Herwig 7.3.0
MergingFactory automatically sets up a NLO QCD merging. More...
#include <MergingFactory.h>
Public Member Functions | |
void | productionMode () |
Check consistency and switch to porduction mode. | |
virtual void | setup () |
main method to setup the ME vector | |
void | fillMEsMap () |
fill all amplitudes, stored in pureMEsMap | |
void | prepare_BV (int i) |
prepare the Born and virtual matrix elements. | |
void | prepare_R (int i) |
prepare the real emission matrix elements. | |
void | pushB (MatchboxMEBasePtr, int) |
push the born contributions to the ME vector. | |
void | pushV (MatchboxMEBasePtr, int) |
void | pushR (MatchboxMEBasePtr, int) |
push the real contributions to the ME vector. | |
void | orderOLPs () |
order matrix elements from one loop provider. | |
int | onlymulti () const |
Debugging: push only multiplicities to the ME vector in range of specified mulltiplicity. | |
MergerPtr | MH () |
pointer to the merging helper. | |
int | M () const |
maximal NLO mulitplicity: 0=NLO corrections to the productio process. | |
int | N () const |
leg size of highest multiplicity. | |
const map< int, vector< MatchboxMEBasePtr > > & | pureMEsMap () const |
Return the Map of matrix elements to be considered (the Key is the number of additional jets) | |
map< int, vector< MatchboxMEBasePtr > > & | pureMEsMap () |
Access the Map of matrix elements to be considered (the Key is the number of additional jets) | |
virtual vector< string > | parseProcess (string) |
Parse a process description. | |
void | getVirtuals (MatchboxMEBasePtr nlo, bool clone) |
bool | subProcessGroups () const |
Return true, if SubProcessGroups should be setup from this MEGroup. | |
Ptr< Cuts >::ptr | nonQCDCuts () |
![]() | |
MatchboxFactory () | |
The default constructor. | |
Ptr< Tree2toNGenerator >::tptr | diagramGenerator () const |
Return the diagram generator. | |
void | diagramGenerator (Ptr< Tree2toNGenerator >::ptr dg) |
Set the diagram generator. | |
Ptr< ProcessData >::tptr | processData () const |
Return the process data. | |
void | processData (Ptr< ProcessData >::ptr pd) |
Set the process data. | |
unsigned int | nLight () const |
Return the number of light flavours, this matrix element is calculated for. | |
void | nLight (unsigned int n) |
Set the number of light flavours, this matrix element is calculated for. | |
vector< long > | nLightJetVec () const |
Return the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group. | |
void | nLightJetVec (long n) |
Set the elements of the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group. | |
vector< long > | nHeavyJetVec () const |
Return the vector that contains the PDG ids of the heavy flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group. | |
void | nHeavyJetVec (long n) |
Set the elements of the vector that contains the PDG ids of the heavy flavours, which are contained in the jet particle group. | |
vector< long > | nLightProtonVec () const |
Return the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the proton particle group. | |
void | nLightProtonVec (long n) |
Set the elements of the vector that contains the PDG ids of the light flavours, which are contained in the proton particle group. | |
unsigned int | orderInAlphaS () const |
Return the order in \(\alpha_S\). | |
void | orderInAlphaS (unsigned int o) |
Set the order in \(\alpha_S\). | |
unsigned int | orderInAlphaEW () const |
Return the order in \(\alpha_{EM}\). | |
void | orderInAlphaEW (unsigned int o) |
Set the order in \(\alpha_{EM}\). | |
size_t | highestVirt () const |
The multiplicity of legs with virtual contributions. | |
void | setHighestVirt (size_t n) |
Set the highest. | |
const vector< vector< string > > | getProcesses () const |
Access the processes vector. | |
bool | allProcesses () const |
Return true, if all processes up to a maximum order are considered. | |
void | setAllProcesses (bool on=true) |
Switch on/off inclusino off all processes up to a maximum order. | |
bool | bornContributions () const |
Return true, if Born contributions should be included. | |
void | setBornContributions (bool on=true) |
Switch on or off Born contributions. | |
bool | virtualContributions () const |
Return true, if virtual contributions should be included. | |
void | setVirtualContributions (bool on=true) |
Switch on or off virtual contributions. | |
bool | meCorrectionsOnly () const |
Produce matrix element corrections, but no NLO. | |
void | setMECorrectionsOnly (bool on=true) |
Switch to produce matrix element corrections, but no NLO. | |
bool | loopSimCorrections () const |
Produce matrix element corrections, with LoopSim NLO. | |
void | setLoopSimCorrections (bool on=true) |
Switch to produce matrix element corrections, with LoopSim NLO. | |
bool | realContributions () const |
Return true, if subtracted real emission contributions should be included. | |
void | setRealContributions (bool on=true) |
Switch on or off subtracted real emission contributions. | |
bool | independentVirtuals () const |
Return true, if virtual contributions should be treated as independent subprocesses. | |
void | setIndependentVirtuals (bool on=true) |
Switch on/off virtual contributions should be treated as independent subprocesses. | |
bool | independentPKs () const |
Return true, if PK operator contributions should be treated as independent subprocesses. | |
void | setIndependentPKs (bool on=true) |
Switch on/off PK operator contributions should be treated as independent subprocesses. | |
bool | realEmissionScales () const |
Return true, if subtraction scales should be caluclated from real emission kinematics. | |
void | setRealEmissionScales (bool on=true) |
Switch on/off that subtraction scales should be caluclated from real emission kinematics. | |
void | showerApproximation (Ptr< ShowerApproximation >::tptr app) |
Set the shower approximation. | |
Ptr< ShowerApproximation >::tptr | showerApproximation () const |
Return the shower approximation. | |
Ptr< MatchboxPhasespace >::tptr | phasespace () const |
Return the phase space generator to be used. | |
void | phasespace (Ptr< MatchboxPhasespace >::ptr ps) |
Set the phase space generator to be used. | |
void | scaleChoice (Ptr< MatchboxScaleChoice >::ptr sc) |
Set the scale choice object. | |
Ptr< MatchboxScaleChoice >::tptr | scaleChoice () const |
Return the scale choice object. | |
double | factorizationScaleFactor () const |
Get the factorization scale factor. | |
void | factorizationScaleFactor (double f) |
Set the factorization scale factor. | |
double | renormalizationScaleFactor () const |
Get the renormalization scale factor. | |
void | renormalizationScaleFactor (double f) |
Set the renormalization scale factor. | |
bool | fixedCouplings () const |
Return true, if fixed couplings are used. | |
void | setFixedCouplings (bool on=true) |
Switch on fixed couplings. | |
bool | fixedQEDCouplings () const |
Return true, if fixed couplings are used. | |
void | setFixedQEDCouplings (bool on=true) |
Switch on fixed couplings. | |
bool | vetoScales () const |
Return true, if veto scales should be set for the real emission. | |
void | doVetoScales () |
Switch on setting veto scales. | |
void | noVetoScales () |
Switch off setting veto scales. | |
const vector< Ptr< MatchboxAmplitude >::ptr > & | amplitudes () const |
Return the amplitudes to be considered. | |
vector< Ptr< MatchboxAmplitude >::ptr > & | amplitudes () |
Access the amplitudes to be considered. | |
const vector< Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::ptr > & | bornMEs () const |
Return the Born matrix elements to be considered. | |
vector< Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::ptr > & | bornMEs () |
Access the Born matrix elements to be considered. | |
const vector< Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::ptr > & | loopInducedMEs () const |
Return the loop induced matrix elements to be considered. | |
vector< Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::ptr > & | loopInducedMEs () |
Access the loop induced matrix elements to be considered. | |
const map< Ptr< MatchboxAmplitude >::tptr, map< pair< Process, int >, int > > & | olpProcesses () const |
Return the processes to be ordered from an OLP. | |
map< Ptr< MatchboxAmplitude >::tptr, map< pair< Process, int >, int > > & | olpProcesses () |
Access the processes to be ordered from an OLP. | |
int | orderOLPProcess (const Process &p, Ptr< MatchboxAmplitude >::tptr amp, int type) |
Order an OLP process and return its id. | |
const set< Ptr< MatchboxAmplitude >::tptr > & | externalAmplitudes () const |
Return the amplitudes which need external initialization. | |
