimum value: -1e-05
Maximum value: 1e-05

Name: BP
Type: Parameter

The B_P coupling for the decay
Default value: 2.301e-06
Minimum value: -1e-05
Maximum value: 1e-05

Name: AS
Type: Parameter

The A_S coupling for the decay
Default value: -6.32e-08
Minimum value: -1e-05
Maximum value: 1e-05

Name: AP
Type: Parameter

The A_P coupling for the decay
Default value: -9.2e-08
Minimum value: -1e-05
Maximum value: 1e-05

Name: Acomm
Type: Parameter

The Acomm coupling for the decay
Default value: 2.091e-07
Minimum value: -1e-05
Maximum value: 1e-05

There may be interfaces inherited from the Herwig::Baryon1MesonDecayerBase class.