Herwig 7.3.0
The SMWDecayer
is designed to perform the decay of the W boson to the Standard Model fermions, including the first order electroweak corrections.
#include <SMWDecayer.h>
Public Member Functions | |
SMWDecayer () | |
Default constructor. | |
virtual bool | hasMECorrection () |
Virtual members to be overridden by inheriting classes which implement hard corrections. | |
virtual void | initializeMECorrection (RealEmissionProcessPtr, double &, double &) |
Initialize the ME correction. | |
virtual bool | softMatrixElementVeto (PPtr parent, PPtr progenitor, const bool &fs, const Energy &highestpT, const vector< tcPDPtr > &ids, const double &z, const Energy &scale, const Energy &pT) |
Apply the soft matrix element correction. | |
virtual POWHEGType | hasPOWHEGCorrection () |
Has a POWHEG style correction. | |
virtual int | modeNumber (bool &cc, tcPDPtr parent, const tPDVector &children) const |
Which of the possible decays is required. | |
virtual ParticleVector | decay (const Particle &parent, const tPDVector &children) const |
For a given decay mode and a given particle instance, perform the decay and return the decay products. | |
double | me2 (const int ichan, const Particle &part, const tPDVector &outgoing, const vector< Lorentz5Momentum > &momenta, MEOption meopt) const |
Return the matrix element squared for a given mode and phase-space channel. | |
virtual void | constructSpinInfo (const Particle &part, ParticleVector outgoing) const |
Construct the SpinInfos for the particles produced in the decay. | |
virtual void | dataBaseOutput (ofstream &os, bool header) const |
Output the setup information for the particle database. | |
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PerturbativeDecayer () | |
The default constructor. | |
virtual POWHEGType | hasPOWHEGCorrection () |
Has a POWHEG style correction. | |
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr | generateHardest (RealEmissionProcessPtr) |
Member to generate the hardest emission in the POWHEG scheme. | |
virtual RealEmissionProcessPtr | applyHardMatrixElementCorrection (RealEmissionProcessPtr) |
Apply the hard matrix element correction to a given hard process or decay. | |
void | persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const |
Function used to write out object persistently. | |
void | persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version) |
Function used to read in object persistently. | |
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DecayIntegrator () | |
The default constructor. | |
virtual bool | accept (tcPDPtr parent, const tPDVector &children) const |
Check if this decayer can perfom the decay for a particular mode. | |
virtual ParticleVector | decay (const Particle &parent, const tPDVector &children) const |
For a given decay mode and a given particle instance, perform the decay and return the decay products. | |
virtual int | modeNumber (bool &cc, tcPDPtr parent, const tPDVector &children) const =0 |
Which of the possible decays is required. | |
int | imode () const |
The mode being used for this decay. | |
void | addMode (PhaseSpaceModePtr mode) const |
Add a phase-space mode to the list. | |
virtual double | me2 (const int ichan, const Particle &part, const tPDVector &outgoing, const vector< Lorentz5Momentum > &momenta, MEOption meopt) const =0 |
Return the matrix element squared for a given mode and phase-space channel. | |
virtual void | constructSpinInfo (const Particle &part, ParticleVector outgoing) const =0 |
Construct the SpinInfos for the particles produced in the decay. | |
virtual void | dataBaseOutput (ofstream &os, bool header) const |
Output the setup information for the particle database. | |
void | setPartialWidth (const DecayMode &dm, int imode) |
Set the code for the partial width. | |
virtual bool | twoBodyMEcode (const DecayMode &, int &mecode, double &coupling) const |
Specify the \(1\to2\) matrix element to be used in the running width calculation. | |
virtual WidthCalculatorBasePtr | threeBodyMEIntegrator (const DecayMode &dm) const |
Method to return an object to calculate the 3 (or higher body) partial width. | |
virtual double | threeBodyMatrixElement (const int imode, const Energy2 q2, const Energy2 s3, const Energy2 s2, const Energy2 s1, const Energy m1, const Energy m2, const Energy m3) const |
The matrix element to be integrated for the three-body decays as a function of the invariant masses of pairs of the outgoing particles. | |
virtual InvEnergy | threeBodydGammads (const int imode, const Energy2 q2, const Energy2 s, const Energy m1, const Energy m2, const Energy m3) const |
The differential three body decay rate with one integral performed. | |
int | findMode (const DecayMode &dm) |
Finds the phase-space mode corresponding to a given decay mode. | |
ParticleVector | generatePhotons (const Particle &p, ParticleVector children) |
Members for the generation of QED radiation in the decays. | |
bool | canGeneratePhotons () |
check if photons can be generated in the decay | |
virtual double | oneLoopVirtualME (unsigned int imode, const Particle &part, const ParticleVector &products) |
The one-loop virtual correction. | |
bool | hasOneLoopME () |
Whether or not the one loop matrix element is implemented. | |
virtual InvEnergy2 | realEmissionME (unsigned int imode, const Particle &part, ParticleVector &products, unsigned int iemitter, double ctheta, double stheta, const LorentzRotation &rot1, const LorentzRotation &rot2) |
The real emission matrix element. | |
bool | hasRealEmissionME () |
Whether or not the real emission matrix element is implemented. | |
bool | warnings () const |
void | persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const |
Function used to write out object persistently. | |
void | persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version) |
Function used to read in object persistently. | |
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HwDecayerBase () | |
The default constructor. | |
virtual bool | accept (const DecayMode &dm) const |
Check if this decayer can perfom the decay specified by the given decay mode. | |
virtual ParticleVector | decay (const DecayMode &dm, const Particle &p) const |
Perform a decay for a given DecayMode and a given Particle instance. | |
void | persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const |
Function used to write out object persistently. | |
void | persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version) |
Function used to read in object persistently. | |
bool | initialize () const |
Access to the initialize variable. | |
bool | databaseOutput () const |
Access the database output variable. | |
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void | persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const |
void | persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version) |
virtual bool | accept (const DecayMode &dm) const=0 |
virtual bool | needsFullStep () const |
virtual ParticleVector | decay (const DecayMode &dm, const Particle &p) const=0 |
virtual ParticleVector | decay (const DecayMode &dm, const Particle &p, Step &step) const |
virtual double | brat (const DecayMode &dm, const ParticleData &pd, double oldbrat) const |
virtual double | brat (const DecayMode &dm, const Particle &p, double oldbrat) const |
virtual ParticleVector | getChildren (const DecayMode &dm, const Particle &parent) const |
virtual void | finalBoost (const Particle &parent, const ParticleVector &children) const |
virtual void | setScales (const Particle &parent, const ParticleVector &children) const |
Ptr< Amplitude >::pointer | amplitude () const |
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double | rnd () const |
double | rnd (double xu) const |
double | rnd (double xl, double xu) const |
bool | rndbool () const |
bool | rndbool (double p) const |
bool | rndbool (double p1, double p2) const |
int | rndsign (double p1, double p2, double p3) const |
int | rnd2 (double p0, double p1) const |
int | rnd3 (double p0, double p1, double p2) const |
int | rnd4 (double p0, double p1, double p2, double p3) const |
long | irnd (long xu=2) const |
long | irnd (long xl, long xu) const |
const StandardModelBase & | SM () const |
tSMPtr | standardModel () const |
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virtual bool | defaultInit () |
PPtr | getParticle (PID) const |
PDPtr | getParticleData (PID) const |
bool | used () const |
void | useMe () const |
tEGPtr | generator () const |
void | persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const |
void | persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version) |
PPtr | getParticle (PID) const |
PDPtr | getParticleData (PID) const |
bool | used () const |
void | useMe () const |
tEGPtr | generator () const |
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string | fullName () const |
string | name () const |
string | path () const |
string | comment () const |
void | setup (istream &is) |
void | update () |
void | init () |
virtual bool | preInitialize () const |
void | initrun () |
void | finish () |
void | touch () |
void | reset () |
void | clear () |
InitState | state () const |
bool | locked () const |
bool | touched () const |
virtual IBPtr | fullclone () const |
void | persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const |
void | persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version) |
virtual void | debugme () const |
void | update () |
void | init () |
virtual bool | preInitialize () const |
void | initrun () |
void | finish () |
void | touch () |
void | reset () |
void | clear () |
InitState | state () const |
bool | locked () const |
bool | touched () const |
virtual IBPtr | fullclone () const |
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void | debug () const |
virtual void | debugme () const |
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CounterType | referenceCount () const |
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Named (const string &newName=string()) | |
Named (const Named &)=default | |
const string & | name () const |
bool | operator== (const Named &other) const |
bool | operator< (const Named &other) const |
Protected Member Functions | |
Clone Methods. | |
virtual IBPtr | clone () const |
Make a simple clone of this object. | |
virtual IBPtr | fullclone () const |
Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane. | |
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bool | identifyDipoles (vector< DipoleType > &dipoles, PPtr &aProgenitor, PPtr &bProgenitor, PPtr &cProgenitor, ShowerInteraction inter) const |
Work out the type of process. | |
ShowerAlphaPtr | alphaS () |
Coupling for the generation of hard QCD radiation. | |
ShowerAlphaPtr | alphaEM () |
Coupling for the generation of hard QED radiation. | |
vector< Lorentz5Momentum > | hardMomenta (PPtr in, PPtr emitter, PPtr spectator, const vector< DipoleType > &dipoles, int i, bool inDeadZone) |
Return the momenta including the hard emission. | |
bool | calcMomenta (int j, Energy pT, double y, double phi, double &xg, double &xs, double &xe, double &xe_z, vector< Lorentz5Momentum > &particleMomenta) |
Calculate momenta of all the particles. | |
bool | psCheck (const double xg, const double xs) |
Check the calculated momenta are physical. | |
pair< double, double > | calculateDipole (const DipoleType &dipoleId, const Particle &inpart, const ParticleVector &decay3) |
Return dipole corresponding to the DipoleType dipoleId. | |
double | dipoleSpinFactor (tcPDPtr emitter, double z) |
Return contribution to dipole that depends on the spin of the emitter. | |
double | colourCoeff (tcPDPtr emitter, tcPDPtr spectator, tcPDPtr other, DipoleType dipole) |
Return the colour coefficient of the dipole. | |
void | getColourLines (RealEmissionProcessPtr real) |
Set up the colour lines. | |
RealEmissionProcessPtr | getHardEvent (RealEmissionProcessPtr born, bool inDeadZone, ShowerInteraction inter) |
Generate a hard emission. | |
bool | inTotalDeadZone (double xg, double xs, const vector< DipoleType > &dipoles, int i) |
Is the \(x_g,x_s\) point in the dead-zone for all the dipoles. | |
phaseSpaceRegion | inInitialFinalDeadZone (double xg, double xa, double a, double c) const |
Is the \(x_g,x_a\) point in the dead-zone for an initial-final colour connection. | |
phaseSpaceRegion | inFinalFinalDeadZone (double xb, double xc, double b, double c) const |
Is the \(x_b,x_c\) point in the dead-zone for a final-final colour connection. | |
bool | useMEforT2 () const |
For me corrections use the shower or me for the T2 region. | |
const Energy & | pT () const |
Access to the kinematics for inheriting classes. | |
const Energy & | mb () const |
Mass of decaying particle. | |
const double & | e () const |
Reduced mass of emitter child particle. | |
const double & | s () const |
Reduced mass of spectator child particle. | |
const double & | e2 () const |
Reduced mass of emitter child particle squared. | |
const double & | s2 () const |
Reduced mass of spectator child particle squared. | |
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ParticleVector | generate (bool inter, bool cc, const unsigned int &imode, const Particle &inpart) const |
Generate the momenta for the decay. | |
void | imode (int in) |
Set the mode being use for this decay. | |
void | ME (DecayMEPtr in) const |
Set the helicity matrix element for the decay. | |
DecayMEPtr | ME () const |
The helicity amplitude matrix element for spin correlations. | |
void | resetIntermediate (tcPDPtr part, Energy mass, Energy width) |
Reset the properities of all intermediates. | |
Energy | initializePhaseSpaceMode (unsigned int imode, bool init, bool onShell=false) const |
Initialize the phase-space mode. | |
void | generateIntermediates (bool in) |
Methods to set variables in inheriting classes. | |
bool | generateIntermediates () const |
Set whether or not the intermediates are included. | |
void | hasOneLoopME (bool in) |
Whether or not the one loop matrix element is implemented. | |
void | hasRealEmissionME (bool in) |
Whether or not the real emission matrix element is implemented. | |
void | epsilonPS (Energy in) |
Set the epsilon parameter. | |
void | clearModes () |
Clear the models. | |
unsigned int | numberModes () const |
Number of decay modes. | |
tPhaseSpaceModePtr | mode (unsigned int ix) |
Pointer to a mode. | |
tcPhaseSpaceModePtr | mode (unsigned int ix) const |
Pointer to a mode. | |
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virtual void | dofinish () |
Finalize this object. | |
void | fixRho (RhoDMatrix &) const |
Set rho to be diagonal if no correlations. | |
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void | reporeg (IBPtr object, string name) const |
bool | setDefaultReference (PtrT &ptr, string classname, string objectname) |
Interfaced (const string &newName) | |
Interfaced (const Interfaced &i) | |
void | setGenerator (tEGPtr generator) |
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virtual void | readSetup (istream &is) |
virtual void | doupdate () |
virtual void | doinit () |
virtual void | doinitrun () |
virtual void | dofinish () |
virtual IVector | getReferences () |
virtual void | rebind (const TranslationMap &) |
virtual IBPtr | clone () const=0 |
InterfacedBase (string newName) | |
InterfacedBase (const InterfacedBase &i) | |
virtual void | readSetup (istream &is) |
virtual void | doupdate () |
virtual void | doinit () |
virtual void | doinitrun () |
virtual void | dofinish () |
virtual IVector | getReferences () |
virtual void | rebind (const TranslationMap &) |
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ReferenceCounted (const ReferenceCounted &) | |
ReferenceCounted & | operator= (const ReferenceCounted &) |
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const Named & | operator= (const Named &other) |
const string & | name (const string &newName) |
Standard Interfaced functions. | |
AbstractFFVVertexPtr | FFWVertex_ |
Pointer to the fermion-antifermion W vertex. | |
AbstractFFVVertexPtr | FFGVertex_ |
Pointer to the fermion-antifermion G vertex. | |
AbstractFFVVertexPtr | FFPVertex_ |
Pointer to the fermion-antifermion G vertex. | |
AbstractVVVVertexPtr | WWWVertex_ |
Pointer to the fermion-antifermion G vertex. | |
vector< double > | quarkWeight_ |
maximum weights for the different integrations | |
vector< double > | leptonWeight_ |
Weights for the W to leptons decays. | |
RhoDMatrix | rho_ |
Spin density matrix for the decay. | |
vector< VectorWaveFunction > | vectors_ |
Polarization vectors for the decay. | |
vector< SpinorWaveFunction > | wave_ |
Spinors for the decay. | |
vector< SpinorBarWaveFunction > | wavebar_ |
Barred spinors for the decay. | |
Energy | d_Q_ |
CM energy. | |
Energy | d_m_ |
Quark mass. | |
double | d_rho_ |
The rho parameter. | |
double | d_v_ |
The v parameter. | |
double | d_kt1_ |
The initial kappa-tilde values for radiation from the quark. | |
double | d_kt2_ |
The initial kappa-tilde values for radiation from the antiquark. | |
double | CF_ |
The colour factor. | |
Energy | mW_ |
The W mass. | |
double | aS_ |
The strong coupling. | |
Energy2 | scale_ |
The scale. | |
tcPDPtr | gluon_ |
Stuff for the POWHEG correction. | |
vector< tcPDPtr > | partons_ |
The ParticleData objects for the fermions. | |
vector< Lorentz5Momentum > | quark_ |
The fermion momenta. | |
Lorentz5Momentum | gauge_ |
The momentum of the radiated gauge boson. | |
PPtr | wboson_ |
The W boson. | |
Energy2 | mw2_ |
W mass squared. | |
bool | NLO_ |
Whether ro return the LO or NLO result. | |
static const double | EPS_ |
Cut-off parameter. | |
virtual void | doinit () |
Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving and EventGenerator to disk. | |
virtual void | doinitrun () |
Initialize this object. | |
void | setRho (double) |
Set the \(\rho\) parameter. | |
void | setKtildeSymm () |
Set the \(\tilde{\kappa}\) parameters symmetrically. | |
void | setKtilde2 () |
Set second \(\tilde{\kappa}\), given the first. | |
double | getZfromX (double, double) |
Translate the variables from \(x_q,x_{\bar{q}}\) to \(\tilde{\kappa},z\). | |
double | getKfromX (double, double) |
Calculate \(\tilde{\kappa}\). | |
void | getXXbar (double kt, double z, double &x, double &xbar) |
Calculate \(x_{q},x_{\bar{q}}\) from \(\tilde{\kappa},z\). | |
double | qWeight (double x, double xbar) |
Soft weight. | |
double | qbarWeight (double x, double xbar) |
Soft antiquark weight calculated from \(x_{q},x_{\bar{q}}\). | |
double | qWeightX (Energy qtilde, double z) |
Soft quark weight calculated from \(\tilde{q},z\). | |
double | qbarWeightX (Energy qtilde, double z) |
Soft antiquark weight calculated from \(\tilde{q},z\). | |
double | u (double) |
???? | |
double | MEV (double, double) |
Vector and axial vector parts of the matrix element. | |
double | MEA (double, double) |
Axial vector part of the matrix element. | |
double | PS (double x1, double x2) |
The matrix element, given \(x_1\), \(x_2\). | |
double | calculateRealEmission (double x1, double x2, tcPDVector outgoing, vector< Lorentz5Momentum > momenta, double phi, double muj, double muk, int iemit, bool subtract) const |
Real emission term, for use in generating the hardest emission. | |
double | meRatio (tcPDVector partons, vector< Lorentz5Momentum > momenta, unsigned int iemitter, bool subtract) const |
Calculate the ratio between NLO & LO ME. | |
virtual double | matrixElementRatio (const Particle &inpart, const ParticleVector &decay2, const ParticleVector &decay3, MEOption meopt, ShowerInteraction inter) |
Calculate matrix element ratio R/B. | |
double | loME (const vector< tcPDPtr > &partons, const vector< Lorentz5Momentum > &momenta) const |
Calculate the LO ME. | |
InvEnergy2 | realME (const vector< tcPDPtr > &partons, const vector< Lorentz5Momentum > &momenta, ShowerInteraction inter) const |
Calculate the NLO real emission piece of ME. | |
SMWDecayer & | operator= (const SMWDecayer &)=delete |
Private and non-existent assignment operator. | |
Functions used by the persistent I/O system. | |
void | persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const |
Function used to write out object persistently. | |
void | persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version) |
Function used to read in object persistently. | |
static void | Init () |
Standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | MEOption { Initialize , Calculate , Terminate } |
Enum for the matrix element option. More... | |
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enum | POWHEGType { No , ISR , FSR , Both } |
Virtual members to be overridden by inheriting classes which implement hard corrections. More... | |
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enum | InitState |
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typedef unsigned int | CounterType |
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static void | Init () |
The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces. | |
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static void | Init () |
The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces. | |
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static void | Init () |
The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces. | |
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static void | Init () |
static ParticleVector | DecayParticle (tPPtr parent, Step &step, long maxtry=1000) |
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static void | Init () |
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static void | Init () |
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static void | Init () |
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static void | Init () |
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initializing | |
uninitialized | |
initialized | |
runready | |
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const unsigned long | uniqueId |
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enum | dipoleType { FFa , FFc , IFa , IFc , IFba , IFbc , FFg } |
Type of dipole. More... | |
enum | phaseSpaceRegion { emissionFromB , emissionFromC , emissionFromA1 , emissionFromA2 , deadZone } |
Phase-space region for an emission (assumes \(a\to b,c\). More... | |
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static void | registerRepository (IBPtr) |
static void | registerRepository (IBPtr, string newName) |
The SMWDecayer
is designed to perform the decay of the W boson to the Standard Model fermions, including the first order electroweak corrections.
Definition at line 32 of file SMWDecayer.h.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Make a simple clone of this object.
Implements ThePEG::InterfacedBase.
Definition at line 162 of file SMWDecayer.h.
virtual |
Construct the SpinInfos for the particles produced in the decay.
Implements Herwig::DecayIntegrator.
virtual |
Output the setup information for the particle database.
os | The stream to output the information to |
header | Whether or not to output the information for MySQL |
Reimplemented from Herwig::DecayIntegrator.
virtual |
For a given decay mode and a given particle instance, perform the decay and return the decay products.
As this is the base class this is not implemented.
Reimplemented from Herwig::DecayIntegrator.
protectedvirtual |
Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving and EventGenerator to disk.
InitException | if object could not be initialized properly. |
Reimplemented from ThePEG::InterfacedBase.
protectedvirtual |
Initialize this object.
Called in the run phase just before a run begins.
Reimplemented from Herwig::DecayIntegrator.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane.
Reimplemented from ThePEG::InterfacedBase.
Definition at line 168 of file SMWDecayer.h.
protected |
Calculate \(x_{q},x_{\bar{q}}\) from \(\tilde{\kappa},z\).
kt | \(\tilde{\kappa}\) |
z | \(z\) |
x | \(x_{q}\) |
xbar | \(x_{\bar{q}}\) |
protected |
Translate the variables from \(x_q,x_{\bar{q}}\) to \(\tilde{\kappa},z\).
Calculate \(z\).
inlinevirtual |
Virtual members to be overridden by inheriting classes which implement hard corrections.
Has an old fashioned ME correction
Reimplemented from Herwig::HwDecayerBase.
Definition at line 51 of file SMWDecayer.h.
inlinevirtual |
Has a POWHEG style correction.
Reimplemented from Herwig::PerturbativeDecayer.
Definition at line 83 of file SMWDecayer.h.
virtual |
Initialize the ME correction.
Reimplemented from Herwig::HwDecayerBase.
protectedvirtual |
Calculate matrix element ratio R/B.
Reimplemented from Herwig::PerturbativeDecayer.
virtual |
Return the matrix element squared for a given mode and phase-space channel.
ichan | The channel we are calculating the matrix element for. |
part | The decaying Particle. |
outgoing | The particles produced in the decay |
momenta | The momenta of the particles produced in the decay |
meopt | Option for the calculation of the matrix element |
Implements Herwig::DecayIntegrator.
protected |
Vector and axial vector parts of the matrix element.
Vector part of the matrix element
virtual |
Which of the possible decays is required.
cc | Is this mode the charge conjugate |
parent | The decaying particle |
children | The decay products |
Implements Herwig::DecayIntegrator.
void Herwig::SMWDecayer::persistentInput | ( | PersistentIStream & | is, |
int | version | ||
) |
Function used to read in object persistently.
is | the persistent input stream read from. |
version | the version number of the object when written. |
void Herwig::SMWDecayer::persistentOutput | ( | PersistentOStream & | os | ) | const |
Function used to write out object persistently.
os | the persistent output stream written to. |
protected |
The matrix element, given \(x_1\), \(x_2\).
x1 | \(x_1\) |
x2 | \(x_2\) |
protected |
Soft antiquark weight calculated from \(x_{q},x_{\bar{q}}\).
x | \(x_{q}\) |
xbar | \(x_{\bar{q}}\) |
protected |
Soft antiquark weight calculated from \(\tilde{q},z\).
qtilde | \(\tilde{q}\) |
z | \(z\) |
protected |
Soft weight.
Soft quark weight calculated from \(x_{q},x_{\bar{q}}\)
x | \(x_{q}\) |
xbar | \(x_{\bar{q}}\) |
protected |
Soft quark weight calculated from \(\tilde{q},z\).
qtilde | \(\tilde{q}\) |
z | \(z\) |
virtual |
Apply the soft matrix element correction.
parent | The initial particle in the current branching |
progenitor | The progenitor particle of the jet |
fs | Whether the emission is initial or final-state |
highestpT | The highest pT so far in the shower |
ids | ids of the particles produced in the branching |
z | The momentum fraction of the branching |
scale | the evolution scale of the branching |
pT | The transverse momentum of the branching |
Reimplemented from Herwig::HwDecayerBase.
mutableprivate |
The strong coupling.
Definition at line 446 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
The colour factor.
Definition at line 435 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
The initial kappa-tilde values for radiation from the quark.
Definition at line 418 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
The initial kappa-tilde values for radiation from the antiquark.
Definition at line 423 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
Quark mass.
Definition at line 403 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
CM energy.
Definition at line 398 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
The rho parameter.
Definition at line 408 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
The v parameter.
Definition at line 413 of file SMWDecayer.h.
staticprivate |
Cut-off parameter.
Definition at line 428 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
Pointer to the fermion-antifermion G vertex.
Definition at line 346 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
Pointer to the fermion-antifermion G vertex.
Definition at line 351 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
Pointer to the fermion-antifermion W vertex.
Definition at line 341 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
The momentum of the radiated gauge boson.
Definition at line 475 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
Stuff for the POWHEG correction.
ParticleData object for the gluon
Definition at line 460 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
Weights for the W to leptons decays.
Definition at line 370 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
W mass squared.
Definition at line 485 of file SMWDecayer.h.
mutableprivate |
The W mass.
Definition at line 440 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
Whether ro return the LO or NLO result.
Definition at line 491 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
The ParticleData objects for the fermions.
Definition at line 465 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
The fermion momenta.
Definition at line 470 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
maximum weights for the different integrations
Weights for the W to quarks decays.
Definition at line 365 of file SMWDecayer.h.
mutableprivate |
Spin density matrix for the decay.
Definition at line 376 of file SMWDecayer.h.
mutableprivate |
The scale.
Definition at line 451 of file SMWDecayer.h.
mutableprivate |
Polarization vectors for the decay.
Definition at line 381 of file SMWDecayer.h.
mutableprivate |
Spinors for the decay.
Definition at line 386 of file SMWDecayer.h.
mutableprivate |
Barred spinors for the decay.
Definition at line 391 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
The W boson.
Definition at line 480 of file SMWDecayer.h.
private |
Pointer to the fermion-antifermion G vertex.
Definition at line 356 of file SMWDecayer.h.