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Herwig::MatchboxMEBase Class Reference

MatchboxMEBase is the base class for matrix elements in the context of the matchbox NLO interface. More...

#include <MatchboxMEBase.h>

Inheritance diagram for Herwig::MatchboxMEBase:


struct  AccuracyHistogram
 Simple histogram for accuracy checks. More...

Public Member Functions

 MatchboxMEBase ()
 The default constructor.
Ptr< MatchboxFactory >::tptr factory () const
 Return the factory which produced this matrix element.
Subprocess and diagram information.
const ProcesssubProcess () const
 Return the subprocess.
ProcesssubProcess ()
 Access the subprocess.
Ptr< Tree2toNGenerator >::tptr diagramGenerator () const
 Return the diagram generator.
Ptr< ProcessData >::tptr processData () const
 Return the process data.
virtual bool noMirror () const
 Return true, if this matrix element does not want to make use of mirroring processes; in this case all possible partonic subprocesses with a fixed assignment of incoming particles need to be provided through the diagrams added with the add(...) method.
virtual void getDiagrams () const
 Add all possible diagrams with the add() function.
virtual Selector< DiagramIndexdiagrams (const DiagramVector &) const
 With the information previously supplied with the setKinematics(...) method, a derived class may optionally override this method to weight the given diagrams with their (although certainly not physical) relative probabilities.
virtual Selector< const ColourLines * > colourGeometries (tcDiagPtr diag) const
 Return a Selector with possible colour geometries for the selected diagram weighted by their relative probabilities.
virtual bool canFillRhoMatrix () const
 Return true, if this amplitude is capable of consistently filling the rho matrices for the spin correllations.
virtual void constructVertex (tSubProPtr)
 construct the spin information for the interaction
virtual void constructVertex (tSubProPtr sub, const ColourLines *cl)
 construct the spin information for the interaction
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaS () const
 Return the order in \(\alpha_S\) in which this matrix element is given.
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaEW () const
 Return the order in \(\alpha_{EM}\) in which this matrix element is given.
virtual bool hasInitialAverage () const
 Return true, if this amplitude already includes averaging over incoming parton's quantum numbers.
virtual bool hasFinalStateSymmetry () const
 Return true, if this amplitude already includes symmetry factors for identical outgoing particles.
virtual unsigned int getNLight () const
 Return the number of light flavours, this matrix element is calculated for.
virtual vector< long > getNLightJetVec () const
 Return the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.
virtual vector< long > getNHeavyJetVec () const
 Return the vector that contains the PDG ids of the heavy flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.
virtual vector< long > getNLightProtonVec () const
 Return the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the proton particle group.
virtual bool isOLPTree () const
 Return true, if this matrix element is handled by a BLHA one-loop provider.
virtual bool isOLPLoop () const
 Return true, if this matrix element is handled by a BLHA one-loop provider.
virtual bool needsOLPCorrelators () const
 Return true, if colour and spin correlated matrix elements should be ordered from the OLP.
const vector< int > & olpProcess () const
 Return the process index, if this is an OLP handled matrix element.
void olpProcess (int pType, int id)
 Set the process index, if this is an OLP handled matrix element.
bool noCorrelations () const
 Return true, if this is a real emission matrix element which does not require colour correlators.
void needsNoCorrelations ()
 Indicate that this is a real emission matrix element which does not require colour correlators.
void needsCorrelations ()
 Indicate that this is a virtual matrix element which does require colour correlators.
virtual void getDiagrams () const =0
virtual void getDiagrams () const =0
const DiagramVectordiagrams () const
virtual Selector< DiagramIndexdiagrams (const DiagramVector &) const
const DiagramVectordiagrams () const
virtual Selector< DiagramIndexdiagrams (const DiagramVector &) const
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaS () const =0
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaS () const =0
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaEW () const =0
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaEW () const =0
Phasespace generation
Ptr< MatchboxPhasespace >::tptr phasespace () const
 Return the phase space generator to be used.
void phasespace (Ptr< MatchboxPhasespace >::ptr ps)
 Set the phase space generator to be used.
virtual void setXComb (tStdXCombPtr xc)
 Set the XComb object to be used in the next call to generateKinematics() and dSigHatDR().
virtual bool keepRandomNumbers () const
 Return true, if the XComb steering this matrix element should keep track of the random numbers used to generate the last phase space point.
double generateIncomingPartons (const double *r1, const double *r2)
 Generate incoming parton momenta.
virtual bool generateKinematics (const double *r)
 Generate internal degrees of freedom given nDim() uniform random numbers in the interval ]0,1[.
virtual void setKinematics ()
 Set the typed and momenta of the incoming and outgoing partons to be used in subsequent calls to me() and colourGeometries() according to the associated XComb object.
virtual void clearKinematics ()
 Clear the information previously provided by a call to setKinematics(...).
virtual int nDim () const
 The number of internal degreed of freedom used in the matrix element.
virtual int nDimBorn () const
 The number of internal degrees of freedom used in the matrix element for generating a Born phase space point.
virtual bool haveX1X2 () const
 Return true, if this matrix element will generate momenta for the incoming partons itself.
virtual bool wantCMS () const
 Return true, if this matrix element expects the incoming partons in their center-of-mass system.
const vector< Lorentz5Momentum > & lastMEMomenta () const
 Return the meMomenta as generated at the last phase space point.
vector< Lorentz5Momentum > & lastMEMomenta ()
 Access the meMomenta.
int legsize () const
 leg size
Scale choices, couplings and PDFs
void scaleChoice (Ptr< MatchboxScaleChoice >::ptr sc)
 Set the scale choice object.
Ptr< MatchboxScaleChoice >::tptr scaleChoice () const
 Return the scale choice object.
void setScale (Energy2 ren=ZERO, Energy2 fac=ZERO) const
 Set scales and alphaS.
virtual bool hasRunningAlphaS () const
 Indicate that this matrix element is running alphas by itself.
virtual bool hasRunningAlphaEW () const
 Indicate that this matrix element is running alphaew by itself.
virtual Energy2 scale () const
 Return the scale associated with the phase space point provided by the last call to setKinematics().
virtual Energy2 factorizationScale () const
 Return the renormalization scale for the last generated phasespace point.
virtual double factorizationScaleFactor () const
 Get the factorization scale factor.
virtual double facFac () const
 Get the factorization scale factor.
virtual Energy2 renormalizationScale () const
 Return the (QCD) renormalization scale for the last generated phasespace point.
virtual double renormalizationScaleFactor () const
 Get the renormalization scale factor.
virtual double renFac () const
 Get the renormalization scale factor.
virtual Energy2 renormalizationScaleQED () const
 Return the QED renormalization scale for the last generated phasespace point.
virtual Energy2 showerScale () const
 Return the shower scale for the last generated phasespace point.
virtual void setVetoScales (tSubProPtr) const
 Set veto scales on the particles at the given SubProcess which has been generated using this matrix element.
bool fixedCouplings () const
 Return true, if fixed couplings are used.
bool fixedQEDCouplings () const
 Return true, if fixed couplings are used.
virtual double alphaS () const
 Return the value of \(\alpha_S\) associated with the phase space point provided by the last call to setKinematics().
virtual double alphaEM () const
 Return the value of \(\alpha_EM\) associated with the phase space point provided by the last call to setKinematics().
virtual bool havePDFWeight1 () const
 Return true, if this matrix element provides the PDF weight for the first incoming parton itself.
virtual bool havePDFWeight2 () const
 Return true, if this matrix element provides the PDF weight for the second incoming parton itself.
void getPDFWeight (Energy2 factorizationScale=ZERO) const
 Set the PDF weight.
double pdf1 (Energy2 factorizationScale=ZERO, double xEx=1., double xFactor=1.) const
 Supply the PDF weight for the first incoming parton.
double pdf2 (Energy2 factorizationScale=ZERO, double xEx=1., double xFactor=1.) const
 Supply the PDF weight for the second incoming parton.
Amplitude information and matrix element evaluation
Ptr< MatchboxAmplitude >::tptr matchboxAmplitude () const
 Return the amplitude.
void matchboxAmplitude (Ptr< MatchboxAmplitude >::ptr amp)
 Set the amplitude.
virtual double me2 () const
 Return the matrix element for the kinematical configuation previously provided by the last call to setKinematics(), suitably scaled by sHat() to give a dimension-less number.
virtual double largeNME2 (Ptr< ColourBasis >::tptr largeNBasis) const
 Return the matrix element for the kinematical configuation previously provided by the last call to setKinematics(), suitably scaled by sHat() to give a dimension-less number.
virtual double finalStateSymmetry () const
 Return the symmetry factor for identical final state particles.
double me2Norm (unsigned int addAlphaS=0) const
 Return the normalizing factor for the matrix element averaged over quantum numbers and including running couplings.
virtual CrossSection dSigHatDR () const
 Return the matrix element squared differential in the variables given by the last call to generateKinematics().
CrossSection prefactor () const
 Same prefactor for all dSigHat.
CrossSection dSigHatDRB () const
 Born part of the cross section.
CrossSection dSigHatDRV () const
 Virtual corrections of the cross section.
CrossSection dSigHatDRI () const
 Insertion operators of the cross section.
CrossSection dSigHatDRAlphaDiff (double alpha) const
 If diffAlpha is not 1 and the matrix element has insertion operators this routine adds the difference between the insertion operator calculated with an alpha-Parameter to the insertion operator without alpha-parameter.
One-loop corrections
virtual double oneLoopInterference () const
 Return the one-loop/tree interference.
virtual bool haveOneLoop () const
 Return true, if this matrix element is capable of calculating one-loop (QCD) corrections.
virtual bool onlyOneLoop () const
 Return true, if this matrix element only provides one-loop (QCD) corrections.
virtual bool isDRbar () const
 Return true, if the amplitude is DRbar renormalized, otherwise MSbar is assumed.
virtual bool isDR () const
 Return true, if one loop corrections have been calculated in dimensional reduction.
virtual bool isCS () const
 Return true, if one loop corrections are given in the conventions of the integrated dipoles.
virtual bool isBDK () const
 Return true, if one loop corrections are given in the conventions of BDK.
virtual bool isExpanded () const
 Return true, if one loop corrections are given in the conventions of everything expanded.
virtual Energy2 mu2 () const
 Return the value of the dimensional regularization parameter.
virtual double oneLoopDoublePole () const
 If defined, return the coefficient of the pole in epsilon^2.
virtual double oneLoopSinglePole () const
 If defined, return the coefficient of the pole in epsilon.
bool checkPoles () const
 Return true, if cancellationn of epsilon poles should be checked.
void logPoles () const
 Perform the check of epsilon pole cancellation.
const vector< Ptr< MatchboxInsertionOperator >::ptr > & virtuals () const
 Return the virtual corrections.
vector< Ptr< MatchboxInsertionOperator >::ptr > & virtuals ()
 Return the virtual corrections.
void doOneLoop ()
 Instruct this matrix element to include one-loop corrections.
void noOneLoop ()
 Instruct this matrix element not to include one-loop corrections.
bool oneLoop () const
 Return true, if this matrix element includes one-loop corrections.
void doOneLoopNoBorn ()
 Instruct this matrix element to include one-loop corrections but no Born contributions.
void noOneLoopNoBorn ()
bool oneLoopNoBorn () const
 Return true, if this matrix element includes one-loop corrections but no Born contributions.
void doOneLoopNoLoops ()
 Instruct this matrix element to include one-loop corrections but no actual loop contributions.
bool oneLoopNoLoops () const
 Return true, if this matrix element includes one-loop corrections but no actual loop contributions.
Dipole subtraction
vector< Ptr< SubtractionDipole >::ptr > getDipoles (const vector< Ptr< SubtractionDipole >::ptr > &, const vector< Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::ptr > &, bool slim=false) const
 If this matrix element is considered a real emission matrix element, return all subtraction dipoles needed given a set of subtraction terms and underlying Born matrix elements to choose from.
virtual bool noDipole (int, int, int) const
 If this matrix element is considered a real emission matrix element, but actually neglecting a subclass of the contributing diagrams, return true if the given emitter-emission-spectator configuration should not be considered when setting up subtraction dipoles.
virtual bool noDipole (int, int) const
 If this matrix element is considered an underlying Born matrix element in the context of a subtracted real emission, but actually neglecting a subclass of the contributing diagrams, return true if the given emitter-spectator configuration should not be considered when setting up subtraction dipoles.
virtual double colourCorrelatedME2 (pair< int, int >) const
 Return the colour correlated matrix element squared with respect to the given two partons as appearing in mePartonData(), suitably scaled by sHat() to give a dimension-less number.
virtual double largeNColourCorrelatedME2 (pair< int, int > ij, Ptr< ColourBasis >::tptr largeNBasis) const
 Return the colour correlated matrix element squared in the large-N approximation with respect to the given two partons as appearing in mePartonData(), suitably scaled by sHat() to give a dimension-less number.
virtual double spinColourCorrelatedME2 (pair< int, int > emitterSpectator, const SpinCorrelationTensor &c) const
 Return the colour and spin correlated matrix element squared for the gluon indexed by the first argument using the given correlation tensor.
virtual double spinCorrelatedME2 (pair< int, int > emitterSpectator, const SpinCorrelationTensor &c) const
 Return the spin correlated matrix element squared for the vector boson indexed by the first argument using the given correlation tensor.
Caching and diagnostic information
virtual void flushCaches ()
 Inform this matrix element that a new phase space point is about to be generated, so all caches should be flushed.
bool verbose () const
 Return true, if verbose.
bool initVerbose () const
 Return true, if verbose.
void print (ostream &) const
 Dump the setup to an ostream.
virtual void printLastEvent (ostream &) const
 Print debug information on the last event.
void logGenerateKinematics (const double *r) const
 Write out diagnostic information for generateKinematics.
void logSetScale () const
 Write out diagnostic information for setting scales.
void logPDFWeight () const
 Write out diagnostic information for pdf evaluation.
void logME2 () const
 Write out diagnostic information for me2 evaluation.
void logDSigHatDR () const
 Write out diagnostic information for dsigdr evaluation.
