Herwig Talks and Publications¶
- Merging NLO Multi-jet Calculations with Improved Unitarization, Johannes Bellm, Stefan Gieseke, Simon Plätzer, arXiv:1705.06700
- Soft and diffractive scattering with the cluster model in Herwig, Stefan Gieseke, Frashër Loshaj, Patrick Kirchgaeßer, arXiv:1612.04701
- Reweighting Parton Showers, Johannes Bellm, Simon Plätzer, Peter Richardson, Andrzej Siodmok, Stephen Webster, arXiv:1605.08256
- Parton Shower Matching Systematics in Vector-Boson-Fusion WW Production, Michael Rauch, Simon Plätzer, arXiv:1605.07851
- Parton Shower Uncertainties with Herwig 7: Benchmarks at Leading Order, Johannes Bellm, Graeme Nail, Simon Plätzer, Peter Schichtel, Andrzej Siodmok, arXiv:1605.01338
- Les Houches 2015: Physics at TeV Colliders Standard Model Working Group Report, J.R. Andersen et al., contains various Herwig contributions, arXiv:1605.04692
- Anomalous coupling, top-mass and parton-shower effects in WW production, Johannes Bellm, Stefan Gieseke, Nicolas Greiner, Gudrun Heinrich, Simon Plätzer, Christian Reuschle, Johann-Felix von Soden-Fraunhofen arXiv:1602.05141 (to appear in JHEP)
- Herwig 7.0 / Herwig++ 3.0 Release Note, Johannes Bellm et al., Eur.Phys.J. C76 (2016) no.4, 196.
- Vector-boson pair production and electroweak corrections in Herwig++, Stefan Gieseke, Tobias Kasprzik, Johann H. Kühn, Eur.Phys.J. C74 (2014) 8, 2988.
- Herwig++ 2.7 Release Note, Johannes Bellm et al., arXiv:1310.6877.
- Electroweak Higgs Boson Plus Three Jet Production at Next-to-Leading-Order QCD, Francisco Campanario, Terrance M. Figy, Simon Plätzer, Malin Sjödahl, Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) 21, 211802.
- RAMBO on diet, Simon Plätzer, arXiv:1308.2922.
- Constraining MPI models using σeff and recent Tevatron and LHC Underlying Event data, Michael H. Seymour, Andrzej Siodmok, JHEP 1310 (2013).
- Monte Carlo Simulation of Hard Radiation in Decays in Beyond the Standard Model Physics in Herwig++, Peter Richardson, Alix Wilcock, Eur.Phys.J. C74 (2014) 2713.
- 2016-11-29 Soft interactions in Herwig, Stefan Gieseke, MPI@LHC 2016, San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico.
- 2016-05-17 Studies of ttbar production kinematics with Herwig 7, Kyle Cormier, LHC TOP WG meeting.
- 2016-04-22 Herwig 7 & Heavy Flavours, Simon Plätzer, Heavy Flavour Production at the LHC.
- 2016-04-20 Zbb in Herwig 7, Graeme Nail, Heavy Flavour Production at the LHC.
- 2016-04-13 Parton-shower effects in vector-boson-fusion processes, Michael Rauch, DIS 2016.
- 2016-04-13 Recent development in parton shower multijet merging, Johannes Bellm, DIS 2016.
- 2016-01-27 Status of Herwig, Simon Plätzer, QCD studies with jets at Run II.
- 2016-01-11 Status of Herwig ALTAS-CMS, Simon Plätzer, ATLAS-CMS Monte Carlo Generators Workshop.
- 2015-11-17 Sub-leading shower effects on top quark distributions, Peter Richardson, LHC Top Working Group.
- 2015-10-07 HERWIG++ extrapolations to 100 TeV, Andrzej Siodmok, QCD, EW and tools at 100 TeV.
- 2015-10-07 Running Herwig 7 at 100 TeV, Andreas Papaefstathiou, QCD, EW and tools at 100 TeV.
- 2015-10-06 Herwig++ and Matchbox ⇒ Herwig 7, Stefan Gieseke, HEPKIT2015.
- 2015-09-23 Herwig: The Evolution of a Monte Carlo Simulation, Peter Richardson CERN TH-Colloquium.