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Herwig 7.3.0
Matchbox classes

Hard process generation at NLO using Catani-Seymour subtraction and NLO matching. More...


namespace  Herwig::ProcessType
 Enumerate the type of calculation required.
namespace  Herwig::RandomHelpers
 Phase space generation utilities.


class  Herwig::DipoleRepository
 Repository of known subtraction dipoles. More...
struct  Herwig::Process
 Process information with coupling order. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitude
 MatchboxAmplitude is the base class for amplitude implementations inside Matchbox. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxHybridAmplitude
 MatchboxHybridAmplitude unifies two amplitude objects to provide tree and one-loop matrix elements. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxMEBase
 MatchboxMEBase is the base class for matrix elements in the context of the matchbox NLO interface. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxOLPME
 MatchboxOLPME implements OLP interfaces. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxReweightBase
 MatchboxReweightBase is the base class for reweighting MatchboxMEBase matrix elements as |M|^2 ( w_1 + ... + w_n ) More...
class  Herwig::MergerBase
 MergerBase is the base class MergingHelpers. More...
class  Herwig::SubtractedME
 SubtractedME represents a subtracted real emission matrix element. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudeggttbar
 MatchboxAmplitudeggttbar. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudeggttbarg
 MatchboxAmplitudeggttbarg. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudehbbbar
 MatchboxAmplitudehbbbar. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudehbbbarg
 MatchboxAmplitudehbbbarg. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudehgg
 MatchboxAmplitudehgg. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudehggg
 MatchboxAmplitudehggg. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudehqqbarg
 MatchboxAmplitudehqqbarg. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbar
 MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbar. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbarg
 MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbarg. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbargg
 MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbargg. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbarqqbar
 MatchboxAmplitudellbarqqbarqqbar. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbar
 MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbar. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbarg
 MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbarg. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbargg
 MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbargg. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbarqqbar
 MatchboxAmplitudelnuqqbarqqbar. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudeqqbarttbar
 MatchboxAmplitudeqqbarttbar. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxAmplitudeqqbarttbarg
 MatchboxAmplitudeqqbarttbarg. More...
struct  Herwig::MatchboxCurrents
 MatchboxCurrents. More...
class  Herwig::FrixionePhotonSeparationCut
 This class implements a cut on legoplot and rapidity separation. More...
class  Herwig::IdentifiedParticleCut
 IdentifiedParticleCut implements cuts on single momenta. More...
class  Herwig::InvariantMassCut
 This class implements a cut on the invariant mass. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxDeltaRCut
 MatchboxDeltaRCut implements cuts related to the separation in the legoplot plane. More...
class  Herwig::MissingPtCut
 MissingPtCut implements a cut on the total missing transverse momentum of a set of outgoing particles, i.e. for now the total transverse momentum of all outgoing neutrinos in an event. More...
class  Herwig::PairPtCut
 This class implements a cut on the transverse momentum of a pair of particles. More...
class  Herwig::PairRapidityCut
 This class implements a cut on the rapidity of a pair of particles. More...
class  Herwig::FFggxDipole
 FFggxDipole implements the D_{g,g;k} subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::FFMggxDipole
 FFMggxDipole implements the D_{g,g;k} subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::FFMqgxDipole
 FFMqgxDipole implements the D_{Q,g;k} subtraction dipole, as well as the D_{gluino,g;k} subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::FFMqqxDipole
 FFMqqxDipole implements the D_{q,qbar;k} subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::FFMsqgxDipole
 FFMsqgxDipole implements the D_{sq,g;k} subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::FFqgxDipole
 FFqgxDipole implements the D_{q,g;k} subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::FFqqxDipole
 FFqqxDipole implements the D_{q,qbar;k} subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::FIggxDipole
 FIggxDipole implements the D_{g,g}^a subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::FIMqgxDipole
 FIMqgxDipole implements the D_{Q,g}^a subtraction dipole, as well as the D_{gluino,g}^a subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::FIMqqxDipole
 FIMqqxDipole implements the D_{q,qbar}^a subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::FIMsqgxDipole
 FIMsqgxDipole implements the D_{sq,g}^a subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::FIqgxDipole
 FIqgxDipole implements the D_{q,g}^a subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::FIqqxDipole
