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Herwig 7.3.0
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::StrongHeavyBaryonDecayer class.
Brief class description:
The StrongHeavyBaryonDecayer class performs the strong decays of baryons containing a heavy quark using the results of hep-ph/9904421.
See also Herwig::StrongHeavyBaryonDecayer

Name: fXi_b1*Xi_bPi
Type: Parameter

The coupling of Xi_b1* to Xi_b and pi
Default value: 20
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 100

Name: fLambda_b1*Sigma_bPi
Type: Parameter

The coupling of Lambda_b1* to Sigma_b and pi
Default value: 21.5
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 100

Name: fXi_b1Xi_bPi
Type: Unlimited Parameter

The coupling of the Xi_b1 to Xi_b pi
Default value: 0.36

Name: fLambda_b1Sigma_bPi
Type: Unlimited Parameter

The coupling of the Lambda_b1 to Sigma_b pi
Default value: 0.52

Name: gXiStar_bXi_bPi
Type: Parameter

The coupling of the Xi*_b to Xi_b pi
Default value: 8.34
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 20

Name: fXi_c1*Xi_cPi
Type: Parameter

The coupling of Xi_c1* to Xi_c and pi
Default value: 20
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 100

Name: gSigma_bLambda_bPi
Type: Parameter

The coupling of the Sigma_b to Lambda_b pi
Default value: 8.8
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 20

Name: fLambda_c1*Sigma_cPi
Type: Parameter

The coupling of Lambda_c1* to Sigma_c and pi
Default value: 21.5
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 100

Name: fXi_c1Xi_cPi
Type: Unlimited Parameter

The coupling of the Xi_c1 to Xi_c pi
Default value: 0.36

Name: fLambda_c1Sigma_cPi
Type: Unlimited Parameter

The coupling of the Lambda_c1 to Sigma_c pi
Default value: 0.52

Name: gXiStar_cXi_cPi
Type: Parameter

The coupling of the Xi*_c to Xi_c pi
Default value: 8.34
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 20

Name: gSigma_cLambda_cPi
Type: Parameter

The coupling of the Sigma_c to Lambda_c pi
Default value: 8.8
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 20

Name: MaxWeight
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in StrongHeavyBaryonDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: ModeType
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in StrongHeavyBaryonDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: OutgoingM
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in StrongHeavyBaryonDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: OutgoingB
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in StrongHeavyBaryonDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: Incoming
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in StrongHeavyBaryonDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: SetUpDecayMode
Type: Command

Set up the particles (incoming, outgoing scalars, coupling(MeV) and max weight for a decay

There may be interfaces inherited from the Herwig::Baryon1MesonDecayerBase class.