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Herwig 7.3.0
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer class.
Brief class description:
The OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer class uses the matrix element of Brown and Cahn, PRL35, 1 (1975), for the decay of onium resonaces to lighter states and pion pairs. The results of hep-ex/9909038 are used for psi'->psi and arXiv:0706.2317 for Upsilon(3S) and Upsilon(2S) decays. The remaining parameters are choosen to approximately reproduce the distributions from hep-ex/0604031 and hep-ex/0508023.
See also Herwig::OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer

Name: ImC
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: ImB
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: ImA
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: ReC
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: ReB
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: ReA
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: Coupling
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: MaxWeight
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: Outgoing
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: Incoming
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: SetUpDecayMode
Type: Command

Set up the particles (incoming, outgoing, coupling, A, B, C (re and im parts, 1/MeV2) and max weights for a decay

There may be interfaces inherited from the Herwig::DecayIntegrator class.