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Herwig 7.3.0
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::EtaPiPiFermionsDecayer class.
Brief class description:
The EtaPiPiFermionsDecayer class is design for the decay of the eta and eta prime to pi+pi-gamma
See also Herwig::EtaPiPiFermionsDecayer

Name: OmnesA
Type: Unlimited Parameter

The constant a for the Omnes form of the prefactor
Default value: 0.840908

Name: OmnesC
Type: Unlimited Parameter

The constant c for the Omnes form of the prefactor
Default value: 1

Name: LocalParameters
Type: Switch

Use local values of the rho mass and width
Registered options:
Use values from the particle data objects
Use local parameters
Default value: 1

Name: RhoWidth
Type: Unlimited Parameter

The width of the rho
Default value: 149.2

Name: RhoMass
Type: Unlimited Parameter

The mass of the rho
Default value: 771.1

Name: fpi
Type: Unlimited Parameter

The pion decay constant
Default value: 130.7

Name: OmnesFunction
Type: Reference to objects of class Herwig::OmnesFunction

Omnes function for the matrix element

Name: SetUpDecayMode
Type: Command

Set up the particles (incoming, lepton, option for VMD, coupling and maxweight.There are three options for for VMD, 0 is a VMD model using M Gamma for the width term, 1 is a VMD model using q Gamma for the width term,2. analytic form of the Omnes function,3. experimental form of the Omnes function.

There may be interfaces inherited from the Herwig::DecayIntegrator class.