herwig is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham

Plots from Rivet analyses

Form factors for the decays $\omega\to\pi^0e^+e^-$ and $\eta\to\gamma e^+e^-$ (A2_2017_I1486671)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. C95 (2017) no.3, 035208

Measurement of the form factors $\left|F_{\omega\pi^0}(q^2)\right|$ for the decay $\phi\to\pi^0e^+e^-$ and $\left|F_{\eta}(q^2)\right|$ for the decay $\eta\to\gamma e^+e^-$ by the A2 experiment at MAMI

Normalised spectral functions of hadronic tau decays (ALEPH_2014_I1267648)

Inspire | HepData

Spectral functions of pionic tau decays measured with ALEPH. The data is taken from http://aleph.web.lal.in2p3.fr/tau/specfun.html

Jet rates and event shapes at LEP I and II (ALEPH_2004_S5765862)

Inspire | HepData | Eur.Phys.J.C35:457-486,2004 | doi:10.1140/epjc/s2004-01891-4 | http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/690637/files/ep-2003-084.pdf

Jet rates, event-shape variables and inclusive charged particle spectra are measured in $e^+ e^-$ collisions at CMS energies between 91 and 209 GeV. The previously published data at 91.2 GeV and 133 GeV have been re-processed and the higher energy data are presented here for the first time. Note that the data have been corrected to include neutrinos.

$\eta$ and $\omega$ Production in Hadronic $Z^0$ Decays (ALEPH_2002_S4823664)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B528 (2002) 19-33 | hep-ex/0201012

The production of $\eta$ and $\omega$ mesons measured using 4 millon $Z^0$ events by the ALEPH experiment at LEP. Only the fragmentation functions are implemented.

Study of the fragmentation of b quarks into B mesons at the Z peak (ALEPH_2001_S4656318)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett.B512:30-48,2001. | hep-ex/0106051

Measurement of the $b$-quark fragmentation function by ALEPH using LEP 1 data. The fragmentation function for both weakly decaying and leading $b$-quarks has been determined. The data used for the plots has been renormalised to give a differential distribution rather than the bin-by-bin average in HEPDATA.

Scaled energy distribution of $D^*$ at LEP (ALEPH_1999_S4193598)

Inspire | HepData | Eur.Phys.J.C16:597-611,2000 | hep-ex/9909032 | CERN-EP-99-094

Study of charm production in $Z$ decays. Here, only the scaled energy distribution of $D^{*\pm}$ is implemented. Should be very important for fragmentation tuning.

Studies of QCD with the ALEPH detector. (ALEPH_1996_S3486095)

Inspire | HepData | Phys. Rept., 294, 1--165 (1998)

Summary paper of QCD results as measured by ALEPH at LEP 1. The publication includes various event shape variables, multiplicities (identified particles and inclusive), and particle spectra.

Measurement of the quark to photon fragmentation function (ALEPH_1996_S3196992)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys.C69:365-378,1996 | doi:10.1007/s002880050037

Earlier measurements at LEP of isolated hard photons in hadronic Z decays, attributed to radiation from primary quark pairs, have been extended in the ALEPH experiment to include hard photon production inside hadron jets. Events are selected where all particles combine democratically to form hadron jets, one of which contains a photon with a fractional energy $z > 0.7$. After statistical subtraction of non-prompt photons, the quark-to-photon fragmentation function, $D(z)$, is extracted directly from the measured 2-jet rate.

Inclusive pi+-, K+- and (p, anti-p) differential cross-sections at the Z resonance (ALEPH_1995_I382179)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C66 (1995) 355-366 | doi:10.1007/BF01556360

Inclusive spectra of pions, Kaons, protons and antiprotons in hadronic decays of the Z0 measured as a function of z.

Hadronic Z decay charged multiplicity measurement (ALEPH_1991_S2435284)

Inspire | HepData | Phys. Lett. B, 273, 181 (1991)

The charged particle multiplicity distribution of hadronic Z decays, as measured on the peak of the Z resonance using the ALEPH detector at LEP. The unfolding procedure was model independent, and the distribution was found to have a mean of $20.85 \pm 0.24$, Comparison with lower energy data supports the KNO scaling hypothesis. The shape of the multiplicity distribution is well described by a log-normal distribution, as predicted from a cascading model for multi-particle production.

Durham and Jade differential 2-jet rate at 57.7 GeV (AMY_1995_I406129)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B355 (1995) 394-400

Measurement of the differential 2-jet rate in $e^+e^-$ collisions at $57.7$ GeV by the AMY colloboration. The Durham algorithm, together with 3 variants of the JADE algorithm are used. The JADE E-scheme results are significiantly different from the other approaches.

Hadronic charged multiplicity measurement between 50 and 61.4 GeV (AMY_1990_I295160)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D42 (1990) 737-747

The charged particle multiplicity distribution of hadronic $e^+e^-$ events as measured between 50 and 61.4 GeV using the AMY detector at TRISTAN.

Event shapes in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 55.2 GeV (AMY_1990_I283337)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D41 (1990) 2675, 1990

Measurement of a wide range of event shapes by the AMY experiment at Tristan with an average centre-of-mass energy of $55.2$ GeV.

$K^0_s$ production in B decays (ARGUS_1994_I354224)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C62 (1994) 371-382, 1994

Measurement of the spectrum for $K^0_S$ production in $B$ decays. The original measurement was done by ARGUS at the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance and therefore represents that admixture of $B^\pm$ and $B^0,\bar{B}^0$.

Inclusive production of $K^*(892)$, $\rho^0(770)$, and $\omega(783)$ mesons in the upsilon energy region. (ARGUS_1993_S2789213)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C61 (1994) 1-18

Measurement of the inclusive production of the vector mesons $K^*(892)$, $\rho^0(770)$ and $\omega(783)$ in $e^+e^-$ annihilation in the Upsilon region by the Argus Collaboration. Useful for tuning simulations of B meson and bottomium decays.

Production of the $\eta'(958)$ and $f_0(980)$ in $e^+e^-$ annihilation in the Upsilon region. (ARGUS_1993_S2669951)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C58 (1993) 199-206

Measurement of the inclusive production of the $\eta'(958)$ and $f_0(980)$ mesons in $e^+e^-$ annihilation in the Upsilon region. Data are taken on the $\Upsilon(1S)$, $\Upsilon(2S)$ and $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonances and in the nearby continuum (9.36 to 10.45 GeV center-of-mass energy)

Inclusive production of charged pions, kaons and protons in $\Upsilon(4S)$ decays. (ARGUS_1993_S2653028)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C58 (1993) 191-198

Measurement of inclusive production of charged pions, kaons and protons from $\Upsilon(4S)$ decays. Kaon spectra are determined in two different ways using particle identification and detecting decays in-flight. Results are background continuum subtracted. This analysis is useful for tuning $B$ meson decay modes.

Measurement of $R$ at 9.36 GeV and charged particle multiplcities in continuum and at the $\Upsilon(4S)$ (ARGUS_1992_I319102)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C54 (1992) 13-20, 1992

Measurement of $R$ at 9.36 GeV and charged particle multiplcities in continuum and at the $\Upsilon(4S)$. The individual hadronic and muonic cross sections are also outputted to the yoda file so that ratio $R$ can be recalcuated if runs are combined.

$\pi^0$ and $\eta$ spectra for $e^+e^-$ collisions in the continuum at 9.46 GeV and at $\Upsilon_{1,2}$ (ARGUS_1990_I278933)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C46 (1990) 15, 1990

Measurement of the inclusive production of the $\pi^0$ and $\eta$ mesons in $e^+e^-$ annihilation in the Upsilon region. Data are taken on the $\Upsilon(1S)$, $\Upsilon(2S)$ and in the nearby continuum.

Spectra for $\pi^\pm$, $K^\pm$, $K^0_S$ and $\bar{p}$ in $e^+e^-$ collisions at the $\Upsilon(1S)$ and continuum (ARGUS_1989_I276860)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C44 (1989) 547, 1989

Spectra for the production of $\pi^\pm$, $K^\pm$, $K^0_S$ and $\bar{p}$ in $e^+e^-$ collisions. Data are taken on the $\Upsilon(1S)$ and in the nearby continuum.

Spectrum for $D^0_{s2}$ production in $e^+e^-$ at 10 GeV in the continuum (ARGUS_1989_I268577)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B221 (1989) 422-426

Measurement of the spectrum for the production of $D^0_{2}$ by the ARGUS experiment

Spectra for $\phi$ meson production for $e^+e^-$ collisions in the continuum at 10 GeV and at $\Upsilon_{1,2}$ (ARGUS_1989_I262551)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C41 (1989) 557, 1989

Measurement of the spectrum for $\phi$ mesons in the $e^+e^-$ continuum at 10 GeV and in $\Upsilon(1S)$ and $\Upsilon(2S)$ decays.

