Herwig 7.3.0
The Hw7Selector class selects the hadrons produced in cluster decay using the Herwig variant of the cluster model. More...
#include <Hw7Selector.h>
Public Member Functions | |
Hw7Selector () | |
The default constructor. | |
virtual PDPtr | makeDiquark (tcPDPtr par1, tcPDPtr par2) |
Return the particle data of the diquark (anti-diquark) made by the two quarks (antiquarks) par1, par2. | |
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HadronSelector (unsigned int) | |
The default constructor. | |
virtual tcPDPair | chooseHadronPair (const Energy cluMass, tcPDPtr par1, tcPDPtr par2) const |
Method to return a pair of hadrons given the PDG codes of two or three constituents. | |
tcPDPtr | chooseSingleHadron (tcPDPtr par1, tcPDPtr par2, Energy mass) const |
Select the single hadron for a cluster decay return null pointer if not a single hadron decay. | |
tcPDPair | lightestHadronPair (tcPDPtr ptr1, tcPDPtr ptr2) const |
This returns the lightest pair of hadrons given by the flavours. | |
Energy | massLightestHadronPair (tcPDPtr ptr1, tcPDPtr ptr2) const |
Returns the mass of the lightest pair of hadrons with the given particles. | |
tcPDPtr | lightestHadron (tcPDPtr ptr1, tcPDPtr ptr2) const |
Returns the lightest hadron formed by the given particles. | |
vector< pair< tcPDPtr, double > > | hadronsBelowThreshold (Energy threshold, tcPDPtr ptr1, tcPDPtr ptr2) const |
Returns the hadrons below the constituent mass threshold formed by the given particles, together with their total weight. | |
Energy | massLightestHadron (tcPDPtr ptr1, tcPDPtr ptr2) const |
Return the nominal mass of the hadron returned by lightestHadron() | |
double | pwt (long pid) const |
Access the parton weights. | |
virtual std::tuple< bool, bool, bool > | selectBaryon (const Energy cluMass, tcPDPtr par1, tcPDPtr par2) const |
Force baryon/meson selection. | |
virtual double | strangeWeight (const Energy cluMass, tcPDPtr par1, tcPDPtr par2) const |
Strange quark weight. | |
virtual PDPtr | makeDiquark (tcPDPtr par1, tcPDPtr par2) |
Return the particle data of the diquark (anti-diquark) made by the two quarks (antiquarks) par1, par2. | |
void | persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const |
Function used to write out object persistently. | |
void | persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version) |
Function used to read in object persistently. | |
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virtual bool | defaultInit () |
PPtr | getParticle (PID) const |
PDPtr | getParticleData (PID) const |
bool | used () const |
void | useMe () const |
tEGPtr | generator () const |
void | persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const |
void | persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version) |
PPtr | getParticle (PID) const |
PDPtr | getParticleData (PID) const |
bool | used () const |
void | useMe () const |
tEGPtr | generator () const |
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string | fullName () const |
string | name () const |
string | path () const |
string | comment () const |
void | setup (istream &is) |
void | update () |
void | init () |
virtual bool | preInitialize () const |
void | initrun () |
void | finish () |
void | touch () |
void | reset () |
void | clear () |
InitState | state () const |
bool | locked () const |
bool | touched () const |
virtual IBPtr | fullclone () const |
void | persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const |
void | persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version) |
virtual void | debugme () const |
void | update () |
void | init () |
virtual bool | preInitialize () const |
void | initrun () |
void | finish () |
void | touch () |
void | reset () |
void | clear () |
InitState | state () const |
bool | locked () const |
bool | touched () const |
virtual IBPtr | fullclone () const |
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void | debug () const |
virtual void | debugme () const |
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CounterType | referenceCount () const |
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Named (const string &newName=string()) | |
Named (const Named &)=default | |
const string & | name () const |
bool | operator== (const Named &other) const |
bool | operator< (const Named &other) const |
Protected Member Functions | |
Clone Methods. | |
virtual IBPtr | clone () const |
Make a simple clone of this object. | |
virtual IBPtr | fullclone () const |
Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane. | |
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void | insertToHadronTable (tPDPtr &particle, int flav1, int flav2) |
A sub-function of HadronSelector::constructHadronTable(). | |
virtual void | constructHadronTable () |
Construct the table of hadron data This is the main method to initialize the hadron data (mainly the weights associated to each hadron, taking into account its spin, eventual isoscalar-octect mixing, singlet-decuplet factor). | |
const HadronTable & | table () const |
Access to the table of hadrons. | |
HadronTable & | table () |
Access to the table of hadrons. | |
const vector< PDPtr > & | partons () const |
Access to the list of partons. | |
vector< PDPtr > & | partons () |
Access to the list of partons. | |
map< long, double > & | pwt () |
Access the parton weights. | |
double | probabilityMixing (const double angleMix, const int order) const |
Methods for the mixing of \(I=0\) mesons. | |
virtual double | mixingStateWeight (long id) const |
Returns the weight of given mixing state. | |
double | specialWeight (long id) const |
Calculates a special weight specific to a given hadron. | |
virtual double | mesonWeight (long id) const |
Weights for mesons. | |
int | signHadron (tcPDPtr ptr1, tcPDPtr ptr2, tcPDPtr hadron) const |
This method returns the proper sign ( > 0 hadron; < 0 anti-hadron ) for the input PDG id idHad > 0, suppose to be made by the two constituent particle pointers: ptr1 and ptr2 (both with proper sign). | |
virtual void | insertMeson (HadronInfo a, int flav1, int flav2) |
Insert a meson in the table. | |
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void | reporeg (IBPtr object, string name) const |
bool | setDefaultReference (PtrT &ptr, string classname, string objectname) |
Interfaced (const string &newName) | |
Interfaced (const Interfaced &i) | |
void | setGenerator (tEGPtr generator) |
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virtual void | readSetup (istream &is) |
virtual void | doupdate () |
virtual void | doinit () |
virtual void | doinitrun () |
virtual void | dofinish () |
virtual IVector | getReferences () |
virtual void | rebind (const TranslationMap &) |
virtual IBPtr | clone () const=0 |
InterfacedBase (string newName) | |
InterfacedBase (const InterfacedBase &i) | |
virtual void | readSetup (istream &is) |
virtual void | doupdate () |
virtual void | doinit () |
virtual void | doinitrun () |
virtual void | dofinish () |
virtual IVector | getReferences () |
virtual void | rebind (const TranslationMap &) |
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ReferenceCounted (const ReferenceCounted &) | |
ReferenceCounted & | operator= (const ReferenceCounted &) |
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const Named & | operator= (const Named &other) |
const string & | name (const string &newName) |
Standard Interfaced functions. | |
double | _pwtDquark |
The weights for the different quarks and diquarks. | |
double | _pwtUquark |
The probability of producting an up quark. | |
double | _pwtSquark |
The probability of producting a strange quark. | |
double | _pwtCquark |
The probability of producting a charm quark. | |
double | _pwtBquark |
The probability of producting a bottom quark. | |
double | _pwtDIquarkS0 |
The probability of producting a spin-0 diquark. | |
double | _pwtDIquarkS1 |
The probability of producting a spin-1 diquark. | |
double | _sngWt |
Singlet and Decuplet weights. | |
double | _decWt |
The decuplet weight. | |
unsigned int | _mode |
Which algorithm to use. | |
int | _enhanceSProb |
Flag that switches between no strangeness enhancement, scaling enhancement, and exponential enhancement (in numerical order) | |
Energy | _m0Decay |
Parameter that governs the strangeness enhancement scaling. | |
int | _massMeasure |
Flag that switches between mass measures used in strangeness enhancement: cluster mass, or the lambda measure - ( m_{clu}^2 - (m_q + m_{qbar})^2 ) | |
const double | _maxScale = 20. |
Constant variable that stops the scale in strangeness enhancement from becoming too large. | |
double | _scHadronWtFactor |
Heavy strange-charm hadron wight coefficient. | |
double | _sbHadronWtFactor |
Heavy strange-bottom hadron wight coefficient. | |
map< pair< long, long >, tcPDPair > | lightestBaryonsS0_ |
Caches of lightest pairs for speed. | |
map< pair< long, long >, tcPDPair > | lightestBaryonsS1_ |
virtual void | doinit () |
Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an EventGenerator to disk. | |
Hw7Selector & | operator= (const Hw7Selector &)=delete |
The assignment operator is private and must never be called. | |
Functions used by the persistent I/O system. | |
void | persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const |
Function used to write out object persistently. | |
void | persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version) |
Function used to read in object persistently. | |
static void | Init () |
The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces. | |
virtual double | baryonWeight (long id) const |
Weights for baryons. | |
std::tuple< bool, bool, bool > | selectBaryon (const Energy cluMass, tcPDPtr par1, tcPDPtr par2) const |
Whether to select a meson or a baryon. | |
virtual double | strangeWeight (const Energy cluMass, tcPDPtr par1, tcPDPtr par2) const |
Strange quark weight. | |
virtual void | insertOneHalf (HadronInfo a, int flav1, int flav2) |
Insert a spin \(\frac12\) baryon in the table. | |
virtual void | insertThreeHalf (HadronInfo a, int flav1, int flav2) |
Insert a spin \(\frac32\) baryon in the table. | |
tcPDPair | lightestBaryonPair (tcPDPtr ptr1, tcPDPtr ptr2, int pspin) const |
Returns the mass of the lightest pair of baryons. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | InitState |
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typedef unsigned int | CounterType |
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static void | Init () |
The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces. | |
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static void | Init () |
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static void | Init () |
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static void | Init () |
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initializing | |
uninitialized | |
initialized | |
runready | |
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const unsigned long | uniqueId |
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static void | registerRepository (IBPtr) |
static void | registerRepository (IBPtr, string newName) |
The Hw7Selector class selects the hadrons produced in cluster decay using the Herwig variant of the cluster model.
Definition at line 28 of file Hw7Selector.h.
inline |
The default constructor.
Definition at line 35 of file Hw7Selector.h.
protectedvirtual |
Weights for baryons.
Implements Herwig::HadronSelector.
protectedvirtual |
Make a simple clone of this object.
Implements ThePEG::InterfacedBase.
protectedvirtual |
Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an EventGenerator to disk.
InitException | if object could not be initialized properly. |
Reimplemented from Herwig::HadronSelector.
protectedvirtual |
Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane.
Reimplemented from ThePEG::InterfacedBase.
static |
The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
Called exactly once for each class by the class description system before the main function starts or when this class is dynamically loaded.
protectedvirtual |
Insert a spin \(\frac12\) baryon in the table.
Reimplemented from Herwig::HadronSelector.
protectedvirtual |
Insert a spin \(\frac32\) baryon in the table.
Reimplemented from Herwig::HadronSelector.
protected |
Returns the mass of the lightest pair of baryons.
ptr1 | is the first constituent |
ptr2 | is the second constituent |
pspin | Spin in (2S+1) of the diquark |
Return the particle data of the diquark (anti-diquark) made by the two quarks (antiquarks) par1, par2.
par1 | (anti-)quark data pointer |
par2 | (anti-)quark data pointer |
Reimplemented from Herwig::HadronSelector.
privatedelete |
The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
In fact, it should not even be implemented.
void Herwig::Hw7Selector::persistentInput | ( | PersistentIStream & | is, |
int | version | ||
) |
Function used to read in object persistently.
is | the persistent input stream read from. |
version | the version number of the object when written. |
void Herwig::Hw7Selector::persistentOutput | ( | PersistentOStream & | os | ) | const |
Function used to write out object persistently.
os | the persistent output stream written to. |
protectedvirtual |
Whether to select a meson or a baryon.
Reimplemented from Herwig::HadronSelector.
protectedvirtual |
Strange quark weight.
Reimplemented from Herwig::HadronSelector.
private |
The decuplet weight.
Definition at line 203 of file Hw7Selector.h.
private |
Flag that switches between no strangeness enhancement, scaling enhancement, and exponential enhancement (in numerical order)
Definition at line 217 of file Hw7Selector.h.
private |
Parameter that governs the strangeness enhancement scaling.
Definition at line 222 of file Hw7Selector.h.
private |
Flag that switches between mass measures used in strangeness enhancement: cluster mass, or the lambda measure - ( m_{clu}^2 - (m_q + m_{qbar})^2 )
Definition at line 228 of file Hw7Selector.h.
private |
Constant variable that stops the scale in strangeness enhancement from becoming too large.
Definition at line 234 of file Hw7Selector.h.
private |
Which algorithm to use.
Definition at line 211 of file Hw7Selector.h.
private |
The probability of producting a bottom quark.
Definition at line 178 of file Hw7Selector.h.
private |
The probability of producting a charm quark.
Definition at line 173 of file Hw7Selector.h.
private |
The probability of producting a spin-0 diquark.
Definition at line 183 of file Hw7Selector.h.
private |
The probability of producting a spin-1 diquark.
Definition at line 188 of file Hw7Selector.h.
private |
The weights for the different quarks and diquarks.
The probability of producting a down quark.
Definition at line 158 of file Hw7Selector.h.
private |
The probability of producting a strange quark.
Definition at line 168 of file Hw7Selector.h.
private |
The probability of producting an up quark.
Definition at line 163 of file Hw7Selector.h.
private |
Heavy strange-bottom hadron wight coefficient.
Definition at line 244 of file Hw7Selector.h.
private |
Heavy strange-charm hadron wight coefficient.
Definition at line 239 of file Hw7Selector.h.
private |
private |
Caches of lightest pairs for speed.
Masses of lightest baryon pair
Definition at line 253 of file Hw7Selector.h.
private |
Definition at line 253 of file Hw7Selector.h.