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Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor Class Reference

The ISGW2FormFactor class is the implementation of the ISGW2 model of Phys. More...

#include <ISGW2FormFactor.h>

Inheritance diagram for Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor:

Public Member Functions

 ISGW2FormFactor ()
 Default constructor.
virtual void ScalarScalarFormFactor (Energy2 q2, unsigned int iloc, int id0, int id1, Energy m0, Energy m1, Complex &f0, Complex &fp) const
 The form factor for the weak decay of a scalar to a scalar.
virtual void ScalarVectorFormFactor (Energy2 q2, unsigned int iloc, int id0, int id1, Energy m0, Energy m1, Complex &V, Complex &A0, Complex &A1, Complex &A2) const
 The form factor for the weak decay of a scalar to a vector.
virtual void ScalarTensorFormFactor (Energy2 q2, unsigned int iloc, int id0, int id1, Energy m0, Energy m1, complex< InvEnergy2 > &h, Complex &k, complex< InvEnergy2 > &bp, complex< InvEnergy2 > &bm) const
 The form factor for the weak decay of a scalar to a tensor.
virtual void dataBaseOutput (ofstream &os, bool header, bool create) const
 Output the setup information for the particle database.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Herwig::ScalarFormFactor
 ScalarFormFactor ()
 Default constructor.
int formFactorNumber (int in, int out, bool &cc) const
 Find the location for a given pair of particle.
void particleID (unsigned int iloc, int &id0, int &id1) const
 Get the particle ids for an entry.
void formFactorInfo (unsigned int &iloc, int &ispin, int &spect, int &inquark, int &outquark) const
 Information on the form factor.
void formFactorInfo (int in, int out, int &ispin, int &spect, int &inquark, int &outquark) const
 Information on the form factor.
unsigned int numberOfFactors () const
 number of form factors
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
 Function used to write out object persistently.
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
 Function used to read in object persistently.
virtual void ScalarScalarSigmaFormFactor (Energy2 q2, unsigned int iloc, int id0, int id1, Energy m0, Energy m1, Complex &fT) const
 The form factor for the weak penguin decay of a scalar meson to a scalar meson.
virtual void ScalarVectorSigmaFormFactor (Energy2 q2, unsigned int iloc, int id0, int id1, Energy m0, Energy m1, Complex &T1, Complex &T2, Complex &T3) const
 The form factor for the weak penguin decay of a scalar meson to a vector meson.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
virtual bool defaultInit ()
PPtr getParticle (PID) const
PDPtr getParticleData (PID) const
bool used () const
void useMe () const
tEGPtr generator () const
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
PPtr getParticle (PID) const
PDPtr getParticleData (PID) const
bool used () const
void useMe () const
tEGPtr generator () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
string fullName () const
string name () const
string path () const
string comment () const
void setup (istream &is)
void update ()
void init ()
virtual bool preInitialize () const
void initrun ()
void finish ()
void touch ()
void reset ()
void clear ()
InitState state () const
bool locked () const
bool touched () const
virtual IBPtr fullclone () const
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
virtual void debugme () const
void update ()
void init ()
virtual bool preInitialize () const
void initrun ()
void finish ()
void touch ()
void reset ()
void clear ()
InitState state () const
bool locked () const
bool touched () const
virtual IBPtr fullclone () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Base
void debug () const
virtual void debugme () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
CounterType referenceCount () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Named
 Named (const string &newName=string())
 Named (const Named &)=default
const string & name () const
bool operator== (const Named &other) const
bool operator< (const Named &other) const

Protected Member Functions

Clone Methods.
virtual IBPtr clone () const
 Make a simple clone of this object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone () const
 Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Herwig::ScalarFormFactor
void addFormFactor (int in, int out, int spin, int spect, int inquark, int outquark)
 Add a form factor to the list.
void initialModes (unsigned int nmodes)
 Set initial number of modes.
unsigned int initialModes () const
 Get the initial number of modes.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
void reporeg (IBPtr object, string name) const
bool setDefaultReference (PtrT &ptr, string classname, string objectname)
 Interfaced (const string &newName)
 Interfaced (const Interfaced &i)
void setGenerator (tEGPtr generator)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
virtual void readSetup (istream &is)
virtual void doupdate ()
virtual void doinit ()
virtual void doinitrun ()
virtual void dofinish ()
virtual IVector getReferences ()
virtual void rebind (const TranslationMap &)
virtual IBPtr clone () const=0
 InterfacedBase (string newName)
 InterfacedBase (const InterfacedBase &i)
virtual void readSetup (istream &is)
virtual void doupdate ()
virtual void doinit ()
virtual void doinitrun ()
virtual void dofinish ()
virtual IVector getReferences ()
virtual void rebind (const TranslationMap &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
 ReferenceCounted (const ReferenceCounted &)
ReferenceCountedoperator= (const ReferenceCounted &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Named
const Namedoperator= (const Named &other)
const string & name (const string &newName)

Private Attributes

Quark masses
Energy _mdown
 The down quark mass.
Energy _mup
 The up quark mass.
Energy _mstrange
 The strange quark mass.
Energy _mcharm
 The charm quark mass.
Energy _mbottom
 The bottom quark mass.
vector< Energy > _mquark
 The masses of the quarks as a vector.
Wave function parameters for the \f$1^1S_0\f$ level.
Energy _beta1S0ud
 The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{d}\).
Energy _beta1S0us
 The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{s}\).
Energy _beta1S0ss
 The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(s\bar{s}\).
Energy _beta1S0cu
 The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{u}\).
Energy _beta1S0cs
 The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{s}\).
Energy _beta1S0ub
 The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{b}\).
Energy _beta1S0sb
 The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(s\bar{b}\).
Energy _beta1S0cc
 The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{c}\).
Energy _beta1S0bc
 The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(b\bar{c}\).
vector< vector< Energy > > _beta1S0
 The wavefunction parameters as an array.
vector< vector< Energy > > _mass1S0
 The masses as a array.
Wave function parameters for the \f$1^3S_1\f$ level.
Energy _beta3S1ud
 The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{d}\).
Energy _beta3S1us
 The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{s}\).
Energy _beta3S1ss
 The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(s\bar{s}\).
Energy _beta3S1cu
 The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{u}\).
Energy _beta3S1cs
 The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{s}\).
Energy _beta3S1ub
 The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{b}\).
Energy _beta3S1sb
 The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(s\bar{b}\).
Energy _beta3S1cc
 The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{c}\).
Energy _beta3S1bc
 The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(b\bar{c}\).
vector< vector< Energy > > _beta3S1
 The wavefunction paramaeters as an array.
Wave function parameters for the \f$1P\f$ levels.
Energy _beta1Pud
 The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{d}\).
Energy _beta1Pus
 The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{s}\).
Energy _beta1Pss
 The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(s\bar{s}\).
Energy _beta1Pcu
 The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{u}\).
Energy _beta1Pcs
 The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{s}\).
Energy _beta1Pub
 The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{b}\).
Energy _beta1Psb
 The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(s\bar{b}\).
Energy _beta1Pcc
 The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{c}\).
Energy _beta1Pbc
 The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(b\bar{c}\).
vector< vector< Energy > > _beta1P
 The wavefunction paramaeters as an array.
vector< vector< Energy > > _massPoh
 The spin-1/2 masses.
vector< vector< Energy > > _massPth
 The spin-3/2 masses.
Parameters for the strong coupling
double _alphamuQM
 The cut-off value of \(\alpha_S\).
vector< double > _alphaQ
 The values of \(\alpha_S\) at the quark masses.
Relativistic correction factors
double _CfDrho
 The correction factor for \(D\to\rho\).
double _CfDKstar
 The correction factor for \(D\to K^*\).
double _CfDsKstar
 The correction factor for \(D_s\to K^*\).
double _CfDsphi
 The correction factor for \(D_s\to\phi\).
double _CfBrho
 The correction factor for \(B\to\rho\).
double _CfBDstar
 The correction factor for \(B\to D^*\).
double _CfBsKstar
 The correction factor for \(B_s\to K^*\).
double _CfBsDstar
 The correction factor for \(B_s\to D^*\).
double _CfBcDstar
 The correction factor for \(B_c\to D^*\).
double _CfBcpsi
 The correction factor for \(B_c\to\psi\).
double _CfBcBsstar
 The correction factor for \(B_c\to B_s^*\).
double _CfBcBstar
 The correction factor for \(B_c\to B^*\).
double _thetaeta
 The \(\eta-\eta'\) mixing angle.
bool _includeaW
 Include the \(a_L(\omega)\) piece of the \(C_{ji}\) factor.

Functions used by the persistent I/O system.

void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
 Function used to write out object persistently.
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
 Function used to read in object persistently.
static void Init ()
 Standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
void formFactor (Energy2 q2, unsigned int iloc, int id0, int id1, Energy m0, Energy m1, Complex &f1, Complex &f2, Complex &f3, Complex &f4) const
 The member which implements all the different form-factors.

Standard Interfaced functions.

virtual void doinit ()
 Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving and EventGenerator to disk.
double alphaS (Energy mass, Energy2 q2) const
 The saturated \(\alpha_S\) used to calculate the form-factors.
ISGW2FormFactoroperator= (const ISGW2FormFactor &)=delete
 Private and non-existent assignment operator.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
enum  InitState
- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
typedef unsigned int CounterType
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Herwig::ScalarFormFactor
static void Init ()
 Standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
static void Init ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
static void Init ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Base
static void Init ()
- Public Attributes inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
- Public Attributes inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
const unsigned long uniqueId
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
static void registerRepository (IBPtr)
static void registerRepository (IBPtr, string newName)

Detailed Description

The ISGW2FormFactor class is the implementation of the ISGW2 model of Phys.

Rev. D52, 2783 (1995) for the scalar meson form factors.

It inherits from the ScalarFormFactor class and implements the calculation of the relevant form factors.

See also

Definition at line 36 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ alphaS()

double Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::alphaS ( Energy  mass,
Energy2  q2 
) const

The saturated \(\alpha_S\) used to calculate the form-factors.

massMass scale to work out the number of flavours.
q2\(q^2\) the scale.
the value of \(\alpha_S\).

Definition at line 192 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

References _alphamuQM, _mcharm, and ThePEG::Constants::pi.

◆ clone()

virtual IBPtr Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::clone ( ) const

Make a simple clone of this object.

a pointer to the new object.

Reimplemented from Herwig::ScalarFormFactor.

Definition at line 156 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ dataBaseOutput()

virtual void Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::dataBaseOutput ( ofstream &  os,
bool  header,
bool  create 
) const

Output the setup information for the particle database.

osThe stream to output the information to
headerWhether or not to output the information for MySQL
createWhether or not to add a statement creating the object

Reimplemented from Herwig::ScalarFormFactor.

◆ doinit()

virtual void Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::doinit ( )

Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving and EventGenerator to disk.

InitExceptionif object could not be initialized properly.

Reimplemented from Herwig::ScalarFormFactor.

◆ formFactor()

void Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::formFactor ( Energy2  q2,
unsigned int  iloc,
int  id0,
int  id1,
Energy  m0,
Energy  m1,
Complex f1,
Complex f2,
Complex f3,
Complex f4 
) const

The member which implements all the different form-factors.

q2The scale \(q^2\).
ilocThe location in the form-factor list.
id0The PDG code of the incoming meson.
id1The PDG code of the outgoing meson.
m0The mass of the incoming meson.
m1The mass of the outgoing meson.
f1The first form-factor.
f2The second form-factor.
f3The third form-factor.
f4The fourth form-factor.

◆ fullclone()

virtual IBPtr Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::fullclone ( ) const

Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane.

a pointer to the new object.

Reimplemented from Herwig::ScalarFormFactor.

Definition at line 162 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ persistentInput()

void Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::persistentInput ( PersistentIStream is,
int  version 

Function used to read in object persistently.

isthe persistent input stream read from.
versionthe version number of the object when written.

◆ persistentOutput()

void Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::persistentOutput ( PersistentOStream os) const

Function used to write out object persistently.

osthe persistent output stream written to.

◆ ScalarScalarFormFactor()

virtual void Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::ScalarScalarFormFactor ( Energy2  q2,
unsigned int  iloc,
int  id0,
int  id1,
Energy  m0,
Energy  m1,
Complex f0,
Complex fp 
) const

The form factor for the weak decay of a scalar to a scalar.

q2The scale \(q^2\).
ilocThe location in the form-factor list.
id0The PDG code of the incoming meson.
id1The PDG code of the outgoing meson.
m0The mass of the incoming meson.
m1The mass of the outgoing meson.
f0The form-factor \(f_0\).
fpThe form-factor \(f_+\).

Reimplemented from Herwig::ScalarFormFactor.

◆ ScalarTensorFormFactor()

virtual void Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::ScalarTensorFormFactor ( Energy2  q2,
unsigned int  iloc,
int  id0,
int  id1,
Energy  m0,
Energy  m1,
complex< InvEnergy2 > &  h,
Complex k,
complex< InvEnergy2 > &  bp,
complex< InvEnergy2 > &  bm 
) const

The form factor for the weak decay of a scalar to a tensor.

q2The scale \(q^2\).
ilocThe location in the form-factor list.
id0The PDG code of the incoming meson.
id1The PDG code of the outgoing meson.
m0The mass of the incoming meson.
m1The mass of the outgoing meson.
hThe form-factor \(h\).
kThe form-factor \(k\).
bpThe form-factor \(b_+\).
bmThe form-factor \(b_-\).

Reimplemented from Herwig::ScalarFormFactor.

◆ ScalarVectorFormFactor()

virtual void Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::ScalarVectorFormFactor ( Energy2  q2,
unsigned int  iloc,
int  id0,
int  id1,
Energy  m0,
Energy  m1,
Complex V,
Complex A0,
Complex A1,
Complex A2 
) const

The form factor for the weak decay of a scalar to a vector.

q2The scale \(q^2\).
ilocThe location in the form-factor list.
id0The PDG code of the incoming meson.
id1The PDG code of the outgoing meson.
m0The mass of the incoming meson.
m1The mass of the outgoing meson.
VThe form-factor \(V\)
A0The form-factor \(A_0\)
A1The form-factor \(A_1\)
A2The form-factor \(A_2\)

Reimplemented from Herwig::ScalarFormFactor.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _alphamuQM

double Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_alphamuQM

The cut-off value of \(\alpha_S\).

Definition at line 421 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

Referenced by alphaS().

◆ _alphaQ

vector<double> Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_alphaQ

The values of \(\alpha_S\) at the quark masses.

Definition at line 425 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1P

vector<vector<Energy> > Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1P

The wavefunction paramaeters as an array.

Definition at line 402 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1Pbc

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1Pbc

The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(b\bar{c}\).

Definition at line 397 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1Pcc

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1Pcc

The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{c}\).

Definition at line 392 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1Pcs

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1Pcs

The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{s}\).

Definition at line 377 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1Pcu

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1Pcu

The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{u}\).

Definition at line 372 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1Psb

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1Psb

The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(s\bar{b}\).

Definition at line 387 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1Pss

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1Pss

The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(s\bar{s}\).

Definition at line 367 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1Pub

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1Pub

The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{b}\).

Definition at line 382 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1Pud

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1Pud

The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{d}\).

Definition at line 357 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1Pus

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1Pus

The wavefunction \(1P\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{s}\).

Definition at line 362 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1S0

vector<vector<Energy> > Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1S0

The wavefunction parameters as an array.

Definition at line 289 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1S0bc

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1S0bc

The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(b\bar{c}\).

Definition at line 284 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1S0cc

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1S0cc

The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{c}\).

Definition at line 279 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1S0cs

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1S0cs

The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{s}\).

Definition at line 264 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1S0cu

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1S0cu

The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{u}\).

Definition at line 259 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1S0sb

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1S0sb

The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(s\bar{b}\).

Definition at line 274 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1S0ss

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1S0ss

The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(s\bar{s}\).

Definition at line 254 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1S0ub

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1S0ub

The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{b}\).

Definition at line 269 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1S0ud

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1S0ud

The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{d}\).

Definition at line 244 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta1S0us

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta1S0us

The wavefunction \(1^1S_0\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{s}\).

Definition at line 249 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta3S1

vector<vector<Energy> > Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta3S1

The wavefunction paramaeters as an array.

Definition at line 347 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta3S1bc

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta3S1bc

The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(b\bar{c}\).

Definition at line 342 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta3S1cc

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta3S1cc

The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{c}\).

Definition at line 337 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta3S1cs

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta3S1cs

The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{s}\).

Definition at line 322 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta3S1cu

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta3S1cu

The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(c\bar{u}\).

Definition at line 317 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta3S1sb

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta3S1sb

The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(s\bar{b}\).

Definition at line 332 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta3S1ss

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta3S1ss

The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(s\bar{s}\).

Definition at line 312 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta3S1ub

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta3S1ub

The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{b}\).

Definition at line 327 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta3S1ud

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta3S1ud

The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{d}\).

Definition at line 302 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _beta3S1us

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_beta3S1us

The wavefunction \(1^3S_1\) \(\beta\) variational parameter for \(u\bar{s}\).

Definition at line 307 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _CfBcBsstar

double Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_CfBcBsstar

The correction factor for \(B_c\to B_s^*\).

Definition at line 483 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _CfBcBstar

double Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_CfBcBstar

The correction factor for \(B_c\to B^*\).

Definition at line 488 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _CfBcDstar

double Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_CfBcDstar

The correction factor for \(B_c\to D^*\).

Definition at line 473 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _CfBcpsi

double Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_CfBcpsi

The correction factor for \(B_c\to\psi\).

Definition at line 478 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _CfBDstar

double Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_CfBDstar

The correction factor for \(B\to D^*\).

Definition at line 458 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _CfBrho

double Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_CfBrho

The correction factor for \(B\to\rho\).

Definition at line 453 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _CfBsDstar

double Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_CfBsDstar

The correction factor for \(B_s\to D^*\).

Definition at line 468 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _CfBsKstar

double Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_CfBsKstar

The correction factor for \(B_s\to K^*\).

Definition at line 463 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _CfDKstar

double Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_CfDKstar

The correction factor for \(D\to K^*\).

Definition at line 438 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _CfDrho

double Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_CfDrho

The correction factor for \(D\to\rho\).

Definition at line 433 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _CfDsKstar

double Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_CfDsKstar

The correction factor for \(D_s\to K^*\).

Definition at line 443 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _CfDsphi

double Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_CfDsphi

The correction factor for \(D_s\to\phi\).

Definition at line 448 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _includeaW

bool Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_includeaW

Include the \(a_L(\omega)\) piece of the \(C_{ji}\) factor.

Definition at line 499 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _mass1S0

vector<vector<Energy> > Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_mass1S0

The masses as a array.

Definition at line 294 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _massPoh

vector<vector<Energy> > Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_massPoh

The spin-1/2 masses.

Definition at line 408 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _massPth

vector<vector<Energy> > Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_massPth

The spin-3/2 masses.

Definition at line 413 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _mbottom

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_mbottom

The bottom quark mass.

Definition at line 230 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _mcharm

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_mcharm

The charm quark mass.

Definition at line 225 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

Referenced by alphaS().

◆ _mdown

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_mdown

The down quark mass.

Definition at line 210 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _mquark

vector<Energy> Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_mquark

The masses of the quarks as a vector.

Definition at line 235 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _mstrange

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_mstrange

The strange quark mass.

Definition at line 220 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _mup

Energy Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_mup

The up quark mass.

Definition at line 215 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

◆ _thetaeta

double Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor::_thetaeta

The \(\eta-\eta'\) mixing angle.

Definition at line 494 of file ISGW2FormFactor.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: