00001 // -*- C++ -*- 00002 // 00003 // Evolver.h is a part of Herwig++ - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator 00004 // Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration 00005 // 00006 // Herwig++ is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details. 00007 // Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details. 00008 // 00009 #ifndef HERWIG_Evolver_H 00010 #define HERWIG_Evolver_H 00011 // 00012 // This is the declaration of the Evolver class. 00013 // 00014 00015 #include "ThePEG/Interface/Interfaced.h" 00016 #include "Herwig++/Shower/SplittingFunctions/SplittingGenerator.h" 00017 #include "ShowerModel.h" 00018 #include "ThePEG/PDF/BeamParticleData.h" 00019 #include "ShowerTree.h" 00020 #include "ShowerProgenitor.fh" 00021 #include "Herwig++/Shower/ShowerHandler.fh" 00022 #include "Branching.h" 00023 #include "ShowerVeto.h" 00024 #include "HardTree.h" 00025 #include "ThePEG/Handlers/XComb.h" 00026 #include "Evolver.fh" 00027 #include "Herwig++/MatrixElement/HwMEBase.h" 00028 #include "Herwig++/Decay/HwDecayerBase.h" 00029 00030 namespace Herwig { 00031 00032 using namespace ThePEG; 00033 00041 class Evolver: public Interfaced { 00042 00046 friend class ShowerHandler; 00047 00048 public: 00049 00053 typedef Ptr<XComb>::pointer XCPtr; 00054 00055 public: 00056 00060 Evolver() : _maxtry(100), _meCorrMode(1), _hardVetoMode(1), 00061 _hardVetoRead(0), _reconOpt(0), _hardVetoReadOption(false), 00062 _iptrms(ZERO), _beta(0.), _gamma(ZERO), _iptmax(), 00063 _limitEmissions(0), _initialenhance(1.), _finalenhance(1.), 00064 _hardonly(false), _trunc_Mode(true), _hardEmissionMode(0), 00065 _colourEvolutionMethod(0), _hardScaleFactor(1.0) 00066 {} 00067 00075 virtual void showerHardProcess(ShowerTreePtr,XCPtr); 00076 00080 virtual void showerDecay(ShowerTreePtr); 00082 00090 bool showeringON() const { return isISRadiationON() || isFSRadiationON(); } 00091 00095 bool isISRadiationON() const { return _splittingGenerator->isISRadiationON(); } 00096 00100 bool isFSRadiationON() const { return _splittingGenerator->isFSRadiationON(); } 00101 00105 ShowerModelPtr showerModel() const {return _model;} 00106 00110 tSplittingGeneratorPtr splittingGenerator() const { return _splittingGenerator; } 00112 00116 virtual void connectTrees(ShowerTreePtr showerTree, HardTreePtr hardTree, bool hard )const; 00117 00118 public: 00119 00126 void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const; 00127 00133 void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version); 00135 00142 static void Init(); 00143 00144 protected: 00145 00149 virtual void hardMatrixElementCorrection(bool); 00150 00154 virtual void hardestEmission(bool hard); 00155 00162 virtual vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> setupShower(bool hard); 00163 00167 virtual void setEvolutionPartners(bool hard,ShowerInteraction::Type); 00168 00182 virtual bool timeLikeShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle, ShowerInteraction::Type, 00183 bool first); 00184 00193 virtual bool spaceLikeShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle,PPtr beam, 00194 ShowerInteraction::Type); 00195 00205 virtual bool spaceLikeDecayShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle, 00206 Energy maxscale, 00207 Energy minimumMass, 00208 ShowerInteraction::Type); 00209 00213 virtual bool truncatedTimeLikeShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle, 00214 HardBranchingPtr branch, 00215 ShowerInteraction::Type type); 00216 00220 virtual bool truncatedSpaceLikeShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle,PPtr beam, 00221 HardBranchingPtr branch, 00222 ShowerInteraction::Type type); 00223 00227 virtual bool truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle, 00228 Energy maxscale, Energy minimumMass, 00229 HardBranchingPtr branch, 00230 ShowerInteraction::Type type); 00232 00240 bool MECOn() const { 00241 return _meCorrMode > 0 && _hardEmissionMode==0; 00242 } 00243 00247 bool hardMEC() const { 00248 return (_meCorrMode == 1 || _meCorrMode == 2) && _hardEmissionMode==0; 00249 } 00250 00254 bool softMEC() const { 00255 return (_meCorrMode == 1 || _meCorrMode > 2) && _hardEmissionMode==0; 00256 } 00258 00262 bool isTruncatedShowerON() const {return _trunc_Mode;} 00263 00271 bool ipTon() const { 00272 return _iptrms != ZERO || ( _beta == 1.0 && _gamma != ZERO && _iptmax !