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Herwig 7.3.0
Herwig::MatchboxXCombData Class Reference

Matchbox extensions to StandardXComb. More...

#include <MatchboxXCombData.h>

Inheritance diagram for Herwig::MatchboxXCombData:


struct  ReshuffleEquation
 Helper struct to define the reshuffling equation. More...

Public Member Functions

Standard constructors and destructors.
 MatchboxXCombData (tMEPtr newME)
 Standard constructor.
 MatchboxXCombData ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~MatchboxXCombData ()
void flushCaches ()
 Reset all cache flags.
Ptr< MatchboxFactory >::tcptr factory () const
 Get the factory.
Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::tptr matchboxME () const
 Get the matrix element; may return null.
Ptr< SubtractionDipole >::tptr subtractionDipole () const
 Get the dipole; may return null.
const vector< int > & crossingMap () const
 The crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
vector< int > & crossingMap ()
 The crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
const map< size_t, size_t > & amplitudeToColourMap () const
 The colour crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
map< size_t, size_t > & amplitudeToColourMap ()
 The colour crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
const map< size_t, size_t > & colourToAmplitudeMap () const
 The colour crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
map< size_t, size_t > & colourToAmplitudeMap ()
 The colour crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
double crossingSign () const
 The crossing sign as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
void crossingSign (double c)
 The crossing sign as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
Energy2 lastRenormalizationScale () const
 The last renormalization scale.
void lastRenormalizationScale (Energy2 lrs)
 The last renormalization scale.
const cPDVectoramplitudePartonData () const
 The amplitude parton data.
cPDVectoramplitudePartonData ()
 The amplitude parton data.
const vector< Lorentz5Momentum > & amplitudeMomenta () const
 The crossed momenta.
vector< Lorentz5Momentum > & amplitudeMomenta ()
 The crossed momenta.
bool calculateTreeAmplitudes () const
 True, if the the tree level amplitudes need to be calculated.
const map< vector< int >, CVector > & lastAmplitudes () const
 The amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.
void haveTreeAmplitudes (bool f=true)
 True, if the the tree level amplitudes need to be calculated.
map< vector< int >, CVector > & lastAmplitudes ()
 The amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.
const map< vector< int >, CVector > & lastLargeNAmplitudes () const
 The leading N amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.
map< vector< int >, CVector > & lastLargeNAmplitudes ()
 The leading N amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.
bool calculateOneLoopAmplitudes () const
 True, if the the one-loop amplitudes need to be calculated.
const map< vector< int >, CVector > & lastOneLoopAmplitudes () const
 The one-loop amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.
void haveOneLoopAmplitudes (bool f=true)
 True, if the the one-loop amplitudes need to be calculated.
map< vector< int >, CVector > & lastOneLoopAmplitudes ()
 The one-loop amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.
bool calculateTreeME2 () const
 True, if the tree-level matrix element squared needs to be calculated.
double lastTreeME2 () const
 The last tree-level matrix element squared.
void lastTreeME2 (double v)
 The last tree-level matrix element squared.
bool calculateLargeNME2 () const
 True, if the tree-level matrix element squared needs to be calculated.
double lastLargeNME2 () const
 The last tree-level matrix element squared.
void lastLargeNME2 (double v)
 The last tree-level matrix element squared.
bool calculateOneLoopInterference () const
 True, if the one-loop/tree-level interference.
double lastOneLoopInterference () const
 The last one-loop/tree-level interference.
void lastOneLoopInterference (double v)
 The last one-loop/tree-level interference.
bool calculateOneLoopPoles () const
 True, if the one-loop/tree-level interference.
pair< double, double > lastOneLoopPoles () const
 The last one-loop/tree-level interference.
void lastOneLoopPoles (pair< double, double > v)
 The last one-loop/tree-level interference.
bool calculateColourCorrelator (pair< int, int > ij) const
 True, if the indexed colour correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.
double lastColourCorrelator (pair< int, int > ij) const
 The colour correlated matrix element.
void lastColourCorrelator (pair< int, int > ij, double v)
 The colour correlated matrix element.
bool calculateLargeNColourCorrelator (pair< int, int > ij) const
 True, if the indexed large-N colour correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.
double lastLargeNColourCorrelator (pair< int, int > ij) const
 The large-N colour correlated matrix element.
void lastLargeNColourCorrelator (pair< int, int > ij, double v)
 The large-N colour correlated matrix element.
bool calculateColourSpinCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij) const
 True, if the indexed colour/spin correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.
Complex lastColourSpinCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij) const
 The colour/spin correlated matrix element.
void lastColourSpinCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij, Complex v)
 The colour/spin correlated matrix element.
bool calculateSpinCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij) const
 True, if the indexed spin correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.
Complex lastSpinCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij) const
 The spin correlated matrix element.
void lastSpinCorrelator (const pair< int, int > &ij, Complex v)
 The spin correlated matrix element.
unsigned int nLight () const
 Return the number of light flavours to be considered for this process.
void nLight (unsigned int n)
 Set the number of light flavours to be considered for this process.
vector< long > nLightJetVec () const
 Return the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.
void nLightJetVec (long n)
 Set the elements of the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.
vector< long > nHeavyJetVec () const
 Return the vector that contains the PDG ids of the heavy flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.
void nHeavyJetVec (long n)
 Set the elements of the vector that contains the PDG ids of the heavy flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.
vector< long > nLightProtonVec () const
 Return the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the proton particle group.
void nLightProtonVec (long n)
 Set the elements of the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the proton particle group.
size_t colourBasisDim () const
 Get the dimensionality of the colour basis for this process.
void colourBasisDim (size_t d)
 Set the dimensionality of the colour basis for this process.
int nDimPhasespace () const
 Return the number of degrees of freedom required by the phase space generator.
void nDimPhasespace (int d)
 Set the number of degrees of freedom required by the phase space generator.
int nDimAmplitude () const
 Return the number of degrees of freedom required by the amplitude.
void nDimAmplitude (int d)
 Set the number of degrees of freedom required by the amplitude.
int nDimInsertions () const
 Return the number of degrees of freedom required by the insertion operators.
void nDimInsertions (int d)
 Set the number of degrees of freedom required by the insertion operators.
const vector< double > & amplitudeRandomNumbers () const
 Get the additional random numbers required by the amplitude.
vector< double > & amplitudeRandomNumbers ()
 Access the additional random numbers required by the amplitude.
const vector< double > & insertionRandomNumbers () const
 Get the additional random numbers required by the insertion operator.
vector< double > & insertionRandomNumbers ()
 Access the additional random numbers required by the insertion operator.
const map< int, double > & diagramWeights () const
 Return the diagram weights indexed by diagram id.
map< int, double > & diagramWeights ()
 Access the diagram weights indexed by diagram id.
const set< pair< size_t, size_t > > & singularLimits () const
 Return the singular limits.
set< pair< size_t, size_t > > & singularLimits ()
 Access the singular limits.
const set< pair< size_t, size_t > >::const_iterator & lastSingularLimit () const
 Return the last matched singular limit.
set< pair< size_t, size_t > >::const_iterator & lastSingularLimit ()
 Access the last matched singular limit.
void hwStandardModel (Ptr< StandardModel >::tcptr sm)
 Set the Herwig StandardModel object.
Ptr< StandardModel >::tcptr hwStandardModel () const
 Get the Herwig StandardModel object.
double symmetryFactor () const
 Return the symmetry factor.
void symmetryFactor (double f)
 Set the symmetry factor.
const vector< int > & olpId () const
 Return the OLP process ids.
void olpId (int pType, int id)
 Set the OLP process ids.
void olpId (const vector< int > &id)
 Set the OLP process ids.
double * olpMomenta ()
 Return the olp momentum vector.
void fillOLPMomenta (const vector< Lorentz5Momentum > &mm, const cPDVector &mePartonData=cPDVector(), const map< long, Energy > &reshuffleMap=map< long, Energy >())
 Fill the olp momentum vector.
void reshuffle (vector< Lorentz5Momentum > &momenta, const cPDVector &mePartonData, const map< long, Energy > &reshuffleMap) const
 Perform a reshuffling to the mass shells contained in the map.
int externalId () const
 Return a generic process id to communicate with external codes.
void externalId (int id)
 Set a generic process id to communicate with external codes.
bool initialized () const
 True if the process has been initialized.
void isInitialized (bool is=true)
 True if the process has been initialized.
const vector< double * > & externalMomenta () const
 Return the external momentum vector.
void fillExternalMomenta (const vector< Lorentz5Momentum > &)
 Fill the external momentum vector.
const map< vector< int >, vector< complex< double > > > & heljamp () const
 Caching for the external madgraph colour structures.
const map< vector< int >, vector< complex< double > > > & helLNjamp () const
 Caching for the external madgraph colour structures (large N)
void pushheljamp (const vector< int > &hel, const complex< double > &jamp)
 pushback the madgraph colour structures
void clearheljamp ()
 clear the madgraph colour structures
void pushhelLNjamp (const vector< int > &hel, const complex< double > &jamp)
 pushback the madgraph colour structures (large N)
void clearhelLNjamp ()
 clear the madgraph colour structures (large N)