Spectra for the production of $\Lambda^0(1520)$ in $e^+e^-$ collisions in the continuum at 10 GeV and the $\Upsilon_1$ (ARGUS_1989_I262415)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B215 (1988) 429-434, 1988

Spectra for the production of $\Lambda^0(1520)$ in $e^+e^-$ collisions. Data are taken on the $\Upsilon(1S)$ and in the nearby continuum.

Hyperon spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions in the continuum at 10 GeV and at $\Upsilon_{1,2}$ (ARGUS_1988_I251097)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C39 (1988) 177, 1988

Measurement of the specrtra for the production of $\Lambda$ and $\Xi^-$ baryons. Data are taken on the $\Upsilon(1S)$, $\Upsilon(2S)$ and in the nearby continuum.

Mass spectrum for $K^-K_S^0$ decays of the $\tau^-$ lepton (BABAR_2018_I1679886)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D98 (2018) no.3, 032010

Mass spectra for $K^-K_S^0$ in tau decays measured by BaBar. Useful for testing models of the hadronic current in $\tau$ decays.

Exclusive semileptonic D0 to piminus decays. (BABAR_2015_I1334693)

Inspire | HepData

Implementation of Lorentz invariant q2 distributions ("form factor") for semileptonic D0 decays

Production of charged pions, kaons, and protons in $e^+e^-$ annihilations into hadrons at $\sqrt{s}=10.54$GeV (BABAR_2013_I1238276)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D88 (2013) 3, 032011 | arXiv:1306.2895 | doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.88.032011

Measurement of charged pion, kaon and proton production in $e^+e^-$ collisions with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II electron-positron storage ring operating at a center-of-mass energy of 10.54 GeV. This is a measurement in the continuum.

Exclusive semileptonic Bplus to omega decays. (BABAR_2013_I1116411)

Inspire | HepData

Implementation of Lorentz invariant q2 distributions ("form factor") for semileptonic Bplus decays

Measurements of Semi-Leptonic Tau Decays into Three Charged Hadrons (BABAR_2007_S7266081)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev.Lett.100:011801,2008 | arXiv:0707.2981 | SLAC-R-936

Measurement of tau decays to three charged hadrons using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 342 fb$^{-1}$ collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II electron-positron storage ring operating at a center-of-mass energy near 10.58 GeV.

Inclusive $\Lambda_c^+$ Production in $e^+e^-$ Annihilation at $\sqrt{s}=10.54$ GeV and in $\Upsilon(4S)$ Decays. (BABAR_2007_S6895344)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D75 (2007) 012003 | hep-ex/0609004

Measurements of the total production rates and momentum distributions of the charmed baryon $\Lambda_c^+$ in $e^+e^- \to$ hadrons at a centre-of-mass energy of 10.54 GeV and in $\Upsilon(4S)$ decays.

Production and decay of $\Xi^0_c$ at BABAR. (BABAR_2005_S6181155)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev.Lett. 95 (2005) 142003 | hep-ex/0504014

Analysis of $\Xi_c^0$ production in B decays and from the $c\bar{c}$ continuum, with the $\Xi_c^0$ decaying into $\Omega^- K^+$ and $\Xi^- \pi^+$ final states measured using 116.1 $\text{fb}^{-1}$ of data collected by the BABAR detector. The normalisation of the data as been modifed from that presented in the original paper in order to produce a differential cross section rather than the cross section in each bin. In addition to the data presented in the paper plots are alos made with unit normalisation which can be more useful for Monte Carlo tuning.

Measurement of inclusive charmonium production (BABAR_2003_I593379)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D67 032002, 2003 | hep-ex/0207097

Measurement of $J/\psi$, $\psi'$, $\chi_{c1}$ and $\chi_{c2}$ production using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3\;fb$^{-1}$ collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II electron-positron storage ring operating at a centre-of-mass energy near 10.58\;GeV.

Baryon spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 10.52 GeV (BELLE_2017_I1606201)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D97 (2018) no.7, 072005

Measurement of spectra for hyperon and charm baryon production in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 10.52 GeV by BELLE. The spectra for $\Lambda^0$, $\Sigma^0$, $\Sigma^{*+}$, $\Lambda^0(1520)$, $\Xi^-$, $\Omega^-$ and $\Xi^{*0}$ hyperons are measured. The spectra for the $\Lambda_c^+$, $\Lambda_c(2595)^+$, $\Lambda_c(2625)^+$, $\Sigma_c(2455)^0$, $\Sigma_c(2520)^0$, $\Omega_c^0$ and $\Xi_c^0$ charm baryons are also measured.

Decay kinematics of semileptonc B0bar to D*+ decays. (BELLE_2017_I1512299)

Inspire | HepData

Unfolded measurement of recoil w, helicity and decay plane angles of semileptonc B0bar to D*+ decays. The data was used to determine Vcb. Note that the data in the paper does not account for the bin wodths. The data shipped with rivet is divided by the bin width and all curves are normalised to the partial width of B0bar-> D*+ ell nu

Exclusive semileptonic $B$ to $D$ decays. (BELLE_2015_I1397632)

Inspire | HepData

Implementation of Lorentz invariant recoil w distributions for semileptonic B decays

Measurement of the spectrum for $\bar{B}\to X_s \gamma$ (BELLE_2015_I1330289)

Inspire | HepData | PR D91,052004

Mass spectrum in $B\to s\gamma$ decays measured by BELLE. Useful for testing the implementation of these decays

Exclusive semileptonic B-decays (BELLE_2013_I1238273)

Inspire | HepData

Implementation of Lorentz invariant q2 distributions ("form factor") for semileptonic B decays

Pion and kaon identified particle spectra at $\sqrt{s}=10.52$ \text{GeV} (BELLE_2013_I1216515)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) 6, 062002 | arXiv:1301.6183 | doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.062002

Analysis of the identified particle spectra for charged pions and kaons at 10.52 GeV. This is continuum data below the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance.

Exclusive semileptonic B0 to pi minus decays. (BELLE_2011_I878990)

Inspire | HepData

Implementation of Lorentz invariant q2 distributions ("form factor") for semileptonic B0 decays

Mass spectra for $h^-h^-h^+$ decays of the $\tau^-$ lepton (BELLE_2010_I841618)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D81 (2010) 113007

Mass spectra for $\pi^+\pi^-\pi^+$, $K^-\pi^+\pi^-$, $K^+K^-\pi^-$ and $K^-K^-K^+$ in tau decays measured by BELLE. Useful for testing models of the hadronic current in $\tau$ decays.

Measurement of Semi-Leptonic Tau Decays into $\pi^\pm\pi^0$ (BELLE_2008_I786560)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D78 (2008) 072006 | arXiv:0805.3773 | doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.78.072006

High-statistics measurement of the branching fraction for $\tau\to\pi^-\pi^0\nu_\tau$ and the invariant mass spectrum of the produced $\pi^-\pi^0$ system using 72.2fb$^{-1}$of data recorded with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $e^+e^-$ collider.

$K_S^0\pi^-$ spectrum in $\tau$ decays (BELLE_2007_I753243)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B654 (2007) 65-73

Measurement of the spectrum of $K_S^0\pi^-$ spectrum in $\tau$ decays by BELLE. Useful for testing models of the hadronic current in $\tau$ decays.

Measurement of inclusive production of neutral pions from $\Upsilon(4S)$ decays. (BELLE_2001_S4598261)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D64 (2001) 072001 | hep-ex/0103041

Measurement of the mean multiplicity and the momentum spectrum of neutral pions from the decays of the Upsilon(4S) resonance using the Belle detector operating at the KEKB $e^+e^-$ storage ring. Useful for tuning $B$ meson decay models.

Charged particle momentum distributions for energies between 2.2 and 4.8 GeV (BESII_2004_I622224)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D69 (2004) 072002, 2004

Charged particle momentum distributions for energies between 2.2 and 4.8 GeV

Charge particle multiplicity in $\eta_c$ decays (BESIII_2019_I1724880)

Inspire | HepData | arXiv:1903.05375

Measurememt of the charged particle multiplicity distribution in $\eta_c$ decays by the BESIII collaboration.

Analysis of $J/\psi$ decays to $\Lambda^0\bar\Lambda^0$ (BESIII_2019_I1691850)

Inspire | HepData | Nature Phys. 15 (2019) 631-634

Analysis of the angular distribution of the baryons, and decay products, produced in $e^+e^-\to J/\psi \to \Lambda^0\bar\Lambda^0$. Gives information about the decay and is useful for testing correlations in hadron decays.

$J/\psi\to e^+e^-\eta$ decays (BESIII_2018_I1697377)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D99 (2019) no.1, 012006

Differential decay rates for $J/\psi\to e^+e^-\eta$ decays.

