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Herwig  7.2.1
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567891011]
 CHerwig::MatchboxMEBase::AccuracyHistogramSimple histogram for accuracy checks
 Cexsample::adaption_infoAdaption_info is a container for parameters relevant to sampling and adaption
 CHerwig::HardProcessAnalysis::AllHistogramsOutgoing partons and x distributions
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::AmplitudeCache< AmplitudeKey >Caching for amplitudes using spinor helicity techniques
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::AmplitudeCache< pair< size_t, size_t > >
 CXML::Element::AttributeRepresent an attribute
 CHerwig::Histogram::BinOne bin of the histogram
 Cexsample::binary_tree< Value >Binary_tree represents a binary tree with the ability to `cascade' visitor objects down the tree
 Cexsample::binary_tree< exsample::cell >
 Cmatchbox::gsl::bisection_root_solver< Function, MaxIterations >Wrapper araound the bisection root solver
 Cexsample::bit_container< bits >Fixed-size, packed vector of bools
 Cexsample::bit_container< parameter_hash_bits >
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::AmplitudeCache< AmplitudeKey >::boolResetterHelper to reset flags
 CHerwig::bornVVKinematicsUsed to store information on the the kinematics of the real emission processes needed for the evaluation of matrix elements in the real part of the NLO process
 CHerwig::BranchingThe branching struct is used to store information on the branching
 CHerwig::BranchingElementTypedef to pair the SudakovFormFactor and the particles in a branching
 CHerwig::BranchingInfoStruct for the multiplcity data
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::BreitWignerThe density 1/((x-z)^2 + abs(w z))
 Cexsample::cellGeneral cell class
 Cexsample::cell_infoInformation contained in a leaf cell
 CExSample::CellGridA binary cell grid
 Ccmdline_parser_paramsThe additional parameters to pass to parser functions
 CColorFull::Col_ampThe full color amplitude is Scalar + Cs1+Cs2+Cs3..
 CColorFull::Col_basisTo contain a color basis, where each basis vector is a Col_amp
 CColorFull::Col_functionsLibrary class containing functions for index contraction and numerical evaluation
 CColorFull::Col_strA class to contain ONE color structure, a direct product of Quark_lines, multiplying a Polynomial, Poly
 CCVolver::ColourFlowA colour flow (basis tensor)
 CCVolver::ColourFlowCrossingThe crossing of a physical process to a colour flow basis
 CHerwig::ColourSinglet< Value >Struct to store colour singlets
 Cexsample::binary_tree< Value >::const_iteratorConst_iterator
 Cexsample::constant_interpolationException thrown, if a constant piece of the interpolation has been hit
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Container< Density >A density container
 CExSample::SimpleCellGrid::CounterA simple counter to store information used for adaption
 CStatistics::CounterA (weighted) counter
 CStatistics::CrossSectionsA simulation run
 CHerwig::ConstituentReshuffler::DecayReshuffleEquationThe function object defining the equation to be solved in the case of separate recoilers TODO - refine the whole implementation of separate partons and recoilers
 CHerwig::DiagramDrawerDiagramDrawer draws ASCII output from Tree2toNDiagram objects for diagnostic purposes
 CHerwig::DipoleUsed by the dipole shower to represent a dipole of two coloured partons
 CHerwig::DipoleChainUsed by the dipole shower to represent a chain of dipoles
 CHerwig::DipoleIndexDipoleIndex is used to index splitting generators for a particular dipole
 CHerwig::DipolePartonSplitterThe DipolePartonSplitter is a helper class to fix up colour and mother-child relations in typical shower splittings
 CHerwig::DipoleRepositoryRepository of known subtraction dipoles
 CHerwig::DipoleSplittingInfoDipoleSplittingInfo contains all parameters to generate a full dipole splitting
 CHerwig::PerturbativeDecayer::DipoleTypeType of dipole
 CStatistics::DistributionA (one dimensional) distribution
 CStatistics::Distribution::DistributionBinA bin in a distribution
 CXML::ElementElement represents a (tree of) XML elements
 CXML::ElementIOElementIO handles in/output of XML elements
 CStatistics::EventContributionA pointlike or boxlike eventContribution; serves to define the EventContribution concept
 CHerwig::ShowerParticle::EvolutionPartnerStruct for all the info on an evolution partner
 CHerwig::ShowerParticle::EvolutionScalesStruct to store the evolution scales
 CThePEG::Exception [external]
 Cexsample::exponential_generator< Function, Random >The generator for sudakov-type distributions
 Cexsample::exponential_generator< Herwig::DipoleSplittingGenerator, ThePEG::UseRandom >
 Cexsample::exponential_generator< ShowerApproximationKernel, UseRandom >
 Cexsample::exponential_regenerateException thrown, if the exponential_generator has just changed its state
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::ExpressionA density expression
 CHerwig::ShowerHandler::ExtraScatterVetoStruct that is used to catch exceptions which are thrown due to energy conservation issues of additional scatters
 CHerwig::HwRemDecayer::ExtraSoftScatterVetoStruct that is used to catch exceptions which are thrown due to energy conservation issues of additional soft scatters
 Cexsample::fast_small_histogram< Statistics >Fast, zero memory-overhead one-dimensional histogram with 2^n equally spaced bins
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::FlatA constant density
 CHerwig::ThreeMesonCurrentBase::FormFactorsHelper class for form factors
 CHerwig::GeneralStatisticsGeneral Monte Carlo statistics
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Density >Define the generator concept
 Cexsample::generator< Function, Random >A generator for plain sampling and integrating
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< BreitWigner >Generate x with density 1/((x-z)^2 + abs(w z))
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Density1 >
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Density2 >
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Expression >Container base class for a general density
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Flat >Generate x flat
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Inverse >Generate x with density 1/|x-z|
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Piecewise< Density, ToBeDefined > >Generate a piecewise defined density
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Piecewise< Density1, Density2 > >Generate a piecewise defined density
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Piecewise< ToBeDefined, ToBeDefined > >Generate a piecewise defined density
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Power >Generate x with density |(x-z)|^p
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Remap< Density > >Generate a density remapped to a new interval
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Rescale< Density > >Generate a rescaled density
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Sum< Density1, Density2 > >Generate the sum of two densities
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Zero >Generate nothing
 Cexsample::generator_updateException thrown, if the generator has just changed its state
 Cgengetopt_args_infoWhere the command line options are stored
 CHerwig::GSLBisection::GSLerrorStruct that is used to throw and catch GSL errors
 CHerwig::GSLHelper< V, T >From, which can then be used by the GSL algorithms that need a pointer to a function and don't know about Units
 CHerwig::GSLHelper< CrossSection, CrossSection >
 CHerwig::GSLHelper< Energy2, InvEnergy2 >
 CHerwig::GSLHelper< InvEnergy2, Energy2 >
 CHerwig::GSLHelper< Length, Length >
 CHerwig::GSLHelper< LengthDiff, Length >
 CHerwig::HwRemDecayer::HadronContentSimple struct to store info about baryon quark and di-quark constituents
