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WARNING! Mark as "STAR preliminary" and contact authors when using this! UE analysis similar to Rick Field's leading jet analysis. SIScone with radius/resolution parameter R=0.7 is used. Particles with $pT > 0.2 \text{GeV}$ and $|\eta| < 1$ are included in the analysis. All particles are assumed to have zero mass. Only jets with neutral energy $< 0.7$ are included. For the transMIN and transMAX $\Delta(\phi)$ is between $\pi/3$ and $2\pi/3$, and $\Delta(\eta) < 2.0$. For the jet region the area of the jet is used for the normalization, i.e. the scaling factor is $\pi R^2$ and not $\mathrm{d}\phi\mathrm{d}\eta$ (this is different from what Rick Field does!). The tracking efficiency is $\sim 0.8$, but that is an approximation, as below $pT \sim 0.6 \text{GeV}$ it is falling quite steeply.

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