Whether or not to include the nucleon (i.e. proton and neutron) modes or not. Often omit these as other currents do a better job. Registered options:
Don't include neutron and proton modes
Include proton and neutron modes
Default value: 1
Name: alphaPrime Type: Parameter
The regge slope Default value: 1 Minimum value: 0.5 Maximum value: 1.5
Name: mPhi Type: Parameter
Mass of the phi meson for the form factor Default value: 1.01946 Minimum value: 0.9 Maximum value: 1.5
Name: mOmega Type: Parameter
Mass of the omega meson for the form factor Default value: 0.78265 Minimum value: 0.6 Maximum value: 1
Name: mRho Type: Parameter
Mass of the rho meson for the form factor Default value: 0.77526 Minimum value: 0.6 Maximum value: 1
There may be interfaces inherited from the Herwig::BaryonFormFactor class.
Generated on Thu Jun 20 2024 17:50:54 for Herwig by 1.9.6