 CHerwig::HadronSelector::HadronInfoClass used to store all the hadron information for easy access
 CHerwig::HerwigUIHerwigUI is an interface to abstract the command line parameters
 CStatistics::HistogramA (one dimensional) histogram
 CHerwig::HardProcessAnalysis::HistogramsDifferential information per outgoing parton
 Cexsample::hit_and_miss_maxtryException thrown, if the maximum number of misses has been reached
 CHerwig::HPDiagramThe HPDiagram struct contains information about a 2->2 hard-process that has been automatically generated by HardProcessConstructor
 Cexsample::integral_accessorAccessor returning the integral of a cell
 CHerwig::GenericHGGVertex::InteractionStruct to store the stuff needed for the vertices
 CHerwig::GenericHPPVertex::InteractionStruct to store the stuff needed for the vertices
 CHerwig::GSLBisection::IntervalErrorStruct that is used to throw and catch GSL errors
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::InverseA density 1/|x-z|
 Cexsample::inversion_has_no_solutionException thrown, if inversion of the interpolation has no solution
 Cexsample::binary_tree< Value >::istream_generator< IStream >Generator reading binary tree from istream
 Cexsample::binary_tree< Value >::iteratorIterator
 CHerwig::JetKinStructA simple struct to store the information we need on the showering
 CHerwig::KaganIntegrandA struct for the integrand which can access the dimensional value member of the BtoSGammaKagan class
 CHerwig::KinematicsReconstructionVetoException class used to communicate failure of kinematics reconstruction
 CHerwig::HadronSelector::KupcoClass designed to make STL routines easy to use
 CHerwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfoProvide easy access to MatchboxXComb XComb extensions
 CThePEG::LastXCombInfo< XC > [external]
 CThePEG::LastXCombInfo< StandardXComb > [external]
 CThePEG::LastXCombInfo<> [external]
 Cexsample::linear_interpolatorA linear interpolation allowing for inversion of the linear interpolation
 CHerwig::Tree2toNGenerator::LineMatcherHelper for topology restrictions
 CHerwig::MatchboxXCombDataMatchbox extensions to StandardXComb
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::matcher< Density >Indicate that the argument density should be matched to the previous one in a piecewise definition
 CThePEG::MatcherType [external]
 CHerwig::ColourBasis::matchRepMatch colour representation
 CHerwig::ShowerApproximationKernel::MaxTryExceptionException to communicate sampler maxtry events
 CHerwig::SubtractionDipole::MergeInfoA helpre struct to communicate diagram merging and remapping information
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::MinusConjugateSpinorTagTag for [p|
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::MinusSpinorTagTag for |p]
 Cexsample::missing_accessorAccessor returning the number of missing events
 CHerwig::MixingElementStruct for the elements of a mixing matrix
 CColorFull::MonomialA class to contain the factor of form TR^a*Nc^b*CF^c*int_part*cnum_part, where the powers a, b and c may be negative
 CHerwig::MultiplicityInfoStruct for the multiplcity data
 CThePEG::Named [external]

\[ \mathcal{M} = g \epsilon^{\mu\nu} p_{1,\mu}p_{2,\nu} \]

where $\epsilon^{\mu\nu}$ is the polarization tensor of the decaying tensor meson, $p_{1,2}$ are the momenta of the decay products and $g$ is the coupling

 CHerwig::TensorMesonVectorPScalarDecayerThe TensorMesonVectorPScalarDecayer class handles the decay of a tensor meson to a vector and a pseudoscalar  CHerwig::TensorMesonVectorVectorDecayerDesigned to simulate the decay of a tensor meson to two spin-1 particles  CHerwig::VectorMeson2FermionDecayerThe VectorMeson2FermionDecayer class is designed for the decay of a vector meson to a fermion-antifermion pair  CHerwig::VectorMeson2MesonDecayerThis class is the implementation for the decay of a vector meson to two scalar mesons, the classic example is $\rho -> \pi\pi$, via a current which is the difference of the momenta of the mesons  CHerwig::VectorMeson3PionDecayerDesigned to perform the decay of an $I=0$ meson to three pions via rho mesons including the option of higher rho resonaces and a constant term  CHerwig::VectorMesonPScalarFermionsDecayerThe VectorMesonPScalarFermionsDecayer class is designed to perform the decay of a vector meson to a pesudo scalar and a fermion-antifermion pair according to a current which is the $V\to VP$ vertex combined with the branching of the vector into a fermion-antifermion pair  CHerwig::VectorMesonPVectorPScalarDecayerThis class is designed for the decay of a vector meson to a pseudovector meson and a pseudoscalar meson  CHerwig::VectorMesonVectorPScalarDecayerThis class is designed for the decay of a vector meson to another spin-1 particle, either another vector meson or a photon, and a pseduoscalar meson  CHerwig::VectorMesonVectorScalarDecayerThis class is designed for the decay of a vector meson to a spin-1 particle, either a vector meson or a photon, and a scalar meson  CHerwig::VectorMesonVectorVectorDecayerThis class is designed for the decay of a vector meson to two spin one particles, either other vector mesons or photons  CHerwig::Hw64DecayerHw64Decayer is a class that defines all the general routines used in HERWIG++ to imitate the HERWIG 6.4 decays  CHerwig::MamboDecayerInherits from the Decayer class in ThePEG and implements the algorithm of R.Kleiss and W.J.Stirling NPB 385 (1992) 413-432 for massive multi-particle phase-space decays  CHerwig::PartonicDecayerBaseHere is the documentation of the PartonicDecayerBase class  CHerwig::BtoSGammaDecayerHere is the documentation of the BtoSGammaDecayer class  CHerwig::HeavyDecayerThis class is designed for the partonic decay of a bottom or charm mesons and baryons and is intended to be the same as that in HERWIG6.4  CHerwig::QuarkoniumDecayerDesigned for the partonic decay of bottom and charmonium resonances  CHerwig::WeakPartonicDecayerDesigned to replace the HeavyDecayer class which implements the partonic decays of hadrons containing a heavy quark in the same way as in FORTRAN Herwig  CThePEG::RemnantDecayer [external]  CHerwig::HwRemDecayerResponsible for the decay of the remnants  CThePEG::EventHandler [external]  CThePEG::FxFxReaderFxFxReader is an abstract base class to be used for objects which reads event files or streams from matrix element generators  CThePEG::MEBase [external]  CThePEG::PartonExtractor [external]  CThePEG::PDFBase [external]  CHerwig::MinBiasPDFDefines a modified pdf which uses an existing pdf object to add modifications like removing the valence part of it, which is needed in the backward evolution of secondary scatters  CHerwig::MPIPDFDefines a modified pdf which uses an existing pdf object to add modifications like removing the valence part of it, which is needed in the backward evolution of secondary scatters  CHerwig::PomeronFluxHere is the documentation of the PomeronFlux class  CHerwig::PomeronPDFImplementation of the PomeronPDF PDFs  CHerwig::ReggeonPDFImplementation of the ReggeonPDF PDFs  CHerwig::SaSPhotonPDFInterface to the  CHerwig::SatPDFDefines a modified pdf which uses an existing pdf object to add modifications like removing the valence part of it, which is needed in the backward evolution of secondary scatters  CThePEG::ReweightBase [external]  CThePEG::StepHandler [external]  CHerwig::BranchingRatioReweighterDesigned to reweight events where some decay modes of a particle, or many particles, have been switched off in order to improve the statistics  CHerwig::IncomingPhotonEvolverPerforms the backward evolution of a photon in a partonic process to a quark or antiquark so that the event can be showered  CHerwig::MPIXSecReweighterMPIXSecReweighter sets up the proper minimum bias cross section  CHerwig::QEDRadiationHandlerDesigned so that the approach for