Herwig 7.3.0
These classes perform the decays. More...
Classes | |
class | Herwig::Baryon1MesonDecayerBase |
The Baryon1MesonDecayerBase class is the base class for the decay of a baryon to another baryon and a pseudoscalar or vector meson. More... | |
class | Herwig::BaryonFactorizedDecayer |
The BaryonFactorizedDecayer class is designed to combine the form factor for a weak baryon transition and a weak decay current to produce a decayer. More... | |
class | Herwig::KornerKramerCharmDecayer |
The KornerKramerCharmDecayer class implements the model of Z.Phys.C55,659 (1992) for the non-leptonic decay of charm baryons. More... | |
class | Herwig::NonLeptonicHyperonDecayer |
This is a general class for the non-leptonic decay of hyperons. More... | |
class | Herwig::NonLeptonicOmegaDecayer |
The NonLeptonicOmegaDecayer class is designed for the non-leptonic weak decay of the Omega to a baryon from the lightest \(SU(3)\) octet and a pseudoscalar meson. More... | |
class | Herwig::OmegaXiStarPionDecayer |
The OmegaXiStarPionDecayer class implements the results of hep-ph/0405162 for the weak decay of the \(\Omega\) to the \(\Xi^*\) and a pion. More... | |
class | Herwig::RadiativeDoublyHeavyBaryonDecayer |
The RadiativeDoublyHeavyBaryonDecayer class is designed for the radiative decay of a baryon containing a heavy quark to another baryon containing a heavy quark. More... | |
class | Herwig::RadiativeHeavyBaryonDecayer |
The RadiativeHeavyBaryonDecayer class is designed for the radiative decay of a baryon containing a heavy quark to another baryon containing a heavy quark. More... | |
class | Herwig::SemiLeptonicBaryonDecayer |
The SemiLeptonicBaryonDecayer class is designed for the semi-leptonic decay of the baryons. More... | |
class | Herwig::StrongHeavyBaryonDecayer |
The StrongHeavyBaryonDecayer class implements the strong decays of charm baryons using the results of hep-ph/9904421. More... | |
class | Herwig::SU3BaryonDecupletOctetPhotonDecayer |
The SU3BaryonDecupletOctetPhotonDecayer class is designed for the decay of a deculpet baryon to an octet baryon and a photon using the SU(3) conserving term in the chiral lagrangian. More... | |
class | Herwig::SU3BaryonDecupletOctetScalarDecayer |
The SU3BaryonDecupletOctetScalarDecayer class is designed for the decay of a \(SU(3)\) deculpet baryon to an octet baryon and a pseudoscalar meson from the lightest multiplet. More... | |
class | Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetDecupletScalarDecayer |
The SU3BaryonOctetDecupletScalarDecayer class is designed for the decay of an SU(3) octet baryon to a deculpet baryon and a pseudoscalar meson from the lightest multiplet. More... | |
class | Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetPhotonDecayer |
The SU3BaryonOctetOctetPhotonDecayer class performs the decay of a baryon octet to a different baryon octet and a photon. More... | |
class | Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetScalarDecayer |
The SU3BaryonOctetOctetScalarDecayer class is a simple decayer for the strong decay of the excited baryon \(SU(3)\) octets to lower lying baryon octets and a pseudoscalar meson from the lightest multiplet, i.e. More... | |
class | Herwig::SU3BaryonSingletOctetPhotonDecayer |
The SU3BaryonSingletOctetPhotonDecayer class performs the radiative decay of an \(SU(3)\) singlet baryon to an \(SU(3)\) octet baryon. More... | |
class | Herwig::SU3BaryonSingletOctetScalarDecayer |
The SU3BaryonSingletOctetScalarDecayer class is a simple decayer for the strong decay of the excited baryon \(SU(3)\) singlets to a lighter baryon octet and a pseudoscalar meson from the lightest multiplet, i.e. More... | |
class | Herwig::BranchingRatioReweighter |
The BranchingRatioReweighter class is designed to reweight events where some decay modes of a particle, or many particles, have been switched off in order to improve the statistics. More... | |