Analysis of $\psi(2S)$ decays to $p\bar{p}$ and $n\bar{n}$ (BESIII_2018_I1658762)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D98 (2018) no.3, 032006

Analysis of the angular distribution of the baryons produced in $e^+e^-\to\psi(2S) \to p\bar{p}$ and $n\bar{n}$. Gives information about the decay and is useful for testing correlations in hadron decays.

$\eta^\prime\to \pi^+\pi^-\gamma$ decays (BESIII_2018_I1641075)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev.Lett. 120 (2018) 242003, 2018

Differential decay rates for $\eta^\prime\to \pi^+\pi^-\gamma$ decays. Data from HEPData has been manipulated to remove the background, correct for the efficiency, and normalise the distribution.

Differential Decay rates for $D^+\to \{\bar{K}^0,\pi^0\} e^+\nu_e$ from BES (BESIII_2017_I1519425)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D96 (2017) no.1, 012002

Differential decay rates for semileptonic $D^+\to \bar{K}^0,\pi^0e^+\nu_e$ decays

Analysis of $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ decays to $\Lambda^0\bar\Lambda^0$ and $\Sigma^0\bar\Sigma^0$ (BESIII_2017_I1510563)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D95 (2017) no.5, 052003

Analysis of the angular distribution of the baryons produced in $e^+e^-\to J/\psi,\psi(2S) \to \Lambda^0\bar\Lambda^0, \Sigma^0\bar\Sigma^0$. Gives information about the decay and is useful for testing correlations in hadron decays.

Analysis of $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ decays to $\Xi^0\bar\Xi^0$ and $\Sigma^{*0}\bar\Sigma^{*0}$ (BESIII_2017_I1506414)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B770 (2017) 217-225

Analysis of the angular distribution of the baryons produced in $e^+e^-\to J/\psi,\psi(2S) \to \Xi^0\bar\Xi^0$ and $\Sigma^{*0}\bar\Sigma^{*0}$. Gives information about the decay and is useful for testing correlations in hadron decays.

Analysis of $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ decays to $\Xi^-\bar\Xi^+$ and $\Sigma^{*\mp}\bar\Sigma^{*\pm}$ (BESIII_2016_I1422780)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D93 (2016) no.7, 072003

Analysis of the angular distribution of the baryons produced in $e^+e^-\to J/\psi,\psi(2S) \to \Xi^-\bar\Xi^+$ and $\Sigma^{*\mp}\bar\Sigma^{*\pm}$. Gives information about the decay and is useful for testing correlations in hadron decays.

Exclusive $D^0\to K^-,\pi^-e^+\nu_e$ decays (BESIII_2015_I1391138)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D92 (2015) 072012, 2015

Differential decay rates for semileptonic $D^0\to K^-,\pi^-e^+\nu_e$ decays

$\eta^\prime\to e^+e^-\gamma$ decays (BESIII_2015_I1364494)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D92 (2015) 012001, 2015

Differential decay rates for $\eta^\prime\to e^+e^-\gamma$ decays

Analysis of $J/\psi$ decays to $p\bar{p}$ and $n\bar{n}$ (BESIII_2012_I1113599)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 032014

Analysis of the angular distribution of the baryons produced in $e^+e^-\to J/\psi \to p\bar{p}$ and $n\bar{n}$. Gives information about the decay and is useful for testing correlations in hadron decays.

Spectra for strange hadron production at $E_{\text{CMS}}=35$ GeV (CELLO_1990_I283026)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C46 (1990) 397-404, 1990

Spectra for $K^0$, $K^{*+}$ and $\Lambda$ production in $e^+e^-$ collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 35 GeV measured by the CELLO experiment at Petra. The data in HEPData only contains the centroids of the bins, not the bin edges which have therefore been inferred.

Photon, $\pi^0$ and $\eta$ spectra at 35 GeV (CELLO_1989_I276764)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C47 (1990) 1-10, 1990

Measurement of the $\gamma$, $\pi^0$ and $\eta$ energy fractions in $e^+e^-$ collisions for centre-of-mass energy of 35 GeV by the CELLO experiment at Petra. Only the bin centroids are given in the paper and HEPdata so the bin widths have been infered.

Photon and $\pi^0$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ at 14, 22 and 34 GeV (CELLO_1983_I191415)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C20 (1983) 207, 1983

Measurement of the $\gamma$ and $\pi^0$ energy fractions in $e^+e^-$ collisions for centre-of-mass energies of 14, 22 and 34 GeV by the CELLO experiment at Petra. Only the bin centroids are given in the paper and HEPdata so the bin widths have been infered.

Energy-Energy correlation at 22 and 34 GeV (CELLO_1982_I12010)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C14 (1982) 95, 1982

Measurement of the energy-energy correlation, and its assymetry, at centre-of-mass energies 22 and 34 GeV

Charm hadrons from fragmentation near the $\Upsilon(4S)$ (CLEO_2004_S5809304)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev.D70:112001,2004. | arXiv:hep-ex/0402040

Analysis of charm quark fragmentation at 10.5 GeV, based on a data sample of 103 fb collected by the CLEO experiment. Fragmentation into charm is studied for the charmed hadron ground states, namely $D^0$, $D^+$, as well as the excited states $D^{*0}$ and $D^{*+}$. This analysis can be used to constrain charm fragmentation in Monte Carlo generators.

Correlated $\Lambda^+_c\bar{\Lambda}_c$ production in $e^+e^-$ annihilations at $\sqrt{s}=10.5$ GeV (CLEO_2001_I552541)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D63 (2001) 112003, 2001

Measurement of correlations between $\Lambda^+_c$ and $\bar{\Lambda}_c$ production in $e^+e^-$ annihilations at $\sqrt{s}=10.5$ GeV by the CLEO experiment. Useful fo studying models of baryon production.

Decay asymmetries in $\Xi^0_c\to\Xi^-\pi^+$ (CLEO_2000_I537236)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B634 (2006) 165-172

Measurement of the decay asymmetries in $\Xi^0_c\to\Xi^-\pi^+$ by the CLEO experiment. The asymmetry parameter is extracted by fitting to normalised angular distribution. This analysis is useful for testing spin correlations in hadron decays.

$D_s^\pm$ and $D^{*\pm}_s$ spectra in the continuum near the $\Upsilon(4S)$ (CLEO_2000_I526554)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D62 (2000) 072003, 2000

Analysis of charm quark fragmentation at 10.5 GeV, based on a data sample of 103 fb collected by the CLEO experiment. Fragmentation into $D^\pm_s$ and $D^{*\pm}_s$ mesons is studied. This analysis can be used to constrain charm fragmentation in Monte Carlo generators. The branching ratios $\text{B}_1=B(D^{*+}_s\to D_s^+\gamma)B(D_s^+\to\phi\pi^+)B(\phi\to K^+K^-)$ and $B_2=B(D_s^+\to\phi\pi^+)B(\phi\to K^+K^-)$, are not unfolded.

Measurement of Semi-Leptonic Tau Decays into $\pi^\pm\pi^0$ (CLEO_1999_I508944)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D61 (2000) 112002 | hep-ex/9910046

Measurement of the invariant mass spectrum of the $\pi^-\pi^0$ system in $\tau\to\pi^-\pi^0\nu_\tau$ measured by CLEO at CESR.

Study of the b-quark fragmentation function at LEP 1 (DELPHI_2011_I890503)

Inspire | HepData | 10.1140/epjc/s10052-011-1557-x

Measurement of the $b$-quark fragmentation function by DELPHI using 1994 LEP 1 data. The fragmentation function for weakly decaying $b$-quarks has been determined in a model independent way. Note --- this analysis supersedes DELPHI_2002_069_CONF_603.

Spectrum for $\Xi^-(\bar{\Xi}^+)$ at LEP1 (DELPHI_2006_I719387)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B639 (2006) 179-191, 2006

Measurement of the $\Xi^-$ momentum distributions by DELPHI at LEP 1.

Measurements of event shapes by DELPHI, above and below $m_Z$ (DELPHI_2003_I620250)

Inspire | HepData | Eur.Phys.J. C29 (2003) 285-312

Measurement of a wide range of event shapes by DELPHI at energies below the Z pole using radiative events and above $m_Z$ from LEP2. This analyses allows the energy dependence of simulations to be studied. Only the distributions and not the means are implemented.

Study of the b-quark fragmentation function at LEP 1 (DELPHI_2002_069_CONF_603)

DELPHI note 2002-069-CONF-603 (ICHEP 2002)

Measurement of the $b$-quark fragmentation function by DELPHI using 1994 LEP 1 data. The fragmentation function for both weakly decaying and primary $b$-quarks has been determined in a model independent way. Nevertheless the authors trust $f(x_B^\text{weak})$ more than $f(x_B^\text{prim})$. Note --- this analysis is superseded by DELPHI_2011_I890503.

$\Sigma^-$ and $\Lambda(1520)$ production at the $Z^0$ pole from DELPHI (DELPHI_2000_I524694)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B475 (2000) 429-447, 2000

Measurement of the $\Sigma^-$ and $\Lambda^0(1520)$ scaled momentum distributions by DELPHI at LEP 1

Hadronization properties of $b$ quarks compared to light quarks in $e^+ e^-\to q \bar{q}$ from 183 GeV to 200 GeV (DELPHI_2000_S4328825)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett.B479:118-128,2000 | hep-ex/0103022 | DELPHI 2002-052 CONF 586

Measurements of the mean charged multiplicities separately for $b\bar b$, $c\bar{c}$ and light quark ($uds$) initiated events in $e^+e^-$ interactions at energies above the $Z^0$ mass. In addition to the energy points in the original paper one additional point at 206;GeV is included from a later preliminary result.

Measurement of inclusive $\rho^0$, $f_0(980)$, $f_2(1270)$, $K^{*0}_2(1430)$ and $f'_2(1525)$ production in $Z^0$ decays (DELPHI_1999_S3960137)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett.B449:364-382,1999

DELPHI results for the production of $\rho^0$, $f_0(980)$, $f_2(1270)$, $K^{*0}_2(1430)$ and $f'_2(1525)$ in $Z^0$ decays. Only the identified particle spectra for $\rho^0$, $f_0(980)$ and $f_2(1270)$ are implemented.

Flavour seperated spectra for $\pi^\pm$, $K^\pm$, $p,\bar{p}$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays (DELPHI_1998_I473409)

Inspire | HepData | Nucl.Phys. B444 (1995) 3-26, 1995

DELPHI results for the spectra \pi^\pm$, $K^\pm$, $p,\bar{p}$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays. The results are separated in light and bottom quark initiated events.

Flavour separated charged particle spectra at LEP1 (DELPHI_1997_I428178)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B398 (1997) 194-206, 1997

Charged particle momentum scaled momentum spectrum, separated into flavours of the initial quarks, at LEP1

Spectra for $K^{*0}$ and $\Phi$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays (DELPHI_1996_I420528)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C73 (1996) 61-72, 1996

DELPHI results for the spectra of $K^{*0}$ and $\Phi$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays

Spectrum for $f_2^\prime(1525)$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays (DELPHI_1996_I416741)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B379 (1996) 309-318, 1996

DELPHI results for the spectrum for $f_2^\prime(1525)$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays

Spectrum for $\pi^0$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays (DELPHI_1996_I401100)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C69 (1996) 561-574, 1996

DELPHI results for the spectra of $\pi6)$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays, including $b\bar{b}$ initiated events.

Delphi MC tuning on event shapes and identified particles. (DELPHI_1996_S3430090)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys.C73:11-60,1996 | doi:10.1007/s002880050295

Event shape and charged particle inclusive distributions measured using 750000 decays of Z bosons to hadrons from the DELPHI detector at LEP. This data, combined with identified particle distributions from all LEP experiments, was used for tuning of shower-hadronisation event generators by the original PROFESSOR method. This is a critical analysis for MC event generator tuning of final state radiation and both flavour and kinematic aspects of hadronisation models.

Spectrum for $\Delta^{++}$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays (DELPHI_1995_I399737)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B361 (1995) 207-220

DELPHI results for the spectrum for $\Delta^{++}$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays

$K^\pm$ and $p,\bar{p}$ spectra in hadronic $Z^0$ decays (DELPHI_1995_I394052)

Inspire | HepData | Nucl.Phys. B444 (1995) 3-26, 1995

DELPHI results for the spectra for $K^\pm$ and $p,\bar{p}$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays.

Spectrum for $K^0,\bar{K}^0$ and $K^{*\pm}$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays (DELPHI_1995_I377487)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C65 (1995) 587-602

DELPHI results for the spectra for $K^0,\bar{K}^0$ and $K^{*\pm}$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays. The other spectra in the paper are superseeded by those in DELPHI_1999_S3960137 and are therefore not implemented.

Strange baryon production in $Z$ hadronic decays at Delphi (DELPHI_1995_S3137023)

Inspire | HepData | Z. Phys. C, 67, 543--554 (1995)

Measurement of the $\Xi^-$ and $\Sigma^+(1385)/\Sigma^-(1385)$ scaled momentum distributions by DELPHI at LEP 1. The paper also has the production cross-sections of these particles, but that's not implemented in Rivet.

Correlations between $\Lambda^0$ and $\bar{\Lambda}^0$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays (DELPHI_1993_I360638)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B318 (1993) 249-262, 1993

The spectrum for the production of $\Lambda^0$ and $\bar{\Lambda}^0$ in hadronic $Z^0$ decays. Importantly the rapidity difference and cosine of the angle between $\Lambda^0$ and $\bar{\Lambda}^0$ baryons is measured. This is sensitive to different models of baryon production.

Charge multiplicity for different jet multiplicities in hadronic $Z^0$ decays (DELPHI_1992_I334948)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C56 (1992) 63-76, 1992

The charged multplicity distribution in hadron $Z^0$ decays for different numbers of final state jets.

Charged particle multplicities in different rapidity intervals (DELPHI_1991_I324035)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C52 (1991) 271-281, 1991

The charged multplicity distributions in hadron $Z^0$ decays for different rapidity regions.

Hadronic Z decay charged multiplicity measurement (DELPHI_1991_I301657)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C50 (1991) 185-194

The charged particle multiplicity distribution of hadronic Z decays, as measured on the peak of the Z resonance using the DELPHI detector at LEP.

Measurement of the asymmetry in $\Xi^-\to\Lambda^0\pi^-$ (E756_2000_I530367)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev.Lett. 85 (2000) 4860-4863

The Hyper CP experiment measured the asymmetry parameter in the decay $\Xi^-\to\Lambda^0\pi^-$ and the charge conjugate mode, in practice this is a fit to a normalised distribution $\frac12(1+\alpha\cos\theta)$. The paper only gives the number for the $\alpha$ parameter and not the distribution, so the distribution is calculated. The $\alpha$ parameter is then extracted using a $\chi^2$ fit. This analysis is useful for testing spin correlations in hadron decays.

Decay asymmetries in $\Lambda^+_c\to\Lambda^0\pi^+$ (FOCUS_2006_I693639)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B634 (2006) 165-172

Measurement of the decay asymmetries in $\Lambda^+_c\to\Lambda^0\pi^+$ by the FOCUS experiment. The asymmetry parameter is extracted by fitting to normalised angular distribution. This analysis is useful for testing spin correlations in hadron decays.

Spectrum for $\Lambda$ production at 29 GeV (HRS_1992_I339573)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D45 (1992) 3949-3954, 1992

Spectrum for the production of $\Lambda$ baryons at 29 GeV measured by the HRS experiment.

$K^0$ spectrum in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 29 GeV (HRS_1990_I280958)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B205 (1988) 111-114

$K^0$ meson momentum spectrum measured at $\sqrt{s} = 29.$ GeV using the HRS detector at PEP. The analysis includes flavour tagging by requiring either a single charged particle with $x_p>0.65 (light quarks) or a $D^{*+}$ meson (charm). The rapidities with respect to the chartged thrust axis are also included. The bin widths are not included in either the paper or HEPdata and have therefore been infered.

$\eta$ spectrum in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 29 GeV (HRS_1988_I250824)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B205 (1988) 111-114

$\eta$ meson momentum spectrum measured at $\sqrt{s} = 29.$ GeV using the HRS detector at PEP. The bin widths are not included in either the paper or HEPdata and have therefore been infered.

Charm meson spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 29 GeV (HRS_1988_I23360)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B206 (1988) 551-556, 1988

$D^{*\pm}$, $D^0,\bar{D}^0$ and $D^\pm$ meson momentum spectrum measured at $\sqrt{s} = 29.$ GeV using the HRS detector at PEP. Only the spectra are implemented, not the electroweak asymmetries.

Charged Hadron multiplicity at 29 GeV (HRS_1986_I18502)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D34 (1986) 3304

The charged particle multiplicity distribution of hadronic $e^+e^-$ events, as measured at $\sqrt{s} = 29.$ GeV using the HRS detector at PEP.

Event shapes in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 29 GeV (HRS_1985_I201482)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D31 (1985) 1, 1985

Measurement of a range of event shapes at 29 GeV by the HRS experiment. The event are seperate into two ($S\leq0.25$, $A\leq0.1$) and jet three($S>0.25$, $A\leq0.1$) jet regions. The mean values of event shapes are not implemented.