the generation of QED radiation in decays can be used to generate QED radiation from the decay products of $s$-channel resonances produced in the hard process where the decay products of the resonance have been generated as part of the hard process  CHerwig::ShowerApproximationGeneratorShowerApproximationGenerator generates emissions according to a shower approximation entering a NLO matching  CThePEG::CascadeHandler [external]  CThePEG::DecayHandler [external]  CHerwig::HwDecayHandlerThe HwDecayHandler is the Herwig decay handler which administers the decays of unstable particles in Herwig  CThePEG::HadronizationHandler [external]  CHerwig::ClusterHadronizationHandlerClass that controls the cluster hadronization algorithm  CThePEG::SubProcessHandler [external]  CHerwig::MatchboxFactoryMatchboxFactory automatically sets up a NLO QCD calculation carried out in dipole subtraction  CHerwig::MergingFactoryMergingFactory automatically sets up a NLO QCD merging  CHerwig::BaryonFormFactorBase class for the implementation of the form-factors for the weak decay of a baryon  CHerwig::BaryonSimpleFormFactorSimple model for the form-factors for the semi-leptonic decay of the light (i.e  CHerwig::BaryonThreeQuarkModelFormFactorImplements the form factors for the semi-leptonic decay of baryons containing a heavy quark from the relativistic three-quark model calculation of PRD56, 348  CHerwig::ChengHeavyBaryonFormFactorImplements the form-factors from PRD53, 1457 and PRD56, 2799 for the semi-leptonic decay of bottom and charm hadrons  CHerwig::LambdabExcitedLambdacSumRuleFormFactorThe LambdabExcitedLambdacSumRuleFormFactor class implements the form-factors of hep-ph/0012114 for the decay of the $Lambda_b^0$ to excited $\Lambda^+_c$ states  CHerwig::LightBaryonQuarkModelFormFactorThe LightBaryonQuarkModelFormFactor class implements the quark model calculation of hep-ph/9409272 for the form-factors for the decay of baryons containing the light quarks  CHerwig::SingletonFormFactorImplements the form-factors from PRD43, 2939 for the decay of spin-1/2 baryons containing bottom and charm quarks  CHerwig::BtoSGammaHadronicMassBase class for the implementation of models of the hadronic mass spectrum in $B\to s\gamma$ decays  CHerwig::BtoSGammaFlatEnergyModel of the hadronic mass is $B\to s\gamma$ decays which produces a flat photon energy spectrum and as such is only intended for testing purposes  CHerwig::BtoSGammaKaganImplements the model of hep-ph/9805303 for the hadronic mass spectrum in $b\to s \gamma$ decays  CHerwig::ClusterDecayerThis class decays the "normal" clusters  CHerwig::ClusterFinderThis class forms clusters from the partons produced in the Shower  CHerwig::ClusterFissionerThis class handles clusters which are too heavy  CHerwig::ColourReconnectorClass for changing colour reconnections of partons  CHerwig::DecayConstructorInterfaced class that stores a vector of NBodyDecayConstructor objects and calls the appropriate function to create the decayers and decaymodes  CHerwig::DecayRadiationGeneratorBase class for classes generating QED radiation in particle decays in Herwig  CHerwig::SOPHTYHere is the documentation of the SOPHTY class  CHerwig::EvtGenInterfaceMain class for the use of the EvtGen decay package with Herwig  CHerwig::FFDipoleGenerates radiation from a final-final dipole for the generation of photons in decay by the SOPTHY algorithm  CHerwig::FullShowerVetoHere is the documentation of the FullShowerVeto class  CHerwig::NonBShowerVetoVetos parton showers where no b (anti)quarks are produced  CHerwig::HadronSelectorThis class selects the hadron flavours of a cluster decay  CHerwig::Hw64SelectorSelects the hadrons produced in cluster decay using the FORTRAN HERWIG variant of the cluster model  CHerwig::HwppSelectorSelects the hadrons produced in cluster decay using the Herwig variant of the cluster model  CHerwig::HardProcessConstructorHere is the documentation of the HardProcessConstructor class  CHerwig::HiggsVBFProcessConstructorHere is the documentation of the HiggsVBFProcessConstructor class  CHerwig::HiggsVectorBosonProcessConstructorHere is the documentation of the HiggsVectorBosonProcessConstructor class  CHerwig::QQHiggsProcessConstructorHere is the documentation of the QQHiggsProcessConstructor class  CHerwig::ResonantProcessConstructorThis class is designed to construct the diagrams for resonant processes using a provdided set of particles as interemdiates  CHerwig::TwoToTwoProcessConstructorThe TwoToTwoProcessConstructor is designed to construct the diagrams that are possible for a given set of incoming and outgoing particles  CHerwig::HardScaleProfileHardScaleProfile is the base class for profile scales. A few standard choices are provided by this implementation  CHerwig::HistogramSimple histogram for the Analysis handlers  CHerwig::IFDipoleGenerates radiation from a final-final dipole for the generation of photons in decay by the SOPTHY algorithm  CHerwig::Interpolator< ValT, ArgT >  CHerwig::KinematicsReconstructorThis class is responsible for the kinematical reconstruction after each showering step, and also for the necessary Lorentz boosts in order to preserve energy-momentum conservation in the overall collision, and also the invariant mass and the rapidity of the hard subprocess system  CHerwig::LightClusterDecayerThis class performs the decay of light clusters into a single hadron  CHerwig::MixingMatrixThis class is desinged to store the mixing matrices needed for Susy studies  CHerwig::ModelGeneratorThis class is designed to store the particles in some model and then call the appropriate function to setup the model  CHerwig::MultiIterationStatisticsMonte Carlo statistics for multiple iterations  CHerwig::NBodyDecayConstructorBaseThis is the base class for NBodyDecayConstructors  CHerwig::FourBodyDecayConstructorHere is the documentation of the FourBodyDecayConstructor class  CHerwig::ThreeBodyDecayConstructorInherits from the dummy base class NBodyDecayConstructorBase and implements the necessary functions in order to create the 3 body decaymodes for a given set of vertices stored in a Model class  CHerwig::TwoBodyDecayConstructorInherits from the dummy base class NBodyDecayConstructorBase and implements the necessary functions in order to create the 2 body decay modes for a given set of vertices stored in a Model class  CHerwig::WeakCurrentDecayConstructorHere is the documentation of the WeakCurrentDecayConstructor class  CHerwig::NodeHere is the documentation of the Node class  CHerwig::PartnerFinderThis class is responsible of two related tasks:  CHerwig::PartonSplitterThis class splits the gluons from the end of the shower  CHerwig::ProcessHandlerThis class is for handling the sampling of semi hard partonic interactions  CHerwig::RunningMassBaseBase class for running mass calculations  CHerwig::RunningMassImplementation of the 1 or 2 loop QCD running mass  CHerwig::ScalarFormFactorBase class for the form factors for the weak decay of scalar to scalar, vector and tensor mesons  CHerwig::BallZwickyScalarFormFactorThis class is the implementation of the form-factors of PRD71 014015 (2005) for the form-factor for the decay of a B-meson to a light pseudoscalar meson  CHerwig::BallZwickyVectorFormFactorImplements the form-factors of hep-ph/0412079 for the B meson to light vector mesons  CHerwig::HQETFormFactorImplements the form factors for the decay of B mesons into D and $D^*$ mesons using form factors based on Heavy Quark Effective theory of the parameterisation of hep-ph/9712417 away from the heavy quark limit  CHerwig::ISGW2FormFactorImplementation of the ISGW2 model of Phys  CHerwig::ISGWFormFactorImplementation of the ISGW model of Phys  CHerwig::KiselevBcFormFactorImplements the form factors from hep-ph/0211021 for the decays of $B_c$ mesons  CHerwig::MelikhovFormFactorImplements the model of Phys  CHerwig::MelikhovStechFormFactorImplementation of the form factors from Phys  CHerwig::WSBFormFactorImplementation of the form factor model of Z.Phys  CHerwig::ShowerAlphaThis class is the abstract class from which all types of running couplings used in the Showering derive from  CHerwig::ShowerAlphaQCDThis concrete class provides the definition of the pure virtual function value() and overestimateValue() for the strong coupling  CHerwig::ShowerAlphaQEDThis concrete class provides the definition of the pure virtual function value(scale) for $\alpha_{\rm QED}$  CHerwig::ShowerVetoShowerVeto is a general interface for performing vetoes during showering  CHerwig::SplittingFunctionThis is an abstract class which defines the common interface for all $1\to2$ splitting functions, for both initial-state and final-state radiation  CHerwig::HalfHalfOneSplitFnThis class provides the concrete implementation of the exact leading-order splitting function for $\frac12\to q\frac12 1$  CHerwig::CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFnThis class provides the concrete implementation of the CMW enhanced expressions for the splitting function for $\frac12\to q\frac12 1$  CHerwig::HalfOneHalfSplitFnThis classs provides the concrete implementation of the exact leading-order splitting function for $\frac12\to 1\frac12$  CHerwig::OneHalfHalfSplitFnThis class provides the concrete implementation of the exact leading-order splitting function for $1\to \frac12\frac12$  CHerwig::OneOneOneMassiveSplitFnThis class provides the concrete implementation of the exact leading-order splitting function for $1\to 11$ where the emitting particle is massi e  CHerwig::OneOneOneSplitFnThis class provides the concrete implementation of the exact leading-order splitting function for $1\to 11$  CHerwig::CMWOneOneOneSplitFnThis class provides the concrete implementation of the CMW enhanced expressions for the splitting function for $1\to 11$  CHerwig::ZeroZeroOneSplitFnThis class provides the concrete implementation of the exact leading-order splitting function for $\phi\to \phi g$  CHerwig::SplittingGeneratorThis class is responsible for creating, at the beginning of the Run, all the SplittingFunction objects and the corresponding SudakovFormFactor objects, and then of the generation of splittings (radiation emissions) during the event  CHerwig::SudakovCutOffBase class for cut-offs in the Sudakov  CHerwig::MassCutOffHere is the documentation of the MassCutOff class  CHerwig::PTCutOffHere is the documentation of the PTCutOff class  CHerwig::VariableMassCutOffHere is the documentation of the VariableMassCutOff class  CHerwig::SudakovFormFactorThis is the definition of the Sudakov form factor class  CHerwig::UEBaseAbstract base class used to minimize the dependence between MPIHandler and all Shower classes  CHerwig::MPIHandlerThis class is responsible for generating additional semi hard partonic interactions  CHerwig::WeakDecayCurrentThe WeakDecayCurrent class is the base class for the hadronic currents produced in weak decays  CHerwig::FivePionCurrentHere is the documentation of the FivePionCurrent class  CHerwig::FourPionNovosibirskCurrentThe FourPionNovosibirskCurrent class implements the decay of the weak current to 4 pions using the hadronic currents of Comput  CHerwig::KPiCurrentHere is the documentation of the KPiCurrent class  CHerwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrentThis class implements the weak decay current for a lepton and a neutrino  CHerwig::ScalarMesonCurrentThe weak current for the production of one (pseudo)-scalar meson  CHerwig::ThreeMesonCurrentBaseThis is the base class for the three meson decays of the weak current  CHerwig::KaonThreeMesonCurrentImplements the model of M  CHerwig::ThreeMesonDefaultCurrentImplements the currents from Z.Phys.C58:445 (1992), this paper uses the form from Z.Phys.C48:445 (1990) for the $a_1$ width and is the default model in TAUOLA  CHerwig::ThreePionCLEOCurrentThe ThreePionCLEOCurrent class implements the decay of the weak current to three pions using the currents from CLEO Phys  CHerwig::TwoMesonRhoKStarCurrentWeak current for the production of two mesons via the $\rho$ or $K^*$ resonances  CHerwig::TwoPionPhotonCurrentThis class implements the decay current for $\pi^\pm\pi^0 \gamma$ via an intermediate $\omega$  CHerwig::VectorMesonCurrentThe weak current for the production of one (pseudo)-vector meson  CHerwig::Interpolator< double, double >  CHerwig::Interpolator< double, Energy >  CHerwig::Interpolator< double, Energy2 >  CHerwig::Interpolator< Energy, Energy2 >  CHerwig::Interpolator< InvEnergy, Energy >  CThePEG::CKMBase [external]  CHerwig::StandardCKMStandardCKM inherits from CKMBase and implements the standard parameterization of the CKM matrix in terms of three angles and a phase  CThePEG::Helicity::VertexBase [external]  CThePEG::Helicity::AbstractFFSVertex [external]  CThePEG::Helicity::FFSVertex [external]  CHerwig::LeptoquarkModelSLQFFVertexThis is the implementation of the vertex coupling the Standard Model Higgs to the Standard Model fermions for helicity amplitude calculations  CHerwig::LHFFHVertexImplements the couplings of the fermions to the Higgs bosons of the Little Higgs model  CHerwig::LHTPFFHVertexImplements the couplings of the fermions to the Higgs bosons of the Little Higgs model with T-parity  CHerwig::NMSSMFFHVertexImplements the interactions of the NMSSM Higgs bosons with the Standard Model fermions  CHerwig::NMSSMGOGOHVertexHere is the documentation of the NMSSMGOGOHVertex class  CHerwig::RPVFFSVertexHere is the documentation of the RPVFFSVertex class  CHerwig::RPVLLEVertexHere is the documentation of the RPVLLEVertex class  CHerwig::RPVLQDVertexHere is the documentation of the RPVLQDVertex class  CHerwig::RPVUDDVertexHere is the documentation of the RPVUDDVertex class  CHerwig::SextetFFSVertexHere is the documentation of the SextetFFSVertex class  CHerwig::SMFFHVertexThis is the implementation of the vertex coupling the Standard Model Higgs to the Standard Model fermions for helicity amplitude calculations  CHerwig::SSCFSVertexThis is the implementation of the coupling of the charginos to fermion- sfermions  CHerwig::SSFFHVertexThe is the coupling of higgs bosons in the MSSM to a pair of SM fermions  CHerwig::SSGFSVertexThis is the implementation of the coupling of a gluino to a squark- quark pair  CHerwig::SSGOGOHVertexThe is the coupling of higgs bosons in the MSSM to a pair of SM fermions  CHerwig::SSNCTVertexHere is the documentation of the SSNCTVertex class  CHerwig::SSNFSVertexThis is the implementation of the coupling of the neutralinos to fermion-sfermions  CHerwig::UEDF1F0H1VertexThe implementation of the $ f_{(1)}f_{(0)}H_{(1)}^\pm$ vertex  CThePEG::Helicity::AbstractFFTVertex [external]  CThePEG::Helicity::FFTVertex [external]  CHerwig::ADDModelFFGRVertexThis is the implementation of the Randell-Sundrum model fermion-antifermion tensor vertex for helicity amplitude calculations  CHerwig::RSModelFFGRVertexThis is the implementation of the Randell-Sundrum model fermion-antifermion tensor vertex for helicity amplitude calculations  CThePEG::Helicity::AbstractFFVTVertex [external]  CThePEG::Helicity::FFVTVertex [external]  CHerwig::ADDModelFFGGRVertexThis is the implementation of the fermion-antifermion-vector-graviton vertex for the Randell-Sundrum model  CHerwig::ADDModelFFWGRVertexThis is the implementation of the fermion-antifermion-vector-graviton vertex for the Randell-Sundrum model  CHerwig::RSModelFFGGRVertexThis is the implementation of the fermion-antifermion-vector-graviton vertex for the Randell-Sundrum model  CHerwig::RSModelFFWGRVertexThis is the implementation of the fermion-antifermion-vector-graviton vertex for the Randell-Sundrum model  CThePEG::Helicity::AbstractFFVVertex [external]  CThePEG::Helicity::FFVVertex [external]  