 FIqqxDipole implements the D_{q,qbar}^a subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::IFggxDipole
 IFggxDipole implements the D^{g,g}_k subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::IFgqxDipole
 IFgqxDipole implements the D_k^{g,q} subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::IFMggxDipole
 IFMggxDipole implements the D^{g,g}_k subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::IFMgqxDipole
 IFMgqxDipole implements the D_k^{g,q} subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::IFMqgxDipole
 IFMqgxDipole implements the D^{q,g}_k subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::IFMqqxDipole
 IFMqqxDipole implements the D^{q,qbar}_k subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::IFqgxDipole
 IFqgxDipole implements the D^{q,g}_k subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::IFqqxDipole
 IFqqxDipole implements the D^{q,qbar}_k subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::IIggxDipole
 IIggxDipole implements the D^{g,g;b} subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::IIgqxDipole
 IIgqxDipole implements the D^{g,q,k} subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::IIqgxDipole
 IIqgxDipole implements the D^{q,g;b} subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::IIqqxDipole
 IIqqxDipole implements the D^{q,qbar;b} subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::SubtractionDipole
 SubtractionDipole represents a dipole subtraction term in the formalism of Catani and Seymour. More...
class  Herwig::GenericOLPAmplitude
 GenericOLPAmplitude implements OLP interfaces. More...
class  Herwig::GoSamAmplitude
 GoSamAmplitude implements an interface to GoSam. More...
class  Herwig::MadGraphAmplitude
 MadGraphAmplitude implements an interface to MadGraph. More...
class  Herwig::NJetsAmplitude
 NJetsAmplitude implements an interface to NJets. More...
class  Herwig::OpenLoopsProcInfo
 Process information for OpenLoops. More...
class  Herwig::OpenLoopsAmplitude
 OpenLoopsAmplitude implements an interface to OpenLoops. More...
class  Herwig::VBFNLOAmplitude
 VBFNLOAmplitude implements an interface to VBFNLO. More...
class  Herwig::VBFNLOPhasespace
 VBFNLOPhasespace is an interface to the internal phasespace generator of VBFNLO. It uses the information passed via the BLHA interface to obtain information on the required channels. More...
class  Herwig::DipoleIOperator
 DipoleIOperator implements the I(\epsilon) insertion operator. More...
class  Herwig::DipoleMIOperator
 DipoleMIOperator implements the I(\epsilon) insertion operator for the massive case. DipoleMIOperator does only apply for expanded con- vention and also not for dimensional reduction. More...
class  Herwig::DipoleMPKOperator
 DipoleMPKOperator implements the P+K insertion operator for the massive case. DipoleMPKOperator does not apply for dimen- sional reduction. More...
class  Herwig::DipolePKOperator
 DipolePKOperator implements the P+K insertion operator. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxInsertionOperator
 MatchboxInsertionOperator is the base class for insertion operators. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxFactory
 MatchboxFactory automatically sets up a NLO QCD calculation carried out in dipole subtraction. More...
class  Herwig::DipoleMatching
 DipoleMatching implements NLO matching with the dipole shower. More...
class  Herwig::HardScaleProfile
 HardScaleProfile is the base class for profile scales. A few standard choices are provided by this implementation. More...
class  Herwig::MEMatching
 MEMatching implements NLO matching with matrix element correction (aka Powheg). More...
class  Herwig::QTildeMatching
 QTildeMatching implements NLO matching with the default shower. More...
class  Herwig::ShowerApproximation
 ShowerApproximation describes the shower emission to be used in NLO matching. More...
class  Herwig::ShowerApproximationGenerator
 ShowerApproximationGenerator generates emissions according to a shower approximation entering a NLO matching. More...
class  Herwig::ShowerApproximationKernel
 ShowerApproximationKernel generates emissions according to a shower approximation entering a NLO matching. More...
class  Herwig::FFLightInvertedTildeKinematics
 FFLightInvertedTildeKinematics inverts the final-final tilde kinematics. More...
class  Herwig::FFLightTildeKinematics
 FFLightTildeKinematics implements the 'tilde' kinematics for a final-final subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::FFMassiveInvertedTildeKinematics
 FFMassiveInvertedTildeKinematics inverts the final-final tilde kinematics. More...
class  Herwig::FFMassiveTildeKinematics
 FFMassiveTildeKinematics implements the 'tilde' kinematics for a final-final subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::FILightInvertedTildeKinematics
 FILightInvertedTildeKinematics inverts the final-final tilde kinematics. More...
class  Herwig::FILightTildeKinematics
 FILightTildeKinematics implements the 'tilde' kinematics for a final-initial subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::FIMassiveInvertedTildeKinematics
 FIMassiveInvertedTildeKinematics inverts the final-final tilde kinematics. More...
class  Herwig::FIMassiveTildeKinematics
 FIMassiveTildeKinematics implements the 'tilde' kinematics for a final-initial subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::FlatInvertibleLabframePhasespace
 FlatInvertibleLabframePhasespace implements flat, invertible phase space generation in the lab frame. More...
