CDF Run I color coherence analysis. Events with $\ge 3$ jets are selected and Et distributions of the three highest-pT jets are obtained. The plotted quantities are the $\Delta{R}$ between the 2nd and 3rd leading jets in the pT and pseudorapidity of the 3rd jet, and $\alpha = \mathrm{d}{\eta}/\mathrm{d}{\phi}$, where $\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ is the pseudorapidity difference between the 2nd and 3rd jets and $\mathrm{d}{\phi}$ is their azimuthal angle difference. Since the data has not been detector-corrected, a bin by bin correction is applied, based on the distributions with ideal and CDF simulation as given in the publication.
Generated at Saturday, 05. December 2015 12:08PM