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Herwig 7.3.0
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::SMHPPVertex class.
Brief class description:
This class implements the h0->gamma,gamma vertex.
See also Herwig::SMHPPVertex

Name: CoefficientScheme
Type: Switch

Which scheme for the tensor coefficients is applied
Registered options:
Represection suitable for the simplified the H-g-g and H-gamma-gamma vertices
Represection suitable for the Passarino-Veltman tensor reduction scheme
Default value: 1

Name: LoopMassScheme
Type: Switch

Switch for the treatment of the masses in the loops
Registered options:
The loop is calculcated with the pole quark masses
running quark masses are taken in the loop
Default value: 2

Name: MaxQuarkInLoop
Type: Integer parameter

The maximum flavour of the quarks to include in the loops
Default value: 6
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 6

Name: MinQuarkInLoop
Type: Integer parameter

The minimum flavour of the quarks to include in the loops
Default value: 6
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 6

There may be interfaces inherited from the Herwig::VVSLoopVertex class.