Reweight objects
void addReweight (Ptr< MatchboxReweightBase >::ptr rw)
 Insert a reweight object.
const vector< Ptr< MatchboxReweightBase >::ptr > & reweights () const
 Return the reweights.
vector< Ptr< MatchboxReweightBase >::ptr > & reweights ()
 Access the reweights.
const MergerBasePtr merger () const
 Return the theMerger.
MergerBasePtr merger ()
 Return the theMerger.
void merger (MergerBasePtr v)
 Set the theMerger.
Methods used to setup MatchboxMEBase objects
virtual bool preInitialize () const
 Return true if this object needs to be initialized before all other objects (except those for which this function also returns true).
Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::ptr cloneMe () const
 Clone this matrix element.
void cloneDependencies (const std::string &prefix="", bool slim=false)
 Clone the dependencies, using a given prefix.
void prepareXComb (MatchboxXCombData &) const
 Prepare an xcomb.
virtual StdXCombPtr makeXComb (Energy newMaxEnergy, const cPDPair &inc, tEHPtr newEventHandler, tSubHdlPtr newSubProcessHandler, tPExtrPtr newExtractor, tCascHdlPtr newCKKW, const PBPair &newPartonBins, tCutsPtr newCuts, const DiagramVector &newDiagrams, bool mir, const PartonPairVec &allPBins, tStdXCombPtr newHead=tStdXCombPtr(), tMEPtr newME=tMEPtr())
 For the given event generation setup return a xcomb object appropriate to this matrix element.
virtual StdXCombPtr makeXComb (tStdXCombPtr newHead, const PBPair &newPartonBins, const DiagramVector &newDiagrams, tMEPtr newME=tMEPtr())
 For the given event generation setup return a dependent xcomb object appropriate to this matrix element.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::MEBase
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaS () const=0
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaEW () const=0
virtual double me2 () const=0
virtual Energy2 scale () const=0
virtual double alphaS () const
virtual double alphaEM () const
void setKinematics (tPPair in, const PVector &out)
virtual void setKinematics ()
virtual void constructVertex (tSubProPtr sub)
virtual void constructVertex (tSubProPtr sub, const ColourLines *cl)
virtual int nDim () const
virtual bool generateKinematics (const double *r)=0
virtual bool wantCMS () const
virtual bool headCuts () const
virtual bool ignoreCuts () const
virtual bool apply () const
virtual CrossSection dSigHatDR () const=0
virtual map< string, double > generateOptionalWeights ()
virtual bool haveX1X2 () const
virtual bool havePDFWeight1 () const
virtual bool havePDFWeight2 () const
virtual bool keepRandomNumbers () const
virtual void generateSubCollision (SubProcess &)
virtual void clearKinematics ()
virtual void getDiagrams () const=0
virtual bool noMirror () const
const DiagramVectordiagrams () const
virtual Selector< const ColourLines * > colourGeometries (tcDiagPtr diag) const=0
virtual const ColourLinesselectColourGeometry (tcDiagPtr diag) const
virtual Selector< DiagramIndexdiagrams (const DiagramVector &) const
virtual DiagramIndex diagram (const DiagramVector &) const
bool reweighted () const
double reWeight () const
double preWeight () const
void addReweighter (tReweightPtr rw)
void addPreweighter (tReweightPtr rw)
Ptr< Amplitude >::pointer amplitude () const
void amplitude (Ptr< Amplitude >::pointer amp)
Energy2 sHat () const
double preweight () const
virtual void flushCaches ()
virtual StdXCombPtr makeXComb (Energy newMaxEnergy, const cPDPair &inc, tEHPtr newEventHandler, tSubHdlPtr newSubProcessHandler, tPExtrPtr newExtractor, tCascHdlPtr newCKKW, const PBPair &newPartonBins, tCutsPtr newCuts, const DiagramVector &newDiagrams, bool mir, const PartonPairVec &allPBins, tStdXCombPtr newHead=tStdXCombPtr(), tMEPtr newME=tMEPtr())
virtual StdXCombPtr makeXComb (tStdXCombPtr newHead, const PBPair &newPartonBins, const DiagramVector &newDiagrams, tMEPtr newME=tMEPtr())
virtual void fillProjectors ()
virtual void setXComb (tStdXCombPtr)
const DVectormeInfo () const
void meInfo (const DVector &info) const
virtual int maxMultCKKW () const
virtual int minMultCKKW () const
virtual void maxMultCKKW (int mult)
virtual void minMultCKKW (int mult)
virtual void setVetoScales (tSubProPtr) const
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaS () const=0
virtual unsigned int orderInAlphaEW () const=0
virtual double me2 () const=0
virtual Energy2 scale () const=0
virtual double alphaS () const
virtual double alphaEM () const
void setKinematics (tPPair in, const PVector &out)
virtual void setKinematics ()
virtual void constructVertex (tSubProPtr sub)
virtual void constructVertex (tSubProPtr sub, const ColourLines *cl)
virtual int nDim () const
virtual bool generateKinematics (const double *r)=0
virtual bool wantCMS () const
virtual bool headCuts () const
virtual bool ignoreCuts () const
virtual bool apply () const
virtual CrossSection dSigHatDR () const=0
virtual map< string, double > generateOptionalWeights ()
virtual bool haveX1X2 () const
virtual bool havePDFWeight1 () const
virtual bool havePDFWeight2 () const
virtual bool keepRandomNumbers () const
virtual void generateSubCollision (SubProcess &)
virtual void clearKinematics ()
virtual void getDiagrams () const=0
virtual bool noMirror () const
const DiagramVectordiagrams () const
virtual Selector< const ColourLines * > colourGeometries (tcDiagPtr diag) const=0
virtual const ColourLinesselectColourGeometry (tcDiagPtr diag) const
virtual Selector< DiagramIndexdiagrams (const DiagramVector &) const
virtual DiagramIndex diagram (const DiagramVector &) const
bool reweighted () const
double reWeight () const
double preWeight () const
void addReweighter (tReweightPtr rw)
void addPreweighter (tReweightPtr rw)
Ptr< Amplitude >::pointer amplitude () const
void amplitude (Ptr< Amplitude >::pointer amp)
Energy2 sHat () const
double preweight () const
virtual void flushCaches ()
virtual StdXCombPtr makeXComb (Energy newMaxEnergy, const cPDPair &inc, tEHPtr newEventHandler, tSubHdlPtr newSubProcessHandler, tPExtrPtr newExtractor, tCascHdlPtr newCKKW, const PBPair &newPartonBins, tCutsPtr newCuts, const DiagramVector &newDiagrams, bool mir, const PartonPairVec &allPBins, tStdXCombPtr newHead=tStdXCombPtr(), tMEPtr newME=tMEPtr())
virtual StdXCombPtr makeXComb (tStdXCombPtr newHead, const PBPair &newPartonBins, const DiagramVector &newDiagrams, tMEPtr newME=tMEPtr())
virtual void fillProjectors ()
virtual void setXComb (tStdXCombPtr)
const DVectormeInfo () const
void meInfo (const DVector &info) const
virtual int maxMultCKKW () const
virtual int minMultCKKW () const
virtual void maxMultCKKW (int mult)
virtual void minMultCKKW (int mult)
virtual void setVetoScales (tSubProPtr) const
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::HandlerBaseT< UseRandom >
double rnd () const
double rnd (double xu) const
double rnd (double xl, double xu) const
bool rndbool () const
bool rndbool (double p) const
bool rndbool (double p1, double p2) const
int rndsign (double p1, double p2, double p3) const
int rnd2 (double p0, double p1) const
int rnd3 (double p0, double p1, double p2) const
int rnd4 (double p0, double p1, double p2, double p3) const
long irnd (long xu=2) const
long irnd (long xl, long xu) const
const StandardModelBaseSM () const
tSMPtr standardModel () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
virtual bool defaultInit ()
PPtr getParticle (PID) const
PDPtr getParticleData (PID) const
bool used () const
void useMe () const
tEGPtr generator () const
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
PPtr getParticle (PID) const
PDPtr getParticleData (PID) const
bool used () const
void useMe () const
tEGPtr generator () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
string fullName () const
string name () const
string path () const
string comment () const
void setup (istream &is)
void update ()
void init ()
virtual bool preInitialize () const
void initrun ()
void finish ()
void touch ()
void reset ()
void clear ()
InitState state () const
bool locked () const
bool touched () const
virtual IBPtr fullclone () const
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
virtual void debugme () const
void update ()
void init ()
virtual bool preInitialize () const
void initrun ()
void finish ()
void touch ()
void reset ()
void clear ()
InitState state () const
bool locked () const
bool touched () const
virtual IBPtr fullclone () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Base
void debug () const
virtual void debugme () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
CounterType referenceCount () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Named
 Named (const string &newName=string())
 Named (const Named &)=default
const string & name () const
bool operator== (const Named &other) const
bool operator< (const Named &other) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::LastXCombInfo< StandardXComb >
const XC & lastXComb () const
const XC & lastXComb () const
tXCPtr lastXCombPtr () const
tXCPtr lastXCombPtr () const
const XC & lastHeadXComb () const
const XC & lastHeadXComb () const
tXCPtr lastHeadXCombPtr () const
tXCPtr lastHeadXCombPtr () const
const EventHandlerlastEventHandler () const
const EventHandlerlastEventHandler () const
tPExtrPtr lastExtractor () const
tPExtrPtr lastExtractor () const
PDFT pdf (tcPPtr parton) const
PDFT pdf (tcPPtr parton) const
const CutslastCuts () const
const CutslastCuts () const
tCutsPtr lastCutsPtr () const
tCutsPtr lastCutsPtr () const
const PPairlastParticles () const
const PPairlastParticles () const
Energy2 lastS () const
Energy2 lastS () const
const PPairlastPartons () const
const PPairlastPartons () const
Energy2 lastSHat () const
Energy2 lastSHat () const
double lastTau () const
double lastTau () const
double lastY () const
double lastY () const
double lastP1 () const
double lastP1 () const
double lastP2 () const
double lastP2 () const
double lastL1 () const
double lastL1 () const
double lastL2 () const
double lastL2 () const
double lastX1 () const
double lastX1 () const
double lastX2 () const
double lastX2 () const
double lastE1 () const
double lastE1 () const
double lastE2 () const
double lastE2 () const
double lastFL1L2 () const
double lastFL1L2 () const
Energy2 lastScale () const
double lastAlphaS () const
double lastAlphaEM () const
const vector< Lorentz5Momentum > & meMomenta () const
double lastME2 () const
double lastPreweight () const
double jacobian () const
CrossSection lastMECrossSection () const
double lastMEPDFWeight () const
double lastMECouplings () const
tSubProPtr subProcess () const
const cPDVectormePartonData () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo
 LastMatchboxXCombInfo ()
 Default constructor.
MatchboxXCombDatalastMatchboxXComb () const
 Return a pointer to the last selected XComb.
MatchboxXCombDatalastHeadMatchboxXComb () const
 If the last selected XComb object belongs to a group of XComb's return a pointer to the head XComb object for this group.
const vector< int > & crossingMap () const
 The crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
const map< size_t, size_t > & amplitudeToColourMap () const
 The colour crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
const map< size_t, size_t > & colourToAmplitudeMap () const
 The colour crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
double crossingSign () const
 The crossing sign as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
Energy2 lastRenormalizationScale () const
 The last renormalization scale.
const cPDVectoramplitudePartonData () const
 The amplitude parton data.
const vector< Lorentz5Momentum > & amplitudeMomenta () const
 The crossed momenta.
bool calculateTreeAmplitudes () const
 True, if the the tree level amplitudes need to be calculated.
const map< vector< int >, CVector > & lastAmplitudes () const
 The amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.
const map< vector< int >, CVector > & lastLargeNAmplitudes () const
 The leading N amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.
bool calculateOneLoopAmplitudes () const
 True, if the the one-loop amplitudes need to be calculated.
const map< vector< int >, CVector > & lastOneLoopAmplitudes () const
 The one-loop amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.
bool calculateTreeME2 () const
 True, if the tree-level matrix element squared needs to be calculated.
double lastTreeME2 () const
 The last tree-level matrix element squared.
bool calculateLargeNME2 () const
 True, if the tree-level matrix element squared needs to be calculated.
double lastLargeNME2 () const
 The last tree-level matrix element squared.
bool calculateOneLoopInterference () const
 True, if the one-loop/tree-level interference.
double lastOneLoopInterference () const
 The last one-loop/tree-level interference.
bool calculateOneLoopPoles () const
 True, if the one-loop/tree-level interference.
pair< double, double > lastOneLoopPoles () const
 The last one-loop/tree-level interference.
bool calculateColourCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij) const
 True, if the indexed colour correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.
double lastColourCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij) const
 The colour correlated matrix element.
bool calculateLargeNColourCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij) const
 True, if the indexed large-N colour correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.
double lastLargeNColourCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij) const
 The large-N colour correlated matrix element.
bool calculateColourSpinCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij) const
 True, if the indexed colour/spin correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.
Complex lastColourSpinCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij) const
 The colour/spin correlated matrix element.
bool calculateSpinCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij) const
 True, if the indexed spin correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.
Complex lastSpinCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij) const
 The spin correlated matrix element.
unsigned int nLight () const
 Return the number of light flavours to be considered for this process.
vector< long > nLightJetVec () const
 Return the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.
vector< long > nHeavyJetVec () const
 Return the vector that contains the PDG ids of the heavy flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.
vector< long > nLightProtonVec () const
 Return the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the proton particle group.
size_t colourBasisDim () const
 Get the dimensionality of the colour basis for this process.
int nDimPhasespace () const
 Return the number of degrees of freedom required by the phase space generator.
int nDimAmplitude () const
 Return the number of degrees of freedom required by the amplitude.
int nDimInsertions () const
 Return the number of degrees of freedom required by the insertion operators.
const vector< double > & amplitudeRandomNumbers () const
 Get the additional random numbers required by the amplitude.
const vector< double > & insertionRandomNumbers () const
 Get the additional random numbers required by the insertion operator.
const map< int, double > & diagramWeights () const
 Return the diagram weights indexed by diagram id.
const set< pair< size_t, size_t > > & singularLimits () const
 Return the singular limits.
const set< pair< size_t, size_t > >::const_iterator & lastSingularLimit () const
 Return the last matched singular limit.
Ptr< StandardModel >::tcptr hwStandardModel () const
 Get the Herwig StandardModel object.
double symmetryFactor () const
 Return the symmetry factor.
const vector< int > & olpId () const
 Return the OLP process id.
double * olpMomenta () const
 Return the olp momentum vector.
void fillOLPMomenta (const vector< Lorentz5Momentum > &mm, const cPDVector &mePartonData, const map< long, Energy > &reshuffleMap) const
 Fill the olp momentum vector.

Protected Member Functions

Clone Methods.
virtual IBPtr clone () const
 Make a simple clone of this object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone () const
 Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::MEBase
virtual void doinit ()
virtual void doinitrun ()
void add (DiagPtr dp) const
vector< Lorentz5Momentum > & meMomenta ()
void lastME2 (double v) const
void lastPreweight (double w) const
void lastMECrossSection (CrossSection v) const
void lastMEPDFWeight (double v) const
void lastMECouplings (double v) const
void jacobian (double j)
void use (tcMEPtr other)
void useDiagrams (tcMEPtr other) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
void reporeg (IBPtr object, string name) const
bool setDefaultReference (PtrT &ptr, string classname, string objectname)
 Interfaced (const string &newName)
 Interfaced (const Interfaced &i)
void setGenerator (tEGPtr generator)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
virtual void readSetup (istream &is)
virtual void doupdate ()
virtual void doinit ()
virtual void doinitrun ()
virtual void dofinish ()
virtual IVector getReferences ()
virtual void rebind (const TranslationMap &)
virtual IBPtr clone () const=0
 InterfacedBase (string newName)
 InterfacedBase (const InterfacedBase &i)
virtual void readSetup (istream &is)
virtual void doupdate ()
virtual void doinit ()
virtual void doinitrun ()
virtual void dofinish ()
virtual IVector getReferences ()
virtual void rebind (const TranslationMap &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
 ReferenceCounted (const ReferenceCounted &)
ReferenceCountedoperator= (const ReferenceCounted &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Named
const Namedoperator= (const Named &other)
const string & name (const string &newName)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo
vector< int > & crossingMap ()
 The crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
map< size_t, size_t > & amplitudeToColourMap ()
 The colour crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
map< size_t, size_t > & colourToAmplitudeMap ()
 The colour crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
void crossingSign (double c)
 The crossing sign as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
void lastRenormalizationScale (Energy2 lrs)
 The last renormalization scale.
cPDVectoramplitudePartonData ()
 The amplitude parton data.
vector< Lorentz5Momentum > & amplitudeMomenta ()
 The crossed momenta.
void haveTreeAmplitudes (bool f=true)
 True, if the the tree level amplitudes need to be calculated.
map< vector< int >, CVector > & lastAmplitudes ()
 The amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.
map< vector< int >, CVector > & lastLargeNAmplitudes ()
 The leading N amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.
void haveOneLoopAmplitudes (bool f=true)
 True, if the the one-loop amplitudes need to be calculated.
map< vector< int >, CVector > & lastOneLoopAmplitudes ()
 The one-loop amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.
void lastTreeME2 (double v) const
 The last tree-level matrix element squared.
void lastLargeNME2 (double v) const
 The last tree-level matrix element squared.
void lastOneLoopInterference (double v) const
 The last one-loop/tree-level interference.
void lastOneLoopPoles (pair< double, double > v) const
 The last one-loop/tree-level interference.
void lastColourCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij, double v) const
 The colour correlated matrix element.
void lastLargeNColourCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij, double v) const
 The large-N colour correlated matrix element.
void lastColourSpinCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij, Complex v) const
 The colour/spin correlated matrix element.
void lastSpinCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij, Complex v) const
 The spin correlated matrix element.
void nLight (unsigned int n)
 Set the number of light flavours to be considered for this process.
void nLightJetVec (int n)
 Set the elements of the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.
void nHeavyJetVec (int n)
 Set the elements of the vector that contains the PDG ids of the heavy flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.
void nLightProtonVec (int n)
 Set the elements of the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the proton particle group.
void colourBasisDim (size_t d)
 Set the dimensionality of the colour basis for this process.
void nDimPhasespace (int d)
 Set the number of degrees of freedom required by the phase space generator.
void nDimAmplitude (int d)
 Set the number of degrees of freedom required by the amplitude.
void nDimInsertions (int d)
 Set the number of degrees of freedom required by the insertion operators.
vector< double > & amplitudeRandomNumbers ()
 Access the additional random numbers required by the amplitude.
vector< double > & insertionRandomNumbers ()
 Access the additional random numbers required by the insertion operator.
map< int, double > & diagramWeights ()
 Access the diagram weights indexed by diagram id.
set< pair< size_t, size_t > > & singularLimits ()
 Access the singular limits.
set< pair< size_t, size_t > >::const_iterator & lastSingularLimit ()
 Access the last matched singular limit.
void hwStandardModel (Ptr< StandardModel >::tcptr sm)
 Set the Herwig StandardModel object.
void symmetryFactor (double f) const
 Set the symmetry factor.
void olpId (int pType, int id)
 Set the OLP process id.
void lastMatchboxXComb (tStdXCombPtr xc)
 Set the XComb pointer cast to MatchboxXComb.

Standard Interfaced functions.

Ptr< MatchboxPhasespace >::ptr thePhasespace
 The phase space generator to be used.
Ptr< MatchboxAmplitude >::ptr theAmplitude
 The amplitude to be used.
Ptr< MatchboxScaleChoice >::ptr theScaleChoice
 The scale choice object.
vector< Ptr< MatchboxInsertionOperator >::ptr > theVirtuals
 The virtual corrections.
vector< Ptr< MatchboxReweightBase >::ptr > theReweights
 A vector of reweight objects the sum of which should be applied to reweight this matrix element.
Process theSubprocess
 The subprocess to be considered.
bool theOneLoop
 True, if this matrix element includes one-loop corrections.
bool theOneLoopNoBorn
 True, if this matrix element includes one-loop corrections but no Born contributions.
bool theOneLoopNoLoops
 True, if this matrix element includes one-loop corrections but no actual loop contributions (e.g.
vector< int > theOLPProcess
 The process index, if this is an OLP handled matrix element.
map< cPDVector, AccuracyHistogramepsilonSquarePoleHistograms
 Histograms of epsilon^2 pole cancellation.
map< cPDVector, AccuracyHistogramepsilonPoleHistograms
 Histograms of epsilon pole cancellation.
bool theNoCorrelations
 True, if this is a real emission matrix element which does not require colour correlators.
pair< bool, bool > theHavePDFs
 Flag which pdfs should be included.
bool checkedPDFs
 True, if already checked for which PDFs to include.
MergerBasePtr theMerger
 The merging helper to be used.
virtual void doinit ()
 Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an EventGenerator to disk.
virtual void doinitrun ()
 Initialize this object.
virtual void dofinish ()
 Finalize this object.
MatchboxMEBaseoperator= (const MatchboxMEBase &)=delete
 The assignment operator is private and must never be called.

Functions used by the persistent I/O system.

void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
 Function used to write out object persistently.
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
 Function used to read in object persistently.
static void Init ()
 The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::MEBase
typedef vector< DiagPtr > DiagramVector
typedef DiagramVector::size_type DiagramIndex
typedef vector< ReweightPtrReweightVector
- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
enum  InitState
- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
typedef unsigned int CounterType
- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::LastXCombInfo< StandardXComb >
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< XC >::pointer XCPtr
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< XC >::const_pointer cXCPtr
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< XC >::transient_pointer tXCPtr
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< XC >::transient_const_pointer tcXCPtr
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::MEBase
static void Init ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::HandlerBase
static void Init ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
static void Init ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
static void Init ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Base
static void Init ()
- Public Attributes inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
- Public Attributes inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
const unsigned long uniqueId
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
static void registerRepository (IBPtr)
static void registerRepository (IBPtr, string newName)
- Protected Attributes inherited from ThePEG::LastXCombInfo< StandardXComb >
XCPtr theLastXComb
- Protected Attributes inherited from Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo
 The XComb pointer cast to MatchboxXComb.
 The head XComb pointer cast to MatchboxXComb.

Detailed Description

MatchboxMEBase is the base class for matrix elements in the context of the matchbox NLO interface.

Simon Platzer
See also
The interfaces defined for MatchboxMEBase.

Definition at line 44 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addReweight()

void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::addReweight ( Ptr< MatchboxReweightBase >::ptr  rw)

Insert a reweight object.

Definition at line 940 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theReweights.

◆ alphaEM()

virtual double Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::alphaEM ( ) const

Return the value of \(\alpha_EM\) associated with the phase space point provided by the last call to setKinematics().

This versions returns SM().alphaEM(scale()).

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

Definition at line 486 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References ThePEG::LastXCombInfo< StandardXComb >::lastAlphaEM().

◆ alphaS()

virtual double Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::alphaS ( ) const

Return the value of \(\alpha_S\) associated with the phase space point provided by the last call to setKinematics().

This versions returns SM().alphaS(scale()).

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

Definition at line 479 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References ThePEG::LastXCombInfo< StandardXComb >::lastAlphaS().

◆ canFillRhoMatrix()

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::canFillRhoMatrix ( ) const

Return true, if this amplitude is capable of consistently filling the rho matrices for the spin correllations.

Definition at line 119 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References matchboxAmplitude().

◆ clearKinematics()

virtual void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::clearKinematics ( )

Clear the information previously provided by a call to setKinematics(...).

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ clone()

virtual IBPtr Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::clone ( ) const

Make a simple clone of this object.

a pointer to the new object.

Implements ThePEG::InterfacedBase.

Referenced by cloneMe().

◆ cloneMe()

Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::ptr Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::cloneMe ( ) const

Clone this matrix element.

Definition at line 983 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References clone().

◆ colourGeometries()

virtual Selector< const ColourLines * > Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::colourGeometries ( tcDiagPtr  diag) const

Return a Selector with possible colour geometries for the selected diagram weighted by their relative probabilities.

Implements ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ constructVertex() [1/2]

virtual void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::constructVertex ( tSubProPtr  sub,
const ColourLines cl 

construct the spin information for the interaction

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ constructVertex() [2/2]

virtual void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::constructVertex ( tSubProPtr  )

construct the spin information for the interaction

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

Definition at line 128 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

◆ diagrams() [1/3]

virtual Selector< DiagramIndex > Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::diagrams ( const DiagramVector ) const

With the information previously supplied with the setKinematics(...) method, a derived class may optionally override this method to weight the given diagrams with their (although certainly not physical) relative probabilities.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

Referenced by haveX1X2(), and wantCMS().

◆ diagrams() [2/3]

virtual Selector< DiagramIndex > ThePEG::MEBase::diagrams ( const DiagramVector ) const

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ diagrams() [3/3]

virtual Selector< DiagramIndex > ThePEG::MEBase::diagrams ( const DiagramVector ) const

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ dofinish()

virtual void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::dofinish ( )

Finalize this object.

Called in the run phase just after a run has ended. Used eg. to write out statistics.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::InterfacedBase.

◆ doinit()

virtual void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::doinit ( )

Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an EventGenerator to disk.

InitExceptionif object could not be initialized properly.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ doinitrun()

virtual void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::doinitrun ( )

Initialize this object.

Called in the run phase just before a run begins.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ doOneLoop()

void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::doOneLoop ( )

Instruct this matrix element to include one-loop corrections.

Definition at line 764 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theOneLoop.

◆ doOneLoopNoBorn()

void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::doOneLoopNoBorn ( )

Instruct this matrix element to include one-loop corrections but no Born contributions.

Definition at line 781 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theOneLoop, and theOneLoopNoBorn.

◆ doOneLoopNoLoops()

void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::doOneLoopNoLoops ( )

Instruct this matrix element to include one-loop corrections but no actual loop contributions.

Definition at line 795 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theOneLoop, and theOneLoopNoLoops.

◆ dSigHatDR()

virtual CrossSection Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::dSigHatDR ( ) const

Return the matrix element squared differential in the variables given by the last call to generateKinematics().

Implements ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ facFac()

virtual double Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::facFac ( ) const

Get the factorization scale factor.

Definition at line 429 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References factorizationScaleFactor().

◆ flushCaches()

virtual void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::flushCaches ( )

Inform this matrix element that a new phase space point is about to be generated, so all caches should be flushed.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ fullclone()

virtual IBPtr Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::fullclone ( ) const

Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane.

a pointer to the new object.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::InterfacedBase.

◆ generateIncomingPartons()

double Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::generateIncomingPartons ( const double *  r1,
const double *  r2 

Generate incoming parton momenta.

This default implementation performs the standard mapping from x1,x2 -> tau,y making 1/tau flat; incoming parton momenta are stored in meMomenta()[0,1], only massless partons are supported so far; return the Jacobian of the mapping

◆ generateKinematics()

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::generateKinematics ( const double *  r)

Generate internal degrees of freedom given nDim() uniform random numbers in the interval ]0,1[.

To help the phase space generator, the 'dSigHatDR' should be a smooth function of these numbers, although this is not strictly necessary. The return value should be true of the generation succeeded. If so the generated momenta should be stored in the meMomenta() vector. Derived classes must call this method once internal degrees of freedom are setup and finally return the result of this method.

Implements ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ getDiagrams() [1/3]

virtual void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::getDiagrams ( ) const

Add all possible diagrams with the add() function.

Implements ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ getDiagrams() [2/3]

virtual void ThePEG::MEBase::getDiagrams ( ) const

Implements ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ getDiagrams() [3/3]

virtual void ThePEG::MEBase::getDiagrams ( ) const

Implements ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ hasFinalStateSymmetry()

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::hasFinalStateSymmetry ( ) const

Return true, if this amplitude already includes symmetry factors for identical outgoing particles.

Definition at line 161 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References matchboxAmplitude().

◆ hasInitialAverage()

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::hasInitialAverage ( ) const

Return true, if this amplitude already includes averaging over incoming parton's quantum numbers.

Definition at line 153 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References matchboxAmplitude().

◆ hasRunningAlphaEW()

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::hasRunningAlphaEW ( ) const

Indicate that this matrix element is running alphaew by itself.

Definition at line 403 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References matchboxAmplitude().

◆ hasRunningAlphaS()

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::hasRunningAlphaS ( ) const

Indicate that this matrix element is running alphas by itself.

Definition at line 394 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References matchboxAmplitude().

◆ havePDFWeight1()

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::havePDFWeight1 ( ) const

Return true, if this matrix element provides the PDF weight for the first incoming parton itself.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ havePDFWeight2()

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::havePDFWeight2 ( ) const

Return true, if this matrix element provides the PDF weight for the second incoming parton itself.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ haveX1X2()

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::haveX1X2 ( ) const

Return true, if this matrix element will generate momenta for the incoming partons itself.

The matrix element is required to store the incoming parton momenta in meMomenta()[0,1]. No mapping in tau and y is performed by the PartonExtractor object, if a derived class returns true here. The phase space jacobian is to include a factor 1/(x1 x2).

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

Definition at line 338 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References diagrams(), haveX1X2(), and phasespace().

Referenced by haveX1X2().

◆ Init()

static void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::Init ( )

The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.

Called exactly once for each class by the class description system before the main function starts or when this class is dynamically loaded.

◆ isDR()

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::isDR ( ) const

Return true, if one loop corrections have been calculated in dimensional reduction.

Otherwise conventional dimensional regularization is assumed. Note that renormalization is always assumed to be MSbar.

◆ isOLPLoop()

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::isOLPLoop ( ) const

Return true, if this matrix element is handled by a BLHA one-loop provider.

Definition at line 203 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References matchboxAmplitude().

◆ isOLPTree()

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::isOLPTree ( ) const

Return true, if this matrix element is handled by a BLHA one-loop provider.

Definition at line 196 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References matchboxAmplitude().

◆ keepRandomNumbers()

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::keepRandomNumbers ( ) const

Return true, if the XComb steering this matrix element should keep track of the random numbers used to generate the last phase space point.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

Definition at line 279 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

◆ lastMEMomenta() [1/2]

vector< Lorentz5Momentum > & Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::lastMEMomenta ( )

Access the meMomenta.

Definition at line 362 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References ThePEG::MEBase::meMomenta().

◆ lastMEMomenta() [2/2]

const vector< Lorentz5Momentum > & Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::lastMEMomenta ( ) const

Return the meMomenta as generated at the last phase space point.

Definition at line 357 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References ThePEG::MEBase::meMomenta().

◆ legsize()

int Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::legsize ( ) const

leg size

Definition at line 369 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References ThePEG::MEBase::meMomenta().

◆ makeXComb() [1/2]

virtual StdXCombPtr Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::makeXComb ( Energy  newMaxEnergy,
const cPDPair inc,
tEHPtr  newEventHandler,
tSubHdlPtr  newSubProcessHandler,
tPExtrPtr  newExtractor,
tCascHdlPtr  newCKKW,
const PBPair &  newPartonBins,
tCutsPtr  newCuts,
const DiagramVector newDiagrams,
bool  mir,
const PartonPairVec &  allPBins,
tStdXCombPtr  newHead = tStdXCombPtr(),
tMEPtr  newME = tMEPtr() 

For the given event generation setup return a xcomb object appropriate to this matrix element.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ makeXComb() [2/2]

virtual StdXCombPtr Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::makeXComb ( tStdXCombPtr  newHead,
const PBPair &  newPartonBins,
const DiagramVector newDiagrams,
tMEPtr  newME = tMEPtr() 

For the given event generation setup return a dependent xcomb object appropriate to this matrix element.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ matchboxAmplitude() [1/2]

Ptr< MatchboxAmplitude >::tptr Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::matchboxAmplitude ( ) const

◆ matchboxAmplitude() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::matchboxAmplitude ( Ptr< MatchboxAmplitude >::ptr  amp)

Set the amplitude.

Definition at line 530 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theAmplitude.

◆ me2()

virtual double Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::me2 ( ) const

Return the matrix element for the kinematical configuation previously provided by the last call to setKinematics(), suitably scaled by sHat() to give a dimension-less number.

Implements ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ mu2()

virtual Energy2 Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::mu2 ( ) const

Return the value of the dimensional regularization parameter.

Note that renormalization scale dependence is fully restored in DipoleIOperator.

◆ nDim()

virtual int Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::nDim ( ) const

The number of internal degreed of freedom used in the matrix element.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ needsCorrelations()

void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::needsCorrelations ( )

Indicate that this is a virtual matrix element which does require colour correlators.

Definition at line 249 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theNoCorrelations.

◆ needsNoCorrelations()

void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::needsNoCorrelations ( )

Indicate that this is a real emission matrix element which does not require colour correlators.

Definition at line 241 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theNoCorrelations.

◆ needsOLPCorrelators()

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::needsOLPCorrelators ( ) const

Return true, if colour and spin correlated matrix elements should be ordered from the OLP.

Definition at line 211 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References matchboxAmplitude().

◆ noCorrelations()

bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::noCorrelations ( ) const

Return true, if this is a real emission matrix element which does not require colour correlators.

Definition at line 233 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theNoCorrelations.

◆ noDipole() [1/2]

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::noDipole ( int  ,
) const

If this matrix element is considered an underlying Born matrix element in the context of a subtracted real emission, but actually neglecting a subclass of the contributing diagrams, return true if the given emitter-spectator configuration should not be considered when setting up subtraction dipoles.

Definition at line 836 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

◆ noDipole() [2/2]

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::noDipole ( int  ,
int  ,
) const

If this matrix element is considered a real emission matrix element, but actually neglecting a subclass of the contributing diagrams, return true if the given emitter-emission-spectator configuration should not be considered when setting up subtraction dipoles.

Definition at line 827 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

◆ noMirror()

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::noMirror ( ) const

Return true, if this matrix element does not want to make use of mirroring processes; in this case all possible partonic subprocesses with a fixed assignment of incoming particles need to be provided through the diagrams added with the add(...) method.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

Definition at line 91 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

◆ noOneLoop()

void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::noOneLoop ( )

Instruct this matrix element not to include one-loop corrections.

Definition at line 770 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theOneLoop.

◆ noOneLoopNoBorn()

void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::noOneLoopNoBorn ( )

Definition at line 783 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

◆ olpProcess() [1/2]

const vector< int > & Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::olpProcess ( ) const

Return the process index, if this is an OLP handled matrix element.

Definition at line 218 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theOLPProcess.

◆ olpProcess() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::olpProcess ( int  pType,
int  id 

Set the process index, if this is an OLP handled matrix element.

Definition at line 223 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theOLPProcess.

◆ oneLoop()

bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::oneLoop ( ) const

Return true, if this matrix element includes one-loop corrections.

Definition at line 775 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theOneLoop.

◆ oneLoopNoBorn()

bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::oneLoopNoBorn ( ) const

Return true, if this matrix element includes one-loop corrections but no Born contributions.

Definition at line 789 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References onlyOneLoop(), and theOneLoopNoBorn.

◆ oneLoopNoLoops()

bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::oneLoopNoLoops ( ) const

Return true, if this matrix element includes one-loop corrections but no actual loop contributions.

Definition at line 801 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theOneLoopNoLoops.

◆ operator=()

MatchboxMEBase & Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::operator= ( const MatchboxMEBase )

The assignment operator is private and must never be called.

In fact, it should not even be implemented.

◆ orderInAlphaEW() [1/3]

virtual unsigned int Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::orderInAlphaEW ( ) const

Return the order in \(\alpha_{EM}\) in which this matrix element is given.

Returns 0.

Implements ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ orderInAlphaEW() [2/3]

virtual unsigned int ThePEG::MEBase::orderInAlphaEW ( ) const

Implements ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ orderInAlphaEW() [3/3]

virtual unsigned int ThePEG::MEBase::orderInAlphaEW ( ) const

Implements ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ orderInAlphaS() [1/3]

virtual unsigned int Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::orderInAlphaS ( ) const

Return the order in \(\alpha_S\) in which this matrix element is given.

Implements ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ orderInAlphaS() [2/3]

virtual unsigned int ThePEG::MEBase::orderInAlphaS ( ) const

Implements ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ orderInAlphaS() [3/3]

virtual unsigned int ThePEG::MEBase::orderInAlphaS ( ) const

Implements ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ persistentInput()

void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::persistentInput ( PersistentIStream is,
int  version 

Function used to read in object persistently.

isthe persistent input stream read from.
versionthe version number of the object when written.

◆ persistentOutput()

void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::persistentOutput ( PersistentOStream os) const

Function used to write out object persistently.

osthe persistent output stream written to.

◆ phasespace() [1/2]

Ptr< MatchboxPhasespace >::tptr Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::phasespace ( ) const

Return the phase space generator to be used.

Definition at line 261 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References thePhasespace.

Referenced by haveX1X2(), and wantCMS().

◆ phasespace() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::phasespace ( Ptr< MatchboxPhasespace >::ptr  ps)

Set the phase space generator to be used.

Definition at line 266 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References thePhasespace.

◆ preInitialize()

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::preInitialize ( ) const

Return true if this object needs to be initialized before all other objects (except those for which this function also returns true).

This default version always returns false, but subclasses may override it to return true.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::InterfacedBase.

Definition at line 978 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

◆ renFac()

virtual double Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::renFac ( ) const

Get the renormalization scale factor.

Definition at line 445 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References renormalizationScaleFactor().

◆ reweights() [1/2]

vector< Ptr< MatchboxReweightBase >::ptr > & Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::reweights ( )

Access the reweights.

Definition at line 950 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theReweights.

◆ reweights() [2/2]

const vector< Ptr< MatchboxReweightBase >::ptr > & Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::reweights ( ) const

Return the reweights.

Definition at line 945 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theReweights.

◆ scale()

virtual Energy2 Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::scale ( ) const

Return the scale associated with the phase space point provided by the last call to setKinematics().

Implements ThePEG::MEBase.

Definition at line 413 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References ThePEG::LastXCombInfo< StandardXComb >::lastScale().

◆ scaleChoice() [1/2]

Ptr< MatchboxScaleChoice >::tptr Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::scaleChoice ( ) const

Return the scale choice object.

Definition at line 384 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theScaleChoice.

◆ scaleChoice() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::scaleChoice ( Ptr< MatchboxScaleChoice >::ptr  sc)

Set the scale choice object.

Definition at line 379 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theScaleChoice.

◆ setKinematics()

virtual void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::setKinematics ( )

Set the typed and momenta of the incoming and outgoing partons to be used in subsequent calls to me() and colourGeometries() according to the associated XComb object.

If the function is overridden in a sub class the new function must call the base class one first.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ setVetoScales()

virtual void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::setVetoScales ( tSubProPtr  ) const

Set veto scales on the particles at the given SubProcess which has been generated using this matrix element.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ setXComb()

virtual void Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::setXComb ( tStdXCombPtr  xc)

Set the XComb object to be used in the next call to generateKinematics() and dSigHatDR().

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

◆ subProcess() [1/2]

Process & Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::subProcess ( )

Access the subprocess.

Definition at line 72 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theSubprocess.

◆ subProcess() [2/2]

const Process & Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::subProcess ( ) const

Return the subprocess.

Definition at line 67 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theSubprocess.

◆ virtuals() [1/2]

vector< Ptr< MatchboxInsertionOperator >::ptr > & Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::virtuals ( )

Return the virtual corrections.

Definition at line 757 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theVirtuals.

◆ virtuals() [2/2]

const vector< Ptr< MatchboxInsertionOperator >::ptr > & Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::virtuals ( ) const

Return the virtual corrections.

Definition at line 750 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References theVirtuals.

◆ wantCMS()

virtual bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::wantCMS ( ) const

Return true, if this matrix element expects the incoming partons in their center-of-mass system.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::MEBase.

Definition at line 348 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

References diagrams(), phasespace(), and wantCMS().

Referenced by wantCMS().

Member Data Documentation

◆ checkedPDFs

bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::checkedPDFs

True, if already checked for which PDFs to include.

Definition at line 1169 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

◆ epsilonPoleHistograms

map<cPDVector,AccuracyHistogram> Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::epsilonPoleHistograms

Histograms of epsilon pole cancellation.

Definition at line 1153 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

◆ epsilonSquarePoleHistograms

map<cPDVector,AccuracyHistogram> Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::epsilonSquarePoleHistograms

Histograms of epsilon^2 pole cancellation.

Definition at line 1148 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

◆ theAmplitude

Ptr<MatchboxAmplitude>::ptr Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::theAmplitude

The amplitude to be used.

Definition at line 1098 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

Referenced by matchboxAmplitude().

◆ theHavePDFs

pair<bool,bool> Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::theHavePDFs

Flag which pdfs should be included.

Definition at line 1164 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

◆ theMerger

MergerBasePtr Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::theMerger

The merging helper to be used.

Only the head ME has a pointer to this helper.

Definition at line 1176 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

◆ theNoCorrelations

bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::theNoCorrelations

True, if this is a real emission matrix element which does not require colour correlators.

Definition at line 1159 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

Referenced by needsCorrelations(), needsNoCorrelations(), and noCorrelations().

◆ theOLPProcess

vector<int> Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::theOLPProcess

The process index, if this is an OLP handled matrix element.

Definition at line 1143 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

Referenced by olpProcess().

◆ theOneLoop

bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::theOneLoop

True, if this matrix element includes one-loop corrections.

Definition at line 1126 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

Referenced by doOneLoop(), doOneLoopNoBorn(), doOneLoopNoLoops(), noOneLoop(), and oneLoop().

◆ theOneLoopNoBorn

bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::theOneLoopNoBorn

True, if this matrix element includes one-loop corrections but no Born contributions.

Definition at line 1132 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

Referenced by doOneLoopNoBorn(), and oneLoopNoBorn().

◆ theOneLoopNoLoops

bool Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::theOneLoopNoLoops

True, if this matrix element includes one-loop corrections but no actual loop contributions (e.g.

finite collinear terms)

Definition at line 1138 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

Referenced by doOneLoopNoLoops(), and oneLoopNoLoops().

◆ thePhasespace

Ptr<MatchboxPhasespace>::ptr Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::thePhasespace

The phase space generator to be used.

Definition at line 1093 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

Referenced by phasespace().

◆ theReweights

vector<Ptr<MatchboxReweightBase>::ptr> Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::theReweights

A vector of reweight objects the sum of which should be applied to reweight this matrix element.

Definition at line 1114 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

Referenced by addReweight(), and reweights().

◆ theScaleChoice

Ptr<MatchboxScaleChoice>::ptr Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::theScaleChoice

The scale choice object.

Definition at line 1103 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

Referenced by scaleChoice().

◆ theSubprocess

Process Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::theSubprocess

The subprocess to be considered.

Definition at line 1121 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

Referenced by subProcess().

◆ theVirtuals

vector<Ptr<MatchboxInsertionOperator>::ptr> Herwig::MatchboxMEBase::theVirtuals

The virtual corrections.

Definition at line 1108 of file MatchboxMEBase.h.

Referenced by virtuals().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: