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Herwig 7.3.0
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::ThreePionCzyzCurrent class.
Brief class description:
The ThreePionCzyzCurrent class is designed to implement the three pion current for e+e- collisions from Eur.Phys.J. C47 (2006) 617-624
See also Herwig::ThreePionCzyzCurrent

Name: g_omega_pipi
Type: Parameter

The coupling of the omega meson to two pions
Default value: 0.185
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 1

Name: GWPrefactor
Type: Parameter

The prefactor for the G omega coupling
Default value: 3.76786
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 100000

Name: sigma
Type: Parameter

The sigma parameter for the I=1 component
Default value: -0.1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: OmegaWidth
Type: Unlimited Parameter

The width of the omega meson
Default value: 0.00849

Name: OmegaMass
Type: Unlimited Parameter

The mass of the omega meson
Default value: 0.78259

Name: RhoWidthsI1
Type: Varying size vector of unlimitedparameters

The rho masses for the I=0 part of the current
Default value: 0.766

Name: RhoMassesI1
Type: Varying size vector of unlimitedparameters

The rho masses for the I=1 part of the current
Default value: 0.766

Name: CouplingsI0
Type: Varying size vector of unlimitedparameters

The couplings for the I=0 component
Default value: 1

Name: PhiWidth
Type: Unlimited Parameter

The width of the phi meson
Default value: 1

Name: PhiMass
Type: Unlimited Parameter

The mass of the phi meson
Default value: 1

Name: OmegaWidthsI0
Type: Varying size vector of unlimitedparameters

The omega masses for the I=0 part of the current
Default value: 0.766

Name: OmegaMassesI0
Type: Varying size vector of unlimitedparameters

The omega masses for the I=0 part of the current
Default value: 0.766

Name: RhoWidthsI0
Type: Varying size vector of unlimitedparameters

The rho masses for the I=0 part of the current
Default value: 0.766

Name: RhoMassesI0
Type: Varying size vector of unlimitedparameters

The rho masses for the I=0 part of the current
Default value: 0.766

There may be interfaces inherited from the Herwig::WeakCurrent class.