Measurement of asymmetry in $\Omega^-\to\Lambda^0K^-$ (HyperCP_2005_I677384)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D71 (2005) 051102

The Hyper CP experiment measured the asymmetry parameter in the decay $\Omega^-\to\Lambda^0K^-$, in practice this is a fit to a normalised distribution $\frac12(1+\alpha\cos\theta)$. The paper only gives the number for the $\alpha$ parameter and not the distribution, so the distribution is calculated. The $\alpha$ parameter is then extracted using a $\chi^2$ fit. This analysis is useful for testing spin correlations in hadron decays.

Event shapes for 22, 35 and 44 GeV (JADE_1998_S3612880)

Inspire | HepData | arXiv:hep-ex/9708034 | Eur.Phys.J.C1:461-478,1998

Thrust, Jet Mass and Broadenings, Y23 for 35 and 44 GeV and only Y23 at 22 GeV.

Photon, $\pi^0$ and $\eta$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 35 and 44 GeV (JADE_1990_I282847)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C46 (1990) 1-7, 1990

Measurement of the Photon, $\pi^0$ and $\eta$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 35 and 44 GeV by the JADE experiment at Petra. The isolated photon spectrum which tests ISR and FST QED radiation is not implemented. The multiplicities are not implemented as they are in the PDG averages.

Spectra of $\rho^0$ and $K^{*\pm}$ in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 35 GeV (JADE_1984_I203145)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B145 (1984) 441-447, 1984

Measurement of the $\rho^0$ and $K^{*\pm}$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions for centre-of-mass energy 35 GeV by the JADE experiment at Petra.

Spectrum for $D^{*+}$ production in $e^+e^-$ collisions at $E_{\text{CMS}}=34.4$ (JADE_1984_I202785)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. 104B (1981) 325-329

Measurement of the $D^{*+}$ momentum spectrum in $e^+e^-$ collisions for a centre-of-mass energy of 34.4 GeV by the JADE experiment at Petra. The angular distribution is also measured.

Energy-Energy correlation at 14, 22 and 34 GeV (JADE_1984_I202784)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C25 (1984) 231, 1984

Measurement of the energy-energy correlation, and its assymetry, at centre-of-mass energies 14, 22 and 34 GeV

Hadronic charged multiplicity measurement between 12 and 35 GeV (JADE_1983_I190818)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C20 (1983) 187

The charged particle multiplicity distribution of hadronic $e^+e^-$ events as measured between 12 and 35 GeV using the JADE detector at PETRA.

Spectra for anti-protons and $\bar{\Lambda}^0$ at 34 GeV (JADE_1981_I166363)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. 104B (1981) 325-329

Measurement of the anti-proton and $\bar{\Lambda}^0$ momentum spectrum in $e^+e^-$ collisions for a centre-of-mass energy of 34 GeV by the JADE experiment at Petra. Useful as not summed over particle and antiparticle, only the antibaryons are included.

Mass spectrum of $\eta\pi$ in $\phi\to\eta\pi^0\gamma$ decays (KLOE_2009_I818106)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B681 (2009) 5-13

Mass spectra for $\eta\pi$ in $\phi$ decays to $\eta\pi^0\gamma$ measured by KLOE. Useful for teting the treatment of the a_0(980) meson.

Mass spectrum of $\pi^0\pi^0$ in $\phi\to\pi^0\pi^0\gamma$ decays (KLOE_2002_I585183)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B485 (2000) 349-356

Mass spectra for $\pi^0\pi^0$ in $\phi$ decays to $\pi^0\pi^0\gamma$ measured by KLOE.

Measurement of the Dalitz plot for $\eta\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ (KLOE2_2016_I1416990)

Inspire | HepData | JHEP 1605 (2016) 019

Measurement of the dalitz plot for the decay $\eta\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ by the KLOE2 collaboration. The distributions are normalised such that the bin at $X=0$, $Y=0.05$ is $1$.

Form factor for the decay $\phi\to\pi^0e^+e^-$ (KLOE2_2016_I1416825)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B757 (2016) 362-367, 2016

Measurement of the form factor $\left|F_{\phi\pi^0}(q^2)\right|$ for the decay $\phi\to\pi^0e^+e^-$ by the KLOE experiment at DAPHNE

Form factor for the decay $\phi\to\eta e^+e^-$ (KLOE2_2014_I1317236)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B742 (2015) 1-6

Measurement of the form factor $\left|F_{\phi\eta }(q^2)\right|$ for the decay $\phi\to\eta e^+e^-$ by the KLOE experiment at DAPHNE

Jet rates and event shapes at LEP I+II (L3_2004_I652683)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rept. 399 (2004) 71-174 | 10.1016/j.physrep.2004.07.002 | http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ex/0406049

Event shapes, charged particle multiplicity and scaled momentum distributions, flavour separated at the Z-boson peak. The analysis also includes non-flavour separated event shapes, charged particle multiplicity and scaled momentum distributions at events both above and below the Z pole. There are also jet distributions in the paper which are not currently implemented.

$\eta^\prime$ and $\omega$ specta at 91 GeV (L3_1997_I427107)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B393 (1997) 465-476, 1997

Measurement of the momentum distribution of the $\eta^\prime$ and $\omega$ mesons at 91.2 GeV in $e^+e^-$ collisions.

Measurement of inclusive eta production in hadronic decays of the Z0 (L3_1992_I336180)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B286 (1992) 403-412 | doi:10.1016/0370-2693(92)91795-B

L3 measurement of the inclusive momentum distribution of the eta meson in hadronic decays of the Z0 normalized to the total hadronic cross-section.

Energy-Energy correlation at $E_{\text{CMS}}=29$ GeV (MAC_1985_I202924)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D31 (1985) 2724, 1985

Measurement of the energy-energy correlation, and its assymetry in $e^+e^-$ collisions by MAC at 29 GeV.

Decay asymmetries in $\Xi^0\to\Lambda^0\gamma$, $\Lambda^0\pi^0$ and $\Sigma^0\gamma$ (NA48_2010_I868871)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B693 (2010) 241-248

Measurement of the decay asymmetries in $\Xi^0\to\Lambda^0\gamma$, $\Lambda^0\pi^0$ and $\Sigma^0\gamma$ by the NA48 experiment. The asymmetry parameter is extracted by fitting to normalised angular distribution. This analysis is useful for testing spin correlations in hadron decays.

Quark and gluon jet fragmentation functions (OPAL_2004_I648738)

Inspire | HepData | Eur.Phys.J. C37 (2004) no.1, 25-47 | hep-ex/0404026

Measurement of the fragmentation functions for quarks and gluons at LEP. Useful for studying the properties of gluon jets and the differences between quark and gluon jets. For the study of gluon jets the fictional $e^+e^-\to g g $ process must be used. The data in histograms labelled "hemisphere fragmentation" are measured from jets defined by hemispheres, with an energy scale defined by $E=\sqrt{s}/2$, while data in histograms named "durham fragmentation" are measured from jets defined by the durham algorithm with $Q_\mathrm{jet}=E_\mathrm{jet}\sin(\theta/2)$ as the energy scale. The rivet analysis defines the jet flavour from the initial quarks, as the data are corrected for impurities, and defines all jets as hemispheres with energy scale $E=\sqrt{s}/2$.

Gluon jet charged multiplicities and fragmentation functions (OPAL_2004_I631361)

Inspire | HepData | Phys. Rev. D69, 032002,2004 | hep-ex/0310048

Measurement of gluon jet properties using the jet boost algorithm, a technique to select unbiased samples of gluon jets in $e^+e^-$ annihilation, i.e. gluon jets free of biases introduced by event selection or jet finding criteria. Two modes are provided, the prefer option is to produce the fictional $e^+e^-\to g g $ process to be used due to the corrections applied to the data, PROCESS=GG. The original analysis technique to extract gluon jets from hadronic $e^+e^-$ events using $e^+e^-\to q\bar{q}$ events, PROCESS=QQ, is also provided but cannot be used for tuning as the data has been corrected for impurities, however it is still useful qualitatively in order to check the properties of gluon jets in the original way in which there were measured rather than using a fictitious process.

Event shape distributions and moments in $e^+ e^-$ -> hadrons at 91--209 GeV (OPAL_2004_S6132243)

Inspire | HepData | Eur.Phys.J.C40:287-316,2005 | arXiv:hep-ex/0503051

Measurement of $e^+ e^-$ event shape variable distributions and their 1st to 5th moments in LEP running from the Z pole to the highest LEP 2 energy of 209 GeV.

Inclusive analysis of the b quark fragmentation function in Z decays (OPAL_2003_I599181)

Inspire | HepData | Eur.Phys.J.C29:463-478,2003 | doi:10.1140/epjc/s2003-01229-x | arXiv:hep-ex/0210031

A study of b quark fragmentation function is presented using inclusively reconstructed weakly decaying B hadrons. The measurement uses about four million hadronic Z decays recorded in 1992-2000 with the OPAL detector at LEP.

Charged particle momentum spectra in $e^+e^-$ annihilation at $\sqrt{s}= 192 $ GeV to $209$ GeV (OPAL_2003_I595335)

Inspire | HepData | Eur.Phys.J. C27 (2003) 467-481

Measurement of charged particle distributions in $e^+e^-$ annihilation at $\sqrt{s}= 192 $ GeV to $209$ GeV.

Charged particle multiplicities in heavy and light quark initiated events above the $Z^0$ peak (OPAL_2002_S5361494)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B550 (2002) 33-46 | hep-ex/0211007

Measurements of the mean charged multiplicities separately for $b\bar b$, $c\bar c$ and light quark ($uds$) initiated events in $e^+e^-$ interactions at energies above the $Z^0$ mass. The data is from the LEP running periods between 1995 and 2000.

Four-jet angles using Durham algorithm (OPAL_2001_S4553896)

Inspire | HepData | Eur.Phys.J.C20:601-615,2001 | doi:10.1007/s100520100699 | arXiv:hep-ex/0101044

Angles between the leading (in energy) four jets defined using the Durham algorithm with $y_\mathrm{cut}=0.008$. The data is presented at the parton level and includes the Bengtsson-Zerwas, Korner-Schierholz-Willrodt and Nachtmann-Reiter angles as well as the angle between the two softest jets.

Multiplicities of $\pi^0$, $\eta$, $K^0$ and of charged particles in quark and gluon jets (OPAL_2000_S4418603)

Inspire | HepData | Eur.Phys.J.C17:373-387,2000 | hep-ex/0007017

Multiplicities of $\pi^0$, $\eta$, $K^0$ and of charged particles in quark and gluon jets in 3-jet events, as measured by the OPAL experiment at LEP. The main implemented measurement is the $K^0$ fragmentation function.

Measurements of flavor dependent fragmentation functions in $Z^0 -> q \bar{q}$ events (OPAL_1998_S3780481)

Inspire | HepData | Eur. Phys. J, C7, 369--381 (1999) | hep-ex/9807004

Measurement of scaled momentum distributions and total charged multiplicities in flavour tagged events at LEP 1. OPAL measured these observables in uds-, c-, and b-events separately. An inclusive measurement is also included.

Photon and Light Meson Production in Hadronic $Z^0$ Decays (OPAL_1998_S3749908)

Inspire | HepData | Eur.Phys.J.C5:411-437,1998 | hep-ex/9805011

The inclusive production rates and differential cross sections of photons and mesons with a final state containing photons have been measured with the OPAL detector at LEP. The light mesons covered by the measurements are the $\pi^0$, $\eta$, $\rho(770)^\pm$, $\omega(782)$, $\eta'(958)$ and $a_0(980)^\pm$.

Production of $f_0(980)$, $f_2(1270)$ and $\phi(1020)$ in hadronic $Z^0$ decay (OPAL_1998_S3702294)

Inspire | HepData | Eur.Phys.J.C4:19-28,1998 | hep-ex/9802013

Inclusive production of the $f_0(980)$, $f_2(1270)$ and $\phi(1020)$ resonances studied in a sample of 4.3 million hadronic $Z^0$ decays from the OPAL experiment at LEP. Fragmentation functions are reported for the three states.

$\Sigma^{\pm}$ baryon production in $Z$ hadronic decays at OPAL (OPAL_1997_I421977)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C73 (1997) 587-600, 1997

Spectra for the production of the $\Sigma^\pm$ baryons at LEP I measured by OPAL.

$K^{*0}$ meson production measured by OPAL at LEP 1. (OPAL_1997_S3608263)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett.B412:210-224,1997 | hep-ex/9708022

The $K^{*0}$ fragmentation function has been measured in hadronic $Z^0$ decays. In addition the helicity density matrix elements for inclusive $K^*(892)^0$ mesons from hadronic $Z^0$ decays have been measured over the full range of $K^{*0}$ momentum using data taken with the OPAL experiment at LEP. Only the fragmentation function measurement is currently implemented.

Strange baryon production in $Z$ hadronic decays at OPAL (OPAL_1997_S3396100)

Inspire | HepData | Z. Phys. C, 73, 569--586 (1997)

Measurement of the $\Xi^-$, $\Lambda^0$, $\Sigma^+(1385)$, $\Sigma^-(1385)$, $\Xi^0(1530)$ and $\Lambda^0(1520)$ scaled momentum distributions by OPAL at LEP 1. The paper also has the production cross-sections of these particles, but that is not implemented in Rivet.

$J/\psi$ and $\psi^\prime$ Production in Hadronic $Z^0$ Decays (OPAL_1996_S3257789)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C70 (1996) 197-210

The production of $J/\psi$ and $\psi^\prime$ mesons measured by the OPAL experiment at LEP. The fragmentation function for $J/\psi$ and the multiplicities of $J/\psi$ and $\psi^\prime$ are included.

Scaled energy distribution of $D^*$ with flavour separation at LEP (OPAL_1995_I382219)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C67 (1995) 27-44, 1995

The scaled energy distribution of $D^{*\pm}$ is measure, including separating the contributions from $c\bar{c}$ and $b\bar{b}$ events.

$\Delta^{++}$ Production in Hadronic $Z^0$ Decays (OPAL_1995_S3198391)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett.B358:162-172,1995

The production of $\Delta^{++}$ baryons measured using 3.5 millon $Z^0$ events by the OPAL experiment at LEP. Only the fragmentation function is implemented.

Measurement of the production rates of charged hadrons in $e^+e^-$ annihilation at the $Z^0$ (OPAL_1994_S2927284)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys.C63:181-196,1994

The inclusive production rates of $\pi^\pm$, $K^\pm$ and $p\bar{p}$ in $Z^0$ decays measured using the OPAL detector at LEP. Only the differential cross sections are currently implemented.

A Measurement of $K^{*\pm}$ (892) production in hadronic Z0 decays (OPAL_1993_I342766)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B305 (1993) 407-414 | doi:10.1016/0370-2693(93)91075-X

OPAL measurement of the inclusive cross section for K^{*\pm} (892) production in hadronic decays of the Z0

Measurement of photon production at LEP 1 (OPAL_1993_S2692198)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys.C58:405-418,1993 | doi:10.1007/BF01557697

Measurement of the production of photons in $e^+ e^-\to q \bar q$ events at LEP 1.

Hadronic Z decay charged multiplicity measurement (OPAL_1992_I321190)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C53 (1992) 539-554

The charged particle multiplicity distribution of hadronic Z decays, as measured on the peak of the Z resonance using the OPAL detector at LEP.

Energy-Energy correlation at 34.6 GeV (PLUTO_1985_I215869)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C28 (1985) 365, 1985

Measurement of the energy-energy correlation at 34.6 GeV

Measurement of average transverse momentum w.r.t thurst and Sphericity Axes for $E_{\text{CMS}}=7.7\to31.6$ GeV (PLUTO_1983_I191161)

Inspire | HepData

Measurements of the average transverse momentum w.r.t thurst and Sphericity Axes for $E_{\text{CMS}}=7.7\to31.6$ GeV

Ratio of the cross section for the production of $K^0_S$ to that for $\mu^+\mu^-$ between $3.6$ and $31.6$ GeV (PLUTO_1981_I165122)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B104 (1981) 79-83, 1981

Ratio of the cross section for the production of $K^0_S$ to that for $\mu^+\mu^-$ between $3.6$ and $31.6$ GeV. The average number of $K^0$ per hadronic event is also provided for some energies, together with the kaon spectrum at 9.4 and 31.6 GeV. N.B. The point at $9.45\to9.456$ GeV is from the $\Upsilon(1S)$ resonance.

Energy-Energy correlation for a range of energies between 7.7 and 31.6 GeV (PLUTO_1981_I156315)

Inspire | HepData

Measurement of the energy-energy correlation, and its assymetry, or a range of energies between 7.7 and 31.6 GeV

Hadronic charged multiplicity measurement between 12 and 31.3 GeV (PLUTO_1980_I154270)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. 95B (1980) 313-317

The charged particle multiplicity distribution of hadronic $e^+e^-$ events as measured between 12 and 31.3 GeV using the PLUTO detector at PETRA. The decay products of weakly decaying strange hadrons, e.g. $K^0_s$ and $\Lambda^0$, are not included in the measurement.

$K^0$ spectra at $3.63$, $4.03$ and $4.5$ GeV (PLUTO_1977_I118873)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B104 (1981) 79-83, 1981

The spectra for $K^0$ production at $3.63$, $4.03$ and $4.5$ GeV measured by the PLUTO experiment. The energy dependent cross section is not included as it is implemented in PLUTO_1981_I165122.

Production of $\pi^+$, $\pi^-$, $K^+$, $K^-$, $p$ and $\bar p$ in Light ($uds$), $c$ and $b$ Jets from Z Decays (SLD_2004_S5693039)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev.D69:072003,2004 | arXiv:hep-ex/0310017

Measurements of the differential production rates of stable charged particles in hadronic $Z^0$ decays, and of charged pions, kaons and protons identified over a wide momentum range. In addition to flavour-inclusive $Z^0$ decays, measurements are made for $Z^0$ decays into light ($u$, $d$, $s$), $c$ and $b$ primary flavors.

Measurement of the b-quark fragmentation function in $Z^0$ decays (SLD_2002_S4869273)

Inspire | HepData | Phys. Rev.D65:092006,2002 | hep-ex/0202031

Measurement of the $b$-quark fragmentation function by SLC. The fragmentation function for weakly decaying $b$-quarks has been measured.

Production of $\pi^+$, $K^+$, $K^0$, $K^{*0}$, $\Phi$, $p$ and $\Lambda^0$ in hadronic $Z^0$ decay (SLD_1999_S3743934)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev.D59:052001,1999 | hep-ex/9805029

Measurement of scaled momentum distributions and fragmentation functions in flavour tagged events at SLC. SLD measured these observables in uds-, c-, and b-events separately. An inclusive measurement is also included.

Charged particle multiplicities in heavy and light quark initiated events on the $Z^0$ peak (SLD_1996_S3398250)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett.B386:475-485,1996 | hep-ex/9608008

Measurements of the mean charged multiplicities separately for $b\bar b$, $c\bar c$ and light quark ($uds$) initiated events in $e^+e^-$ interactions at the $Z^0$ mass.

Mass distributions in the decay $\phi\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ (SND_2001_I558279)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 032002

Measurement of the $\pi+\pi^-$ and $\pi^\pm\pi^0$ mass distributions in the decay $\phi\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ by the SND experiment.

Mass spectrum of $\pi^0\pi^0$ in $\phi\to\pi^0\pi^0\gamma$ decays (SND_2000_I527094)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B485 (2000) 349-356

Mass spectra for $\pi^0\pi^0$ in $\phi$ decays to $\pi^0\pi^0\gamma$ measured by SND.

Mass spectrum of $\eta\pi$ in $\phi\to\eta\pi^0\gamma$ decays (SND_2000_I525398)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B479 (2000) 53-58

Mass spectra for $\eta\pi$ in $\phi$ decays to $\eta\pi^0\gamma$ measured by KLOE. Useful for teting the treatment of the a_0(980) meson.

$K^0,\bar{K}^0$ and $K^{*\pm}$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions for centre-of-mass energies between 14.8 and 42.6 GeV (TASSO_1990_I284251)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C47 (1990) 167-180, 1990

Measurement of the $K^0,\bar{K}^0$ and $K^{*\pm}$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions for centre-of-mass energies between 14.8 and 42.6 GeV by the TASSO experiment at Petra.

Event shapes in $e^+ e^-$ annihilation at 14--44\;GeV (TASSO_1990_S2148048)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys.C47:187-198,1990 | DESY-90-013

Event shapes Thrust, Sphericity, Aplanarity at four different energies

Jet masses in $e^+e^-$ between 14 and 44 GeV (TASSO_1989_I279165)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C45 (1989) 11

Light, heavy jet masses and their difference at 14, 22, 34.8, and 43.5 measured by the TASSO experiment.

Spectrum for $D^{*+}$ production in $e^+e^-$ collisions at $E_{\text{CMS}}=36.2$ (TASSO_1989_I278856)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C44 (1989) 365, 1989

Measurement of the $D^{*+}$ momentum spectrum in $e^+e^-$ collisions for a mean centre-of-mass energy of 36.2 GeV by the TASSO experiment at Petra. Only the spectra are implemented.

Hadronic charged multiplicity measurement between 14 and 43.6 GeV (TASSO_1989_I277658)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C45 (1989) 193

The charged particle multiplicity distribution of hadronic $e^+e^-$ events as measured between 14 and 43.6 GeV using the TASSO detector at PEP.

$\pi^\pm$, $K^\pm$ and $p,\bar{p}$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ at 34 and 44 GeV (TASSO_1989_I267755)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C42 (1989) 189, 1989

Measurement of the $\pi^\pm$, $K^\pm$ and $p,\bar{p}$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions for centre-of-mass energies of 34 and 44 GeV by the TASSO experiment at Petra.

Spectra for $\Lambda^0,\bar{\Lambda}^0$ and $\Xi^-,\bar{\Xi}^-$ at 34.8 and 42.1 GeV (TASSO_1989_I266893)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C45 (1989) 209, 1989

Measurement of the $\Lambda^0,\bar{\Lambda}^0$ and $\Xi^-,\bar{\Xi}^-$ spectra at 34.8 and 42.1 GeV by the TASSO experiment at Petra. In addition to the spectra $p_l$, $p_\perp^{\text{in}}$, $p_\perp^{\text{out}}$ and the rapidity of the $\Lambda^0,\bar{\Lambda}^0$ are measured with respect to the sphericity axis.

Event shapes at 35 GeV (TASSO_1988_I263859)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C41 (1988) 359-373, 1988

Event shapes Thrust, Sphericity, Aplanarity at 35 GeV

Energy-Energy correlations between 12 and 46.8 GeV (TASSO_1987_I248660)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C36 (1987) 349-361, 1987

Measurement of the energy-energy correlation at centre-of-mass energies between 12 and 46.8 GeV

$\pi^0$ spectrum in $e^+e^-$ at 34.4 GeV (TASSO_1986_I230950)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C33 (1986) 13, 1986

Measurement of the $\pi^0$ spectrum in $e^+e^-$ collisions for a centre-of-mass energy of 34.4 GeV by the TASSO experiment at Petra.

$K^0,\bar{K}^0$ and $\Lambda^0,\bar{\Lambda}^0$ spectra at 14, 22 and 34 GeV (TASSO_1985_I205119)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C27 (1985) 27, 1985

Measurement of the $K^0,\bar{K}^0$ and $\Lambda^0,\bar{\Lambda}^0$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions for centre-of-mass energies of 14, 22 and 34 GeV by the TASSO experiment at Petra.

$\Xi^-,\bar{\Xi}^+$ spectrum at 34.4 GeV (TASSO_1983_I192072)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B130 (1983) 340-344, 1983

Measurement of the $\Xi^-,\bar{\Xi}^+$ spectrum in $e^+e^-$ collisions for a centre-of-mass energy of 34.4 GeV by the TASSO experiment at Petra.

$\pi^\pm$, $K^\pm$ and $p,\bar{p}$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ at 14, 22 and 34 GeV (TASSO_1983_I181470)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C17 (1983) 5-15, 1983

Measurement of the $\pi^\pm$, $K^\pm$ and $p,\bar{p}$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions for centre-of-mass energyes of 14, 22 and 34 GeV by the TASSO experiment at Petra.

$\rho^0$ spectrum in $e^+e^-$ collisions at $E_{\text{CMS}}=34$ GeV (TASSO_1982_I179022)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B117 (1982) 135-140, 1982

Spectrum for $\rho^0$ production measured by the TASSO experiment in $e^+e^-$ collisions at $E_{\text{CMS}}=34$ GeV at PETRA

Charged Particle spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions in $e^+e^-$ at 12, 14, 22, 25, 30, 34 and 35 GeV (TASSO_1982_I177174)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. 114B (1982) 65

Measurement of the charged particle spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions in $e^+e^-$ at 12, 14, 22, 25, 30, 34 and 35 GeV by the TASSO experiment at Petra.

$\pi^0$ spectrum in $e^+e^-$ at 14 and 34 GeV (TASSO_1982_I168232)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B108 (1982) 71-76, 1982

Measurement of the $\pi^0$ spectrum in $e^+e^-$ collisions for centre-of-mass energies of 14 and 34 GeV by the TASSO experiment at Petra.

$\pi^\pm$, $K^\pm$ and $p,\bar{p}$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ at 12 and 30 GeV (TASSO_1980_I153656)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B94 (1980) 444-449, 1980

Measurement of the $\pi^\pm$, $K^\pm$ and $p,\bar{p}$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions for centre-of-mass energies of 12 and 30 GeV by the TASSO experiment at Petra.

Event shapes at 12 and 30 GeV (TASSO_1980_I153511)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B94 (1980) 437-443, 1980

Sphericity, Aplanarity and scaled momentum distribution at 12 and 30 GeV

$K^0,\bar{K}^0$ spectrum at 30 GeV (TASSO_1980_I153341)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B94 (1980) 91-95, 1980

Measurement of the $K^0,\bar{K}^0$ spectrum in $e^+e^-$ collisions for a centre-of-mass energy of 30 GeV by the TASSO experiment at Petra.

