Herwig 7.3.0
► Analysis | |
BasicConsistency.h | |
CrossSectionAnalysis.h | |
DrellYanPT.h | |
GammaGammaAnalysis.h | |
GammaJetAnalysis.h | |
HiggsJetAnalysis.h | |
HJetsAnalysis.h | |
JetsPlusAnalysis.h | |
LEPBMultiplicity.h | |
LEPEventShapes.h | |
LEPMultiplicityCount.h | |
LeptonsJetsAnalysis.h | |
LPairAnalysis.h | |
MultiplicityInfo.h | |
ParallelRunAnalysis.h | |
SimpleLHCAnalysis.h | |
TTbarAnalysis.h | |
TTJetsAnalysis.h | |
ZJetsAnalysis.h | |
► API | |
Filesystem.h | |
HerwigAPI.h | |
HerwigUI.h | |
RunDirectories.h | |
► Config | |
Config/config.h | |
► Contrib | |
► HiggsPair | |
MEHiggsPair.h | |
► HiggsPairOL | |
AlpGenHandlerOL.h | |
HiggsPair.h | |
MEHiggsPairJet.h | |
MEHiggsPairOL.h | |
► MultiWeight | |
MultiWeight.h | |
► ShowerVeto | |
NonBShowerVeto.h | |
► Decay | |
► Baryon | |
Baryon1MesonDecayerBase.fh | |
Baryon1MesonDecayerBase.h | |
BaryonFactorizedDecayer.h | |
KornerKramerCharmDecayer.h | |
NonLeptonicHyperonDecayer.h | |
NonLeptonicOmegaDecayer.h | |
OmegaXiStarPionDecayer.h | |
RadiativeDoublyHeavyBaryonDecayer.h | |
RadiativeHeavyBaryonDecayer.h | |
RadiativeHyperonDecayer.h | |
SemiLeptonicBaryonDecayer.h | |
StrongHeavyBaryonDecayer.h | |
SU3BaryonDecupletOctetPhotonDecayer.h | |
SU3BaryonDecupletOctetScalarDecayer.h | |
SU3BaryonOctetDecupletScalarDecayer.h | |
SU3BaryonOctetOctetPhotonDecayer.h | |
SU3BaryonOctetOctetScalarDecayer.h | |
SU3BaryonSingletOctetPhotonDecayer.h | |
SU3BaryonSingletOctetScalarDecayer.h | |
► Dalitz | |
DalitzBase.h | |
DalitzGS.h | |
DalitzKMatrix.h | |
DalitzLASS.h | |
DalitzResonance.fh | |
DalitzResonance.h | |
DalitzSigma.h | |
FlatteResonance.h | |
MIPWA.h | |
PiPiI2.h | |
ScalarTo3ScalarDalitz.h | |
VectorTo3PseudoScalarDalitz.h | |
► EvtGen | |
EvtGenDecayer.h | |
EvtGenInterface.fh | |
EvtGenInterface.h | |
EvtGenRandom.h | |
► FormFactors | |
AnalyticOmnesFunction.h | |
BallZwickyScalarFormFactor.h | |
BallZwickyVectorFormFactor.h | |
BaryonFormFactor.fh | |
BaryonFormFactor.h | |
BaryonSimpleFormFactor.h | |
BaryonThreeQuarkModelFormFactor.h | |
BtoSGammaFlatEnergy.h | |
BtoSGammaHadronicMass.fh | |
BtoSGammaHadronicMass.h | |
BtoSGammaKagan.h | |
ChengHeavyBaryonFormFactor.h | |
CzyzNucleonFormFactor.h | |
ExperimentalOmnesFunction.h | |
HQETFormFactor.h | |
ISGW2FormFactor.h | |
ISGWFormFactor.h | |
KiselevBcFormFactor.h | |
KMatrix.fh | |
KMatrix.h | |
KornerKurodaFormFactor.h | |
KPiIHalfFOCUSKMatrix.h | |
KPiIThreeHalfFOCUSKMatrix.h | |
LambdabExcitedLambdacSumRuleFormFactor.h | |
LightBaryonQuarkModelFormFactor.h | |
MelikhovFormFactor.h | |
MelikhovStechFormFactor.h | |
OmnesFunction.fh | |
OmnesFunction.h | |
PiPiAnisovichKMatrix.h | |
ScalarAmplitude.fh | |
ScalarAmplitude.h | |
ScalarFormFactor.fh | |
ScalarFormFactor.h | |
SingletonFormFactor.h | |
WSBFormFactor.h | |
► General | |
FFSDecayer.h | |
FFVCurrentDecayer.h | |
FFVDecayer.h | |
FRSDecayer.h | |
FRVDecayer.h | |
FtoFFFDecayer.h | |
FtoFVVDecayer.h | |
GeneralCurrentDecayer.fh | |
GeneralCurrentDecayer.h | |
GeneralFourBodyDecayer.fh | |
GeneralFourBodyDecayer.h | |
GeneralThreeBodyDecayer.fh | |
GeneralThreeBodyDecayer.h | |
GeneralTwoBodyDecayer.fh | |
GeneralTwoBodyDecayer.h | |
SFFDecayer.h | |
SRFDecayer.h | |
SSSDecayer.h | |
