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Herwig 7.3.0
Interfaces defined for the Herwig::VectorMeson2MesonDecayer class.
Brief class description:
The VectorMeson2MesonDecayer class is designed to implement the decay of vector mesons to 2 scalar mesons via a current which is the difference of the momenta of the two scalars. The order of the scalar meson momenta does not matter as it only changes the sign of the matrix element.
See also Herwig::VectorMeson2MesonDecayer

Name: MaxWeight
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in VectorMeson2MesonDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: Coupling
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in VectorMeson2MesonDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: SecondOutgoing
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in VectorMeson2MesonDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: FirstOutgoing
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in VectorMeson2MesonDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: Incoming
Type: Deleted

The old methods of setting up a decay in VectorMeson2MesonDecayer have been deleted, please use SetUpDecayMode

Name: SetUpDecayMode
Type: Command

Set up the particles (incoming, pseudoscalars, coupling and max weight for a decay

There may be interfaces inherited from the Herwig::DecayIntegrator class.