Charged Particle distributions between 13 and 31.6 GeV (TASSO_1980_I143691)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. 89B (1980) 418-422

Measurement of charged particle multiplicity, rapidity and scaled momentum distributions for a range of energies between 13 and 31.6 GeV

Charged hadron spectra at 58 GeV (TOPAZ_1995_I381900)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B347 (1995) 171-178, 1995

Measurement of the spectra for charged hadrons in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 58 GeV by the TOPAZ experiment at Tristan. The spectra for all charged hadrons, $\pi^\pm$, $K^\pm$ and $p,\bar{p}$ are included. The spectrum for $K^0,\bar{K}^0$ is also included

Measurement of event shapes at $E_{\text{CMS}}=58$ GeV (TOPAZ_1993_I361661)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B304 (1993) 373-380, 1993

Measurement of the hadronic event shapes in $e^+e^-$ collisions by TOPAZ at 58 GeV.

Energy-Energy correlation at $E_{\text{CMS}}=53.3$ and $59.5$ GeV (TOPAZ_1989_I279575)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B227 (1989) 495-500, 1989

Measurement of the energy-energy correlation, and its assymetry in $e^+e^-$ collisions by TOPAZ at 53.3 and 59.5 GeV.

Charged particle spectra at 29 GeV (TPC_1988_I262143)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev.Lett. 61 (1988) 1263, 1988

Momentum spectra for all charged particles, $\pi^\pm$, $K^\pm$ $p,\bar{p}$ in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 29 GeV measured by the TPC experiment.

Charged Hadron multiplicity at 29 GeV, flavour separated (TPC_1987_I235694)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Lett. B184 (1987) 299-304

The charged particle multiplicity distribution of hadronic $e^+e^-$ events, as measured at $\sqrt{s} = 29.$ GeV using the TPC detector at PEP. The multiplicities are measured separately for light, charm and bottom events as well as the results averaged over the quark flavours.

$D^{*\pm}$ spectrum at 29 GeV (TPC_1986_I217416)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev. D34 (1986) 1945, 1986

Measurement of the $D^{*\pm}$ spectrum at 29 GeV by the TPC experiment.

Photon and $\pi^0$ spectra at 29 GeV (TPC_1985_I205868)

Inspire | HepData | Z.Phys. C27 (1985) 187, 1985

Measurement of the photon and $\pi^0$ spectra at 29 GeV by the TPC experiment.

$K^{*0}$ and $K^0$ spectra at 29 GeV (TPC_1984_I205869)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev.Lett. 53 (1984) 2378, 1984

Measurement of the $K^{*0}$ and $K^0$ spectra at 29 GeV by the TPC experiment.

$\phi$ spectrum at 29 GeV (TPC_1984_I200105)

Inspire | HepData | Phys.Rev.Lett. 52 (1984) 2201, 1984

Measurement of the $\phi$ spectra at 29 GeV by the TPC experiment.

Jet rates in $e^+e^-$ at JADE [35--44 GeV] and OPAL [91--189 GeV]. (JADE_OPAL_2000_S4300807)

Inspire | HepData | Eur.Phys.J.C17:19-51,2000 | arXiv:hep-ex/0001055

Differential and integrated jet rates for Durham and JADE jet algorithms. The integration cut value used for the integrated rate observables is not well-defined in the paper: the midpoint of the differential bin has been used thanks to information from Stefan Kluth and Christoph Pahl. We anyway recommend that the differential plots be preferred over the integrated ones for MC generator validation and tuning, to minimise correlations.

Hadron multiplicities in hadronic $e^+e^-$ events (PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES)

Inspire | HepData | Phys. Lett. B, 667, 1 (2008)

Hadron multiplicities in hadronic $e^+e^-$ events, taken from Review of Particle Properties 2008, table 40.1, page 355. Average hadron multiplicities per hadronic $e^+e^-$ annihilation event at $\sqrt{s} \approx {}$ 10, 29--35, 91, and 130--200 GeV. The numbers are averages from various experiments. Correlations of the systematic uncertainties were considered for the calculation of the averages.

Ratios (w.r.t. $\pi^+/\pi^-$) of hadron multiplicities in hadronic $e^+e^-$ events (PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES_RATIOS)

Inspire | HepData | Phys. Lett. B, 667, 1 (2008)

Ratios (w.r.t. $\pi^+/\pi^-$) of hadron multiplicities in hadronic $e^+ e^-$ events, taken from Review of Particle Properties 2008, table 40.1, page 355. Average hadron multiplicities per hadronic $e^+ e^-$ annihilation event at $\sqrt{s} \approx$ 10, 29--35, 91, and 130--200 GeV, normalised to the pion multiplicity. The numbers are averages from various experiments. Correlations of the systematic uncertainties were considered for the calculation of the averages.

Hadron multiplicities in $\Upsilon(4S)$ decays (PDG_Upsilon_4S_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES)

Phys.Rev. D98 (2018) no.3, 030001

Hadron multiplicities in $\Upsilon(4S)$ decays. In the PDG these are quoted as the $B^\pm/B^0$ admixture, however in fact the quoted numbers are half the multplicity in $\Upsilon(4S)$ decays.

MC analysis of Dalitz plots in three-body $D$-meson decays (MC_D_Dalitz)

Monte Carlo analysis of $D^0\to \bar{K}^0\pi^+\pi^-$, $D^0\to K^-\pi^+\pi^0$, $D^+\to K^-\pi^+\pi^+$, $D^+\to\bar{K}^0\pi^+\pi^0$, $D^+\to K^+\pi^-\pi^+$ and $D_s^+\to K^+\pi^-\pi^+$ including kinematic distributions and Dalitz plots.

Analysis of Kinematic distributions in $\eta$ and $\eta^\prime$ meson decays (MC_Eta_Decay)

Analysis of Kinematic distributions in $\eta$ and $\eta^\prime$ meson decays. The mass distributions in the decays $\eta,\eta^\prime\to \gamma\pi^+\pi^-$, $\gamma\gamma\pi^0$, $\pi^0\pi^0\pi^0$, $\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ and $\eta^\prime\to\pi^+\pi^-\eta$, $\pi^0\pi^0\eta$ are produced. Based on an +old Herwig++ internal analysis.

MC analyis of $V\to P \ell^+\ell^-$ and $P\to V \ell^+\ell^-$ decays (MC_Meson_Meson_Leptons_Decay)

A Monte Carlo analysis for the decay of vector mesons to a pseudoscalar meson, or a pseudoscalar meson to a vector meson, and an $e^+e^-$ or $\mu^+\mu^-$ pair. All such decays are automatically identified. Based on old Herwig++ internal analysis.

MC analysis of $\omega$, $\phi$ and $a_1\to3\pi$ decays (MC_OmegaPhia1_3Pion_Decay)

Analysis of the mass distributions and Dalitz plots in $a_1\to3\pi$ and $\omega,\phi\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ decays. Based on old Herwig++ internal analysis.

Analysis of kinematics in $\mathcal{O}\to\mathcal{O}^\prime\pi\pi$ decays (MC_Onium_PiPi_Decay)

Analysis of the kinematics in the decay of bottom and charmonium resonances to lighter resonances and $\pi\pi$

MC analysis of the Kinematics in Semi-Leptonic Meson decays (MC_Semi_Leptonic_Decay)

Analysis of the kinematics in semileptonic meson decays.

Analysis of Kinematic distributions for $\tau$ lepton decays (MC_TAU_Decay)

Simple analysis of kinematic distributions in tau lepton decays. This includes the mass distribution of the hadronic decay products of the $\tau$ in the 2, 3, 4 and 5 hadron decays. The two hadron modes included are $\tau^-\to\nu_\tau\{\pi^-\pi^0,K^-\pi^0,K^0\pi^-,K^-\eta,K^-K^0\}$. The three hadron modes included are $\tau^-\to\nu_\tau \pi^+\pi^-\pi^-$, $\tau^-\to\nu_\tau \pi^0\pi^0\pi^-$, $\tau^-\to\nu_\tau K^-K^+\pi^-$, $\tau^-\to\nu_\tau K^0\bar{K}^0\pi^-$, $\tau^-\to\nu_\tau K^-K^0\pi^0$, $\tau^-\to\nu_\tau \pi^0-\pi^0K^-$,$\tau^-\to\nu_\tau K^-\pi^-\pi^+$, $\tau^-\to\nu_\tau \pi^-K^0\pi^0$, $\tau^-\to\nu_\tau \pi^-\pi^0\eta$, $\tau^-\to\nu_\tau \pi^-\pi^0\gamma$. The mass distributions in the four and five pion decays are included. The leptonic modes are also included. Charge conjugate modes are combined. This is based on a number of old Herwig internal analyses.

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