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Herwig 7.3.0
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::QEDRadiationHandler class.
Brief class description:
The QEDRadiationHandler class is designed to be used as a PostSubProcessHandlerso that the same approach as for radiation in decays can be used for resonancesproduced as part of the hard process
See also Herwig::QEDRadiationHandler

Name: DecayProducts
Type: Varying size vector of unlimitedinteger parameters

List of PDG codes of the particles which should be present as decay products for the radiation to be generated.
Default value: 11

Name: DecayingParticles
Type: Varying size vector of unlimitedinteger parameters

List of PDF codes of the particles which should have radiation generated for them.
Default value: 24

Name: RadiationGenerator
Type: Reference to objects of class Herwig::DecayRadiationGenerator

Reference to the DecayRadiationGenerator

There may be interfaces inherited from the ThePEG::StepHandler class.