CHerwig::LHFFGVertexImplements the couplings of the quarks and additional heavy top to the gluon in the Little Higgs model  CHerwig::LHFFPVertexImplements the couplings of the fermions, both of the Standard Model and the additional heavy top to the photon and $A_H$ bosons in the Little Higgs model  CHerwig::LHFFWVertexImplements the couplings of the fermions, both of the Standard Model and the additional heavy top, to the $W^\pm$ and $W_H^\pm$ bosons in the Little Higgs model  CHerwig::LHFFZVertexImplements the couplings of the fermion, both of the Standard Model and the additional heavy top to the $Z^0$ and $Z_H$ bosons in the Little Higgs model  CHerwig::LHTPFFGVertexImplements the coupling of the gluon to the coloured fermions, the SM quarks, the extra top-like quark and the T-parity odd quarks of the Little Higgs model with T-parity  CHerwig::LHTPFFPVertexImplements the couplings of the photon and its heavy partner $A_H$ in the Little Higgs model with T-parity  CHerwig::LHTPFFWVertexImplements the coupling of the $W^\pm$ and $W^\pm_H$ bosons of the Little Higgs model with T-parity to fermions  CHerwig::LHTPFFZVertexImplements the couples of the $Z^0$ boson and its heavy partner to the fermions in the Little Higgs model with T-parity  CHerwig::RPVFFWVertexHere is the documentation of the RPVFFWVertex class  CHerwig::RPVFFZVertexHere is the documentation of the RPVFFZVertex class  CHerwig::SextetFFVVertexHere is the documentation of the SextetFFVVertex class  CHerwig::SMFFGVertexThis is the implementation of the Standard Model quark-antiquark gluon vertex  CHerwig::SMFFPVertexThis is the implementation of the Standard Model fermion-antifermion photon vertex  CHerwig::SMFFWVertexThis is the implementation of the Standard model coupling of the W to the fermions  CHerwig::SMFFZVertexThis is the implementation of the Standard Model fermion-antifermion Z vertex  CHerwig::SSCCZVertexThis class implements the coupling of a $\gamma/Z^0$ to a pair of charginos  CHerwig::SSCNWVertexThis class is implements the coupling of a W boson to a chargino and a neutralino  CHerwig::SSGSGSGVertexThis class implements the g- $\tilde{g}$- $\tilde{g}$ vertex  CHerwig::SSNNZVertexThis class implements the coupling of a Z-boson to a pair of neutralinos  CHerwig::TTbAModelAGQQVertexThis is the implementation of the vertex coupling the Standard Model Higgs to the Standard Model fermions for helicity amplitude calculations  CHerwig::TTbAModelSU2XVertexThis is the implementation of the vertex coupling the Standard Model Higgs to the Standard Model fermions for helicity amplitude calculations  CHerwig::TTbAModelWPTDVertexThis is the implementation of the vertex coupling the Standard Model Higgs to the Standard Model fermions for helicity amplitude calculations  CHerwig::TTbAModelZPQQVertexThis is the implementation of the vertex coupling the Standard Model Higgs to the Standard Model fermions for helicity amplitude calculations  CHerwig::UEDF1F0G1VertexThis is the implementation of the $\bar{f}^{1}f^{0}g^{(1)}$ vertex  CHerwig::UEDF1F0W1VertexThis is the $ \bar{f}^{(1)} f^{(0)} W^{(1)}$ coupling, where $W^{(1)}$ is any level 1 EW gauge boson  CHerwig::UEDF1F1G0VertexThis is the implementation of the $\bar{f}^{1}f^{(1)}g$ vertex  CHerwig::UEDF1F1P0VertexThis class implements the coupling of a pair of level-1 KK fermions to a standard Model photon  CHerwig::UEDF1F1W0VertexThis class implements the coupling of a pair of level-1 fermions to the SM $W$ boson  CHerwig::UEDF1F1Z0VertexThis is the implementation of the level-1 fermion-fermion Z-boson  CHerwig::ZprimeModelZPQQVertexThis is the implementation of the vertex coupling the Standard Model Higgs to the Standard Model fermions for helicity amplitude calculations  CThePEG::Helicity::GeneralFFVVertex [external]  CHerwig::SSGNGVertexThis class implements the coupling of a gluon to a gluino and a neutralino via loop diagrams It inherits from GeneralFFVertex and implements the setCoupling method  CHerwig::SSNNPVertexThis class implements the coupling of a photon to a pair of neutralinos via loop diagrams It inherits from GeneralFFVertex and implements the setCoupling method  CThePEG::Helicity::AbstractRFSVertex [external]  CThePEG::Helicity::RFSVertex [external]  CHerwig::SSGVFSVertexThis is the implementation of the coupling of the gravitino to fermion-sfermions  CHerwig::SSGVNHVertexImplements the coupling of the gravitino to a neutralino and Higgs boson  CThePEG::Helicity::AbstractRFVVertex [external]  CThePEG::Helicity::RFVVertex [external]  CHerwig::SSGVNVVertexImplements the coupling of the gravitino to a gaugino and the assoicated gauge boson  CThePEG::Helicity::AbstractSSSVertex [external]  CThePEG::Helicity::SSSVertex [external]  CHerwig::LHTPHHHVertexImplements the triple Higgs boson interactions in the Little Higgs model with T-parity  CHerwig::NMSSMHHHVertexThe NMSSMHHHVertex defines the triple Higgs coupling in the NMSSM  CHerwig::NMSSMHSFSFVertexThis class defines the coupling of Higgs bosons to the sfermions in the NMSSM  CHerwig::RPVSSSVertexHere is the documentation of the RPVSSSVertex class  CHerwig::SMHHHVertexHere is the documentation of the SMHHHVertex class  CHerwig::SSHHHVertexThis is the higgs coupling with other higgs bosons in the MSSM  CHerwig::SSHSFSFVertexThis is the implementation of the coupling for a Higgs in the MSSM to a pair of sfermions  CThePEG::Helicity::AbstractSSTVertex [external]  CThePEG::Helicity::SSTVertex [external]  CHerwig::ADDModelSSGRVertexThew implementation of the graviton coupling to the Higgs in the ADDModel  CHerwig::RSModelSSGRVertexThew implementation of the graviton coupling to the Higgs in the RSModel  CThePEG::Helicity::AbstractVSSVertex [external]  CThePEG::Helicity::GeneralVSSVertex [external]  CThePEG::Helicity::VSSVertex [external]  CHerwig::LeptoquarkModelSLQSLQGVertexImplementation of the gluon coupling to pairs of scalar leptoquarks in the LeptoquarkModel  CHerwig::LHTPWHHVertexImplements the coupling of an electroweak gauge boson to a pair of Higgs bosons in the Little Higgs model with T-parity  CHerwig::LHWHHVertexImplements the coupling of an electroweak gauge boson to a pair of Higgs bosons in the Little Higgs model  CHerwig::NMSSMWHHVertexImplements the coupling of an electroweak" gauge boson with two Higgs bosons in the NMSSM  CHerwig::RPVWSSVertexHere is the documentation of the RPVWSSVertex class  CHerwig::SextetGSSVertexHere is the documentation of the SextetGSSVertex class  CHerwig::SextetPSSVertexHere is the documentation of the SextetPSSVertex class  CHerwig::SSGSSVertexThe SSGSSVertex implements the coupling of a gluon to 2 sfermions  CHerwig::SSWHHVertexThe coupling of a pair of higgs to the SM gauge bosons in the MSSM  CHerwig::SSWSSVertexThis is the implementation of the coupling of an SM gauge boson to a pair of sfermions  CHerwig::UEDP0H1H1VertexThe implementation of the $A^\mu_{(0)}H_{(1)}^+H_{(1)}^-$ vertex  CHerwig::UEDW0A1H1VertexThis is the coupling for the vertex $ W_{\mu(0)}^\pm A_{(1)}^0 H^\mp_{(1)}$  CHerwig::UEDZ0A1h1VertexThis class implements the coupling for the $A_{(1)}h_{(1)}Z^\mu_{{0}}$ vertex  CHerwig::UEDZ0H1H1VertexThe implementation of the $Z^\mu_{(0)}H_{(1)}^+H_{(1)}^-$ vertex  CThePEG::Helicity::AbstractVVSSVertex [external]  CThePEG::Helicity::VVSSVertex [external]  CHerwig::LeptoquarkModelSLQSLQGGVertexImplementation of the gluon gluon coupling to pairs of scalar leptoquarks in the LeptoquarkModel  CHerwig::LHWWHHVertexImplements the coupling of a pair of electroweak gauge bosons and a pair of Higgs bosons in the Little Higgs model  CHerwig::NMSSMWWHHVertexHere is the documentation of the NMSSMWWHHVertex class  CHerwig::SextetGGSSVertexHere is the documentation of the SextetGGSSVertex class  CHerwig::SMWWHHVertexHere is the documentation of the SMWWHHVertex class  CHerwig::SSGGSQSQVertexThis is the implementation of the 4 point gluon-gluon-squark-squark vertex  CHerwig::SSWGSSVertexThis is the implementation of the 4 point gluon-gluon-squark-squark vertex  CHerwig::SSWWHHVertexHere is the documentation of the SSWWHHVertex class  CHerwig::SSWWSSVertexHere is the documentation of the SSWWSSVertex class  CThePEG::Helicity::AbstractVVSVertex [external]  CThePEG::Helicity::GeneralVVSVertex [external]  CHerwig::GenericSVVVertexThe GenericSVVVertex class implements the setCoupling member for the Standard Model effective vertex Higgs-gluon-gluon  CHerwig::SMHZPVertexHere is the documentation of the SMHZPVertex class  CHerwig::VVSLoopVertexThe VVSLoopVertex is designed to calculate the coefficents for the terms in the Passarino-Veltman tensor reduction scheme  CHerwig::GenericHGGVertexImplements the coupling of the Higgs boson to gluons in a generic model using the other vertices coupling the Higgs boson to coloured particles  CHerwig::GenericHPPVertexImplements the coupling of the Higgs boson to gluons in a generic model using the other vertices coupling the Higgs boson to coloured particles  CHerwig::NMSSMGGHVertexThis class implements the effective vertex for a higgs coupling to a pair of gluons in the NMSSM  CHerwig::NMSSMPPHVertexThis class implements the effective vertex for a higgs coupling to a pair of photons in the NMSSM  CHerwig::SMHGGVertexThe SMHGGVertex class implements the setCoupling member for the Standard Model effective vertex Higgs-gluon-gluon  CHerwig::SMHPPVertexThe SMHGGVertex class implements the setCoupling member for the Standard Model effective vertex Higgs-gamma-gamma  CHerwig::SSHGGVertexThis class implements the effective vertex coupling a higgs to a pair of gluons in the MSSM  CHerwig::SSHPPVertexThis class implements the effective vertex coupling a higgs to a pair of photons in the MSSM  CThePEG::Helicity::VVSVertex [external]  CHerwig::LHTPWWHVertexThe LittleHiggsWWHVertex class implements the couplings of two electroweak gauge bosons to a Higgs boson in the Little Higgs model with T-parity including the additional heavy photon, Z and W bosons in the model and the triplet Higgs bosons  CHerwig::LHWWHVertexImplements the couplings of two electroweak gauge bosons to a Higgs boson in the Little Higgs model including the additional heavy photon, Z and W bosons in the model and the triplet Higgs bosons  CHerwig::NMSSMWWHVertexImplementation of the coupling of two electroweak gauge bosons to the Higgs bosons of the NMSSM  CHerwig::RPVWWHVertexImplements the couplings of a pair of gauge bosons to scalars in the R-parity violating MSSM  CHerwig::SMWWHVertexThe SMWWHVertex is the implementation of the coupling of two electroweak gauge bosons to the Higgs in the Standard Model  CHerwig::SSWWHVertexThis class implements the coupling of a higgs in the MSSM to a pair of SM gauge bosons  CThePEG::Helicity::AbstractVVTVertex [external]  CThePEG::Helicity::VVTVertex [external]  CHerwig::ADDModelVVGRVertexThis is the implementation of the vector-vector-graviton vertex for the ADD model  CHerwig::RSModelVVGRVertexThis is the implementation of the vector-vector-graviton vertex for the RS model  CThePEG::Helicity::AbstractVVVTVertex [external]  CThePEG::Helicity::VVVTVertex [external]  CHerwig::ADDModelGGGGRVertexImplementation of the triple vector graviton couling in the ADD model  CHerwig::ADDModelWWWGRVertexImplementation of the triple vector graviton couling in the ADD model  CHerwig::RSModelGGGGRVertexImplementation of the triple vector graviton couling in the RS model  CHerwig::RSModelWWWGRVertexImplementation of the triple vector graviton couling in the RS model  CThePEG::Helicity::AbstractVVVVertex [external]  CThePEG::Helicity::VVVVertex [external]  CHerwig::GenericVVVVertexThe GenericVVVVertex class implements the setCoupling member for the Standard Model effective vertex EWVector-gluon-gluon  CHerwig::LHTPWWWVertexThis is the coupling of vector bosons to each other in the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity  CHerwig::LHWWWVertexImplements the triple boson coupling in the Little Higgs model for the electroweak bosons of the Standard Model and the additional $A_H$, $Z_H$ and $W_H^\pm$ bosons  CHerwig::SextetGVVVertexHere is the documentation of the SextetGVVVertex class  CHerwig::SextetPVVVertexHere is the documentation of the SextetPVVVertex class  CHerwig::SMGGGVertexImplementation of the SM triple gluon vertex  CHerwig::SMWWWVertexThis is the implementation fo the vertex for the coupling of three standard Model electroweak bosons  CHerwig::UEDG1G1G0VertexThis is the implementation of the Feynman rule for the coupling of Standard Model gluon to a pair of (level1) KK excited gluons  CHerwig::UEDW0W1W1VertexThe coupling for the $ W\,W^{(1)}Z^{(1)}$ and $ W\,W^{(1)}\gamma^{(1)}$ vertex  CThePEG::Helicity::AbstractVVVVVertex [external]  CThePEG::Helicity::VVVVVertex [external]  CHerwig::LHWWWWVertexImplements the quartic self-couplings of electroweak gauge bosons in the Little Higgs model  CHerwig::SextetGGVVVertexHere is the documentation of the SextetGGVVVertex class  CHerwig::SMGGGGVertexImplementation of the Standard Model quartic gluon vertex  CHerwig::SMWWWWVertexImplementation of the coupling of four electroweak gauge bosons in the SM  CHerwig::UEDG0G0G1G1VertexThis is the implementation of the coupling of two Standard Model gluons to a pair of level 1 KK gluons  CThePEG::MassGenerator [external]  CHerwig::GenericMassGeneratorThe GenericMassGenerator class is a simple class for the generation of particle masses in Herwig  CHerwig::GravitonMassGeneratorHere is the documentation of the GravitonMassGenerator class  CHerwig::ScalarMassGeneratorThe ScalarMassGenerator class is designed for the generation of the masses of the $a_0$ and $f_0$ mesons which have $K\bar{K}$ modes close to the on-shell mass of the particle  CHerwig::SMHiggsMassGeneratorImplements the generation of the Higgs boson mass according to the prescription of hep-ph/9505211  CThePEG::MatcherBase [external]  CHerwig::MatchboxFactoryMatcherMatchboxFactoryMatcher matches particles according to MatchboxFatory particle groups  CThePEG::MultiCutBase [external]  CHerwig::FrixionePhotonSeparationCutThis class implements a cut on legoplot and rapidity separation  CHerwig::MissingPtCutMissingPtCut implements a cut on the total missing transverse momentum of a set of outgoing particles, i.e. for now the total transverse momentum of all outgoing neutrinos in an event  CThePEG::OneCutBase [external]  CHerwig::IdentifiedParticleCutIdentifiedParticleCut implements cuts on single momenta  CThePEG::RunningCoupling [external]  CThePEG::AlphaEMBase [external]  CHerwig::AlphaEMExact reimplementation of the electromagentic coupling in FORTRAN HERWIG and is mainly intended for testing  CThePEG::AlphaSBase [external]  CHerwig::O2AlphaSImplementation of the two-loop $\alpha_S$ in the same way as in FORTRAN HERWIG  Cmatchbox::alpha_sBase class for the strong coupling  Cmatchbox::lo_alpha_sLO running alpha_s  Cmatchbox::nlo_alpha_sNLO running alpha_s  CThePEG::SamplerBase [external]  CHerwig::GeneralSamplerA GeneralSampler class  CHerwig::MPISamplerThis class inherits from SampleBase and implements the Auto Compensating Divide-and-Conquer phase space generator, ACDCGen  CThePEG::StandardModelBase [external]  CHerwig::StandardModelThis is the Herwig StandardModel class which inherits from ThePEG Standard Model class and implements additional Standard Model couplings, access to vertices for helicity amplitude calculations etc  CHerwig::BSMModelHere is the documentation of the BSMModel class  CHerwig::ADDModelThis is the class to be used instead of the Standard Model class for the ADD model  CHerwig::HiggsPairImplements the matrix elements for HiggsPairian $2\to2$ scattering process  CHerwig::LeptoquarkModelHere is the documentation of the LeptoquarkModel class  CHerwig::LHModelMain