SSVDecayer.h | |
StoFFFFDecayer.h | |
StoFFVDecayer.h | |
StoSFFDecayer.h | |
SVVDecayer.h | |
TFFDecayer.h | |
TSSDecayer.h | |
TVVDecayer.h | |
VectorCurrentDecayer.fh | |
VectorCurrentDecayer.h | |
VFFDecayer.h | |
VSSDecayer.h | |
VtoFFVDecayer.h | |
VVSDecayer.h | |
VVVDecayer.h | |
► HeavyMeson | |
HQETRadiativeDecayer.h | |
HQETStrongDecayer.h | |
► Partonic | |
BtoSGammaDecayer.h | |
HeavyDecayer.h | |
PartonicDecayerBase.h | |
QuarkoniumDecayer.h | |
WeakPartonicDecayer.h | |
► Perturbative | |
SMHiggsFermionsDecayer.h | |
SMHiggsGGHiggsPPDecayer.h | |
SMHiggsWWDecayer.h | |
SMTopDecayer.h | |
SMWDecayer.h | |
SMZDecayer.h | |
► Radiation | |
DecayRadiationGenerator.fh | |
DecayRadiationGenerator.h | |
FFDipole.fh | |
FFDipole.h | |
IFDipole.fh | |
IFDipole.h | |
QEDRadiationHandler.fh | |
QEDRadiationHandler.h | |
SOPHTY.h | |
YFSFormFactors.h | |
► ScalarMeson | |
EtaPiGammaGammaDecayer.h | |
EtaPiPiFermionsDecayer.h | |
EtaPiPiGammaDecayer.h | |
EtaPiPiPiDecayer.h | |
PScalar4FermionsDecayer.h | |
PScalarLeptonNeutrinoDecayer.h | |
PScalarPScalarVectorDecayer.h | |
PScalarVectorFermionsDecayer.h | |
PScalarVectorVectorDecayer.h | |
PseudoScalar2FermionsDecayer.h | |
Scalar2FermionsDecayer.h | |
ScalarMesonFactorizedDecayer.h | |
ScalarMesonTensorScalarDecayer.h | |
ScalarScalarScalarDecayer.h | |
ScalarVectorVectorDecayer.h | |
SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer.h | |
► Tau | |
TauDecayer.h | |
► TensorMeson | |
PseudoTensorMesonTensorVectorDecayer.h | |
PseudoTensorMesonVectorVectorDecayer.h | |
Spin3Meson2PScalarDecayer.h | |
Spin3MesonTensorPScalarDecayer.h | |
Spin3MesonTensorVectorDecayer.h | |
Spin3MesonVectorPScalarDecayer.h | |
Spin3MesonVectorScalarDecayer.h | |
TensorMeson2PScalarDecayer.h | |
TensorMesonSpin3VectorDecayer.h | |
TensorMesonTensorPScalarDecayer.h | |
TensorMesonTensorScalarDecayer.h | |
TensorMesonVectorPScalarDecayer.h | |
TensorMesonVectorScalarDecayer.h | |
TensorMesonVectorVectorDecayer.h | |
► VectorMeson | |
a1SimpleDecayer.h | |
a1ThreePionCLEODecayer.h | |
a1ThreePionDecayer.h | |
f1FourPiDecayer.h | |
f1RhoPiPiDecayer.h | |
OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer.h | |
PseudoVectorMesonVectorVectorDecayer.h | |
VectorMeson2FermionDecayer.h | |
VectorMeson2MesonDecayer.h | |
VectorMeson2SpinHalfBaryonsDecayer.h | |
VectorMeson2SpinThreeHalfBaryonsDecayer.h | |
VectorMesonPScalarFermionsDecayer.h | |
VectorMesonTensorVectorDecayer.h | |
VectorMesonVectorPScalarDecayer.h | |
VectorMesonVectorScalarDecayer.h | |
VectorMesonVectorVectorDecayer.h | |
► WeakCurrents | |
EtaOmegaCurrent.h | |
EtaPhiCurrent.h | |
EtaPhotonCurrent.h | |
EtaPiPiCurrent.h | |
EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent.h | |
EtaPrimePiPiCurrent.h | |
FivePionCurrent.h | |
FourPionCzyzCurrent.h | |
FourPionNovosibirskCurrent.h | |
KKPiCurrent.h | |
KPiCurrent.h | |
KPiKStarCurrent.h | |
LeptonNeutrinoCurrent.fh | |
LeptonNeutrinoCurrent.h | |
OmegaPionSNDCurrent.h | |
OmegaPiPiCurrent.h | |
OneKaonTwoPionCurrent.h | |
OneKaonTwoPionDefaultCurrent.h | |
PhiPiCurrent.h | |
PionPhotonCurrent.h | |
ScalarMesonCurrent.h | |
ThreeMesonCurrentBase.h | |
ThreePionCLEOCurrent.h | |
ThreePionCzyzCurrent.h | |
