Measurements of transverse energy flow for neutral current deep- inelastic scattering events produced in positron-proton collisions at HERA. The kinematic range covers squared momentum transfers $Q^2$ from 3.2 to 2200 GeV$^2$; the Bjorken scaling variable $x$ from $8 \times 10^{-5}$ to 0.11 and the hadronic mass $W$ from 66 to 233 GeV. The transverse energy flow is measured in the hadronic centre of mass frame and is studied as a function of $Q^2$, $x$, $W$ and pseudorapidity. The behaviour of the mean transverse energy in the central pseudorapidity region and an interval corresponding to the photon fragmentation region are analysed as a function of $Q^2$ and $W$. This analysis is useful for exploring the effect of photon PDFs and for tuning models of parton evolution and treatment of fragmentation and the proton remnant in DIS.
Generated at Thursday, 12. December 2019 01:42PM