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Herwig  7.2.1
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::MatchboxDeltaRCut class.
Brief class description:
This class implements cuts on legoplot, rapidity and azimuthal separation, i.e. on the $\Delta R$-measure and on $\Delta Y$ and $\Delta \phi$. By default the cuts are only applied to coloured particles, but may optionally be applied to all particle types.
See also Herwig::MatchboxDeltaRCut

Name: SecondMatcher
Type: Reference to objects of class ThePEG::MatcherBase

Matcher for second particle of type pjtype in the pair (pitype,pjtype). If non-null only particles matching this object will be affected by the cut.

Name: FirstMatcher
Type: Reference to objects of class ThePEG::MatcherBase

Matcher for first particle of type pitype in the pair (pitype,pjtype). If non-null only particles matching this object will be affected by the cut.

Name: DeltaYMax
Type: Parameter

The maximum allowed for the rapidity separation $\Delta Y_{ij}$
Default value: 100
Minimum value: 0

Name: DeltaYMin
Type: Parameter

The minimum allowed for the rapidity separation $\Delta Y_{ij}$
Default value: 0
Minimum value: 0

Name: DeltaPhiMax
Type: Parameter

The maximum allowed for the azimuthal separation $\Delta \phi_{ij}$
Default value: 6.28319
Minimum value: 0

Name: DeltaPhiMin
Type: Parameter

The minimum allowed for the azimuthal separation $\Delta \phi_{ij}$
Default value: 0
Minimum value: 0

Name: DeltaRMax
Type: Parameter

The maximum allowed for the legoplot distance $\Delta R_{ij}=\sqrt{\Delta \phi_{ij}^2+\Delta Y_{ij}^2}$
Default value: 100
Minimum value: 0

Name: DeltaRMin
Type: Parameter

The minimum allowed for the legoplot distance $\Delta R_{ij}=\sqrt{\Delta \phi_{ij}^2+\Delta Y_{ij}^2}$
Default value: 0
Minimum value: 0

There may be interfaces inherited from the ThePEG::TwoCutBase class.