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Herwig  7.2.1
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::MatchboxTriVecScales class.
Brief class description:
MatchboxTriVecScales implements scale choices related to transverse momenta and transverse energies forevents with up to three vector bosons in the final state plus additional jets, where the vector bosonsare associated to lepton pairs of distinct families.
See also Herwig::MatchboxTriVecScales

Name: TriVecScaleChoice
Type: Switch

The scale choice to use.
Registered options:
Sum of the transverse energies of the lepton pairs and the transverse momenta of the jets.
Sum of the transverse energies of the lepton pairs and the transverse momenta of the jets.Each transverse jet momentum is thereby suppressed by an exponential of the rapidity difference to the average rapidity of the two hardest jets.This scale choice is defined only for two or more jets in the event.
Sum of the transverse energies of the lepton pairs.
Default value: 1

Name: JetFinder
Type: Reference to objects of class ThePEG::JetFinder

A reference to the jet finder.

There may be interfaces inherited from the Herwig::MatchboxScaleChoice class.