=ZERO ); 00273 } 00275 00281 void addVeto (ShowerVetoPtr v) { _vetoes.push_back(v); } 00282 00286 void removeVeto (ShowerVetoPtr v) { 00287 vector<ShowerVetoPtr>::iterator vit = find(_vetoes.begin(),_vetoes.end(),v); 00288 if (vit != _vetoes.end()) 00289 _vetoes.erase(vit); 00290 } 00291 00293 00301 bool hardVetoOn() const { return _hardVetoMode > 0; } 00302 00306 bool hardVetoIS() const { return _hardVetoMode == 1 || _hardVetoMode == 2; } 00307 00311 bool hardVetoFS() const { return _hardVetoMode == 1 || _hardVetoMode > 2; } 00312 00316 bool hardVetoXComb() const {return (_hardVetoRead == 1);} 00317 00322 bool hardVetoReadOption() const {return _hardVetoReadOption;} 00324 00333 double initialStateRadiationEnhancementFactor() const { return _initialenhance; } 00334 00338 double finalStateRadiationEnhancementFactor() const { return _finalenhance; } 00339 00343 void initialStateRadiationEnhancementFactor(double in) { _initialenhance=in; } 00344 00348 void finalStateRadiationEnhancementFactor(double in) { _finalenhance=in; } 00350 00358 tHardTreePtr hardTree() {return _hardtree;} 00359 00363 void hardTree(tHardTreePtr in) {_hardtree = in;} 00365 00373 Ptr<BeamParticleData>::const_pointer beamParticle() const { return _beam; } 00374 00378 void setBeamParticle(Ptr<BeamParticleData>::const_pointer in) { _beam=in; } 00380 00388 tShowerTreePtr currentTree() { return _currenttree; } 00389 00393 void currentTree(tShowerTreePtr tree) { _currenttree=tree; } 00394 00396 00400 unsigned int maximumTries() const { return _maxtry; } 00401 00409 ShowerProgenitorPtr progenitor() { return _progenitor; } 00410 00414 void progenitor(ShowerProgenitorPtr in) { _progenitor=in; } 00416 00420 virtual void generateIntrinsicpT(vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr>); 00421 00425 map<tShowerProgenitorPtr,pair<Energy,double> > & intrinsicpT() { return _intrinsic; } 00426 00430 void setupMaximumScales(ShowerTreePtr, const vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> &,XCPtr); 00431 00435 double hardScaleFactor() const { return _hardScaleFactor; } 00436 00440 void hardScaleFactor(double f) { _hardScaleFactor = f; }; 00441 00442 protected: 00443 00447 virtual bool startTimeLikeShower(ShowerInteraction::Type); 00448 00452 void updateHistory(tShowerParticlePtr particle); 00453 00457 virtual bool startSpaceLikeShower(PPtr,ShowerInteraction::Type); 00458 00462 virtual bool startSpaceLikeDecayShower(Energy maxscale,Energy minimumMass, 00463 ShowerInteraction::Type); 00464 00468 virtual bool timeLikeVetoed(const Branching &,ShowerParticlePtr); 00469 00473 virtual bool spaceLikeVetoed(const Branching &,ShowerParticlePtr); 00474 00478 virtual bool spaceLikeDecayVetoed(const Branching &,ShowerParticlePtr); 00479 00483 bool hardOnly() const {return _hardonly;} 00484 00485 protected: 00486 00493 virtual IBPtr clone() const; 00494 00499 virtual IBPtr fullclone() const; 00501 00502 private: 00503 00507 double getReductionFactor(tShowerParticlePtr particle); 00508 00513 Evolver & operator=(const Evolver &); 00514 00515 private: 00516 00520 ShowerModelPtr _model; 00521 00525 SplittingGeneratorPtr _splittingGenerator; 00526 00530 unsigned int _maxtry; 00531 00535 unsigned int _meCorrMode; 00536 00540 unsigned int _hardVetoMode; 00541 00545 unsigned int _hardVetoRead; 00546 00550 unsigned int _reconOpt; 00551 00559 bool _hardVetoReadOption; 00560 00564 Energy _iptrms; 00565 00569 double _beta; 00570 00574 Energy _gamma; 00575 00579 Energy _iptmax; 00580 00584 unsigned int _limitEmissions; 00585 00589 ShowerProgenitorPtr _progenitor; 00590 00594 HwMEBasePtr _hardme; 00595 00599 HwDecayerBasePtr _decayme; 00600 00604 ShowerTreePtr _currenttree; 00605 00609 HardTreePtr _hardtree; 00610 00619 double _initialenhance; 00620 00624 double _finalenhance; 00626 00630 Ptr<BeamParticleData>::const_pointer _beam; 00631 00635 map<tShowerProgenitorPtr,pair<Energy,double> > _intrinsic; 00636 00640 vector<ShowerVetoPtr> _vetoes; 00641 00645 unsigned int _nis; 00646 00650 unsigned int _nfs; 00651 00656 bool _hardonly; 00657 00661 bool _trunc_Mode; 00662 00666 unsigned int _truncEmissions; 00667 00671 unsigned int _hardEmissionMode; 00672 00676 int _colourEvolutionMethod; 00677 00681 double _hardScaleFactor; 00682 00683 }; 00684 00685 } 00686 00687 #endif /* HERWIG_Evolver_H */