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Herwig 7.3.0
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::IncomingPhotonEvolver class.
Brief class description:
The IncomingPhotonEvolver class performs the backward evolution of a photon extracted from a hadron to a quark or antiquark so that the event can be showered.
See also Herwig::IncomingPhotonEvolver

Name: VirtualityTries
Type: Integer parameter

Maximum number of attempts to generate the virtuality
Default value: 5
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 100

Name: VetoTries
Type: Integer parameter

Maximum number of attempts in the veto alogrithm loop
Default value: 5000
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 100000

Name: MinimumVirtuality
Type: Parameter

The minimum virtuality of the photon
Default value: 1e-05
Minimum value: 1e-06
Maximum value: 1

Name: PDFPower
Type: Parameter

The power for the overestimate of the branching probability
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 0.01
Maximum value: 10

Name: PDFMax
Type: Parameter

The maximum value for the overestimate of the branching probability
Default value: 50
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 1000

Name: PDF
Type: Reference to objects of class ThePEG::PDFBase

PDF set to use. Overrides the one that is associated with the beam particle.

Name: minpT
Type: Parameter

The minimum pT scale to start the evolution
Default value: 2
Minimum value: 10
Maximum value: 0.5

There may be interfaces inherited from the ThePEG::StepHandler class.