ThreePionDefaultCurrent.h | |
TwoKaonCzyzCurrent.h | |
TwoKaonOnePionCurrent.h | |
TwoKaonOnePionDefaultCurrent.h | |
TwoPionCzyzCurrent.h | |
TwoPionPhotonCurrent.h | |
TwoPionPhotonSNDCurrent.h | |
TwoPionRhoCurrent.h | |
VectorMesonCurrent.h | |
WeakBaryonCurrent.h | |
WeakCurrent.fh | |
WeakCurrent.h | |
BranchingRatioReweighter.h | |
DecayIntegrator.fh | |
DecayIntegrator.h | |
DecayMatrixElement.fh | |
DecayMatrixElement.h | |
DecayVertex.fh | |
DecayVertex.h | |
GeneralDecayMatrixElement.fh | |
GeneralDecayMatrixElement.h | |
Hw64Decayer.h | |
HwDecayerBase.fh | |
HwDecayerBase.h | |
HwDecayHandler.h | |
IsoSpin.h | |
MamboDecayer.h | |
PerturbativeDecayer.h | |
PhaseSpaceChannel.h | |
PhaseSpaceMode.fh | |
PhaseSpaceMode.h | |
ResonanceHelpers.h | |
TwoBodyDecayMatrixElement.h | |
► Hadronization | |
CheckId.h | |
CluHadConfig.h | |
Cluster.fh | |
Cluster.h | |
ClusterDecayer.fh | |
ClusterDecayer.h | |
ClusterFinder.fh | |
ClusterFinder.h | |
ClusterFissioner.fh | |
ClusterFissioner.h | |
ClusterHadronizationHandler.fh | |
ClusterHadronizationHandler.h | |
ColourReconnector.fh | |
ColourReconnector.h | |
GluonMassGenerator.h | |
HadronInfo.h | |
HadronSelector.fh | |
HadronSelector.h | |
Hw64Selector.h | |
Hw7Selector.h | |
HwppSelector.h | |
Kupco.h | |
LightClusterDecayer.fh | |
LightClusterDecayer.h | |
PartonSplitter.fh | |
PartonSplitter.h | |
SpinHadronizer.h | |
► Looptools | |
► include | |
cexternals.h | |
clooptools.h | |
defs.h | |
externals.h | |
ff.h | |
fferr.h | |
ffperm5.h | |
ffwarn.h | |
ftypes.h | |
looptools-alt.h | |
looptools.h | |
lt.h | |
ltnames.h | |
perm.h | |
Looptools/include/types.h | |
► util | |
solve-LU.h | |
► MatrixElement | |
► DIS | |
DISBase.h | |
MEChargedCurrentDIS.h | |
MENeutralCurrentDIS.h | |
► FxFx | |
FxFx.h | |
FxFxEventHandler.fh | |
FxFxEventHandler.h | |
FxFxFileReader.fh | |
FxFxFileReader.h | |
FxFxHandler.h | |
FxFxReader.fh | |
FxFxReader.h | |
► Gamma | |
MEGammaGamma2ff.h | |
MEGammaGamma2PiPi.h | |
MEGammaGamma2WW.h | |
MEGammaP2Jets.h | |
► General | |
GeneralfftoffH.fh | |
GeneralfftoffH.h | |
GeneralfftoVH.fh | |
GeneralfftoVH.h | |
GeneralHardME.fh | |
GeneralHardME.h | |
GeneralQQHiggs.fh | |
GeneralQQHiggs.h | |
MEff2ff.h | |
MEff2rf.h | |
MEff2ss.h | |
MEff2ts.h | |
MEff2tv.h | |
MEff2vs.h | |
MEff2vv.h | |
MEfv2fs.h | |
MEfv2rs.h | |
MEfv2rv.h | |
MEfv2tf.h | |
MEfv2vf.h | |
MEvv2ff.h | |
MEvv2rf.h | |
MEvv2ss.h | |
MEvv2tv.h | |
MEvv2vs.h | |
MEvv2vv.h | |
► Hadron | |
MEDiffraction.h | |
MEPP2GammaGamma.h | |
MEPP2GammaJet.h | |
MEPP2Higgs.h | |
MEPP2HiggsJet.h | |
MEPP2HiggsVBF.h | |
MEPP2QQ.h | |
MEPP2QQHiggs.h | |
MEPP2SingleTop.h | |
MEPP2VGamma.h | |
MEPP2VV.h | |
MEPP2WH.h | |
MEPP2WJet.h | |
MEPP2ZH.h | |
MEPP2ZJet.h | |
MEQCD2to2.h | |
MEQCD2to2Fast.h | |
MEqq2gZ2ff.h | |
MEqq2W2ff.h | |
► Lepton | |
MEee2ff.h | |
MEee2gZ2ll.h | |
MEee2gZ2qq.h | |
MEee2Higgs2SM.h | |
MEee2HiggsVBF.h | |
MEee2Mesons.h | |
MEee2VectorMeson.h | |
MEee2VV.h | |
MEee2ZH.h | |
► Matchbox | |
► Base | |
DipoleRepository.h | |
MatchboxAmplitude.h | |
MatchboxHybridAmplitude.h | |
MatchboxMEBase.fh | |
MatchboxMEBase.h | |
MatchboxOLPME.h | |
MatchboxReweightBase.h | |
MergerBase.h | |
SubtractedME.h | |
► Builtin | |
► Amplitudes | |
HelAmps_sm.h | |
MatchboxAmplitudeggttbar.h | |
MatchboxAmplitudeggttbarg.h | |
MatchboxAmplitudehbbbar.h | |
MatchboxAmplitudehbbbarg.h | |
MatchboxAmplitudehgg.h | |
MatchboxAmplitudehggg.h | |
MatchboxAmplitudehqqbarg.h | |
MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbar.h | |
MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbarg.h | |
MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbargg.h | |
MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbarqqbar.h | |
MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbar.h | |
MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbarg.h | |
MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbargg.h | |
MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbarqqbar.h | |
MatchboxAmplitudeqqbarttbar.h | |
MatchboxAmplitudeqqbarttbarg.h | |
MatchboxCurrents.h | |
MatchboxZGammaAmplitude.h | |
MG_gg2ttx.h | |
MG_gg2ttxg.h | |
MG_process.h | |
MG_qqx2ttx.h | |
MG_qqx2ttxg.h | |
Parameters_sm.h | |
► ColorFull | |
Col_amp.h | |
Col_basis.h | |
Col_functions.h | |
Col_str.h | |
Monomial.h | |
Orthogonal_basis.h | |
parameters.h | |
Poly_matr.h | |
Poly_vec.h | |
Polynomial.h | |
Quark_line.h | |
Trace_basis.h | |
Trace_type_basis.h | |
TraceBasis.h | |
Tree_level_gluon_basis.h | |
MatrixElement/Matchbox/ColorFull/types.h | |
► Cuts | |
FrixionePhotonSeparationCut.h | |
IdentifiedParticleCut.h | |
InvariantMassCut.h | |
MatchboxDeltaRCut.h | |
MissingPtCut.h | |
PairPtCut.h | |
PairRapidityCut.h | |
► CVolver | |
ColourFlowBasis.h | |
ColourFlows.h | |
► Dipoles | |
FFggxDipole.h | |
FFMggxDipole.h | |
FFMqgxDipole.h | |
FFMqqxDipole.h | |
FFMsqgxDipole.h | |
FFqgxDipole.h | |
FFqqxDipole.h | |
FIggxDipole.h | |
FIMqgxDipole.h | |
FIMqqxDipole.h | |
FIMsqgxDipole.h | |
FIqgxDipole.h | |
FIqqxDipole.h | |
IFggxDipole.h | |
IFgqxDipole.h | |
IFMggxDipole.h | |
IFMgqxDipole.h | |
IFMqgxDipole.h | |
IFMqqxDipole.h | |
IFqgxDipole.h | |
IFqqxDipole.h | |
IIggxDipole.h | |
IIgqxDipole.h | |
IIqgxDipole.h | |
IIqqxDipole.h | |
SubtractionDipole.fh | |
SubtractionDipole.h | |
► External | |
► BLHAGeneric | |
GenericOLPAmplitude.h | |
► GoSam | |
GoSamAmplitude.h | |
► MadGraph | |
MadGraphAmplitude.h | |
► NJet | |
NJetsAmplitude.h | |
► OpenLoops | |
OpenLoopsAmplitude.h | |
► VBFNLO | |
VBFNLOAmplitude.h | |
VBFNLOPhasespace.h | |
► InsertionOperators | |
DipoleIOperator.h | |
DipoleMIOperator.h | |
DipoleMPKOperator.h | |
DipolePKOperator.h | |
MatchboxInsertionOperator.fh | |
MatchboxInsertionOperator.h | |
► Matching | |
DipoleMatching.h | |
HardScaleProfile.h | |
MEMatching.h | |
QTildeMatching.h | |
ShowerApproximation.h | |
ShowerApproximationGenerator.h | |
ShowerApproximationKernel.h | |
► Phasespace | |
FFLightInvertedTildeKinematics.h | |
FFLightTildeKinematics.h | |
FFMassiveInvertedTildeKinematics.h | |
FFMassiveTildeKinematics.h | |
FILightInvertedTildeKinematics.h | |
FILightTildeKinematics.h | |
FIMassiveInvertedTildeKinematics.h | |
FIMassiveTildeKinematics.h | |
FlatInvertibleLabframePhasespace.h | |
FlatInvertiblePhasespace.h | |
IFLightInvertedTildeKinematics.h | |
IFLightTildeKinematics.h | |
IFMassiveInvertedTildeKinematics.h | |
IFMassiveTildeKinematics.h | |
IILightInvertedTildeKinematics.h | |
IILightTildeKinematics.h | |
InvertedTildeKinematics.fh | |
InvertedTildeKinematics.h | |
MatchboxPhasespace.h | |
MatchboxRambo.h | |
MatchboxReference.h | |
PhasespaceCouplings.h | |
PhasespaceHelpers.h | |
RandomHelpers.h | |
TildeKinematics.fh | |
TildeKinematics.h | |
TreePhasespace.h | |
TreePhasespaceChannels.h | |
► Scales | |
MatchboxHtScale.h | |
MatchboxLeptonMassScale.h | |
MatchboxLeptonPtScale.h | |
MatchboxParticlePtScale.h | |
MatchboxPtScale.h | |
MatchboxSHatScale.h | |
MatchboxTopIndividualMTScale.h | |
MatchboxTopLinearSumMTScale.h | |
MatchboxTopMassScale.h | |
MatchboxTopMinMTScale.h | |
MatchboxTopMTScale.h | |
MatchboxTopSumMTScale.h | |
MatchboxTriVecScales.h | |
► Tests | |
HardProcessAnalysis.h | |
WeightAnalyzer.h | |
► Utility | |
AmplitudeCache.h | |
ColourBasis.h | |
DensityOperator.h | |
DiagramDrawer.h | |
LastMatchboxXCombInfo.h | |
MatchboxFactoryMatcher.h | |
MatchboxScaleChoice.h | |
MatchboxXComb.h | |
MatchboxXCombData.h | |
MatchboxXCombGroup.h | |
ProcessData.fh | |
ProcessData.h | |
SimpleColourBasis.h | |
SimpleColourBasis2.h | |
SpinCorrelationTensor.h | |
SpinorHelicity.h | |
SU2Helper.h | |
Tree2toNGenerator.h | |
MatchboxFactory.fh | |
MatchboxFactory.h | |
► Powheg | |
MEee2gZ2llPowheg.h | |
MEee2gZ2qqPowheg.h | |
MEPP2GammaGammaPowheg.h | |
MEPP2HiggsPowheg.h | |
MEPP2HiggsVBFPowheg.h | |
MEPP2VVPowheg.h | |
MEPP2WHPowheg.h | |
MEPP2ZHPowheg.h | |
MEqq2gZ2ffPowheg.h | |
MEqq2W2ffPowheg.h | |
VVKinematics.h | |
► Reweighters | |
ReweightEW.h | |
BlobME.h | |
DrellYanBase.h | |
HardVertex.fh | |
HardVertex.h | |
HwMEBase.fh | |
HwMEBase.h | |
MEfftoffH.h | |
MEfftoVH.h | |
MEMinBias.h | |
MEMultiChannel.h | |
ProductionMatrixElement.h | |
► Models | |
► ADD | |
ADDModel.fh | |
ADDModel.h | |
ADDModelFFGGRVertex.h | |
ADDModelFFGRVertex.h | |
ADDModelFFWGRVertex.h | |
ADDModelGGGGRVertex.h | |
ADDModelSSGRVertex.h | |
ADDModelVVGRVertex.h | |
ADDModelWWWGRVertex.h | |
GravitonMassGenerator.h | |
► DarkMatter | |
DMDMMediatorVertex.h | |
DMMediatorQuarksVertex.h | |
DMModel.fh | |
DMModel.h | |
MEDM2Mesons.h | |
► General | |
BSMModel.h | |
BSMWidthGenerator.fh | |
BSMWidthGenerator.h | |
DecayConstructor.fh | |
DecayConstructor.h | |
FourBodyDecayConstructor.h | |
GenericHGGVertex.h | |
GenericHPPVertex.h | |
HardProcessConstructor.fh | |
HardProcessConstructor.h | |
HiggsVBFProcessConstructor.h | |
HiggsVectorBosonProcessConstructor.h | |
HPDiagram.h | |
ModelGenerator.fh | |
ModelGenerator.h | |
NBodyDecayConstructorBase.fh | |
NBodyDecayConstructorBase.h | |
PrototypeVertex.h | |
QQHiggsProcessConstructor.h | |
ResonantProcessConstructor.fh | |
ResonantProcessConstructor.h | |
TBDiagram.h | |
ThreeBodyDecayConstructor.h | |
TwoBodyDecay.h | |
TwoBodyDecayConstructor.h | |
TwoToTwoProcessConstructor.fh | |
TwoToTwoProcessConstructor.h | |
VectorCurrentDecayConstructor.h | |
VVSLoopVertex.fh | |
VVSLoopVertex.h | |
WeakCurrentDecayConstructor.h | |
► Leptoquarks | |
LeptoquarkModel.fh | |
LeptoquarkModel.h | |
LeptoquarkModelSLQFFVertex.h | |
LeptoquarkModelSLQSLQGGVertex.h | |
LeptoquarkModelSLQSLQGVertex.h | |
► LH | |
LHFFGVertex.h | |
LHFFHVertex.h | |
LHFFPVertex.h | |
LHFFWVertex.h | |
LHFFZVertex.h | |
LHModel.fh | |
LHModel.h | |
LHWHHVertex.h | |
LHWWHHVertex.h | |
LHWWHVertex.h | |
LHWWWVertex.h | |
LHWWWWVertex.h | |
► LHTP | |
LHTPFFGVertex.h | |
LHTPFFHVertex.h | |
LHTPFFPVertex.h | |
LHTPFFWVertex.h | |
LHTPFFZVertex.h | |
LHTPHHHVertex.h | |
LHTPModel.fh | |
LHTPModel.h | |
LHTPWHHVertex.h | |
LHTPWWHVertex.h | |
LHTPWWWVertex.h | |
► RSModel | |
RSModel.fh | |
RSModel.h | |
RSModelFFGGRVertex.h | |
RSModelFFGRVertex.h | |
RSModelFFWGRVertex.h | |
RSModelGGGGRVertex.h | |
RSModelSSGRVertex.h | |
RSModelVVGRVertex.h | |
RSModelWWWGRVertex.h | |
► Sextet | |
SextetFFSVertex.h | |
SextetFFVVertex.h | |
SextetGGSSVertex.h | |
SextetGGVVVertex.h | |
SextetGSSVertex.h | |
SextetGVVVertex.h | |
SextetModel.fh | |
SextetModel.h | |
SextetParticles.h | |
SextetPSSVertex.h | |
SextetPVVVertex.h | |
► StandardModel | |
AlphaEM.h | |
GenericSVVVertex.h | |
GenericVVVVertex.h | |
O2AlphaS.h | |
RunningMass.h | |
RunningMassBase.h | |
SMFFGVertex.h | |
SMFFHVertex.h | |
SMFFPVertex.h | |
SMFFWVertex.h | |
SMFFZVertex.h | |
SMGGGGVertex.h | |
SMGGGVertex.h | |
SMHGGVertex.h | |
SMHHHVertex.h | |
SMHPPVertex.h | |
SMHZPVertex.h | |
SMWWHHVertex.h | |
SMWWHVertex.h | |
SMWWWVertex.h | |
SMWWWWVertex.h | |
StandardCKM.h | |
StandardModel.fh | |
StandardModel.h | |
► Susy | |
► NMSSM | |
NMSSM.fh | |
NMSSM.h | |
NMSSMFFHVertex.h | |
NMSSMGGHVertex.h | |
NMSSMGOGOHVertex.h | |
NMSSMHHHVertex.h | |
NMSSMHSFSFVertex.h | |
NMSSMPPHVertex.h | |
NMSSMWHHVertex.h | |
NMSSMWWHHVertex.h | |
NMSSMWWHVertex.h | |
► RPV | |
RPV.fh | |
RPV.h | |
RPVFFSVertex.h | |
RPVFFWVertex.h | |
RPVFFZVertex.h | |
RPVhelper.h | |
RPVLLEVertex.h | |
RPVLQDVertex.h | |
RPVSSSVertex.h | |
RPVUDDVertex.h | |
RPVWSSVertex.h | |
RPVWWHVertex.h | |
MixingMatrix.fh | |
MixingMatrix.h | |
MSSM.fh | |
MSSM.h | |
SSCCZVertex.h | |
SSCFSVertex.h | |
SSCNWVertex.h | |
SSFFHVertex.h | |
SSGFSVertex.h | |
SSGGSQSQVertex.h | |
SSGNGVertex.h | |
SSGOGOHVertex.h | |
SSGSGSGVertex.h | |
SSGSSVertex.h | |
SSGVFSVertex.h | |
SSGVNHVertex.h | |
SSGVNVVertex.h | |
SSHGGVertex.h | |
SSHHHVertex.h | |
SSHPPVertex.h | |
SSHSFSFVertex.h | |
SSNCTVertex.h | |
SSNFSVertex.h | |
SSNNPVertex.h | |
SSNNZVertex.h | |
SSWGSSVertex.h | |
SSWHHVertex.h | |
SSWSSVertex.h | |
SSWWHHVertex.h | |
SSWWHVertex.h | |
SSWWSSVertex.h | |
SusyBase.fh | |
SusyBase.h | |
► Transplanckian | |
METRP2to2.h | |
► TTbAsymm | |
TTbAModel.fh | |
TTbAModel.h | |
TTbAModelAGQQVertex.h | |
TTbAModelSU2XVertex.h | |
TTbAModelWPTDVertex.h | |
TTbAModelZPQQVertex.h | |
► UED | |
UEDBase.fh | |
UEDBase.h | |
UEDF1F0G1Vertex.h | |
UEDF1F0H1Vertex.h | |
UEDF1F0W1Vertex.h | |
UEDF1F1G0Vertex.h | |
UEDF1F1P0Vertex.h | |
UEDF1F1W0Vertex.h | |
UEDF1F1Z0Vertex.h | |
UEDG0G0G1G1Vertex.h | |
UEDG1G1G0Vertex.h | |
UEDP0H1H1Vertex.h | |
UEDW0A1H1Vertex.h | |
UEDW0W1W1Vertex.h | |
UEDZ0A1h1Vertex.h | |
UEDZ0H1H1Vertex.h | |
► Zprime | |
ZprimeModel.fh | |
ZprimeModel.h | |
ZprimeModelZPQQVertex.h | |
HwRemDecayer.fh | |
HwRemDecayer.h | |
IncomingPhotonEvolver.h | |
MinBiasPDF.fh | |
MinBiasPDF.h | |
MPIPDF.fh | |
MPIPDF.h | |
MultiPartonExtractor.h | |
PomeronFlux.h | |
PomeronPDF.h | |
ReggeonPDF.h | |
SaSPhotonPDF.h | |
SatPDF.h | |
► PDT | |
BaryonWidthGenerator.fh | |
