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Herwig::BtoSGammaHadronicMass Class Referenceabstract

The BtoSGammaHadronicMass class is the base class for the implementation of models of the hadronic mass spectrum in \(B\to s\gamma\) decays. More...

#include <BtoSGammaHadronicMass.h>

Inheritance diagram for Herwig::BtoSGammaHadronicMass:

Public Member Functions

 BtoSGammaHadronicMass ()
 The default constructor.
virtual Energy hadronicMass (Energy mb, Energy mquark)=0
 Virtual member which must be implemented in classes inheriting from this class to return the hadronic mass.
virtual void dataBaseOutput (ofstream &os, bool header, bool create) const
 Output the setup information for the particle database.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
virtual bool defaultInit ()
PPtr getParticle (PID) const
PDPtr getParticleData (PID) const
bool used () const
void useMe () const
tEGPtr generator () const
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
PPtr getParticle (PID) const
PDPtr getParticleData (PID) const
bool used () const
void useMe () const
tEGPtr generator () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
string fullName () const
string name () const
string path () const
string comment () const
void setup (istream &is)
void update ()
void init ()
virtual bool preInitialize () const
void initrun ()
void finish ()
void touch ()
void reset ()
void clear ()
InitState state () const
bool locked () const
bool touched () const
virtual IBPtr fullclone () const
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
virtual void debugme () const
void update ()
void init ()
virtual bool preInitialize () const
void initrun ()
void finish ()
void touch ()
void reset ()
void clear ()
InitState state () const
bool locked () const
bool touched () const
virtual IBPtr fullclone () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Base
void debug () const
virtual void debugme () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
CounterType referenceCount () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Named
 Named (const string &newName=string())
 Named (const Named &)=default
const string & name () const
bool operator== (const Named &other) const
bool operator< (const Named &other) const

Protected Member Functions

Access to the limits on the mass.
Energy minMass () const
 Minimum mass.
Energy maxMass () const
 Maximum mass.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
void reporeg (IBPtr object, string name) const
bool setDefaultReference (PtrT &ptr, string classname, string objectname)
 Interfaced (const string &newName)
 Interfaced (const Interfaced &i)
void setGenerator (tEGPtr generator)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
virtual void readSetup (istream &is)
virtual void doupdate ()
virtual void doinit ()
virtual void doinitrun ()
virtual void dofinish ()
virtual IVector getReferences ()
virtual void rebind (const TranslationMap &)
virtual IBPtr clone () const=0
 InterfacedBase (string newName)
 InterfacedBase (const InterfacedBase &i)
virtual void readSetup (istream &is)
virtual void doupdate ()
virtual void doinit ()
virtual void doinitrun ()
virtual void dofinish ()
virtual IVector getReferences ()
virtual void rebind (const TranslationMap &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
 ReferenceCounted (const ReferenceCounted &)
ReferenceCountedoperator= (const ReferenceCounted &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Named
const Namedoperator= (const Named &other)
const string & name (const string &newName)

Functions for the fermi motion needed in classes inheriting from this

Energy _minMass
 The minimum value of the hadronic mass.
Energy _maxMass
 The maximum value of the hadronic mass.
InvEnergy exponentialFermiFunction (Energy scale, Energy lambda, double a, InvEnergy norm, Energy2 lambda1) const
 Exponential function of the form, \(N(1-x)^ae^{-3\bar{\Lambda}^2x/\lambda_1}\), where \(x=k_+/\bar{\Lambda}\) taken from hep-ph/9805303.
BtoSGammaHadronicMassoperator= (const BtoSGammaHadronicMass &)=delete
 The assignment operator is private and must never be called.

Functions used by the persistent I/O system.

void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
 Function used to write out object persistently.
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
 Function used to read in object persistently.
static void Init ()
 The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
enum  InitState
- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
typedef unsigned int CounterType
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
static void Init ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
static void Init ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Base
static void Init ()
- Public Attributes inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
- Public Attributes inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
const unsigned long uniqueId
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
static void registerRepository (IBPtr)
static void registerRepository (IBPtr, string newName)

Detailed Description

The BtoSGammaHadronicMass class is the base class for the implementation of models of the hadronic mass spectrum in \(B\to s\gamma\) decays.

Classes inheriting from this class should implement the hadronicMass() member which should return a value of the hadronic mass selected from the distribution.

The parameters relating to the minimum and maximum values of the mass are stored in this class.

Definition at line 34 of file BtoSGammaHadronicMass.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BtoSGammaHadronicMass()

Herwig::BtoSGammaHadronicMass::BtoSGammaHadronicMass ( )

The default constructor.

Definition at line 41 of file BtoSGammaHadronicMass.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ dataBaseOutput()

virtual void Herwig::BtoSGammaHadronicMass::dataBaseOutput ( ofstream &  os,
bool  header,
bool  create 
) const

Output the setup information for the particle database.

osThe stream to output the information to
headerWhether or not to output the information for MySQL
createWhether or not to add a statement creating the object

Reimplemented in Herwig::BtoSGammaFlatEnergy, and Herwig::BtoSGammaKagan.

◆ exponentialFermiFunction()

InvEnergy Herwig::BtoSGammaHadronicMass::exponentialFermiFunction ( Energy  scale,
Energy  lambda,
double  a,
InvEnergy  norm,
Energy2  lambda1 
) const

Exponential function of the form, \(N(1-x)^ae^{-3\bar{\Lambda}^2x/\lambda_1}\), where \(x=k_+/\bar{\Lambda}\) taken from hep-ph/9805303.

scaleThe energy scale, \(k_+\), at which to evaluate the function.
lambdaThe hadronic scale, \(\bar{\Lambda}\)
aThe shape parameter, \(a\).
normThe normalisation, \(N\).
lambda1Scale related to kinetic energy of b quark, \(\lambda_1\).

Definition at line 114 of file BtoSGammaHadronicMass.h.

References ThePEG::pow(), and ThePEG::sqr().

Referenced by Herwig::BtoSGammaKagan::smeared().

◆ hadronicMass()

virtual Energy Herwig::BtoSGammaHadronicMass::hadronicMass ( Energy  mb,
Energy  mquark 
pure virtual

Virtual member which must be implemented in classes inheriting from this class to return the hadronic mass.

mbThe mass of the decaying B meson
mquarkThe minimum mass of the hadronic system based on the consistuent quark masses.
The hadronic mass

Implemented in Herwig::BtoSGammaFlatEnergy, and Herwig::BtoSGammaKagan.

◆ Init()

static void Herwig::BtoSGammaHadronicMass::Init ( )

The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.

Called exactly once for each class by the class description system before the main function starts or when this class is dynamically loaded.

◆ maxMass()

Energy Herwig::BtoSGammaHadronicMass::maxMass ( ) const

Maximum mass.

Definition at line 99 of file BtoSGammaHadronicMass.h.

References _maxMass.

◆ minMass()

Energy Herwig::BtoSGammaHadronicMass::minMass ( ) const

Minimum mass.

Definition at line 94 of file BtoSGammaHadronicMass.h.

References _minMass.

◆ operator=()

BtoSGammaHadronicMass & Herwig::BtoSGammaHadronicMass::operator= ( const BtoSGammaHadronicMass )

The assignment operator is private and must never be called.

In fact, it should not even be implemented.

◆ persistentInput()

void Herwig::BtoSGammaHadronicMass::persistentInput ( PersistentIStream is,
int  version 

Function used to read in object persistently.

isthe persistent input stream read from.
versionthe version number of the object when written.

◆ persistentOutput()

void Herwig::BtoSGammaHadronicMass::persistentOutput ( PersistentOStream os) const

Function used to write out object persistently.

osthe persistent output stream written to.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _maxMass

Energy Herwig::BtoSGammaHadronicMass::_maxMass

The maximum value of the hadronic mass.

Definition at line 139 of file BtoSGammaHadronicMass.h.

Referenced by maxMass().

◆ _minMass

Energy Herwig::BtoSGammaHadronicMass::_minMass

The minimum value of the hadronic mass.

Definition at line 134 of file BtoSGammaHadronicMass.h.

Referenced by minMass().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: