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Herwig 7.3.0
Herwig::HistogramOptions Namespace Reference

Options for histogram output. More...


const unsigned int None = 0
 No options.
const unsigned int Frame = 1
 Plot on new frame.
const unsigned int Errorbars = 1 << 1
 Plot error bars.
const unsigned int Xlog = 1 << 2
 log scale for x-axis
const unsigned int Ylog = 1 << 3
 log scale for y-axis
const unsigned int Smooth = 1 << 4
 smooth the line
const unsigned int Rawcount = 1 << 5
 don't normalize to unit area

Detailed Description

Options for histogram output.

They can be combined using the '|' operator, e.g. 'Frame | Ylog'

Variable Documentation

◆ Errorbars

const unsigned int Herwig::HistogramOptions::Errorbars = 1 << 1

Plot error bars.

Definition at line 30 of file Histogram.h.

◆ Frame

const unsigned int Herwig::HistogramOptions::Frame = 1

Plot on new frame.

Definition at line 29 of file Histogram.h.

◆ None

const unsigned int Herwig::HistogramOptions::None = 0

No options.

Definition at line 28 of file Histogram.h.

◆ Rawcount

const unsigned int Herwig::HistogramOptions::Rawcount = 1 << 5

don't normalize to unit area

Definition at line 34 of file Histogram.h.

◆ Smooth

const unsigned int Herwig::HistogramOptions::Smooth = 1 << 4

smooth the line

Definition at line 33 of file Histogram.h.

◆ Xlog

const unsigned int Herwig::HistogramOptions::Xlog = 1 << 2

log scale for x-axis

Definition at line 31 of file Histogram.h.

◆ Ylog

const unsigned int Herwig::HistogramOptions::Ylog = 1 << 3

log scale for y-axis

Definition at line 32 of file Histogram.h.