Functions used by the persistent I/O system.

Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::tptr theMatchboxME
 The matrix element.
Ptr< SubtractionDipole >::tptr theSubtractionDipole
 The dipole.
vector< int > theCrossingMap
 The crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
map< size_t, size_t > theAmplitudeToColourMap
 The colour crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
map< size_t, size_t > theColourToAmplitudeMap
 The colour crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
double theCrossingSign
 The crossing sign as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()
Energy2 theLastRenormalizationScale
 The last renormalization scale.
cPDVector theAmplitudePartonData
 The amplitude parton data.
vector< Lorentz5Momentum > theAmplitudeMomenta
 The ccrossed momenta.
bool theCalculateTreeAmplitudes
 True, if the the tree level amplitudes need to be calculated.
map< vector< int >, CVectortheLastAmplitudes
 The amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.
map< vector< int >, CVectortheLastLargeNAmplitudes
 The leading N amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.
bool theCalculateOneLoopAmplitudes
 True, if the the one-loop amplitudes need to be calculated.
map< vector< int >, CVectortheLastOneLoopAmplitudes
 The one-loop amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.
bool theCalculateTreeME2
 True, if the tree-level matrix element squared needs to be calculated.
double theLastTreeME2
 The last tree-level matrix element squared.
bool theCalculateLargeNME2
 True, if the tree-level matrix element squared needs to be calculated.
double theLastLargeNME2
 The last tree-level matrix element squared.
bool theCalculateOneLoopInterference
 True, if the one-loop/tree-level interference.
double theLastOneLoopInterference
 The last one-loop/tree-level interference.
bool theCalculateOneLoopPoles
 True, if the one-loop/tree-level interference.
pair< double, double > theLastOneLoopPoles
 The last one-loop/tree-level interference.
map< pair< int, int >, bool > theCalculateColourCorrelators
 True, if the indexed colour correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.
map< pair< int, int >, double > theColourCorrelators
 The colour correlated matrix element.
map< pair< int, int >, bool > theCalculateLargeNColourCorrelators
 True, if the indexed large-N colour correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.
map< pair< int, int >, double > theLargeNColourCorrelators
 The large-N colour correlated matrix element.
map< pair< int, int >, bool > theCalculateColourSpinCorrelators
 True, if the indexed colour/spin correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.
map< pair< int, int >, ComplextheColourSpinCorrelators
 The colour/spin correlated matrix element.
map< pair< int, int >, bool > theCalculateSpinCorrelators
 True, if the indexed spin correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.
map< pair< int, int >, ComplextheSpinCorrelators
 The spin correlated matrix element.
size_t theColourBasisDim
 The dimensionality of the colour basis for this process.
int theNDimPhasespace
 The number of degrees of freedom required by the phase space generator.
int theNDimAmplitude
 The number of degrees of freedom required by the amplitude.
int theNDimInsertions
 The number of degrees of freedom required by the insertion operators.
vector< double > theAmplitudeRandomNumbers
 Additional random numbers required by the amplitude.
vector< double > theInsertionRandomNumbers
 Additional random numbers required by the insertion operator.
map< int, double > theDiagramWeights
 The diagram weights indexed by diagram id.
set< pair< size_t, size_t > > theSingularLimits
 If not empty, the entries here serve to limit phasespace generation to the corresponding collinear limits, or soft limits if both pair entries are equal.
set< pair< size_t, size_t > >::const_iterator theLastSingularLimit
 The last matched singular limit.
Ptr< StandardModel >::tcptr theStandardModel
 The Herwig StandardModel object.
double theSymmetryFactor
 The symmetry factor.
vector< int > theOLPId
 The OLP process id.
double * theOLPMomenta
 Return the olp momentum vector.
bool filledOLPMomenta
 True, if olp momenta have been filled.
int theExternalId
 A generic process id to communicate with external codes.
bool theInitialized
 True if the process has been initialized.
vector< double * > theExternalMomenta
 The external momenta.
bool filledExternalMomenta
 True, if external momenta have been filled.
map< vector< int >, vector< complex< double > > > theHelJamp
 caching of different colour structures (MadGraph-Interface)
map< vector< int >, vector< complex< double > > > theLNHelJamp
 caching of different colour structures (MadGraph-Interface)
static unsigned int theNLight
 The number of light flavours to be considered for this process.
static vector< long > theNLightJetVec
 Vector with the PDG ids of the light quark flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.
static vector< long > theNHeavyJetVec
 Vector with the PDG ids of the heavy quark flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.
static vector< long > theNLightProtonVec
 Vector with the PDG ids of the light quark flavours, which are contained in the proton particle group.
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
 Function used to write out object persistently.
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
 Function used to read in object persistently.
static void putCVector (PersistentOStream &, const CVector &)
 Put a CVector to the persistent ostream.
static void getCVector (PersistentIStream &, CVector &)
 Get a CVector from the persistent istream.
static void putAmplitudeMap (PersistentOStream &, const map< vector< int >, CVector > &)
 Put an amplitude map to the persistent ostream.
static void getAmplitudeMap (PersistentIStream &, map< vector< int >, CVector > &)
 Get an amplitude map from the persistent istream.
static void Init ()
 The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
MatchboxXCombDataoperator= (const MatchboxXCombData &)=delete
 The assignment operator is private and must never be called.

Detailed Description

Matchbox extensions to StandardXComb.

Simon Platzer

Definition at line 77 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ amplitudeMomenta() [1/2]

vector< Lorentz5Momentum > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::amplitudeMomenta ( )

The crossed momenta.

Definition at line 200 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theAmplitudeMomenta.

◆ amplitudeMomenta() [2/2]

const vector< Lorentz5Momentum > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::amplitudeMomenta ( ) const

The crossed momenta.

Definition at line 195 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theAmplitudeMomenta.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::amplitudeMomenta().

◆ amplitudePartonData() [1/2]

cPDVector & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::amplitudePartonData ( )

The amplitude parton data.

Definition at line 190 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theAmplitudePartonData.

◆ amplitudePartonData() [2/2]

const cPDVector & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::amplitudePartonData ( ) const

The amplitude parton data.

Definition at line 185 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theAmplitudePartonData.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::amplitudePartonData().

◆ amplitudeRandomNumbers() [1/2]

vector< double > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::amplitudeRandomNumbers ( )

Access the additional random numbers required by the amplitude.

Definition at line 566 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theAmplitudeRandomNumbers.

◆ amplitudeRandomNumbers() [2/2]

const vector< double > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::amplitudeRandomNumbers ( ) const

Get the additional random numbers required by the amplitude.

Definition at line 561 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theAmplitudeRandomNumbers.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::amplitudeRandomNumbers().

◆ amplitudeToColourMap() [1/2]

map< size_t, size_t > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::amplitudeToColourMap ( )

The colour crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()

Definition at line 146 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theAmplitudeToColourMap.

◆ amplitudeToColourMap() [2/2]

const map< size_t, size_t > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::amplitudeToColourMap ( ) const

The colour crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()

Definition at line 140 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theAmplitudeToColourMap.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::amplitudeToColourMap().