class  Herwig::FlatInvertiblePhasespace
 FlatInvertiblePhasespace implements flat, invertible phase space generation. More...
class  Herwig::IFLightInvertedTildeKinematics
 IFLightInvertedTildeKinematics inverts the final-final tilde kinematics. More...
class  Herwig::IFLightTildeKinematics
 IFLightTildeKinematics implements the 'tilde' kinematics for a initial-final subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::IFMassiveInvertedTildeKinematics
 IFMassiveInvertedTildeKinematics inverts the final-final tilde kinematics. More...
class  Herwig::IFMassiveTildeKinematics
 IFMassiveTildeKinematics implements the 'tilde' kinematics for a initial-final subtraction dipole. More...
class  Herwig::IILightInvertedTildeKinematics
 IILightInvertedTildeKinematics inverts the final-final tilde kinematics. More...
class  Herwig::IILightTildeKinematics
class  Herwig::InvertedTildeKinematics
 InvertedTildeKinematics is the base class for the inverted 'tilde' kinematics being used for subtraction terms in the formalism of Catani and Seymour. More...
struct  Herwig::StreamingRnd
 Wrap around a vector of random numbers to behave as a stream of those. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxPhasespace
 MatchboxPhasespace defines an abstract interface to a phase space generator. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxRambo
 MatchboxRambo implements RAMBO phase space generation. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxReference
 MatchboxReference implements reference sample phase space generation. More...
class  Herwig::PhasespaceCouplings
 Store couplings for the phase space generator. More...
struct  Herwig::PhasespaceHelpers::PhasespaceInfo
 General information for phase space generation. More...
struct  Herwig::PhasespaceHelpers::PhasespaceTree
 A phase space tree. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Density >
 Define the generator concept. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Expression
 A density expression. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Expression >
 Container base class for a general density. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Container< Density >
 A density container. More...
class  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Container< Density > >
 Container class for a general density. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Remap< Density >
 Remap a density to a new interval. More...
class  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Remap< Density > >
 Generate a density remapped to a new interval. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::on
 Indicate remapping of a density. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Rescale< Density >
 Rescale a density. More...
class  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Rescale< Density > >
 Generate a rescaled density. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Sum< Density1, Density2 >
 Add two densities. More...
class  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Sum< Density1, Density2 > >
 Generate the sum of two densities. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::matcher< Density >
 Indicate that the argument density should be matched to the previous one in a piecewise definition. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Piecewise< Density1, Density2 >
 A piecewise defined density. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::ToBeDefined
 Placeholder when constructing piecewise defined densities. More...
class  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Piecewise< Density1, Density2 > >
 Generate a piecewise defined density. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Piecewise< Density, ToBeDefined > >
 Generate a piecewise defined density. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Piecewise< ToBeDefined, ToBeDefined > >
 Generate a piecewise defined density. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Flat
 A constant density. More...
class  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Flat >
 Generate x flat. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Zero
 A zero density. More...
class  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Zero >
 Generate nothing. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Inverse
 A density 1/|x-z|. More...
class  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Inverse >
 Generate x with density 1/|x-z|. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Power
 The density |(x-z)|^p. More...
class  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Power >
 Generate x with density |(x-z)|^p. More...
struct  Herwig::RandomHelpers::BreitWigner
 The density 1/((x-z)^2 + abs(w z)) More...
class  Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< BreitWigner >
 Generate x with density 1/((x-z)^2 + abs(w z)) More...
class  Herwig::TildeKinematics
 TildeKinematics is the base class for the 'tilde' kinematics being used for subtraction terms in the formalism of Catani and Seymour. More...
class  Herwig::TreePhasespace
 TreePhasespace is a multi-channel phase space generator adapting to singularity structures as determined from the matrix elements diagrams. More...
class  Herwig::TreePhasespaceChannels
 Store channels for the tree phasespace. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxHtScale
 MatchboxHtScale implements scale choices related to transverse momenta. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxLeptonMassScale
 MatchboxLeptonMassScale implements scale choices related to lepton pair invariant masses. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxLeptonPtScale
 MatchboxLeptonPtScale implements scale choices related to lepton pair transverse momenta. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxParticlePtScale
 MatchboxParticlePtScale implements scale choices related to transverse momenta. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxPtScale
 MatchboxPtScale implements scale choices related to transverse momenta. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxSHatScale
 MatchboxSHatScale implements lastSHat() as scale choice. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxTopIndividualMTScale
 MatchboxTopIndividualMTScale implements the scale as the transverse masses of the top quark in a top-pair process. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxTopLinearSumMTScale
 MatchboxTopLinearSumMTScale implements the scale as the linear sum of the transverse masses of the top and antitop quarks in a top pair process. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxTopMassScale
 MatchboxTopMassScale implements a scale choice related to the invariant mass of the top-antitop quark pair. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxTopMinMTScale
 MatchboxTopMinMTScale implements a scale choice related to the quadratic sum of transverse masses of a top and antitop quark. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxTopMTScale
 MatchboxTopMTScale implements a scale choice related to the average of the transverse masses of a top and antitop quark. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxTopSumMTScale
 MatchboxTopSumMTScale implements a scale choice related to the quadratic sum of transverse masses of a top and antitop quark. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxTriVecScales
 MatchboxTriVecScales implements scale choices related to transverse momenta and transverse energies in events with up to three vector bosons in the final state, plus additional jets, where the vector bosons are associated to lepton pairs of distinct families. More...
class  Herwig::SpinorHelicity::AmplitudeCache< AmplitudeKey >
 Caching for amplitudes using spinor helicity techniques. More...
class  Herwig::ColourBasis
 ColourBasis is an interface to a colour basis implementation. More...
struct  Herwig::DiagramDrawer
 DiagramDrawer draws ASCII output from Tree2toNDiagram objects for diagnostic purposes. More...
class  Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo
 Provide easy access to MatchboxXComb XComb extensions. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxFactoryMatcher
 MatchboxFactoryMatcher matches particles according to MatchboxFatory particle groups. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxScaleChoice
 MatchboxScaleChoice is the base class for scale choices within Matchbox. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxXComb
 Matchbox extensions to StandardXComb. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxXCombData
 Matchbox extensions to StandardXComb. More...
class  Herwig::MatchboxXCombGroup
 Matchbox extensions to StandardXComb. More...
class  Herwig::ProcessData
 Provide storage for process data. More...
class  Herwig::SimpleColourBasis
 SimpleColourBasis implements the colour algebra needed for electroweak boson and electroweak boson + jet production at NLO. It mainly serves as an example for the general ColourBasis interface. More...
class  Herwig::SimpleColourBasis2
 SimpleColourBasis2 implements the colour algebra needed for processes with four coloured legs at NLO. It mainly serves as an example for the general ColourBasis interface. More...
class  Herwig::SpinCorrelationTensor
 SpinCorrelationTensor represents a spin correlation tensor of the form. More...
struct  Herwig::SpinorHelicity::PlusSpinorTag
 Tag for |p> More...
struct  Herwig::SpinorHelicity::MinusSpinorTag
 Tag for |p]. More...
struct  Herwig::SpinorHelicity::PlusConjugateSpinorTag
 Tag for <p|. More...
struct  Herwig::SpinorHelicity::MinusConjugateSpinorTag
 Tag for [p|. More...
struct  Herwig::SpinorHelicity::SpinorMultiplicationTraits< Value >
 Helpers for commonly encountered types. More...
struct  Herwig::SpinorHelicity::WeylSpinorTraits< Type >
 Helpers for Weyl spinors. More...
class  Herwig::SpinorHelicity::WeylSpinor< Type, Value >
 Base class for Weyl spinors. More...
class  Herwig::SpinorHelicity::SpinorProduct< Type, Value >
 Weyl spinor product. More...
class  Herwig::SpinorHelicity::SpinorCurrent< Type, Value >
 Weyl spinor current. More...
struct  Herwig::SU2Helper
 Helpers for book keeping in electroweak processes. More...
class  Herwig::Tree2toNGenerator
 Generate Tree2toNDiagrams for a given process. More...
class  Herwig::BinSampler
 BinSampler samples XCombs bins. This default implementation performs flat MC integration. More...
class  Herwig::CellGridSampler
 CellGridSampler samples XCombs bins using CellGrids. More...
class  Herwig::GeneralSampler
 A GeneralSampler class. More...
class  Herwig::GeneralStatistics
 General Monte Carlo statistics. More...
class  Herwig::MonacoSampler
 MonacoSampler samples XCombs bins using using Monaco. More...
class  Herwig::MultiIterationStatistics
 Monte Carlo statistics for multiple iterations. More...
struct  Herwig::Remapper
 Remapper adapts indivdual MC dimensions. More...
class  Herwig::MergingFactory
 MergingFactory automatically sets up a NLO QCD merging. More...


typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector< ComplexHerwig::CVector
 Define complex vector from boost::uBLAS.
typedef map< vector< int >, CVectorHerwig::AmplitudeMap
 Define how amplitudes are stored.
typedef map< vector< int >, CVector >::iterator Herwig::AmplitudeIterator
 Define amplitude iterators.
typedef map< vector< int >, CVector >::const_iterator Herwig::AmplitudeConstIterator
 Define amplitude const iterators.


double Herwig::RandomHelpers::sign (double x)
 Small helper.
template<class Density >
pair< double, double > Herwig::RandomHelpers::generate (const Generator< Density > &gen, double r)
 Generate a random variable and return its weight.
template<class Density >
Generator< Remap< Density > > Herwig::RandomHelpers::operator* (const Generator< Density > &gen, const on &interval)
 Construct a remapped density generator.
template<class Density >
Generator< Rescale< Density > > Herwig::RandomHelpers::operator* (double a, const Generator< Density > &gen)
 Construct a rescaled density.
template<class Density1 , class Density2 >
Generator< Sum< Density1, Density2 > > Herwig::RandomHelpers::operator+ (const Generator< Density1 > &first, const Generator< Density2 > &second)
 Construct the sum of two densities.
template<class Density >
matcher< Density > Herwig::RandomHelpers::match (const Generator< Density > &gen)
 Indicate that the argument density should be matched to the previous one in a piecewise definition.
template<class Density1 , class Density2 >
Generator< Sum< Density1, Rescale< Density2 > > > Herwig::RandomHelpers::operator+ (const Generator< Density1 > &first, const matcher< Density2 > &second)
 Construct the sum of two densities, matching the first summand at its upper bound to the second at its lower bound.
Generator< Piecewise< ToBeDefined, ToBeDefined > > Herwig::RandomHelpers::piecewise ()
 Construct a piecewise defined density.
Generator< FlatHerwig::RandomHelpers::flat (double low, double up)
 Construct a constant density.
Generator< ZeroHerwig::RandomHelpers::zero (double low, double up)
 Construct a zero density.
Generator< InverseHerwig::RandomHelpers::inverse (double z, double lower, double upper)
 Construct the density 1/|x-z|.
Generator< PowerHerwig::RandomHelpers::power (double z, double p, double lower, double upper)
 Construct the density |(x-z)|^p.
Generator< BreitWignerHerwig::RandomHelpers::breitWigner (double z, double w, double lower, double upper)
 Construct the density 1/((x-z)^2 + abs(w z))

Detailed Description

Hard process generation at NLO using Catani-Seymour subtraction and NLO matching.

Typedef Documentation

◆ AmplitudeConstIterator

typedef map<vector<int>,CVector>::const_iterator Herwig::AmplitudeConstIterator

Define amplitude const iterators.

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 69 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

◆ AmplitudeIterator

typedef map<vector<int>,CVector>::iterator Herwig::AmplitudeIterator

Define amplitude iterators.

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 61 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

◆ AmplitudeMap

typedef map<vector<int>,CVector> Herwig::AmplitudeMap

Define how amplitudes are stored.

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 53 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

◆ CVector

typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector< Complex > Herwig::CVector

Define complex vector from boost::uBLAS.

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 27 of file DensityOperator.h.

Function Documentation

◆ breitWigner()

Generator< BreitWigner > Herwig::RandomHelpers::breitWigner ( double  z,
double  w,
double  lower,
double  upper 

Construct the density 1/((x-z)^2 + abs(w z))

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 1353 of file RandomHelpers.h.

◆ flat()

Generator< Flat > Herwig::RandomHelpers::flat ( double  low,
double  up 

Construct a constant density.

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 898 of file RandomHelpers.h.

◆ generate()

template<class Density >
pair< double, double > Herwig::RandomHelpers::generate ( const Generator< Density > &  gen,
double  r 

Generate a random variable and return its weight.

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 182 of file RandomHelpers.h.

References Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Density >::normalization(), and Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Density >::value().

◆ inverse()

Generator< Inverse > Herwig::RandomHelpers::inverse ( double  z,
double  lower,
double  upper 

Construct the density 1/|x-z|.

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 1085 of file RandomHelpers.h.

◆ match()

template<class Density >
matcher< Density > Herwig::RandomHelpers::match ( const Generator< Density > &  gen)

Indicate that the argument density should be matched to the previous one in a piecewise definition.

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 573 of file RandomHelpers.h.

◆ operator*() [1/2]

template<class Density >
Generator< Remap< Density > > Herwig::RandomHelpers::operator* ( const Generator< Density > &  gen,
const on interval 

Construct a remapped density generator.

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 316 of file RandomHelpers.h.

References Herwig::RandomHelpers::on::lower, and Herwig::RandomHelpers::on::upper.

◆ operator*() [2/2]

template<class Density >
Generator< Rescale< Density > > Herwig::RandomHelpers::operator* ( double  a,
const Generator< Density > &  gen 

Construct a rescaled density.

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 408 of file RandomHelpers.h.

◆ operator+() [1/2]

template<class Density1 , class Density2 >
Generator< Sum< Density1, Density2 > > Herwig::RandomHelpers::operator+ ( const Generator< Density1 > &  first,
const Generator< Density2 > &  second 

Construct the sum of two densities.

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 539 of file RandomHelpers.h.

◆ operator+() [2/2]

template<class Density1 , class Density2 >
Generator< Sum< Density1, Rescale< Density2 > > > Herwig::RandomHelpers::operator+ ( const Generator< Density1 > &  first,
const matcher< Density2 > &  second 

Construct the sum of two densities, matching the first summand at its upper bound to the second at its lower bound.

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 585 of file RandomHelpers.h.

References Herwig::RandomHelpers::matcher< Density >::generator, Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Density >::upper(), and Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Density >::value().

◆ piecewise()

Generator< Piecewise< ToBeDefined, ToBeDefined > > Herwig::RandomHelpers::piecewise ( )

Construct a piecewise defined density.

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 822 of file RandomHelpers.h.

◆ power()

Generator< Power > Herwig::RandomHelpers::power ( double  z,
double  p,
double  lower,
double  upper 

Construct the density |(x-z)|^p.

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 1213 of file RandomHelpers.h.

Referenced by Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Power >::operator()(), and Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Power >::value().

◆ sign()

double Herwig::RandomHelpers::sign ( double  x)

Small helper.

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 30 of file RandomHelpers.h.

Referenced by Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Inverse >::operator()(), and Herwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Power >::operator()().

◆ zero()

Generator< Zero > Herwig::RandomHelpers::zero ( double  low,
double  up 

Construct a zero density.

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 972 of file RandomHelpers.h.