herwig is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
Herwig 7.3.0
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::ZprimeModel class.
Brief class description:
See Herwig::ZprimeModel

Name: ZPOverallCoupling
Type: Parameter

An overall coupling of the Z prime to quark-antiquark
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10000
Maximum value: 10000

Name: ZPnutnutRCoupling
Type: Parameter

The right-handed Z prime coupling to nu_tau nu_taubar
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPnutnutLCoupling
Type: Parameter

The left-handed Z prime coupling to nu_tau nu_taubar
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPnumnumRCoupling
Type: Parameter

The right-handed Z prime coupling to nu_mu nu_mubar
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPnumnumLCoupling
Type: Parameter

The left-handed Z prime coupling to nu_mu nu_mubar
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPnuenueRCoupling
Type: Parameter

The right-handed Z prime coupling to nu_e nu_ebar
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPnuenueLCoupling
Type: Parameter

The left-handed Z prime coupling to nu_e nu_ebar
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPttRCoupling
Type: Parameter

The right-handed Z prime coupling to tau+tau-
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPttLCoupling
Type: Parameter

The left-handed Z prime coupling to tau+tau-
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPmmRCoupling
Type: Parameter

The right-handed Z prime coupling to mu+mu-
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPmmLCoupling
Type: Parameter

The left-handed Z prime coupling to mu+mu-
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPeeRCoupling
Type: Parameter

The right-handed Z prime coupling to e+e-
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPeeLCoupling
Type: Parameter

The left-handed Z prime coupling to e+e-
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPSSRCoupling
Type: Parameter

The right-handed Z prime coupling to s sbar
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPSSLCoupling
Type: Parameter

The left-handed Z prime coupling to s sbar
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPDDRCoupling
Type: Parameter

The right-handed Z prime coupling to d dbar
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPDDLCoupling
Type: Parameter

The left-handed Z prime coupling to d dbar
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPBBRCoupling
Type: Parameter

The right-handed Z prime coupling to b bbar
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPBBLCoupling
Type: Parameter

The left-handed Z prime coupling to b bbar
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPCCRCoupling
Type: Parameter

The right-handed Z prime coupling to c cbar
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPCCLCoupling
Type: Parameter

The left-handed Z prime coupling to c cbar
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPUURCoupling
Type: Parameter

The right-handed Z prime coupling to up upbar
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPUULCoupling
Type: Parameter

The left-handed Z prime coupling to up upbar
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPTTRCoupling
Type: Parameter

The right-handed Z prime coupling to top anti-top
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPTTLCoupling
Type: Parameter

The left-handed Z prime coupling to top anti-top
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPTURCoupling
Type: Parameter

The right-handed Z prime coupling to top-up
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: ZPTULCoupling
Type: Parameter

The left-handed Z prime coupling to top-up
Default value: 1
Minimum value: -10
Maximum value: 10

Name: Vertex/ZPQQ
Type: Reference to objects of class ThePEG::AbstractFFVVertex

Reference to the Z prime Quark-Antiquark vertex

There may be interfaces inherited from the Herwig::BSMModel class.