class for the implementation of the Little Higgs model in Herwig  CHerwig::LHTPModelMain class for the implementation of the Little Higgs model with T-parity  CHerwig::RSModelThis is the class to be used instead of the Standard Model class for the Randell Sundrum model  CHerwig::SextetModelThis class is used instead of the StandardModel class for the  CHerwig::SusyBaseThis class is designed to be a base class for SUSY models  CHerwig::MSSMMain model class to replace the Standard Model when using the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model  CHerwig::NMSSMHere is the documentation of the NMSSM class  CHerwig::RPVHere is the documentation of the RPV class  CHerwig::TTbAModelHere is the documentation of the TTbAModel class  CHerwig::UEDBaseThis class serves as a base class for all UED models  CHerwig::ZprimeModelHere is the documentation of the ZprimeModel class  CThePEG::Strategy [external]  CHerwig::HerwigStrategySub-class of the Strategy class, simply implementing the correct citation for Herwig in the ClassDocumentation interface  CThePEG::TwoCutBase [external]  CHerwig::InvariantMassCutThis class implements a cut on the invariant mass  CHerwig::MatchboxDeltaRCutMatchboxDeltaRCut implements cuts related to the separation in the legoplot plane  CHerwig::PairPtCutThis class implements a cut on the transverse momentum of a pair of particles  CHerwig::PairRapidityCutThis class implements a cut on the rapidity of a pair of particles  CThePEG::WidthGenerator [external]  CHerwig::GenericWidthGeneratorDesigned to automatically calculate the running width for a given particle using information from the decayModes and the Decayers to construct the running width  CHerwig::BaryonWidthGeneratorDesigned to automatically calculate the running width for a given particle using information from the decayModes and the Baryon1MesonDecayer to construct the running width  CHerwig::BSMWidthGeneratorThis class is designed to be able to calculate the running width for a BSM particle given the decay mode and partial width calculated from the decayer  CHerwig::SMHiggsWidthGeneratorCalculates the width for the Standard Model Higgs boson  CHerwig::NBVertexA simple vertex for the N-body diagram  CHerwig::NBDiagramThe NBDiagram struct contains information about a $1\to n$ decay that has been automatically generated  CHerwig::BinSampler::NextIterationException to be thrown if cross section information should be updated  CHerwig::LeptonsJetsAnalysis::ObjectPropertiesCollection of object histograms; ranges are adjusted to the maximum, so range constraints and rebinning can be applied later  CHerwig::LeptonsJetsAnalysis::PairPropertiesCollection of pair histograms; ranges are adjusted to the maximum, so range constraints and rebinning can be applied later  CHerwig::LeptonsJetsAnalysis::TriplePropertiesCollection of triple histograms; ranges are adjusted to the maximum, so range constraints and rebinning can be applied later  CHerwig::JetsPlusAnalysis::ObjectPropertiesCollection of object histograms; ranges are adjusted to the maximum, so range constraints and rebinning can be applied later  CHerwig::JetsPlusAnalysis::PairPropertiesCollection of pair histograms; ranges are adjusted to the maximum, so range constraints and rebinning can be applied later  CHerwig::OmnesIntegrandA simple struct to provide the integrand for the integral


 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::onIndicate remapping of a density  CHerwig::OneOffShellIntegrandClass for the integrand of a matrix element where one of the outgoing particles is off-shell.This class is used by the OneOffShellCalculator class to perform the integral  CHerwig::OpenLoopsProcInfoProcess information for OpenLoops  Cexsample::ostream_traits< OStream >Separate quantities written to an ostream  Cexsample::ostream_traits< ThePEG::PersistentOStream >Separate quantities written to a ThePEG::PersistentOStream  Cexsample::binary_tree< Value >::ostream_visitor< OStream >Forward visitor writing out the tree to given ostream  CHerwig::ThreeBodyAllOnCalculator< T >::OuterThe class for the outer integrand of the integral of a three body decay matrix element  CParameters_sm  Cexsample::parametric_missing_accessorAccessor returning the number of missing events for given parameter bin id  Cexsample::parametric_sampling_selector< Random >Sampling selector selecting only bins which contain the given parameter point  Cexsample::parametric_sampling_selector< exsample::rnd_generator< Random > >  Cexsample::parametric_sampling_selector< exsample::rnd_generator< ThePEG::UseRandom > >  Cexsample::parametric_sampling_selector< exsample::rnd_generator< UseRandom > >  Cexsample::parametric_selectorSelector selecting only bins which contain the given parameter point  CCVolver::ParticleDataTraits< ParticleData >ParticleData traits  CCVolver::ParticleDataTraits< ThePEG::PDT::Colour >Specify particle data traits for ThePEG  CHerwig::ShowerHandler::ParticleOrderingA struct to order the particles in the same way as in the DecayMode's  CHerwig::ParticleOrderingA struct to order the particles in the same way as in the DecayModes  CHerwig::PhasespaceHelpers::PhasespaceInfoGeneral information for phase space generation  CHerwig::PhasespaceHelpers::PhasespaceTreeA phase space tree  CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Piecewise< Density1, Density2 >A piecewise defined density  CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::PlusConjugateSpinorTagTag for <p|  CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::PlusSpinorTagTag for |p>  CColorFull::Poly_matrClass for containing a Polynomial matrix, and functions for Polynomial matrices  CColorFull::Poly_vecClass for containing vector of Polynomials, and functions for Polynomial vectors  CColorFull::PolynomialFor containing a Polynomial (in Nc, CF and TR), as a sum of Monomials  CHerwig::PotentialTreeStruct to store a potential CKKWTree  CHerwig::RandomHelpers::PowerThe density |(x-z)|^p  CHerwig::ProcessProcess information with coupling order  CHerwig::ProductionMatrixElementThe storage of the helicity amplitude expression for the matrix element of a hard process  CHerwig::progress_display  CColorFull::Quark_lineA class to contain one quark-line with gluons attached multiplying a Polynomial, Poly  CHerwig::BinSampler::RandomNumberHistogramDefine the key for the collinear subtraction data  CHerwig::realVVKinematicsUsed to store information on the the kinematics of the real emission processes needed for the evaluation of matrix elements in the real part of the NLO process  CHerwig::DipoleShowerHandler::RedoShowerIndicate a problem in the shower  CThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted [external]  CHerwig::DecayMatrixElementHere is the documentation of the DecayMatrixElement class  CHerwig::GeneralDecayMatrixElement  CHerwig::TwoBodyDecayMatrixElement  CHerwig::GaussianIntegrator  CHerwig::GSLBisectionThis class is designed to find the root of a given function between 2 limits using bisection methods  CHerwig::GSLIntegratorThis class is designed to integrate a given function between 2 limits using the gsl QAGS integration subroutine  CHerwig::WidthCalculatorBaseBase class to be used by classes which calculate partial widths for the running width  CHerwig::OneOffShellCalculatorUse another WidthCalculatorBase object to integrate over the mass of on of the external particles which can be off-shell for running width calculations  CHerwig::ThreeBodyAllOn1IntegralCalculator< T >The ThreeBodyAllOn1IntegralCalculator class is designed to integrate a function which gives $d\Gamma/dm^2_{ij}$ to give the partial width  CHerwig::ThreeBodyAllOnCalculator< T >The ThreeBodyAllOnCalculator class is designed to integrate a three-body matrix element in which all the outgoing particles are on-shell to give the partial width  CHerwig::TwoBodyAllOnCalculatorThe TwoBodyAllOnCalculator class is a wrapped around the the simple two body decay matrix elements in the GenericWidthGenerator class and is designed to allow these matrix elements to be integrated if the external particles can be off-shell  CHerwig::TwoOffShellCalculatorUse WidthCalculatorBase objects to integrate over the mass of two external particles which can be off-shell for running width calculations  CThePEG::Base [external]  CHerwig::DecayPhaseSpaceChannelThis class is designed to store the information needed for a given phase-space channel for use by the multi-channel phase space decayer and perform the generation of the phase space for that channel  CHerwig::DecayPhaseSpaceModeThe DecayPhaseSpaceMode class is designed to store a group of phase-space channels for use by the DecayIntegrator class to generate the phase-space for a given decay mode  CHerwig::DipoleShowerParticle  CHerwig::DipoleVertexRecordHere is the documentation of the DipoleVertexRecord class  CHerwig::HardBranchingDesigned to contain the information needed for an individual branching in the POWHEG approach  CHerwig::HardTreeDesigned to contain the information required to implement the POWHEG approach for Monte Carlo at next-to-leading order  CHerwig::CKKWTreeHere is the documentation of the CKKWTree class  CHerwig::PerturbativeProcessSimple struct for hard processes and decays  CHerwig::ProtoBranchingClass to store a prototype branching  CHerwig::ProtoTreeClass for a prototype tree  CHerwig::PrototypeVertexStorage of a potenital n-body decay  CHerwig::RealEmissionProcessSimple struct for hard processes and decays  CHerwig::ShowerBasisStores the basis vectors used by the shower  CHerwig::ShowerEventRecordHere is the documentation of the ShowerEventRecord class  CHerwig::DipoleEventRecordused internally by the dipole shower  CHerwig::ShowerTreeStores the basic information needed for each hard interaction, either a scattering process or decay, which needs to be showered  CHerwig::ShowerKinematicsThis is the abstract base class from which all other shower kinematics classes derive  CHerwig::Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2This (concrete) class provides the specific decay shower kinematics information  CHerwig::FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2This (concrete) class provides the specific Final State shower kinematics information  CHerwig::IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2This (concrete) class provides the specific Intial State shower kinematics information  CHerwig::ShowerProgenitorA struct to store information on the perturbative particle which initiates a shower  CThePEG::EventInfoBase [external]  CThePEG::HelicityVertex [external]  CHerwig::DecayVertex  CHerwig::DipoleShowerVertexThis class represents the vertex for a given splitting in the dipole shower  CHerwig::HardVertex  CHerwig::ShowerVertex  CThePEG::InterfacedBase [external]  CThePEG::Particle [external]  CHerwig::ClusterThis class describes a cluster object  CHerwig::ShowerParticleThis class represents a particle in the showering process  CThePEG::XComb [external]  CThePEG::StandardXComb [external]  CHerwig::MatchboxXCombMatchbox extensions to StandardXComb  CThePEG::StdXCombGroup [external]  CHerwig::MatchboxXCombGroupMatchbox extensions to StandardXComb  CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Remap< Density >Remap a density to a new interval  CHerwig::RemapperRemapper adapts indivdual MC dimensions  CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Rescale< Density >Rescale a density  CHerwig::MatchboxXCombData::ReshuffleEquationHelper struct to define the reshuffling equation  CHerwig::VBFNLOPhasespace::ReshuffleEquationThe function object defining the equation to be solved  CHerwig::MatchboxRambo::ReshuffleEquationThe function object defining the equation to be solved  CHerwig::ConstituentReshuffler::ReshuffleEquationThe function object defining the equation to be solved  Cmatchbox::nlo_alpha_s::rg_solution  Cexsample::rnd_generator< Random >Random generator traits  Cexsample::rnd_generator< ThePEG::UseRandom >  Cexsample::rnd_generator< UseRandom >  CStatistics::RunA simulation run  CHerwig::RunDirectoriesHandle directories for external library and grid storage  CHerwig::HPC_helper::SameIncomingAs  Cexsample::sampling_selector< Random >Flat sampling selector  Cexsample::selection_maxtryException thrown if the maximum number of attempts to select a cell has been reached  CThePEG::SelectorBase [external]  CHerwig::WeakBHadronSelectorSelector to select weakly decaying B hadrons  CHerwig::Remapper::SelectorEntry  CHerwig::ShowerHandler::ShowerTriesVetoStruct that is used to catch exceptions which are thrown due to fact that the Shower has been invoked more than a defined threshold on a certain configuration  CHerwig::ShowerVariationA struct identifying a shower variation  Cmatchbox::solve_input_lambda< AlphaS >  Cmatchbox::solve_lambda_above< AlphaS >  Cmatchbox::solve_lambda_below< AlphaS >  CHerwig::SpinCorrelationTensorSpinCorrelationTensor represents a spin correlation tensor of the form  CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::SpinorMultiplicationTraits< Value >Helpers for commonly encountered types  CHerwig::MatchboxFactory::SplittingChannelIdentify a splitting channel  CHerwig::StatDocumentation for the statistics struct  Cexsample::static_binary< long >Compile time conversion of unsigned long to bool  Cexsample::static_binary< 0 >Compile time conversion of unsigned long to bool  CHerwig::StatisticSimple class designed to store a variable for statistical analysis  Cexsample::statisticsStatistics is a helper class for keeping track of event generation statistics  CHerwig::StreamingRndWrap around a vector of random numbers to behave as a stream of those  CHerwig::SU2HelperHelpers for book keeping in electroweak processes  Csubtractable  CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::SpinorCurrent< Type, Value >Weyl spinor current  CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::SpinorProduct< Type, Value >Weyl spinor product  CHerwig::SubtractedME::SubtractionHistogramSimple envelope histogram to keep track of subtraction  CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Sum< Density1, Density2 >Add two densities  CXML::ElementIO::TagHelper struct representing a single tag or parsed content  CHerwig::TBDiagramThe TBDiagram struct contains information about a $1\to3$ decay that has been automatically generated by ThreeBodyDecayConstructor  CHerwig::MEPP2HiggsVBF::tChannelPairStruct to contain the hadronic system  CHerwig::RandomHelpers::ToBeDefinedPlaceholder when constructing piecewise defined densities  CHerwig::TwoBodyDecayStruct for the prototype of a two-body decay mode  CHerwig::TwoOffShellIntegrandClass for the integrand of a matrix element where two of the outgoing particles is off-shell  CHerwig::Tree2toNGenerator::VertexA node in internally used trees  CHerwig::VertexOrderingA struct to order the particles in the same way as in the DecayMode's  CHerwig::VetoShowerException class for vetoing a showering  CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::WeylSpinor< Type, Value >Base class for Weyl spinors  CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::WeylSpinorTraits< Type >Helpers for Weyl spinors  CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::WeylSpinorTraits< MinusConjugateSpinorTag >  CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::WeylSpinorTraits< MinusSpinorTag >  CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::WeylSpinorTraits< PlusConjugateSpinorTag >  CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::WeylSpinorTraits< PlusSpinorTag >  CHerwig::YFSFormFactorsPure static class which implements the various YFS form factors we need for the decays  CHerwig::RandomHelpers::ZeroA zero density