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Herwig 7.3.0
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::SMTopDecayer class.
Brief class description:
This is the implementation of the SMTopDecayer which decays top quarks into bottom quarks and either leptons or quark-antiquark pairs including the matrix element for top decay
See also Herwig::SMTopDecayer

Name: SamplingTopHardMEC
Type: Parameter

The importance sampling power for choosing an initial xg, to sample xg according to xg^-_xg_sampling
Default value: 1.5
Minimum value: 1.2
Maximum value: 2

Name: FinalEnhancementFactor
Type: Parameter

The enhancement factor for final-state radiation in the shower to ensure the weight for the matrix element correction is less than one
Default value: 1.6
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 1000

Name: InitialEnhancementFactor
Type: Parameter

The enhancement factor for initial-state radiation in the shower to ensure the weight for the matrix element correction is less than one.
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 10000

Name: LeptonWeights
Type: Fixed size (3) vector of parameters

Maximum weights for the semi-leptonic decays
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: QuarkWeights
Type: Fixed size (6) vector of parameters

Maximum weights for the hadronic decays
Default value: 1
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

There may be interfaces inherited from the Herwig::PerturbativeDecayer class.