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Herwig 7.3.0
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::MEee2VectorMeson class.
Brief class description:
The MEee2VectorMeson class implements the production of a vector meson in e+e- collisions and is primilarly intended to test the hadron decay package
See also Herwig::MEee2VectorMeson

Name: Coupling
Type: Parameter

The leptonic coupling of the vector meson
Default value: 0
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 100

Name: VectorMeson
Type: Reference to objects of class ThePEG::ParticleData

The vector meson produced

Name: LineShape
Type: Switch

Option for the vector meson lineshape
Registered options:
Use a Breit-Wigner with the naive running width
Use the mass generator if available
Default value: 0

There may be interfaces inherited from the ThePEG::MEBase class.