◆ calculateColourCorrelator()

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::calculateColourCorrelator ( pair< int, int >  ij) const

True, if the indexed colour correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.

Definition at line 334 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateColourCorrelators.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::calculateColourCorrelator().

◆ calculateColourSpinCorrelator()

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::calculateColourSpinCorrelator ( const pair< int, int > &  ij) const

True, if the indexed colour/spin correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.

Definition at line 408 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateColourSpinCorrelators.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::calculateColourSpinCorrelator().

◆ calculateLargeNColourCorrelator()

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::calculateLargeNColourCorrelator ( pair< int, int >  ij) const

True, if the indexed large-N colour correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.

Definition at line 371 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateLargeNColourCorrelators.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::calculateLargeNColourCorrelator().

◆ calculateLargeNME2()

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::calculateLargeNME2 ( ) const

True, if the tree-level matrix element squared needs to be calculated.

Definition at line 280 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateLargeNME2.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::calculateLargeNME2().

◆ calculateOneLoopAmplitudes()

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::calculateOneLoopAmplitudes ( ) const

True, if the the one-loop amplitudes need to be calculated.

Definition at line 239 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateOneLoopAmplitudes.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::calculateOneLoopAmplitudes().

◆ calculateOneLoopInterference()

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::calculateOneLoopInterference ( ) const

True, if the one-loop/tree-level interference.

be calculated.

Definition at line 298 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateOneLoopInterference.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::calculateOneLoopInterference().

◆ calculateOneLoopPoles()

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::calculateOneLoopPoles ( ) const

True, if the one-loop/tree-level interference.

be calculated.

Definition at line 316 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateOneLoopPoles.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::calculateOneLoopPoles().

◆ calculateSpinCorrelator()

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::calculateSpinCorrelator ( const pair< int, int > &  ij) const

True, if the indexed spin correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.

Definition at line 439 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateSpinCorrelators.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::calculateSpinCorrelator().

◆ calculateTreeAmplitudes()

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::calculateTreeAmplitudes ( ) const

True, if the the tree level amplitudes need to be calculated.

Definition at line 205 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateTreeAmplitudes.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::calculateTreeAmplitudes().

◆ calculateTreeME2()

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::calculateTreeME2 ( ) const

True, if the tree-level matrix element squared needs to be calculated.

Definition at line 262 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateTreeME2.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::calculateTreeME2().

◆ clearheljamp()

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::clearheljamp ( )

clear the madgraph colour structures

Definition at line 745 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theHelJamp.

◆ clearhelLNjamp()

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::clearhelLNjamp ( )

clear the madgraph colour structures (large N)

Definition at line 755 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLNHelJamp.

◆ colourBasisDim() [1/2]

size_t Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::colourBasisDim ( ) const

Get the dimensionality of the colour basis for this process.

Definition at line 521 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theColourBasisDim.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::colourBasisDim().

◆ colourBasisDim() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::colourBasisDim ( size_t  d)

Set the dimensionality of the colour basis for this process.

Definition at line 526 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theColourBasisDim.

◆ colourToAmplitudeMap() [1/2]

map< size_t, size_t > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::colourToAmplitudeMap ( )

The colour crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()

Definition at line 158 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theColourToAmplitudeMap.

◆ colourToAmplitudeMap() [2/2]

const map< size_t, size_t > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::colourToAmplitudeMap ( ) const

The colour crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()

Definition at line 152 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theColourToAmplitudeMap.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::colourToAmplitudeMap().

◆ crossingMap() [1/2]

vector< int > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::crossingMap ( )

The crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()

Definition at line 134 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCrossingMap.

◆ crossingMap() [2/2]

const vector< int > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::crossingMap ( ) const

The crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()

Definition at line 128 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCrossingMap.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::crossingMap().

◆ crossingSign() [1/2]

double Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::crossingSign ( ) const

The crossing sign as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()

Definition at line 164 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCrossingSign.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::crossingSign().

◆ crossingSign() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::crossingSign ( double  c)

The crossing sign as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()

Definition at line 170 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCrossingSign.

◆ diagramWeights() [1/2]

map< int, double > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::diagramWeights ( )

Access the diagram weights indexed by diagram id.

Definition at line 586 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theDiagramWeights.

◆ diagramWeights() [2/2]

const map< int, double > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::diagramWeights ( ) const

Return the diagram weights indexed by diagram id.

Definition at line 581 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theDiagramWeights.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::diagramWeights().

◆ externalId() [1/2]

int Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::externalId ( ) const

Return a generic process id to communicate with external codes.

Definition at line 700 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theExternalId.

◆ externalId() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::externalId ( int  id)

Set a generic process id to communicate with external codes.

Definition at line 705 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theExternalId.

◆ externalMomenta()

const vector< double * > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::externalMomenta ( ) const

Return the external momentum vector.

Definition at line 720 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theExternalMomenta.

◆ haveOneLoopAmplitudes()

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::haveOneLoopAmplitudes ( bool  f = true)

True, if the the one-loop amplitudes need to be calculated.

Definition at line 250 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateOneLoopAmplitudes.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::haveOneLoopAmplitudes().

◆ haveTreeAmplitudes()

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::haveTreeAmplitudes ( bool  f = true)

True, if the the tree level amplitudes need to be calculated.

Definition at line 216 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateTreeAmplitudes.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::haveTreeAmplitudes().

◆ heljamp()

const map< vector< int >, vector< complex< double > > > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::heljamp ( ) const

Caching for the external madgraph colour structures.

