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Opened 8 years ago

#8 new defect

Segfaults running H7 tutorial

Reported by: new Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Herwig 7.1.2
Version: 7.1.1 Keywords:
Cc: oldrich.kepka@…



I went through the H7 tutorial, running LHC-Matchbox.in analysis on complete bootstrap installation. In any configuration (LO, NLO, MCatNLO-DefaultShower?, NO-Shower) I get a segfault during event generation.

The backtrace points to problem with Pythia8.


1) read Matchbox/MCatLO-DefaultShower?.in

thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x78)

2) read Matchbox/LO-DefaultShower?.in

MMHT 2014 LO (68% C.L.). mem=0 => central value; mem=1-50 => 25 eigenvector sets (+/- directions). See Section 6 of arXiv:0901.0002 for error calculation.Web address: www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/mmht
Flavor content = [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 21]
Process 22036 stopped100

  • thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x78)

frame #0: 0x0000000103bdabd7 libpythia8.dylib`Pythia8::ParticleData::particleDataEntryPtr(int) + 23

-> 0x103bdabd7 <+23>: movq 0x78(%r15), %rcx

0x103bdabdb <+27>: testq %rcx, %rcx
0x103bdabde <+30>: je 0x103bdac18 ; <+88>
0x103bdabe0 <+32>: leaq 0x78(%r15), %rdx

FYI: Sticking to H7 hadronization by removing Py8 and EvtGen? from the H7 ./configure command and recompiling helped as a workaround.


This is my configuration (after removing Py8 and EvtGen? from ./configure)

* Prefix: /Users/olda/work/mc/H7/bootstrap/H7.1.1
* BSM models: yes
* UFO converter: yes, using Python 2.7
* Herwig debug mode: yes
* ThePEG: /Users/olda/work/mc/H7/bootstrap/H7.1.1
* ThePEG headers: /Users/olda/work/mc/H7/bootstrap/H7.1.1/include
* GoSam?: /Users/olda/work/mc/H7/bootstrap/H7.1.1
* GoSam?-Contrib: /Users/olda/work/mc/H7/bootstrap/H7.1.1
* MadGraph?: /Users/olda/work/mc/H7/bootstrap/H7.1.1/opt/MG5_aMC_v2_5_5
* njet: no
* OpenLoops?: /Users/olda/work/mc/H7/bootstrap/H7.1.1/opt/OpenLoops
* VBFNLO: /Users/olda/work/mc/H7/bootstrap/H7.1.1
* EvtGen?: no
* GSL: /Users/olda/work/mc/H7/bootstrap/H7.1.1
* boost: -I/Users/olda/work/mc/H7/bootstrap/H7.1.1/include
* Fastjet: /Users/olda/work/mc/H7/bootstrap/H7.1.1/bin/fastjet-config
* Host: x86_64-apple-darwin16.6.0
* CC: Apple LLVM version 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42)
* CXX: Apple LLVM version 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42)
* FC: GNU Fortran (Homebrew gcc 4.9.2_1) 4.9.2

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