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Herwig 7.3.0
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::SMHiggsWidthGenerator class.
Brief class description:
The SMHiggsWidthGenerator class calculates the running Higgs width as in hep-ph/9505211.
See also Herwig::SMHiggsWidthGenerator

Name: OffShell
Type: Parameter

Number of times the width the Higgs is allowed to be off-shell
Default value: 10
Minimum value: 0.01
Maximum value: 100

Name: WidthScheme
Type: Switch

Option for the treatment of the Higss Width calculation
Registered options:
Fixed Higgs width, taken from ThePEGParticles.in
NLL corrected Higgs width (a-la FORTRAN HERWIG)
LO Higgs width (formula taken from The "Higgs Hunter's Guide")
Default value: 2

There may be interfaces inherited from the Herwig::GenericWidthGenerator class.