Definition at line 730 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theHelJamp.

◆ helLNjamp()

const map< vector< int >, vector< complex< double > > > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::helLNjamp ( ) const

Caching for the external madgraph colour structures (large N)

Definition at line 735 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLNHelJamp.

◆ hwStandardModel() [1/2]

Ptr< StandardModel >::tcptr Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::hwStandardModel ( ) const

Get the Herwig StandardModel object.

Definition at line 616 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theStandardModel.

◆ hwStandardModel() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::hwStandardModel ( Ptr< StandardModel >::tcptr  sm)

Set the Herwig StandardModel object.

Definition at line 611 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theStandardModel.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::hwStandardModel().

◆ Init()

static void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::Init ( )

The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.

Called exactly once for each class by the class description system before the main function starts or when this class is dynamically loaded.

◆ initialized()

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::initialized ( ) const

True if the process has been initialized.

Definition at line 710 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theInitialized.

◆ insertionRandomNumbers() [1/2]

vector< double > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::insertionRandomNumbers ( )

Access the additional random numbers required by the insertion operator.

Definition at line 576 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theInsertionRandomNumbers.

◆ insertionRandomNumbers() [2/2]

const vector< double > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::insertionRandomNumbers ( ) const

Get the additional random numbers required by the insertion operator.

Definition at line 571 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theInsertionRandomNumbers.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::insertionRandomNumbers().

◆ isInitialized()

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::isInitialized ( bool  is = true)

True if the process has been initialized.

Definition at line 715 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theInitialized.

◆ lastAmplitudes() [1/2]

map< vector< int >, CVector > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastAmplitudes ( )

The amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.

Definition at line 222 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLastAmplitudes.

◆ lastAmplitudes() [2/2]

const map< vector< int >, CVector > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastAmplitudes ( ) const

The amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.

Definition at line 211 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLastAmplitudes.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::lastAmplitudes().

◆ lastColourCorrelator() [1/2]

double Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastColourCorrelator ( pair< int, int >  ij) const

The colour correlated matrix element.

Definition at line 347 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theColourCorrelators, and v.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::lastColourCorrelator().

◆ lastColourCorrelator() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastColourCorrelator ( pair< int, int >  ij,
double  v 

The colour correlated matrix element.

Definition at line 360 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateColourCorrelators, theColourCorrelators, and v.

◆ lastColourSpinCorrelator() [1/2]

Complex Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastColourSpinCorrelator ( const pair< int, int > &  ij) const

The colour/spin correlated matrix element.

Definition at line 419 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theColourSpinCorrelators, and v.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::lastColourSpinCorrelator().

◆ lastColourSpinCorrelator() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastColourSpinCorrelator ( const pair< int, int > &  ij,
Complex  v 

The colour/spin correlated matrix element.

Definition at line 430 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateColourSpinCorrelators, theColourSpinCorrelators, and v.

◆ lastLargeNAmplitudes() [1/2]

map< vector< int >, CVector > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastLargeNAmplitudes ( )

The leading N amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.

Definition at line 234 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLastLargeNAmplitudes.

◆ lastLargeNAmplitudes() [2/2]

const map< vector< int >, CVector > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastLargeNAmplitudes ( ) const

The leading N amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.

Definition at line 228 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLastLargeNAmplitudes.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::lastLargeNAmplitudes().

◆ lastLargeNColourCorrelator() [1/2]

double Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastLargeNColourCorrelator ( pair< int, int >  ij) const

The large-N colour correlated matrix element.

Definition at line 384 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLargeNColourCorrelators, and v.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::lastLargeNColourCorrelator().

◆ lastLargeNColourCorrelator() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastLargeNColourCorrelator ( pair< int, int >  ij,
double  v 

The large-N colour correlated matrix element.

Definition at line 397 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateLargeNColourCorrelators, theLargeNColourCorrelators, and v.

◆ lastLargeNME2() [1/2]

double Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastLargeNME2 ( ) const

The last tree-level matrix element squared.

Definition at line 285 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLastLargeNME2.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::lastLargeNME2().

◆ lastLargeNME2() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastLargeNME2 ( double  v)

The last tree-level matrix element squared.

Definition at line 290 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateLargeNME2, theLastLargeNME2, and v.

◆ lastOneLoopAmplitudes() [1/2]

map< vector< int >, CVector > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastOneLoopAmplitudes ( )

The one-loop amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.

Definition at line 256 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLastOneLoopAmplitudes.

◆ lastOneLoopAmplitudes() [2/2]

const map< vector< int >, CVector > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastOneLoopAmplitudes ( ) const

The one-loop amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.

Definition at line 245 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLastOneLoopAmplitudes.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::lastOneLoopAmplitudes().

◆ lastOneLoopInterference() [1/2]

double Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastOneLoopInterference ( ) const

The last one-loop/tree-level interference.

Definition at line 303 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLastOneLoopInterference.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::lastOneLoopInterference().

◆ lastOneLoopInterference() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastOneLoopInterference ( double  v)

The last one-loop/tree-level interference.

Definition at line 308 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateOneLoopInterference, theLastOneLoopInterference, and v.

◆ lastOneLoopPoles() [1/2]

pair< double, double > Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastOneLoopPoles ( ) const

The last one-loop/tree-level interference.

Definition at line 321 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLastOneLoopPoles.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::lastOneLoopPoles().

◆ lastOneLoopPoles() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastOneLoopPoles ( pair< double, double >  v)

The last one-loop/tree-level interference.

Definition at line 326 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateOneLoopPoles, theLastOneLoopPoles, and v.

◆ lastRenormalizationScale() [1/2]

Energy2 Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastRenormalizationScale ( ) const

The last renormalization scale.

Definition at line 175 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLastRenormalizationScale.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::lastRenormalizationScale().

◆ lastRenormalizationScale() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastRenormalizationScale ( Energy2  lrs)

The last renormalization scale.

Definition at line 180 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLastRenormalizationScale.

◆ lastSingularLimit() [1/2]

set< pair< size_t, size_t > >::const_iterator & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastSingularLimit ( )

Access the last matched singular limit.

Definition at line 606 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLastSingularLimit.

◆ lastSingularLimit() [2/2]

const set< pair< size_t, size_t > >::const_iterator & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastSingularLimit ( ) const

Return the last matched singular limit.

Definition at line 601 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLastSingularLimit.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::lastSingularLimit().

◆ lastSpinCorrelator() [1/2]

Complex Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastSpinCorrelator ( const pair< int, int > &  ij) const

The spin correlated matrix element.

Definition at line 450 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theSpinCorrelators, and v.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::lastSpinCorrelator().

◆ lastSpinCorrelator() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastSpinCorrelator ( const pair< int, int > &  ij,
Complex  v 

The spin correlated matrix element.

Definition at line 461 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateSpinCorrelators, theSpinCorrelators, and v.

◆ lastTreeME2() [1/2]

double Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastTreeME2 ( ) const

The last tree-level matrix element squared.

Definition at line 267 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLastTreeME2.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::lastTreeME2().

◆ lastTreeME2() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::lastTreeME2 ( double  v)

The last tree-level matrix element squared.

Definition at line 272 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theCalculateTreeME2, theLastTreeME2, and v.

◆ nDimAmplitude() [1/2]

int Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::nDimAmplitude ( ) const

Return the number of degrees of freedom required by the amplitude.

Definition at line 541 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theNDimAmplitude.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::nDimAmplitude().

◆ nDimAmplitude() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::nDimAmplitude ( int  d)

Set the number of degrees of freedom required by the amplitude.

Definition at line 546 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theNDimAmplitude.

◆ nDimInsertions() [1/2]

int Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::nDimInsertions ( ) const

Return the number of degrees of freedom required by the insertion operators.

Definition at line 551 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theNDimInsertions.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::nDimInsertions().

◆ nDimInsertions() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::nDimInsertions ( int  d)

Set the number of degrees of freedom required by the insertion operators.

Definition at line 556 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theNDimInsertions.

◆ nDimPhasespace() [1/2]

int Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::nDimPhasespace ( ) const

Return the number of degrees of freedom required by the phase space generator.

Definition at line 531 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theNDimPhasespace.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::nDimPhasespace().

◆ nDimPhasespace() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::nDimPhasespace ( int  d)

Set the number of degrees of freedom required by the phase space generator.

Definition at line 536 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theNDimPhasespace.

◆ nHeavyJetVec() [1/2]

vector< long > Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::nHeavyJetVec ( ) const

Return the vector that contains the PDG ids of the heavy flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.

Definition at line 495 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theNHeavyJetVec.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::nHeavyJetVec().

◆ nHeavyJetVec() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::nHeavyJetVec ( long  n)

Set the elements of the vector that contains the PDG ids of the heavy flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.

Definition at line 502 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theNHeavyJetVec.

◆ nLight() [1/2]

unsigned int Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::nLight ( ) const

Return the number of light flavours to be considered for this process.

Definition at line 469 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theNLight.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::nLight().

◆ nLight() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::nLight ( unsigned int  n)

Set the number of light flavours to be considered for this process.

Definition at line 474 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theNLight.

◆ nLightJetVec() [1/2]

vector< long > Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::nLightJetVec ( ) const

Return the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.

Definition at line 481 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theNLightJetVec.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::nLightJetVec().

◆ nLightJetVec() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::nLightJetVec ( long  n)

Set the elements of the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.

Definition at line 488 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theNLightJetVec.

◆ nLightProtonVec() [1/2]

vector< long > Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::nLightProtonVec ( ) const

Return the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the proton particle group.

Definition at line 509 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theNLightProtonVec.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::nLightProtonVec().

◆ nLightProtonVec() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::nLightProtonVec ( long  n)

Set the elements of the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the proton particle group.

Definition at line 516 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theNLightProtonVec.

◆ olpId() [1/3]

const vector< int > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::olpId ( ) const

Return the OLP process ids.

Definition at line 631 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theOLPId.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::olpId().

◆ olpId() [2/3]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::olpId ( const vector< int > &  id)

Set the OLP process ids.

Definition at line 645 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theOLPId.

◆ olpId() [3/3]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::olpId ( int  pType,
int  id 

Set the OLP process ids.

Definition at line 636 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theOLPId.

◆ olpMomenta()

double * Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::olpMomenta ( )

Return the olp momentum vector.

Definition at line 652 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theOLPMomenta.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::olpMomenta().

◆ operator=()

MatchboxXCombData & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::operator= ( const MatchboxXCombData )

The assignment operator is private and must never be called.

In fact, it should not even be implemented.

◆ persistentInput()

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::persistentInput ( PersistentIStream is,
int  version 

Function used to read in object persistently.

isthe persistent input stream read from.
versionthe version number of the object when written.

◆ persistentOutput()

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::persistentOutput ( PersistentOStream os) const

Function used to write out object persistently.

osthe persistent output stream written to.