class | Herwig::BallZwickyScalarFormFactor |
This class is the implementation of the form-factors of PRD71 014015 (2005) for the form-factor for the decay of a B-meson to a light pseudoscalar meson. More... | |
class | Herwig::BallZwickyVectorFormFactor |
The BallZwickyVectorFormFactor class implements the form-factors of hep-ph/0412079 for the B meson to light vector mesons. More... | |
class | Herwig::BaryonFormFactor |
The BaryonFormFactor class is the base class for the implementation of the form-factors for the weak decay of a baryon. More... | |
class | Herwig::BaryonSimpleFormFactor |
The BaryonSimpleFormFactor class is a simple model for the form-factors for the semi-leptonic decay of the light (i.e. More... | |
class | Herwig::BaryonThreeQuarkModelFormFactor |
The BaryonThreeQuarkModelFormFactor class implements the form factors for the semi-leptonic decay of baryons containing a heavy quark from the relativistic three-quark model calculation of PRD56, 348. More... | |
class | Herwig::BtoSGammaFlatEnergy |
The BtoSGammaFlatEnergy class is a model of the hadronic mass is \(B\to s\gamma\) decays which produces a flat photon energy spectrum and as such is only intended for testing purposes. More... | |
class | Herwig::BtoSGammaHadronicMass |
The BtoSGammaHadronicMass class is the base class for the implementation of models of the hadronic mass spectrum in \(B\to s\gamma\) decays. More... | |
class | Herwig::BtoSGammaKagan |
The BtoSGammaKagan class implements the model of hep-ph/9805303 for the hadronic mass spectrum in \(b\to s \gamma\) decays. More... | |
class | Herwig::ChengHeavyBaryonFormFactor |
The ChengHeavyBaryonFormFactor class implements the form-factors from PRD53, 1457 and PRD56, 2799 for the semi-leptonic decay of bottom and charm hadrons. More... | |
class | Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor |
The ISGW2FormFactor class is the implementation of the ISGW2 model of Phys. More... | |
class | Herwig::ISGWFormFactor |
The ISGWFormFactor class is the implementation of the ISGW model of Phys. More... | |
class | Herwig::KiselevBcFormFactor |
The KiselevBcFormFactor class implements the form factors from hep-ph/0211021 for the decays of \(B_c\) mesons. More... | |
class | Herwig::LambdabExcitedLambdacSumRuleFormFactor |
The LambdabExcitedLambdacSumRuleFormFactor class implements the form-factors of hep-ph/0012114 for the decay of the \(Lambda_b^0\) to excited \(\Lambda^+_c\) states. More... | |
class | Herwig::LightBaryonQuarkModelFormFactor |
The LightBaryonQuarkModelFormFactor class implements the quark model calculation of hep-ph/9409272 for the form-factors for the decay of baryons containing the light quarks. More... | |
class | Herwig::MelikhovFormFactor |
The MelikhovFormFactor class implements the model of Phys. More... | |
class | Herwig::MelikhovStechFormFactor |
The MelikhovStechFormFactor class is the implementation of the form factors from Phys. More... | |
class | Herwig::ScalarFormFactor |
The ScalarFormFactor class is the base class for the form factors for the weak decay of scalar to scalar, vector and tensor mesons. More... | |
class | Herwig::SingletonFormFactor |
The SingletonFormFactor class implements the form-factors from PRD43, 2939 for the decay of spin-1/2 baryons containing bottom and charm quarks. More... | |
class | Herwig::WSBFormFactor |
The WSBFormFactor class is the implementation of the form factor model of Z.Phys. More... | |
class | Herwig::FFSDecayer |
The FFSDecayer class implements the decay of a fermion to a fermion and a vector in a general model. More... | |
class | Herwig::FFVDecayer |
The FFVDecayer class implements the decay of a fermion to a fermion and a vector in a general model. More... | |
class | Herwig::FRSDecayer |
The FRSDecayer class implements the decay of a fermion to a spin-3/2 fermion and a vector in a general model. More... | |
class | Herwig::FRVDecayer |
The FRVDecayer class implements the decay of a fermion to a spin-3/2 fermion and a vector in a general model. More... | |
class | Herwig::GeneralTwoBodyDecayer |
The GeneralTwoBodyDecayer class is designed to be the base class for 2 body decays for some general model. More... | |
class | Herwig::SFFDecayer |
The SFFDecayer class implements the decay of a scalar to 2 fermions in a general model. More... | |
class | Herwig::SRFDecayer |
The SRFDecayer class implements the decay of a scalar to spin-3/2 and spin-1/2 fermion in a general model. More... | |
class | Herwig::SSSDecayer |
The SSDecayer class implements the decay of a scalar to 2 scalars in a general model. More... | |
class | Herwig::SSVDecayer |
The SSVDecayer class implements the decay of a scalar to a vector and a scalar in a general model. More... | |
class | Herwig::SVVDecayer |
This SVVDecayer class implements the decay of a scalar to 2 vector bosons using either the tree level VVSVertex or the loop vertex. More... | |
class | Herwig::TFFDecayer |
The TFFDecayer class implements the decay of a tensor to 2 fermions in a general model. More... | |
class | Herwig::TSSDecayer |
The TSSDecayer class implements the decay of a tensor to 2 scalars in a general model. More... | |
class | Herwig::TVVDecayer |
The TVVDecayer class implements the decay of a tensor to 2 vector bosons in a general model. More... | |
class | Herwig::VFFDecayer |
The VFFDecayer class implements the decay of a vector to 2 fermions in a general model. More... | |
class | Herwig::VSSDecayer |
The VSSDecayer class implements the decay of a vector to 2 scalars in a general model. More... | |
class | Herwig::VVSDecayer |
The VVSDecayer class implements the decay of a vector to a vector and a scalar in a general model. More... | |
class | Herwig::VVVDecayer |
The VVVDecayer class implements the decay of a vector to 2 vectors in a general model. More... | |
class | Herwig::HQETRadiativeDecayer |
The HQETRadiativeDecayer class implements the electromagnetic decays of excited heavy, i.e. More... | |
class | Herwig::HQETStrongDecayer |
The HQETStrongDecayer class implements the strong decays of excited heavy, i.e. More... | |
class | Herwig::Hw64Decayer |
Hw64Decayer is a class that defines all the general routines used in HERWIG++ to imitate the HERWIG 6.4 decays. More... | |
class | Herwig::HwDecayHandler |
The HwDecayHandler is the Herwig decay handler which administers the decays of unstable particles in Herwig. More... | |
class | Herwig::HeavyDecayer |
This class is designed for the partonic decay of a bottom or charm mesons and baryons and is intended to be the same as that in HERWIG6.4. More... | |
class | Herwig::QuarkoniumDecayer |
The QuarkoniumDecayer class is designed for the partonic decay of bottom and charmonium resonances. More... | |
class | Herwig::SMTopDecayer |
The SMTopDecayer performs decays of the top quark into the bottom quark and qqbar pairs or to the bottom quark and lepton neutrino pairs via W boson exchange. More... | |
class | Herwig::SMWDecayer |
The SMWDecayer is designed to perform the decay of the W boson to the Standard Model fermions, including the first order electroweak corrections. More... | |
class | Herwig::SMZDecayer |
The SMZDecayer is designed to perform the decay of the Z boson to the Standard Model fermions. More... | |
class | Herwig::PhaseSpaceChannel |
This class is designed to store the information needed for a given phase-space channel for use by the multi-channel phase space decayer and perform the generation of the phase space for that channel. More... | |
class | Herwig::PhaseSpaceMode |
The PhaseSpaceMode class is designed to store a group of phase-space channels for use by the DecayIntegrator class to generate the phase-space for a given decay mode. More... | |
class | Herwig::FFDipole |
The FFDipole class generates radiation from a final-final dipole for the generation of photons in decay by the SOPTHY algorithm. More... | |
class | Herwig::IFDipole |
The IFDipole class generates radiation from a final-final dipole for the generation of photons in decay by the SOPTHY algorithm. More... | |
class | Herwig::SOPHTY |
Here is the documentation of the SOPHTY class. More... | |
class | Herwig::EtaPiGammaGammaDecayer |
The EtaPiGammaGammaDecayer class implements a VMD model matrix element for \(\eta,\eta'\to \pi^0 \gamma \gamma\) taken from hep-ph/0112150. More... | |
class | Herwig::EtaPiPiFermionsDecayer |
The EtaPiPiFermionsDecayer class implements the decay of the \(\eta\) or \(\eta'\) to \(\pi^+\pi^-\gamma\) using either a VMD type model or a model using either the theoretical or experimental form of the Omnes function taken from hep-ph/0112150. More... | |
class | Herwig::EtaPiPiGammaDecayer |
The EtaPiPiGammaDecayer class implements the decay of the \(\eta\) or \(\eta'\) to \(\pi^+\pi^-\gamma\) using either a VMD type model or a model using either the theoretical or experimental form of the Omnes function taken from hep-ph/0112150. More... | |
class | Herwig::EtaPiPiPiDecayer |
The EtaPiPiPiDecayer class is designed for the simulation of the decay of the \(\eta\) or \(\eta'\) to either \(\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\) or \(\pi^0\pi^0\pi^0\) and the decay of the \(\eta'\) to \(\pi^+\pi^-\eta\) or \(\pi^0\pi^0\eta\). More... | |
class | Herwig::PScalar4FermionsDecayer |
The PScalar4FermionsDecayer class is designed for the decay of the neutral pion to four leptons, in this case electrons. More... | |
class | Herwig::PScalarLeptonNeutrinoDecayer |
The PScalarLeptonNeutrinoDecayer class is designed for the decay of pseudoscalar mesons to a lepton and a neutrino. More... | |
class | Herwig::PScalarPScalarVectorDecayer |
The PScalarPScalarVectorDecayer class is designed to perform the decay of a pseudoscalar meson to another pseudoscalar meson and a vector meson. More... | |
class | Herwig::PScalarVectorFermionsDecayer |
The PScalarVectorFermionsDecayer class is designed for the decay of a pseudoscalar meson to a spin-1 particle and a fermion-antifermion pair. More... | |
class | Herwig::PScalarVectorVectorDecayer |
The PScalarVectorVectorDecayer class is designed to perform the decay of a pseudoscalar meson to two spin-1 particles. More... | |
class | Herwig::ScalarMesonFactorizedDecayer |
The ScalarMesonFactorizedDecayer class is a class which combines a WeakCurrent and a ScalarFormFactor in the naive factorization approximation to perform the non-leptonic weak decays of scalar mesons. More... | |
class | Herwig::ScalarScalarScalarDecayer |
The ScalarScalarScalarDecayer class is designed for the decay of a scalar meson to two scalar mesons. More... | |
class | Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer |
The SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer class is designed for the semileptonic decay of a (pesudo)scalar meson to another meson and a lepton/neutino pair. More... | |
class | Herwig::TauDecayer |
The TauDecayer class performs the decay of the \(\tau\). More... | |
class | Herwig::PseudoTensorMesonTensorVectorDecayer |
The PseudoTensorMesonTensorVectorDecayer class handles the decay of a tensor meson to tensor and a scalar meson. More... | |
class | Herwig::PseudoTensorMesonVectorVectorDecayer |
The PseudoTensorMesonVectorVectorDecayer class handles the decay of a pseudotensor meson to two vector mesons. More... | |
class | Herwig::Spin3Meson2PScalarDecayer |
The Spin3Meson2PScalarDecayer class is designed for the decay of a rank 3 tensor meson to two pseudoscalars via matrix element which takes the form. More... | |
class | Herwig::Spin3MesonTensorPScalarDecayer |
The Spin3MesonTensorPScalarDecayer class is designed for the decay of a rank 3 tensor meson to a tensor and a scalar via matrix element which takes the form. More... | |
class | Herwig::Spin3MesonTensorVectorDecayer |
The Spin3MesonTensorVectorDecayer class is designed for the decay of a rank 3 tensor meson to a tensor and a vector via matrix element which takes the form. More... | |
class | Herwig::Spin3MesonVectorPScalarDecayer |
The Spin3MesonVectorPScalarDecayer class is designed for the decay of a rank 3 tensor meson to a vector and a scalar via matrix element which takes the form. More... | |
class | Herwig::Spin3MesonVectorScalarDecayer |
The Spin3MesonVectorScalarDecayer class is designed for the decay of a rank 3 tensor meson to a vector and a scalar via matrix element which takes the form. More... | |
class | Herwig::TensorMeson2PScalarDecayer |
The TensorMeson2PScalarDecayer class is designed for the decay of a tensor meson to two pseudoscalars via matrix element which takes the form. More... | |
class | Herwig::TensorMesonSpin3VectorDecayer |
The TensorMesonSpin3VectorDecayer class is designed for the decay of a tensor meson to a rank 3 tensor and a vector via matrix element which takes the form. More... | |
class | Herwig::TensorMesonTensorPScalarDecayer |
The TensorMesonTensorPScalarDecayer class handles the decay of a tensor meson to tensor and a scalar meson. More... | |
class | Herwig::TensorMesonTensorScalarDecayer |
The TensorMesonTensorScalarDecayer class handles the decay of a tensor meson to tensor and a scalar meson. More... | |
class | Herwig::TensorMesonVectorPScalarDecayer |
The TensorMesonVectorPScalarDecayer class handles the decay of a tensor meson to a vector and a pseudoscalar. More... | |
class | Herwig::TensorMesonVectorScalarDecayer |
The TensorMesonVectorScalarDecayer class handles the decay of a tensor meson to vector and a scalar meson. More... | |
class | Herwig::TensorMesonVectorVectorDecayer |
The TensorMesonVectorVectorDecayer class is designed to simulate the decay of a tensor meson to two spin-1 particles. More... | |
class | Herwig::a1ThreePionCLEODecayer |
The a1ThreePionCLEODecayer class is designed to implement the decay of the \(a_1\) to three pions using the model of Phys.Rev.D61:012002,2000, (hep-ex/9902022) (CLEO) which was fitted to the one charged and two neutral pion channel for the charged \(a_1\) decay in \(\tau \to a_1 -> \pi\pi\pi\). More... | |
class | Herwig::a1ThreePionDecayer |
The a1ThreePionDecayer class is designed to implement the decay of the a_1 to three pions. More... | |
class | Herwig::OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer |
The OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer class uses the matrix element of Brown and Cahn PRL35, 1 (1975) for the decay of onium resonaces to lighter states and pion pairs. More... | |
class | Herwig::VectorMeson2FermionDecayer |
The VectorMeson2FermionDecayer class is designed for the decay of a vector meson to a fermion-antifermion pair. More... | |
class | Herwig::VectorMeson2MesonDecayer |
This class is the implementation for the decay of a vector meson to two scalar mesons, the classic example is \(\rho -> \pi\pi\), via a current which is the difference of the momenta of the mesons. More... | |
class | Herwig::VectorMeson2SpinHalfBaryonsDecayer |
The VectorMeson2SpinHalfBaryonsDecayer class is designed for the decay of a vector meson to a baryon-antibaryon pair. More... | |
class | Herwig::VectorMeson2SpinThreeHalfBaryonsDecayer |
The VectorMeson2SpinThreeHalfBaryonsDecayer class is designed for the decay of a vector meson to a baryon-antibaryon pair. More... | |
class | Herwig::VectorMesonPScalarFermionsDecayer |
The VectorMesonPScalarFermionsDecayer class is designed to perform the decay of a vector meson to a pesudo scalar and a fermion-antifermion pair according to a current which is the \(V\to VP\) vertex combined with the branching of the vector into a fermion-antifermion pair. More... | |
class | Herwig::VectorMesonTensorVectorDecayer |
The VectorMesonTensorVectorDecayer class is designed to simulate the decay of a vector meson to a tensor meson and a spin-1 particle. More... | |
class | Herwig::VectorMesonVectorPScalarDecayer |
This class is designed for the decay of a vector meson to another spin-1 particle, either another vector meson or a photon, and a pseduoscalar meson. More... | |
class | Herwig::VectorMesonVectorScalarDecayer |
This class is designed for the decay of a vector meson to a spin-1 particle, either a vector meson or a photon, and a scalar meson. More... | |
class | Herwig::VectorMesonVectorVectorDecayer |
This class is designed for the decay of a vector meson to two spin one particles, either other vector mesons or photons. More... | |
class | Herwig::EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent |
The EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent class implements the current from Z.Phys.C58:445 (1992), for \( \pi^- \pi^0 \eta \). More... | |
class | Herwig::FourPionCzyzCurrent |
The FourMesonCzyzCurrent class implements the currents from Phys.Rev. More... | |
class | Herwig::FourPionNovosibirskCurrent |
The FourPionNovosibirskCurrent class implements the decay of the weak current to 4 pions using the hadronic currents of Comput. More... | |
class | Herwig::KPiKStarCurrent |
Weak current for the production of two mesons via the \(\rho\) or \(K^*\) resonances. More... | |
class | Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent |
This class implements the weak decay current for a lepton and a neutrino. More... | |
class | Herwig::OneKaonTwoPionCurrent |
The OneKaonTwoPionCurrent class implements the model of M. More... | |
class | Herwig::OneKaonTwoPionDefaultCurrent |
The OneKaonTwoPionDefaultCurrent class implements the currents from Z.Phys.C58:445 (1992), this paper uses the form from Z.Phys.C48:445 (1990) for the \(a_1\) width and is the default model in TAUOLA. More... | |
class | Herwig::ScalarMesonCurrent |
The weak current for the production of one (pseudo)-scalar meson. More... | |
class | Herwig::ThreeMesonCurrentBase |
This is the base class for the three meson decays of the weak current. More... | |
class | Herwig::ThreePionCLEOCurrent |
The ThreePionCLEOCurrent class implements the decay of the weak current to three pions using the currents from CLEO Phys. More... | |
class | Herwig::ThreePionCzyzCurrent |
The ThreeMesonCzyzCurrent class implements the currents from Eur.Phys.J. More... | |
class | Herwig::ThreePionDefaultCurrent |
The ThreePionDefaultCurrent class implements the currents from Z.Phys.C58:445 (1992), this paper uses the form from Z.Phys.C48:445 (1990) for the \(a_1\) width and is the default model in TAUOLA. More... | |
class | Herwig::TwoKaonOnePionCurrent |
The TwoKaonOnePionCurrent class implements the model of M. More... | |
class | Herwig::TwoKaonOnePionDefaultCurrent |
The TwoKaonOnePionDefaultCurrent class implements the currents from Z.Phys.C58:445 (1992), this paper uses the form from Z.Phys.C48:445 (1990) for the \(a_1\) width and is the default model in TAUOLA. More... | |
class | Herwig::TwoPionPhotonCurrent |
This class implements the decay current for \(\pi^\pm\pi^0 \gamma\) via an intermediate \(\omega\). More... | |
class | Herwig::TwoPionRhoCurrent |
Weak current for the production of two mesons via the \(\rho\) resonances. More... | |
class | Herwig::VectorMesonCurrent |
The weak current for the production of one (pseudo)-vector meson. More... | |
class | Herwig::WeakCurrent |
The WeakCurrent class is the base class for the hadronic currents produced in weak decays. More... | |
class | Herwig::DecayIntegrator |
Main class for Decayers implementing multi-channel phase space integration. More... | |
These classes perform the decays.