BaryonWidthGenerator.h | |
GenericMassGenerator.fh | |
GenericMassGenerator.h | |
GenericWidthGenerator.fh | |
GenericWidthGenerator.h | |
HeavyMesonWidthGenerator.fh | |
HeavyMesonWidthGenerator.h | |
OneOffShellCalculator.fh | |
OneOffShellCalculator.h | |
ScalarMassGenerator.fh | |
ScalarMassGenerator.h | |
SMHiggsMassGenerator.h | |
SMHiggsWidthGenerator.h | |
StandardMatchers.h | |
ThreeBodyAllOn1IntegralCalculator.h | |
ThreeBodyAllOnCalculator.h | |
TwoBodyAllOnCalculator.fh | |
TwoBodyAllOnCalculator.h | |
TwoOffShellCalculator.fh | |
TwoOffShellCalculator.h | |
WidthCalculatorBase.fh | |
WidthCalculatorBase.h | |
► Sampling | |
► CellGrids | |
CellGrid.h | |
CellGridSampler.h | |
SimpleCellGrid.h | |
► exsample | |
adaption_info.h | |
binary_tree.h | |
cell.h | |
Sampling/exsample/config.h | |
exponential_generator.h | |
generator.h | |
linear_interpolator.h | |
selectors.h | |
statistics.h | |
utility.h | |
BinSampler.h | |
GeneralSampler.h | |
GeneralStatistics.h | |
MonacoSampler.h | |
MultiIterationStatistics.h | |
Remapper.h | |
► Shower | |
► Base | |
Base/ShowerBasis.fh | |
Base/ShowerBasis.h | |
► Dipole | |
► AlphaS | |
alpha_s.h | |
gsl.h | |
lo_alpha_s.h | |
nlo_alpha_s.h | |
► Base | |
Dipole.h | |
DipoleChain.fh | |
DipoleChain.h | |
DipoleChainOrdering.h | |
DipoleEventRecord.h | |
DipoleEventReweight.h | |
DipoleEvolutionOrdering.h | |
DipoleSplittingGenerator.h | |
DipoleSplittingInfo.h | |
DipoleSplittingReweight.h | |
► Kernels | |
ColourMatrixElementCorrection.h | |
DipoleSplittingKernel.h | |
FFgx2ggxDipoleKernel.h | |
FFgx2qqxDipoleKernel.h | |
FFMgx2ggxDipoleKernel.h | |
FFMgx2qqxDipoleKernel.h | |
FFMqx2qgxDipoleKernel.h | |
FFqx2qgxDipoleKernel.h | |
FIgx2ggxDipoleKernel.h | |
FIgx2qqxDipoleKernel.h | |
FIMDecaygx2ggxDipoleKernel.h | |
FIMDecaygx2qqxDipoleKernel.h | |
FIMDecayqx2qgxDipoleKernel.h | |
FIMgx2qqxDipoleKernel.h | |
FIMqx2qgxDipoleKernel.h | |
FIqx2qgxDipoleKernel.h | |
IFgx2ggxDipoleKernel.h | |
IFgx2qqxDipoleKernel.h | |
IFMgx2ggxDipoleKernel.h | |
IFMgx2qqxDipoleKernel.h | |
IFMqx2gqxDipoleKernel.h | |
IFMqx2qgxDipoleKernel.h | |
IFqx2gqxDipoleKernel.h | |
IFqx2qgxDipoleKernel.h | |
IIgx2ggxDipoleKernel.h | |
IIgx2qqxDipoleKernel.h | |
IIqx2gqxDipoleKernel.h | |
IIqx2qgxDipoleKernel.h | |
► Kinematics | |
DipoleSplittingKinematics.h | |
FFLightKinematics.h | |
FFMassiveKinematics.h | |
FILightKinematics.h | |
FIMassiveDecayKinematics.h | |
FIMassiveKinematics.h | |
IFLightKinematics.h | |
IFMassiveDecayKinematics.h | |
IFMassiveKinematics.h | |
IILightKinematics.h | |
► KrkNLO | |
KrknloEventReweight.h | |
► Merging | |
Merger.h | |
MergingFactory.fh | |
MergingFactory.h | |
MergingReweight.h | |
Node.fh | |
Node.h | |
► SpinCorrelations | |
DipoleShowerParticle.fh | |
DipoleShowerParticle.h | |
DipoleShowerVertex.fh | |
DipoleShowerVertex.h | |
DipoleVertexRecord.h | |
► Utility | |
ConstituentReshuffler.h | |
DipoleMCCheck.h | |
DipolePartonSplitter.h | |
IntrinsicPtGenerator.h | |
PDFRatio.h | |
DipoleShowerHandler.fh | |
DipoleShowerHandler.h | |
► QTilde | |
► Base | |
Branching.h | |
FullShowerVeto.fh | |
FullShowerVeto.h | |
HardBranching.fh | |
HardBranching.h | |
HardTree.fh | |
HardTree.h | |
PartnerFinder.fh | |
PartnerFinder.h | |
ShowerParticle.fh | |
ShowerParticle.h | |
ShowerProgenitor.fh | |
ShowerProgenitor.h | |
ShowerTree.fh | |
ShowerTree.h | |
ShowerVertex.fh | |
ShowerVertex.h | |
ShowerVeto.fh | |
ShowerVeto.h | |
► Couplings | |
ShowerAlphaQCD.h | |
ShowerAlphaQED.h | |
► Kinematics | |
Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h | |
FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h | |
IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h | |
KinematicHelpers.h | |
KinematicsReconstructor.fh | |
KinematicsReconstructor.h | |
QTilde/Kinematics/ShowerBasis.fh | |
QTilde/Kinematics/ShowerBasis.h | |
ShowerKinematics.fh | |
ShowerKinematics.h | |
► Matching | |
CKKWTree.fh | |
CKKWTree.h | |
MatchingHandler.h | |
PotentialTree.h | |
PowhegHandler.h | |
PowhegShowerHandler.h | |
ProtoBranching.h | |
ProtoTree.h | |
► SplittingFunctions | |
CMWHalfHalfOneSplitFn.h | |
CMWOneOneOneSplitFn.h | |
HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn.h | |
HalfHalfOneSplitFn.h | |
HalfHalfZeroEWSplitFn.h | |
HalfOneHalfSplitFn.h | |
MassCutOff.h | |
OneHalfHalfSplitFn.h | |
OneOneOneEWSplitFn.h | |
OneOneOneMassiveSplitFn.h | |
OneOneOneQEDSplitFn.h | |
OneOneOneSplitFn.h | |
OneOneZeroEWSplitFn.h | |
PTCutOff.h | |
SplittingFunction.fh | |
SplittingFunction.h | |
SplittingGenerator.fh | |
SplittingGenerator.h | |
SudakovCutOff.fh | |
SudakovCutOff.h | |
SudakovFormFactor.fh | |
SudakovFormFactor.h | |
VariableMassCutOff.h | |
ZeroZeroOneSplitFn.h | |
QTildeShowerHandler.fh | |
QTildeShowerHandler.h | |
ShowerConfig.h | |
PerturbativeProcess.fh | |
PerturbativeProcess.h | |
RealEmissionProcess.fh | |
RealEmissionProcess.h | |
ShowerAlpha.fh | |
ShowerAlpha.h | |
ShowerEventRecord.h | |
ShowerHandler.fh | |
ShowerHandler.h | |
ShowerInteraction.h | |
ShowerVariation.h | |
UEBase.fh | |
UEBase.h | |
► src | |
HerwigCLI.h | |
herwigopts.h | The header file for the command line option parser generated by GNU Gengetopt version 2.23 http://www.gnu.org/software/gengetopt |
► Tests | |
► DIS | |
DISTest.h | |
► Gamma | |
GammaMETest.h | |
GammaPMETest.h | |
► Hadron | |
HadronVBFTest.h | |
HadronVVTest.h | |
HTest.h | |
QQHTest.h | |
VGammaTest.h | |
Hadron/VHTest.h | |
VTest.h | |
WHTest.h | |
WJetTest.h | |
ZHTest.h | |
ZJetTest.h | |
► Lepton | |
FermionTest.h | |
TopDecay.h | |
VBFTest.h | |
Lepton/VHTest.h | |
VVTest.h | |
► UnderlyingEvent | |
MPIHandler.fh | |
MPIHandler.h | |
MPISampler.fh | |
MPISampler.h | |
MPIXSecReweighter.h | |
ProcessHandler.fh | |
ProcessHandler.h | |
stat.h | |
► Utilities | |
► Statistics | |
Bin.h | |
Counter.h | |
CrossSections.h | |
Distribution.h | |
EventContribution.h | |
Statistics/Histogram.h | |
Run.h | |
► tests | |
utilitiesTestMaths.h | |
utilitiesTestsGlobalFixture.h | |
utilitiesTestsKinematics.h | |
utilitiesTestsStatistic.h | |
► XML | |
Element.h | |
ElementIO.h | |
AlphaS.h | |
EnumParticles.h | |
expm-1.h | |
GaussianIntegrator.h | |
GSLBisection.h | |
GSLHelper.h | |
GSLIntegrator.h | |
HerwigStrategy.h | |
HiggsLoopFunctions.h | |
Histogram.fh | |
Histogram.h | |
Interpolator.h | |
Kinematics.h | |
Maths.h | |
Progress.h | |
Reshuffler.h | |
StandardSelectors.h | |
Statistic.h | |
AllInterfaces.h | |
refman.h |