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Herwig 7.3.0
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::EtaPiGammaGammaDecayer class.
Brief class description:
The EtaPiGammaGammaDecayer class implements a VMD model for the decay of the eta or etaprime to a pion and two photons.
See also Herwig::EtaPiGammaGammaDecayer

Name: LocalParameters
Type: Switch

Use local values of the parameters
Registered options:
Use values from the particle data objects
Use local values
Default value: 1

Name: EtaPrimeMax
Type: Unlimited Parameter

THe maximum weight for the eta prime decay
Default value: 0.006

Name: EtaMax
Type: Unlimited Parameter

THe maximum weight for the eta decay
Default value: 1.35

Name: Theta
Type: Parameter

The eta etaprime mixing angle
Default value: -0.349066
Minimum value: -3.14159
Maximum value: 3.14159

Name: RatioFpiF0
Type: Parameter

The ratio of the decay constant Fpi to F0
Default value: 0.961538
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: RatioFpiF8
Type: Parameter

The ratio of the decay constant Fpi to F8
Default value: 0.769231
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: RhoWidth
Type: Parameter

The width of the rho meson
Default value: 149.2
Minimum value: 100
Maximum value: 200

Name: RhoMass
Type: Parameter

The mass of the rho meson
Default value: 771.1
Minimum value: 500
Maximum value: 1000

Name: grho
Type: Parameter

Rho decay constant
Default value: 5.9
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10

Name: Fpi
Type: Parameter

The pion decay constant
Default value: 130.7
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 200

Name: grhoomega
Type: Parameter

The couping of the rho, omega and a pion
Default value: 12.924
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 100

There may be interfaces inherited from the Herwig::DecayIntegrator class.