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Herwig 7.3.0
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::QTildeMatching class.
Brief class description:
QTildeMatching implements NLO matching with the default shower.
See also Herwig::QTildeMatching

Name: CorrectForXZMismatch
Type: Switch

Correct for x/z mismatch near hard phase space boundary.
Registered options:
Do not include the correction factor.
Include the correction factor.
Default value: 1

Name: ShowerHandler
Type: Reference to objects of class Herwig::ShowerHandler

The QTilde shower handler to use.

Name: QTildeSudakov
Type: Reference to objects of class Herwig::SudakovFormFactor

Set the partner finder to calculate hard scales.

Name: QTildeFinder
Type: Reference to objects of class Herwig::PartnerFinder

Set the partner finder to calculate hard scales.

There may be interfaces inherited from the Herwig::ShowerApproximation class.