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Herwig 7.3.0
Hadronization Classes

These classes are used for the Hadronization. More...


namespace  Herwig::CheckId
 This is a namespace which provides some useful methods for checking the PDG id of particles.


class  Herwig::GluonMassGenerator
 Dynamic gluon mass generator; the default returns a constant mass. More...
class  Herwig::Cluster
 This class describes a cluster object. More...
class  Herwig::ClusterDecayer
 This class decays the "normal" clusters. More...
class  Herwig::ClusterFinder
 This class forms clusters from the partons produced in the Shower. More...
class  Herwig::ClusterFissioner
 This class handles clusters which are too heavy. More...
class  Herwig::ClusterHadronizationHandler
 Class that controls the cluster hadronization algorithm. More...
class  Herwig::ColourReconnector
 Class for changing colour reconnections of partons. More...
class  Herwig::HadronInfo
 Class used to store all the hadron information for easy access. More...
class  Herwig::HadronSelector
 This class selects the hadron flavours of a cluster decay. More...
class  Herwig::Kupco
 Class designed to make STL routines easy to use. More...
class  Herwig::LightClusterDecayer
 This class performs the decay of light clusters into a single hadron. More...
class  Herwig::PartonSplitter
 This class splits the gluons from the end of the shower. More...


typedef vector< ClusterPtr > Herwig::ClusterVector
 This file contains the typedef declarations used in Hadronization.

Detailed Description

These classes are used for the Hadronization.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ClusterVector

typedef vector<ClusterPtr> Herwig::ClusterVector

This file contains the typedef declarations used in Hadronization.

Philip Stephens
Alberto Ribon

This is the declaration of the CluHadConfig.h header file.

Handy header file to be included in all Hadronization classes.
It contains only some useful typedefs.

See also: Herwig.h Typedef for a vector of ClusterPtr

Definition at line 38 of file CluHadConfig.h.