The SMHZPVertex class provides a simple implementation of the Higgs-Z-Photon loop looping to allow the calculation of the associated Higgs decay mode H -> Z gamma.
See also Herwig::SMHZPVertex
Name: LoopMassScheme Type: Switch
Switch for the treatment of the masses in the loops Registered options:
The loop is calculcated with the pole quark masses
running quark masses are taken in the loop
Default value: 2
Name: MaxQuarkInLoop Type: Integer parameter
The maximum flavour of the quarks to include in the loops Default value: 6 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 6
Name: MinQuarkInLoop Type: Integer parameter
The minimum flavour of the quarks to include in the loops Default value: 6 Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 6
There may be interfaces inherited from the ThePEG::GeneralVVSVertex class.
Generated on Thu Jun 20 2024 17:50:54 for Herwig by 1.9.6