◆ pushheljamp()

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::pushheljamp ( const vector< int > &  hel,
const complex< double > &  jamp 

pushback the madgraph colour structures

Definition at line 740 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theHelJamp.

◆ pushhelLNjamp()

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::pushhelLNjamp ( const vector< int > &  hel,
const complex< double > &  jamp 

pushback the madgraph colour structures (large N)

Definition at line 750 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theLNHelJamp.

◆ singularLimits() [1/2]

set< pair< size_t, size_t > > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::singularLimits ( )

Access the singular limits.

Definition at line 596 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theSingularLimits.

◆ singularLimits() [2/2]

const set< pair< size_t, size_t > > & Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::singularLimits ( ) const

Return the singular limits.

Definition at line 591 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theSingularLimits.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::singularLimits().

◆ symmetryFactor() [1/2]

double Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::symmetryFactor ( ) const

Return the symmetry factor.

Definition at line 621 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theSymmetryFactor.

Referenced by Herwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfo::symmetryFactor().

◆ symmetryFactor() [2/2]

void Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::symmetryFactor ( double  f)

Set the symmetry factor.

Definition at line 626 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

References theSymmetryFactor.

Member Data Documentation

◆ filledExternalMomenta

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::filledExternalMomenta

True, if external momenta have been filled.

Definition at line 1091 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

◆ filledOLPMomenta

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::filledOLPMomenta

True, if olp momenta have been filled.

Definition at line 1071 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

◆ theAmplitudeMomenta

vector<Lorentz5Momentum> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theAmplitudeMomenta

The ccrossed momenta.

Definition at line 860 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by amplitudeMomenta().

◆ theAmplitudePartonData

cPDVector Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theAmplitudePartonData

The amplitude parton data.

Definition at line 855 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by amplitudePartonData().

◆ theAmplitudeRandomNumbers

vector<double> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theAmplitudeRandomNumbers

Additional random numbers required by the amplitude.

Definition at line 1024 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by amplitudeRandomNumbers().

◆ theAmplitudeToColourMap

map<size_t,size_t> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theAmplitudeToColourMap

The colour crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()

Definition at line 833 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by amplitudeToColourMap().

◆ theCalculateColourCorrelators

map<pair<int,int>,bool> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theCalculateColourCorrelators

True, if the indexed colour correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.

Definition at line 938 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by calculateColourCorrelator(), and lastColourCorrelator().

◆ theCalculateColourSpinCorrelators

map<pair<int,int>,bool> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theCalculateColourSpinCorrelators

True, if the indexed colour/spin correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.

Definition at line 960 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by calculateColourSpinCorrelator(), and lastColourSpinCorrelator().

◆ theCalculateLargeNColourCorrelators

map<pair<int,int>,bool> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theCalculateLargeNColourCorrelators

True, if the indexed large-N colour correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.

Definition at line 949 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by calculateLargeNColourCorrelator(), and lastLargeNColourCorrelator().

◆ theCalculateLargeNME2

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theCalculateLargeNME2

True, if the tree-level matrix element squared needs to be calculated.

Definition at line 905 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by calculateLargeNME2(), and lastLargeNME2().

◆ theCalculateOneLoopAmplitudes

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theCalculateOneLoopAmplitudes

True, if the the one-loop amplitudes need to be calculated.

Definition at line 882 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by calculateOneLoopAmplitudes(), and haveOneLoopAmplitudes().

◆ theCalculateOneLoopInterference

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theCalculateOneLoopInterference

True, if the one-loop/tree-level interference.

be calculated.

Definition at line 916 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by calculateOneLoopInterference(), and lastOneLoopInterference().

◆ theCalculateOneLoopPoles

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theCalculateOneLoopPoles

True, if the one-loop/tree-level interference.

be calculated.

Definition at line 927 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by calculateOneLoopPoles(), and lastOneLoopPoles().

◆ theCalculateSpinCorrelators

map<pair<int,int>,bool> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theCalculateSpinCorrelators

True, if the indexed spin correlated matrix element needs to be calculated.

Definition at line 971 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by calculateSpinCorrelator(), and lastSpinCorrelator().

◆ theCalculateTreeAmplitudes

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theCalculateTreeAmplitudes

True, if the the tree level amplitudes need to be calculated.

Definition at line 865 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by calculateTreeAmplitudes(), and haveTreeAmplitudes().

◆ theCalculateTreeME2

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theCalculateTreeME2

True, if the tree-level matrix element squared needs to be calculated.

Definition at line 894 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by calculateTreeME2(), and lastTreeME2().

◆ theColourBasisDim

size_t Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theColourBasisDim

The dimensionality of the colour basis for this process.

Definition at line 1004 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by colourBasisDim().

◆ theColourCorrelators

map<pair<int,int>,double> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theColourCorrelators

The colour correlated matrix element.

Definition at line 943 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by lastColourCorrelator().

◆ theColourSpinCorrelators

map<pair<int,int>,Complex> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theColourSpinCorrelators

The colour/spin correlated matrix element.

Definition at line 965 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by lastColourSpinCorrelator().

◆ theColourToAmplitudeMap

map<size_t,size_t> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theColourToAmplitudeMap

The colour crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()

Definition at line 839 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by colourToAmplitudeMap().

◆ theCrossingMap

vector<int> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theCrossingMap

The crossing information as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()

Definition at line 827 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by crossingMap().

◆ theCrossingSign

double Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theCrossingSign

The crossing sign as filled by the last call to fillCrossingMap()

Definition at line 845 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by crossingSign().

◆ theDiagramWeights

map<int,double> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theDiagramWeights

The diagram weights indexed by diagram id.

Definition at line 1034 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by diagramWeights().

◆ theExternalId

int Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theExternalId

A generic process id to communicate with external codes.

Definition at line 1076 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by externalId().

◆ theExternalMomenta

vector<double*> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theExternalMomenta

The external momenta.

Definition at line 1086 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by externalMomenta().

◆ theHelJamp

map<vector<int>,vector < complex<double> > > Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theHelJamp

caching of different colour structures (MadGraph-Interface)

Definition at line 1096 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by clearheljamp(), heljamp(), and pushheljamp().

◆ theInitialized

bool Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theInitialized

True if the process has been initialized.

Definition at line 1081 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by initialized(), and isInitialized().

◆ theInsertionRandomNumbers

vector<double> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theInsertionRandomNumbers

Additional random numbers required by the insertion operator.

Definition at line 1029 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by insertionRandomNumbers().

◆ theLargeNColourCorrelators

map<pair<int,int>,double> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theLargeNColourCorrelators

The large-N colour correlated matrix element.

Definition at line 954 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by lastLargeNColourCorrelator().

◆ theLastAmplitudes

map<vector<int>,CVector> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theLastAmplitudes

The amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.

Definition at line 871 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by lastAmplitudes().

◆ theLastLargeNAmplitudes

map<vector<int>,CVector> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theLastLargeNAmplitudes

The leading N amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.

Definition at line 877 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by lastLargeNAmplitudes().

◆ theLastLargeNME2

double Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theLastLargeNME2

The last tree-level matrix element squared.

Definition at line 910 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by lastLargeNME2().

◆ theLastOneLoopAmplitudes

map<vector<int>,CVector> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theLastOneLoopAmplitudes

The one-loop amplitude values which have been contributing to the last call of prepareAmplitudes.

Definition at line 888 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by lastOneLoopAmplitudes().

◆ theLastOneLoopInterference

double Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theLastOneLoopInterference

The last one-loop/tree-level interference.

Definition at line 921 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by lastOneLoopInterference().

◆ theLastOneLoopPoles

pair<double,double> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theLastOneLoopPoles

The last one-loop/tree-level interference.

Definition at line 932 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by lastOneLoopPoles().

◆ theLastRenormalizationScale

Energy2 Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theLastRenormalizationScale

The last renormalization scale.

Definition at line 850 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by lastRenormalizationScale().

◆ theLastSingularLimit

set<pair<size_t,size_t>>::const_iterator Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theLastSingularLimit

The last matched singular limit.

Definition at line 1046 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by lastSingularLimit().

◆ theLastTreeME2

double Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theLastTreeME2

The last tree-level matrix element squared.

Definition at line 899 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by lastTreeME2().

◆ theLNHelJamp

map<vector<int>,vector < complex<double> > > Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theLNHelJamp

caching of different colour structures (MadGraph-Interface)

Definition at line 1101 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by clearhelLNjamp(), helLNjamp(), and pushhelLNjamp().

◆ theMatchboxME

Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::tptr Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theMatchboxME

The matrix element.

Definition at line 816 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

◆ theNDimAmplitude

int Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theNDimAmplitude

The number of degrees of freedom required by the amplitude.

Definition at line 1014 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by nDimAmplitude().

◆ theNDimInsertions

int Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theNDimInsertions

The number of degrees of freedom required by the insertion operators.

Definition at line 1019 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by nDimInsertions().

◆ theNDimPhasespace

int Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theNDimPhasespace

The number of degrees of freedom required by the phase space generator.

Definition at line 1009 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by nDimPhasespace().

◆ theNHeavyJetVec

vector<long> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theNHeavyJetVec

Vector with the PDG ids of the heavy quark flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.

Definition at line 993 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by nHeavyJetVec().

◆ theNLight

unsigned int Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theNLight

The number of light flavours to be considered for this process.

Definition at line 981 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by nLight().

◆ theNLightJetVec

vector<long> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theNLightJetVec

Vector with the PDG ids of the light quark flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group.

Definition at line 987 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by nLightJetVec().

◆ theNLightProtonVec

vector<long> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theNLightProtonVec

Vector with the PDG ids of the light quark flavours, which are contained in the proton particle group.

Definition at line 999 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by nLightProtonVec().

◆ theOLPId

vector<int> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theOLPId

The OLP process id.

Definition at line 1061 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by olpId().

◆ theOLPMomenta

double* Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theOLPMomenta

Return the olp momentum vector.

Definition at line 1066 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by olpMomenta().

◆ theSingularLimits

set<pair<size_t,size_t> > Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theSingularLimits

If not empty, the entries here serve to limit phasespace generation to the corresponding collinear limits, or soft limits if both pair entries are equal.

Definition at line 1041 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by singularLimits().

◆ theSpinCorrelators

map<pair<int,int>,Complex> Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theSpinCorrelators

The spin correlated matrix element.

Definition at line 976 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by lastSpinCorrelator().

◆ theStandardModel

Ptr<StandardModel>::tcptr Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theStandardModel

The Herwig StandardModel object.

Definition at line 1051 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by hwStandardModel().

◆ theSubtractionDipole

Ptr<SubtractionDipole>::tptr Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theSubtractionDipole

The dipole.

Definition at line 821 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

◆ theSymmetryFactor

double Herwig::MatchboxXCombData::theSymmetryFactor

The symmetry factor.

Definition at line 1056 of file MatchboxXCombData.h.

Referenced by symmetryFactor().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: