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Herwig 7.3.0
Herwig::MatchboxCurrents Struct Reference

MatchboxCurrents. More...

#include <MatchboxCurrents.h>

Inheritance diagram for Herwig::MatchboxCurrents:

Public Member Functions

Ptr< StandardCKM >::tcptr standardCKM (const StandardModelBase &SM)
 Return the Herwig StandardCKM object.
template<size_t slot>
pair< size_t, size_t > hash (const int ct, const int tl, const int p1, const int h1, const int p2, const int h2, const int p3=-1, const int h3=-2, const int p4=-1, const int h4=-2) const
 Generate a hash value for the current; second member of the pair reserved for combinations.
void setupLeptons (const int l, const Lorentz5Momentum &pl, const int lbar, const Lorentz5Momentum &plbar)
 Setup the lepton reference momenta.
void setupQuarks (const int q, const Lorentz5Momentum &pq, const int qbar, const Lorentz5Momentum &pqbar)
 Setup the quark reference momenta.
const LorentzVector< Complex > & llbarLeftCurrent (const int l, const int lHel, const int lbar, const int lbarHel)
 Tree level left-handed llbar current.
const LorentzVector< Complex > & llbarRightCurrent (const int l, const int lHel, const int lbar, const int lbarHel)
 Tree level right-handed llbar current.
const LorentzVector< Complex > & qqbarLeftCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel)
 Tree level left-handed qqbar current.
const LorentzVector< Complex > & qqbarRightCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel)
 Tree level right-handed qqbar current.
const LorentzVector< Complex > & qqbargLeftCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel, const int g, const int gHel)
 Tree level left-handed qqbarg current.
const LorentzVector< Complex > & qqbargRightCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel, const int g, const int gHel)
 Tree level right-handed qqbarg current.
const LorentzVector< Complex > & qqbarggLeftCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel, const int g1, const int g1Hel, const int g2, const int g2Hel)
 Tree level left-handed qqbargg current.
const LorentzVector< Complex > & qqbarggRightCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel, const int g1, const int g1Hel, const int g2, const int g2Hel)
 Tree level right-handed qqbargg current.
const LorentzVector< Complex > & qqbarqqbarLeftCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel, const int k, const int kHel, const int kbar, const int kbarHel)
 Tree level left-handed qqbarkkbar current.
const LorentzVector< Complex > & qqbarqqbarRightCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel, const int k, const int kHel, const int kbar, const int kbarHel)
 Tree level right-handed qqbarkkbar current.
const LorentzVector< Complex > & qqbarLeftOneLoopCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel)
 One-loop left-handed qqbar current.
const LorentzVector< Complex > & qqbarRightOneLoopCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel)
 One-loop right-handed qqbar current.
const LorentzVector< Complex > & qqbargLeftOneLoopCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel, const int g, const int gHel)
 One-loop left-handed qqbarg current.
const LorentzVector< Complex > & qqbargRightOneLoopCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel, const int g, const int gHel)
 One-loop right-handed qqbarg current.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Herwig::SpinorHelicity::AmplitudeCache< pair< size_t, size_t > >
 AmplitudeCache ()
void nPoints (int n)
 Prepare for n-point amplitude.
int nPoints () const
 Return the number of points.
void amplitudeScale (Energy s) const
 Set the energy scale to obtain dimensionless quantities and flag all quantities to be recalculated.
Energy amplitudeScale () const
 Get the energy scale to obtain dimensionless quantities and flag all quantities to be recalculated.
void momentum (int k, const LorentzMomentum &p, bool getSpinors=true, Energy mass=ZERO) const
 Set the momentum for the k'th parton and its associated mass.
LorentzVector< double > momentum (int k) const
 Return the momentum for the k'th parton.
void reset () const
 Reset flags.
double mass (int k) const
 Return the mass associated to the k'th parton.
int crossingSign (int i) const
 Return the crossing sign for the i'th parton.
double crossingSign (int i, int j) const
 Return the crossing sign for the i'th and j'th parton.
double invariant (int i, int j) const
 Return (ij)
Complex plusProduct (int i, int j) const
 Return <ij>
Complex minusProduct (int i, int j) const
 Return [ij].
LorentzVector< ComplexplusCurrent (int i, int j) const
 Return <i|\gamma^\mu|j].
LorentzVector< ComplexminusCurrent (int i, int j) const
 Return [i|\gamma^\mu|j>
bool getAmplitude (const pair< size_t, size_t > &key) const
 Return true, if the given amplitude needs to be recalculated.
void cacheAmplitude (Complex amp) const
 Cache an amplitude.
const ComplexcachedAmplitude () const
 Return a cached amplitude.
bool getCurrent (const pair< size_t, size_t > &key) const
 Return true, if the given current needs to be recalculated.
void cacheCurrent (const LorentzVector< Complex > &curr) const
 Cache an current.
const LorentzVector< Complex > & cachedCurrent () const
 Return a cached current.

Public Attributes

Ptr< StandardCKM >::tcptr theStandardCKM
 The Herwig StandardCKM object.
Energy MZ
 The Z mass.
Energy GZ
 The Z width.
Energy MW
 The W mass.
Energy GW
 The W width.
double CA
double CF

Private Member Functions

LorentzVector< ComplexqqbarggGeneralLeftCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel, const int g1, const int g1Hel, const int g2, const int g2Hel, const int n)
 Tree level left-handed qqbargg current, full reference vector dependence.
LorentzVector< ComplexqqbarggFixedLeftCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel, const int g1, const int g1Hel, const int g2, const int g2Hel)
 Tree level left-handed qqbargg current, fixed reference vector choice.
LorentzVector< ComplexqqbarggGeneralRightCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel, const int g1, const int g1Hel, const int g2, const int g2Hel, const int n)
 Tree level left-handed qqbargg current, full reference vector dependence.
LorentzVector< ComplexqqbarggFixedRightCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel, const int g1, const int g1Hel, const int g2, const int g2Hel)
 Tree level left-handed qqbargg current, fixed reference vector choice.
void qqbargLoopCoefficients (const int q, const int qbar, const int g)
 Work out the coefficients of the standard matrix elements for the one-loop qqbarg currents.
Complex box6 (const int i, const int j, const int k)
 Evaluate the six-dimensional box.
LorentzVector< ComplexqqbargGeneralLeftLoopCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel, const int g, const int gHel, const int n)
 One-loop left-handed qqbarg current, full reference vector dependence.
LorentzVector< ComplexqqbargFixedLeftLoopCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel, const int g, const int gHel)
 One-loop left-handed qqbarg current, fixed reference vector choice.
LorentzVector< ComplexqqbargGeneralRightLoopCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel, const int g, const int gHel, const int n)
 One-loop left-handed qqbarg current, full reference vector dependence.
LorentzVector< ComplexqqbargFixedRightLoopCurrent (const int q, const int qHel, const int qbar, const int qbarHel, const int g, const int gHel)
 One-loop left-handed qqbarg current, fixed reference vector choice.

Private Attributes

vector< ComplexqqbargLoops
 Container for the coefficients of the standard matrix elements for the one-loop qqbarg currents.

Detailed Description


Simon Platzer

Definition at line 31 of file MatchboxCurrents.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ hash()

template<size_t slot>
pair< size_t, size_t > Herwig::MatchboxCurrents::hash ( const int  ct,
const int  tl,
const int  p1,
const int  h1,
const int  p2,
const int  h2,
const int  p3 = -1,
const int  h3 = -2,
const int  p4 = -1,
const int  h4 = -2 
) const

Generate a hash value for the current; second member of the pair reserved for combinations.

Definition at line 85 of file MatchboxCurrents.h.

◆ standardCKM()

Ptr< StandardCKM >::tcptr Herwig::MatchboxCurrents::standardCKM ( const StandardModelBase SM)

Return the Herwig StandardCKM object.

Definition at line 43 of file MatchboxCurrents.h.

References ThePEG::StandardModelBase::CKM(), and theStandardCKM.

Member Data Documentation

◆ CA

double Herwig::MatchboxCurrents::CA


Definition at line 73 of file MatchboxCurrents.h.

◆ CF

double Herwig::MatchboxCurrents::CF


Definition at line 78 of file MatchboxCurrents.h.

◆ GW

Energy Herwig::MatchboxCurrents::GW

The W width.

Definition at line 68 of file MatchboxCurrents.h.

◆ GZ

Energy Herwig::MatchboxCurrents::GZ

The Z width.

Definition at line 58 of file MatchboxCurrents.h.

◆ MW

Energy Herwig::MatchboxCurrents::MW

The W mass.

Definition at line 63 of file MatchboxCurrents.h.

◆ MZ

Energy Herwig::MatchboxCurrents::MZ

The Z mass.

Definition at line 53 of file MatchboxCurrents.h.

◆ qqbargLoops

vector<Complex> Herwig::MatchboxCurrents::qqbargLoops

Container for the coefficients of the standard matrix elements for the one-loop qqbarg currents.

Definition at line 247 of file MatchboxCurrents.h.

◆ theStandardCKM

Ptr<StandardCKM>::tcptr Herwig::MatchboxCurrents::theStandardCKM

The Herwig StandardCKM object.

Definition at line 38 of file MatchboxCurrents.h.

Referenced by standardCKM().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: