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Herwig 7.3.0
Herwig::ColourReconnector Class Reference

Class for changing colour reconnections of partons. More...

#include <ColourReconnector.h>

Inheritance diagram for Herwig::ColourReconnector:

Public Types

using CluVecIt = ClusterVector::iterator
- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
enum  InitState
- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
typedef unsigned int CounterType

Public Member Functions

void rearrange (ClusterVector &clusters)
 Does the colour rearrangement, starting out from the list of particles in the event record and the collection of "usual" clusters passed as arguments.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
virtual bool defaultInit ()
PPtr getParticle (PID) const
PDPtr getParticleData (PID) const
bool used () const
void useMe () const
tEGPtr generator () const
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
PPtr getParticle (PID) const
PDPtr getParticleData (PID) const
bool used () const
void useMe () const
tEGPtr generator () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
string fullName () const
string name () const
string path () const
string comment () const
void setup (istream &is)
void update ()
void init ()
virtual bool preInitialize () const
void initrun ()
void finish ()
void touch ()
void reset ()
void clear ()
InitState state () const
bool locked () const
bool touched () const
virtual IBPtr fullclone () const
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
virtual void debugme () const
void update ()
void init ()
virtual bool preInitialize () const
void initrun ()
void finish ()
void touch ()
void reset ()
void clear ()
InitState state () const
bool locked () const
bool touched () const
virtual IBPtr fullclone () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Base
void debug () const
virtual void debugme () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
CounterType referenceCount () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Named
 Named (const string &newName=string())
 Named (const Named &)=default
const string & name () const
bool operator== (const Named &other) const
bool operator< (const Named &other) const

Private Member Functions

Energy2 _clusterMassSum (const PVector &q, const PVector &aq) const
double _displacement (tcPPtr p, tcPPtr q) const
 calculates the "euclidean" distance of two quarks in the rapdidity-phi plane @arguments p, q the two quarks
double _displacementBaryonic (tcPPtr p1, tcPPtr p2, tcPPtr p3) const
 calculates the "euclidean" distance of a the 3 (anti)quarks (anti)baryonic cluster in the rapdidity-phi plane @arguments p, q the two quarks
bool _containsColour8 (const ClusterVector &cv, const vector< size_t > &P) const
 Examines whether the cluster vector (under the given permutation of the antiquarks) contains colour-octet clusters.
void _doRecoStatistical (ClusterVector &cv) const
 A Metropolis-type algorithm which finds a local minimum in the total sum of cluster masses @arguments cv cluster vector.
void _doRecoPlain (ClusterVector &cv) const
 Plain colour reconnection as used in Herwig 2.5.0 @arguments cv cluster vector.
void _doRecoBaryonic (ClusterVector &cv) const
 Baryonic Colour Reconnection model.
void _doRecoBaryonicMesonic (ClusterVector &cv) const
 BaryonicMesonic colour reconnection model @arguments cv cluster vector BaryonicMesonic Colour Reconnection model with reconnections from mesonic clusters to baryonic cluster and the contrary.
void _makeBaryonicClusters (ClusterPtr &c1, ClusterPtr &c2, ClusterPtr &c3, ClusterPtr &newcluster1, ClusterPtr &newcluster2) const
CluVecIt _findRecoPartner (CluVecIt cl, ClusterVector &cv) const
 Finds the cluster in cv which, if reconnected with the given cluster cl, would result in the smallest sum of cluster masses.
CluVecIt _findPartnerRapidity (CluVecIt cl, ClusterVector &cv) const
CluVecIt _findPartnerBaryonic (CluVecIt cl, ClusterVector &cv, bool &tetraCand, const ClusterVector &a, CluVecIt &baryonic1, CluVecIt &baryonic2) const
void _findbestreconnectionoption (std::vector< CluVecIt > &cls, const unsigned &baryonic, string &kind_of_reco, int(&reco_info)[3]) const
 Finds best CR option for the BaryonicMesonic CR model @arguments cls vector of selected clusters, baryonic is the number of baryonic clusters in selection, kind_of_reco is output string denoting best CR option and reco_info is output storage for information on which (anti-)quarks to exchange and in which way.
pair< ClusterPtr, ClusterPtr > _reconnect (ClusterPtr &c1, ClusterPtr &c2) const
 Reconnects the constituents of the given clusters to the (only) other possible cluster combination.
pair< ClusterPtr, ClusterPtr > _reconnect2Bto2B (ClusterPtr &c1, ClusterPtr &c2, const int s1, const int s2) const
 Reconnects (2B->2B) the constituents of the given clusters to another possible cluster combination whose information is given in s1 and s2.
std::tuple< ClusterPtr, ClusterPtr, ClusterPtr > _reconnectBbarBto3M (ClusterPtr &c1, ClusterPtr &c2, const int s0, const int s1, const int s2) const
 Reconnects (B,Bbar->3M) the constituents of the given clusters to another possible cluster combination whose information is given in s0, s1 and s2.
std::tuple< ClusterPtr, ClusterPtr, ClusterPtr > _reconnect3Mto3M (ClusterPtr &c1, ClusterPtr &c2, ClusterPtr &c3, const int infos[3]) const
 Reconnects (3M->3M) the constituents of the given clusters to another possible cluster combination whose information is given in sinfos @arguments c1, c2 and c3 are mesonic clusters.
pair< ClusterPtr, ClusterPtr > _reconnectMBtoMB (ClusterPtr &c1, ClusterPtr &c2, const int s0) const
 Reconnection method for a Baryonic and a Mesonic Cluster to a Baryonic and a Mesonic Cluster s0 is the Number of the (Anti)Patrticle of the Baryonic Cluster , which should be swapped with the Anti(Particle) of the Mesonic Cluster.
bool _clustersFarApart (const std::vector< CluVecIt > &clu) const
 Methods for the BaryonicMesonic CR algorithm Find the best reconnection option for the respective cluster-combination.
void _doReco2BeamClusters (ClusterVector &cv) const
 Does reconnect 2 beam clusters for BaryonicMesonic CR model if option CR2BeamClusters is enabled @arguments cv cluster vector.
void _2Bto2BreconnectionFinder (ClusterPtr &c1, ClusterPtr &c2, int &bswap1, int &bswap2, double mindisplsum, string &kind_of_reco) const
 finds the best reconnection option and stores it in bswap1 and bswap2 (2B->2B colour reconnection) @arguments c1 and c2 cluster pointers and kind_of_reco will output the best found reconnection option for c1 and c2
void _BbarBto3MreconnectionFinder (ClusterPtr &c1, ClusterPtr &c2, int &mswap0, int &mswap1, int &mswap2, double min_displ_sum, string &kind_of_reco) const
 finds the best reconnection option and stores it in mswap0 mswap1 and mswap2 (BbarB->3M colour reconnection) @arguments c1 and c2 cluster pointers and kind_of_reco will output the best found reconnection option for c1 and c2
void _BMtoBMreconnectionfinder (ClusterPtr &c1, ClusterPtr &c2, int &swap, double min_displ_sum, string &kind_of_reco) const
 finds the best reconnection option and stores it in swap (BM->BM colour reconnection) @arguments c1 and c2 cluster pointers and kind_of_reco will output the best found reconnection option for c1 and c2
void _3MtoXreconnectionfinder (std::vector< CluVecIt > &cv, int &swap0, int &swap1, int &swap2, double min_displ_sum, string &kind_of_reco) const
 finds the best reconnection option and stores it in swap0, swap1 and swap2 (3M->{3M,BbarB} colour reconnection) @arguments c1 and c2 cluster pointers and kind_of_reco will output the best found reconnection option for c1 and c2
pair< int, int > _shuffle (const PVector &q, const PVector &aq, unsigned maxtries=10) const
 At random, swap two antiquarks, if not excluded by the constraint that there must not be any colour-octet clusters.
bool _isColour8 (tcPPtr p, tcPPtr q) const

Private Attributes

int _algorithm = 0
int _clreco = 0
 Do we do colour reconnections?
int _debug = 0
 Do we want debug informations?
int _junctionMBCR = 1
 Junction-like model for BaryonicMesonic model Do we want to use the junction-like model for computing the displacements of BaryonicMesonic model? otherwise pairwise distances are used.
double _initTemp = 0.01
 Statistical Reco: Factor used to determine the initial temperature according to InitialTemperature = _initTemp * median {energy changes in a few random rearrangements}.
double _annealingFactor = 0.21
 Statistical Reco: The annealing factor is the ratio of two successive temperature steps: T_n = annealingFactor * T(n-1)
unsigned int _annealingSteps = 10
 Statistical Reco: Number of temperature steps in the statistical annealing algorithm.
double _triesPerStepFactor = 0.66
 Statistical Reco: The number of tries per temperature steps is the number of clusters times this factor.
double _preco = 0.5
 Probability that a found reconnection possibility is actually accepted.
double _precoBaryonic = 0.5
 Probability that a found reconnection possibility is actually accepted.
double _preco3M_3M = 0.5
 Probability that a found reconnection possibility is actually accepted.
double _preco3M_BBbar = 0.5
 Probability that a found reconnection possibility is actually accepted.
double _precoBbarB_3M = 0.5
 Probability that a found reconnection possibility is actually accepted.
double _preco2B_2B = 0.5
 Probability that a found reconnection possibility is actually accepted.
double _precoMB_MB = 0.5
 Probability that a found reconnection possibility is actually accepted.
double _stepFactor = 5.0
 For the BaryonicMesonic algorithm How many times do suggest cluster for reconnection? n(reconnectionstries) = _stepFactor * n(clusters)*n(clusters);.
double _mesonToBaryonFactor = 2.0
 Factor for comparing mesonic clusters to baryonic clusters.
Length _maxDistance = femtometer
 Maximium distance for reconnections TODO: remove if issues with anticausality are discussed and resolved.
unsigned int _octetOption = 0
 Option for handling octets.
int _cr2BeamClusters = 0
 Option for colour reconnecting 2 Beam Clusters if no others are present.
int _prePlainCR = 0
 Option for performing Plain colour reconnection before the Statistical, Baryonic or BaryonicMesonic algorithm is performed.
int _localCR = 0
 Option for colour reconnecting Clusters only if their vertex 3-distance is less than _maxDistance.
int _causalCR = 0
 Option for colour reconnecting Clusters only if their spacetime difference is bigger than 0.

Functions used by the persistent I/O system.

void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
 Function used to write out object persistently.
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
 Function used to read in object persistently.
static void Init ()
 Standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.

Clone Methods.

ColourReconnectoroperator= (const ColourReconnector &)=delete
 Private and non-existent assignment operator.
virtual IBPtr clone () const
 Make a simple clone of this object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone () const
 Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
static void Init ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
static void Init ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Base
static void Init ()
- Public Attributes inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
- Public Attributes inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
const unsigned long uniqueId
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
void reporeg (IBPtr object, string name) const
bool setDefaultReference (PtrT &ptr, string classname, string objectname)
 Interfaced (const string &newName)
 Interfaced (const Interfaced &i)
void setGenerator (tEGPtr generator)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
virtual void readSetup (istream &is)
virtual void doupdate ()
virtual void doinit ()
virtual void doinitrun ()
virtual void dofinish ()
virtual IVector getReferences ()
virtual void rebind (const TranslationMap &)
virtual IBPtr clone () const=0
 InterfacedBase (string newName)
 InterfacedBase (const InterfacedBase &i)
virtual void readSetup (istream &is)
virtual void doupdate ()
virtual void doinit ()
virtual void doinitrun ()
virtual void dofinish ()
virtual IVector getReferences ()
virtual void rebind (const TranslationMap &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
 ReferenceCounted (const ReferenceCounted &)
ReferenceCountedoperator= (const ReferenceCounted &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Named
const Namedoperator= (const Named &other)
const string & name (const string &newName)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
static void registerRepository (IBPtr)
static void registerRepository (IBPtr, string newName)

Detailed Description

Class for changing colour reconnections of partons.

Alberto Ribon, Christian Roehr

This class does the nonperturbative colour rearrangement, after the nonperturbative gluon splitting and the "normal" cluster formation. It uses the list of particles in the event record, and the collections of "usual" clusters which is passed to the main method. If the colour reconnection is actually accepted, then the previous collections of "usual" clusters is first deleted and then the new one is created.

Definition at line 36 of file ColourReconnector.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ CluVecIt

using Herwig::ColourReconnector::CluVecIt = ClusterVector::iterator

Definition at line 48 of file ColourReconnector.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _clusterMassSum()

Energy2 Herwig::ColourReconnector::_clusterMassSum ( const PVector q,
const PVector aq 
) const


Calculates the sum of the squared cluster masses. @arguments q, aq vectors containing the quarks and antiquarks respectively

Sum of cluster squared masses M^2_{q[i],aq[i]}.

◆ _clustersFarApart()

bool Herwig::ColourReconnector::_clustersFarApart ( const std::vector< CluVecIt > &  clu) const

Methods for the BaryonicMesonic CR algorithm Find the best reconnection option for the respective cluster-combination.

veto for far apart clusters @arguments expects at most 3 CluVecIt in clu vector

returns true if clusters are more distant than _maxDistance in space TODO: problematic maybe add option to turn off

◆ _containsColour8()

bool Herwig::ColourReconnector::_containsColour8 ( const ClusterVector cv,
const vector< size_t > &  P 
) const

Examines whether the cluster vector (under the given permutation of the antiquarks) contains colour-octet clusters.

cvCluster vector
PPermutation, a vector of permutated indices from 0 to cv.size()-1

◆ _displacement()

double Herwig::ColourReconnector::_displacement ( tcPPtr  p,
tcPPtr  q 
) const

calculates the "euclidean" distance of two quarks in the rapdidity-phi plane @arguments p, q the two quarks

the dimensionless distance: \deltaR_12=sqrt(\deltaY_12^2 + \delta\phi_12^2)

◆ _displacementBaryonic()

double Herwig::ColourReconnector::_displacementBaryonic ( tcPPtr  p1,
tcPPtr  p2,
tcPPtr  p3 
) const

calculates the "euclidean" distance of a the 3 (anti)quarks (anti)baryonic cluster in the rapdidity-phi plane @arguments p, q the two quarks

the dimensionless distance: if Junction is enabled the difference of all 3 quarks with respect to their mean point is calculated: <Y> = sum_i Y_i/3 <\phi> = sum_i \phi_i/3 \deltaR = sum_i sqrt( (Y_i - <Y>)^2 + (\phi_i - <phi>)^2)

if Junction is disabled the difference of all distinct pairing of the 3 quarks is computed: \deltaR_ij = sqrt(\deltaY_ij^2 + \delta\phi_ij^2) \deltaR_tot = sum_{i,j<i} \deltaR_ij

NOTE: switch the Junction option will necessarily need to be combined with a change (or re-tune) of _mesonToBaryonFactor otherwise no well description is to be expected TODO: maybe add a different p-norm option to get more phenomenology

◆ _doRecoBaryonicMesonic()

void Herwig::ColourReconnector::_doRecoBaryonicMesonic ( ClusterVector cv) const

BaryonicMesonic colour reconnection model @arguments cv cluster vector BaryonicMesonic Colour Reconnection model with reconnections from mesonic clusters to baryonic cluster and the contrary.

Allows also reconnection between mesonic and baryonic Clusters

◆ _findbestreconnectionoption()

void Herwig::ColourReconnector::_findbestreconnectionoption ( std::vector< CluVecIt > &  cls,
const unsigned &  baryonic,
string &  kind_of_reco,
int(&)  reco_info[3] 
) const

Finds best CR option for the BaryonicMesonic CR model @arguments cls vector of selected clusters, baryonic is the number of baryonic clusters in selection, kind_of_reco is output string denoting best CR option and reco_info is output storage for information on which (anti-)quarks to exchange and in which way.

BaryonicMesonic Colour Reconnection model with reconnections from mesonic clusters to baryonic cluster and the contrary. Allows also reconnection between mesonic and baryonic Clusters

◆ _findRecoPartner()

CluVecIt Herwig::ColourReconnector::_findRecoPartner ( CluVecIt  cl,
ClusterVector cv 
) const

Finds the cluster in cv which, if reconnected with the given cluster cl, would result in the smallest sum of cluster masses.

If no reconnection partner can be found, a pointer to the original Cluster cl is returned. @arguments cv cluster vector cl cluster iterator (must be from cv) which wants to have a reconnection partner

iterator to the found cluster, or the original cluster pointer if no mass-reducing combination can be found

◆ _isColour8()

bool Herwig::ColourReconnector::_isColour8 ( tcPPtr  p,
tcPPtr  q 
) const
true, if the two partons are splitting products of the same gluon

◆ _reconnect()

pair< ClusterPtr, ClusterPtr > Herwig::ColourReconnector::_reconnect ( ClusterPtr &  c1,
ClusterPtr &  c2 
) const

Reconnects the constituents of the given clusters to the (only) other possible cluster combination.

pair of pointers to the two new clusters Used for Plain and Baryonic Colour Reconnection models

◆ _reconnect2Bto2B()

pair< ClusterPtr, ClusterPtr > Herwig::ColourReconnector::_reconnect2Bto2B ( ClusterPtr &  c1,
ClusterPtr &  c2,
const int  s1,
const int  s2 
) const

Reconnects (2B->2B) the constituents of the given clusters to another possible cluster combination whose information is given in s1 and s2.

@arguments c1 and c2 are baryonic clusters and s1 and s2 are the respective indices of the constituents of c1 and c2 respectively

pair of pointers to the two new clusters Used only in BaryonicMesonic algorithm and will exchange constituent s1 of c1 with constituent s2 of c2

◆ _reconnect3Mto3M()

std::tuple< ClusterPtr, ClusterPtr, ClusterPtr > Herwig::ColourReconnector::_reconnect3Mto3M ( ClusterPtr &  c1,
ClusterPtr &  c2,
ClusterPtr &  c3,
const int  infos[3] 
) const

Reconnects (3M->3M) the constituents of the given clusters to another possible cluster combination whose information is given in sinfos @arguments c1, c2 and c3 are mesonic clusters.

infos[3] are the respective indices which determine the CR

tuple of pointers to the 3 CR'd mesonic clusters Used only in BaryonicMesonic algorithm and will reconnect 3 mesonic clusters according to the infos, which determine the CR. The coloured quark of the i-th cluster forms a new cluster with the anticoloured quark of the info[i]-th cluster

◆ _reconnectBbarBto3M()

std::tuple< ClusterPtr, ClusterPtr, ClusterPtr > Herwig::ColourReconnector::_reconnectBbarBto3M ( ClusterPtr &  c1,
ClusterPtr &  c2,
const int  s0,
const int  s1,
const int  s2 
) const

Reconnects (B,Bbar->3M) the constituents of the given clusters to another possible cluster combination whose information is given in s0, s1 and s2.

@arguments c1 and c2 are baryonic clusters. s0, s1 and s2 are the respective indices which determine the CR

tuple of pointers to the 3 new mesonic clusters Used only in BaryonicMesonic algorithm and will form 3 mesonic clusters according to the indices s0, s1 and s2. The i-th constituent of c1 is connected to the si-th constituent of c2

◆ _reconnectMBtoMB()

pair< ClusterPtr, ClusterPtr > Herwig::ColourReconnector::_reconnectMBtoMB ( ClusterPtr &  c1,
ClusterPtr &  c2,
const int  s0 
) const

Reconnection method for a Baryonic and a Mesonic Cluster to a Baryonic and a Mesonic Cluster s0 is the Number of the (Anti)Patrticle of the Baryonic Cluster , which should be swapped with the Anti(Particle) of the Mesonic Cluster.

Reconnects the constituents of the given clusters to another possible cluster combination whose information is given in s0. @arguments c1 and c2 are one baryonic and one mesonic cluster respectively and s0 is the respective index of the constituents of the baryonic cluster which is to be exchangeed with the mesonic cluster.

pair of pointers to the two new clusters Used only in BaryonicMesonic algorithm and will exchange constituent s0 of the baryonic cluster with the (anti)-quark of the mesonic cluster

◆ _shuffle()

pair< int, int > Herwig::ColourReconnector::_shuffle ( const PVector q,
const PVector aq,
unsigned  maxtries = 10 
) const

At random, swap two antiquarks, if not excluded by the constraint that there must not be any colour-octet clusters.

@arguments q, aq vectors containing the quarks and antiquarks respectively maxtries maximal number of tries to find a non-colour-octet reconfiguration

Pair of ints indicating the indices of the antiquarks to be swapped. Returns (-1,-1) if no valid reconfiguration could be found after maxtries trials

◆ clone()

virtual IBPtr Herwig::ColourReconnector::clone ( ) const

Make a simple clone of this object.

a pointer to the new object.

Implements ThePEG::InterfacedBase.

◆ fullclone()

virtual IBPtr Herwig::ColourReconnector::fullclone ( ) const

Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane.

a pointer to the new object.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::InterfacedBase.

◆ persistentInput()

void Herwig::ColourReconnector::persistentInput ( PersistentIStream is,
int  version 

Function used to read in object persistently.

isthe persistent input stream read from.
versionthe version number of the object when written.

◆ persistentOutput()

void Herwig::ColourReconnector::persistentOutput ( PersistentOStream os) const

Function used to write out object persistently.

osthe persistent output stream written to.

◆ rearrange()

void Herwig::ColourReconnector::rearrange ( ClusterVector clusters)

Does the colour rearrangement, starting out from the list of particles in the event record and the collection of "usual" clusters passed as arguments.

If the actual rearrangement is accepted, the initial collection of clusters is overridden by the old ones.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _algorithm

int Herwig::ColourReconnector::_algorithm = 0


Specifies the colour reconnection algorithm to be used.

Definition at line 325 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _annealingFactor

double Herwig::ColourReconnector::_annealingFactor = 0.21

Statistical Reco: The annealing factor is the ratio of two successive temperature steps: T_n = annealingFactor * T(n-1)

Definition at line 365 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _annealingSteps

unsigned int Herwig::ColourReconnector::_annealingSteps = 10

Statistical Reco: Number of temperature steps in the statistical annealing algorithm.

Definition at line 371 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _causalCR

int Herwig::ColourReconnector::_causalCR = 0

Option for colour reconnecting Clusters only if their spacetime difference is bigger than 0.

Definition at line 480 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _clreco

int Herwig::ColourReconnector::_clreco = 0

Do we do colour reconnections?

Definition at line 330 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _cr2BeamClusters

int Herwig::ColourReconnector::_cr2BeamClusters = 0

Option for colour reconnecting 2 Beam Clusters if no others are present.

Definition at line 462 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _debug

int Herwig::ColourReconnector::_debug = 0

Do we want debug informations?

Definition at line 335 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _initTemp

double Herwig::ColourReconnector::_initTemp = 0.01

Statistical Reco: Factor used to determine the initial temperature according to InitialTemperature = _initTemp * median {energy changes in a few random rearrangements}.

Definition at line 358 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _junctionMBCR

int Herwig::ColourReconnector::_junctionMBCR = 1

Junction-like model for BaryonicMesonic model Do we want to use the junction-like model for computing the displacements of BaryonicMesonic model? otherwise pairwise distances are used.

If _junctionMBCR is activated the displacements are computed in the rapidity-Phi plane by difference to the average rapidity and phi: DeltaR_i^2 = (rapidity_i - meanRap)^2 + (phi_i - meanPhi)^2 DeltaR = sum_i DeltaR_i if _junctionMBCR=0 the displacements are computed: DeltaR_ij^2 = (rapidity_i - rapidity_j)^2 + (phi_i - phi_j)^2 DeltaR = sum_i,j<i DeltaR_ij

Definition at line 350 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _localCR

int Herwig::ColourReconnector::_localCR = 0

Option for colour reconnecting Clusters only if their vertex 3-distance is less than _maxDistance.

Definition at line 474 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _maxDistance

Length Herwig::ColourReconnector::_maxDistance = femtometer

Maximium distance for reconnections TODO: remove if issues with anticausality are discussed and resolved.

Definition at line 446 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _mesonToBaryonFactor

double Herwig::ColourReconnector::_mesonToBaryonFactor = 2.0

Factor for comparing mesonic clusters to baryonic clusters.

Definition at line 440 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _octetOption

unsigned int Herwig::ColourReconnector::_octetOption = 0

Option for handling octets.

Definition at line 457 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _preco

double Herwig::ColourReconnector::_preco = 0.5

Probability that a found reconnection possibility is actually accepted.

used in Plain & Baryonic CR

Definition at line 384 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _preco2B_2B

double Herwig::ColourReconnector::_preco2B_2B = 0.5

Probability that a found reconnection possibility is actually accepted.

For reconnecting 2B -> 2B' or 2Bbar -> 2Bbar' used in BaryonicMesonic NOTE: if 0 this type of reconnection is not even tried

Definition at line 420 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _preco3M_3M

double Herwig::ColourReconnector::_preco3M_3M = 0.5

Probability that a found reconnection possibility is actually accepted.

For reconnecting 3M -> 3M' used in BaryonicMesonic NOTE: if 0 this type of reconnection is not even tried

Definition at line 398 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _preco3M_BBbar

double Herwig::ColourReconnector::_preco3M_BBbar = 0.5

Probability that a found reconnection possibility is actually accepted.

For reconnecting 3M -> B,Bbar used in BaryonicMesonic

Definition at line 405 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _precoBaryonic

double Herwig::ColourReconnector::_precoBaryonic = 0.5

Probability that a found reconnection possibility is actually accepted.

used in Baryonic CR

Definition at line 390 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _precoBbarB_3M

double Herwig::ColourReconnector::_precoBbarB_3M = 0.5

Probability that a found reconnection possibility is actually accepted.

For reconnecting Bbar,B -> 3M used in BaryonicMesonic

Definition at line 412 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _precoMB_MB

double Herwig::ColourReconnector::_precoMB_MB = 0.5

Probability that a found reconnection possibility is actually accepted.

For reconnecting M,B -> M',B' or M,Bbar -> M',Bbar' used in BaryonicMesonic NOTE: if 0 this type of reconnection is not even tried

Definition at line 428 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _prePlainCR

int Herwig::ColourReconnector::_prePlainCR = 0

Option for performing Plain colour reconnection before the Statistical, Baryonic or BaryonicMesonic algorithm is performed.

Definition at line 468 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _stepFactor

double Herwig::ColourReconnector::_stepFactor = 5.0

For the BaryonicMesonic algorithm How many times do suggest cluster for reconnection? n(reconnectionstries) = _stepFactor * n(clusters)*n(clusters);.

Definition at line 435 of file ColourReconnector.h.

◆ _triesPerStepFactor

double Herwig::ColourReconnector::_triesPerStepFactor = 0.66

Statistical Reco: The number of tries per temperature steps is the number of clusters times this factor.

Definition at line 378 of file ColourReconnector.h.

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