00001 // -*- C++ -*- 00002 // 00003 // BasicLesHouchesFileReader.h is a part of Herwig++ - A multi-purpose 00004 // Monte Carlo event generator. 00005 // Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration 00006 // 00007 // Herwig++ is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details. 00008 // Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details. 00009 // 00010 // 00011 // This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member 00012 // functions of the BasicLesHouchesFileReader class. 00013 // 00014 #ifndef HERWIG_BasicLesHouchesFileReader_H 00015 #define HERWIG_BasicLesHouchesFileReader_H 00016 // This is the declaration of the BasicLesHouchesFileReader class. 00017 00018 #include "ThePEG/LesHouches/LesHouchesReader.h" 00019 #include "BasicLesHouchesFileReader.fh" 00020 #include "ThePEG/PDT/Decayer.h" 00021 #include "ThePEG/Utilities/CFileLineReader.h" 00022 #include <stdio.h> 00023 00024 namespace Herwig { 00025 00026 using namespace ThePEG; 00027 00044 class BasicLesHouchesFileReader: public LesHouchesReader { 00045 00046 public: 00047 00053 BasicLesHouchesFileReader() : neve(0), ieve(0) {} 00054 00059 BasicLesHouchesFileReader(const BasicLesHouchesFileReader &); 00060 00064 virtual ~BasicLesHouchesFileReader(); 00066 00067 public: 00068 00075 virtual void initialize(LesHouchesEventHandler & eh); 00076 00089 virtual double getEvent(); 00090 00096 virtual bool readEvent(); 00097 00103 virtual void skip(long n); 00104 00111 virtual long scan(); 00112 00118 virtual void open(); 00119 00123 virtual void close(); 00124 00130 virtual bool doReadEvent(); 00132 00136 string filename() const { return theFileName; } 00137 00138 public: 00139 00146 void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const; 00147 00153 void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version); 00155 00159 static void Init(); 00160 00161 protected: 00162 00169 virtual IBPtr clone() const; 00170 00175 virtual IBPtr fullclone() const; 00177 00185 virtual void doinit(); 00186 00191 virtual bool preInitialize() const; 00192 //@ 00193 00194 protected: 00195 00199 CFileLineReader cfile; 00200 00201 protected: 00202 00206 long neve; 00207 00211 long ieve; 00212 00218 string LHFVersion; 00219 00224 string outsideBlock; 00225 00229 string headerBlock; 00230 00234 string initComments; 00235 00240 map<string,string> initAttributes; 00241 00245 string eventComments; 00246 00251 map<string,string> eventAttributes; 00252 00253 private: 00254 00258 string theFileName; 00259 00265 bool overSampling_; 00266 00267 private: 00268 00272 static ClassDescription<BasicLesHouchesFileReader> initBasicLesHouchesFileReader; 00273 00277 BasicLesHouchesFileReader & operator=(const BasicLesHouchesFileReader &); 00278 00279 public: 00280 00284 class LesHouchesFileError: public Exception {}; 00287 }; 00288 00289 } 00290 00291 00292 #include "ThePEG/Utilities/ClassTraits.h" 00293 00294 namespace ThePEG { 00295 00302 template <> 00303 struct BaseClassTrait<Herwig::BasicLesHouchesFileReader,1> { 00305 typedef LesHouchesReader NthBase; 00306 }; 00307 00313 template <> 00314 struct ClassTraits<Herwig::BasicLesHouchesFileReader> 00315 : public ClassTraitsBase<Herwig::BasicLesHouchesFileReader> { 00319 static string className() { return "Herwig::BasicLesHouchesFileReader"; } 00325 static string library() { return "BasicLesHouchesFileReader.so"; } 00326 00327 }; 00328 00331 } 00332 00333 #endif /* HERWIG_BasicLesHouchesFileReader_H */