set< Ptr< MatchboxAmplitude >::tptr > & | externalAmplitudes () |
Access the amplitudes which need external initialization. | |
const vector< Ptr< MatchboxInsertionOperator >::ptr > & | virtuals () const |
Return the virtual corrections to be considered. | |
vector< Ptr< MatchboxInsertionOperator >::ptr > & | virtuals () |
Access the virtual corrections to be considered. | |
const vector< Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::ptr > & | bornVirtualMEs () const |
Return the produced NLO matrix elements. | |
vector< Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::ptr > & | bornVirtualMEs () |
Access the produced NLO matrix elements. | |
const vector< Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::ptr > & | realEmissionMEs () const |
Return the real emission matrix elements to be considered. | |
vector< Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::ptr > & | realEmissionMEs () |
Access the real emission matrix elements to be considered. | |
int | dipoleSet () const |
Return, which set of dipoles should be considered. | |
void | dipoleSet (int s) |
Return, which set of dipoles should be considered. | |
const vector< Ptr< SubtractedME >::ptr > & | subtractedMEs () const |
Return the produced subtracted matrix elements. | |
vector< Ptr< SubtractedME >::ptr > & | subtractedMEs () |
Access the produced subtracted matrix elements. | |
const vector< Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::ptr > & | finiteRealMEs () const |
Return the produced finite real emission matrix elements. | |
vector< Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::ptr > & | finiteRealMEs () |
Access the produced finite real emission elements. | |
const map< cPDVector, set< Ptr< SubtractionDipole >::ptr > > & | splittingDipoles () const |
Return the map of Born processes to splitting dipoles. | |
list< SplittingChannel > | getSplittingChannels (tStdXCombPtr xc) const |
Generate all splitting channels for the Born process handled by the given XComb. | |
const vector< ReweightPtr > & | reweighters () const |
Return the reweight objects for matrix elements. | |
vector< ReweightPtr > & | reweighters () |
Access the reweight objects for matrix elements. | |
const vector< ReweightPtr > & | preweighters () const |
Return the preweight objects for matrix elements. | |
vector< ReweightPtr > & | preweighters () |
Access the preweight objects for matrix elements. | |
virtual bool | preInitialize () const |
Return true if this object needs to be initialized before all other objects (except those for which this function also returns true). | |
void | prepareME (Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::ptr) |
Prepare a matrix element. | |
size_t | highestVirt () |
The highest multiplicity of legs having virtual contributions. | |
bool | verbose () const |
Return true, if verbose. | |
void | setVerbose (bool on=true) |
Switch on diagnostic information. | |
bool | initVerbose () const |
Return true, if verbose while initializing. | |
void | setInitVerbose (bool on=true) |
Switch on diagnostic information while initializing. | |
void | print (ostream &) const |
Dump the setup. | |
const string & | subtractionData () const |
Return the subtraction data prefix. | |
void | subtractionData (const string &s) |
Set the subtraction data prefix. | |
const int & | subtractionPlotType () const |
Return the subtraction plot type. | |
void | subtractionPlotType (const int &t) |
Set the subtraction plot type. | |
const bool & | subtractionScatterPlot () const |
Return whether subtraction data should be plotted for all phase space points individually. | |
void | subtractionScatterPlot (const bool &s) |
Set whether subtraction data should be plotted for all phase space points individually. | |
const string & | poleData () const |
Return the pole data prefix. | |
void | poleData (const string &s) |
Set the pole data prefix. | |
bool | checkPoles () const |
Return true, if cancellationn of epsilon poles should be checked. | |
const map< string, PDVector > & | particleGroups () const |
Return the particle groups. | |
map< string, PDVector > & | particleGroups () |
Access the particle groups. | |
bool | isIncoming (cPDPtr p) const |
Return true, if the given particle is incoming. | |
bool | spinCorrelations () const |
Return true, if spin correlation information should be provided, if possible. | |
void | setSpinCorrelations (bool yes) |
Indicate that spin correlation information should be provided, if possible. | |
tSubProPtr | hardTreeSubprocess () |
Return the subprocess of the real emission. | |
void | setHardTreeSubprocess (tSubProPtr hardTree) |
Set the subprocess of the real emission for use in calculating the shower hardtree. | |
int | hardTreeEmitter () |
Return the born emitter. | |
void | setHardTreeEmitter (int emitter) |
Set the born emitter for use in calculating the shower hardtree. | |
int | hardTreeSpectator () |
Return the born spectator. | |
void | setHardTreeSpectator (int spectator) |
Set the born spectator for use in calculating the shower hardtree. | |
const string & | buildStorage () |
Return (and possibly create) a directory to contain amplitude information. | |
const string & | runStorage () |
Return (and possibly create) a directory to contain integration grid information. | |
double | alphaParameter () const |
alpha of http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0307268v2.pdf to restrict dipole phase space | |
void | setAlphaParameter (double a) const |
set the alpha parameter (needed for massive PK-Operator) | |
void | summary (ostream &) const |
Print a summary of the parameters used. | |
vector< Ptr< MatchboxMEBase >::ptr > | makeMEs (const vector< string > &, unsigned int orderas, bool virt) |
Generate matrix element objects for the given process. | |
void | persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const |
Function used to write out object persistently. | |
void | persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version) |
Function used to read in object persistently. | |
![]() | |
SubProcessHandler (const SubProcessHandler &) | |
tPExtrPtr | pExtractor () const |
const MEVector & | MEs () const |
tCutsPtr | cuts () const |
tCascHdlPtr | CKKWHandler () const |
const HandlerGroupBase & | handlerGroup (Group::Handler) const |
const GroupVector & | groups () const |
MEVector & | MEs () |
SubProcessHandler (const SubProcessHandler &) | |
tPExtrPtr | pExtractor () const |
const MEVector & | MEs () const |
tCutsPtr | cuts () const |
tCascHdlPtr | CKKWHandler () const |
const HandlerGroupBase & | handlerGroup (Group::Handler) const |
const GroupVector & | groups () const |
MEVector & | MEs () |
void | persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const |
void | persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version) |
![]() | |
double | rnd () const |
double | rnd (double xu) const |
double | rnd (double xl, double xu) const |
bool | rndbool () const |
bool | rndbool (double p) const |
bool | rndbool (double p1, double p2) const |
int | rndsign (double p1, double p2, double p3) const |
int | rnd2 (double p0, double p1) const |
int | rnd3 (double p0, double p1, double p2) const |
int | rnd4 (double p0, double p1, double p2, double p3) const |
long | irnd (long xu=2) const |
long | irnd (long xl, long xu) const |
const StandardModelBase & | SM () const |
tSMPtr | standardModel () const |
![]() | |
virtual bool | defaultInit () |
PPtr | getParticle (PID) const |
PDPtr | getParticleData (PID) const |
bool | used () const |
void | useMe () const |
tEGPtr | generator () const |
void | persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const |
void | persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version) |
PPtr | getParticle (PID) const |
PDPtr | getParticleData (PID) const |
bool | used () const |
void | useMe () const |
tEGPtr | generator () const |
![]() | |
string | fullName () const |
string | name () const |
string | path () const |
string | comment () const |
void | setup (istream &is) |
void | update () |
void | init () |
virtual bool | preInitialize () const |
void | initrun () |
void | finish () |
void | touch () |
void | reset () |
void | clear () |
InitState | state () const |
bool | locked () const |
bool | touched () const |
virtual IBPtr | fullclone () const |
void | persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const |
void | persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version) |
virtual void | debugme () const |
void | update () |
void | init () |
virtual bool | preInitialize () const |
void | initrun () |
void | finish () |
void | touch () |
void | reset () |
void | clear () |
InitState | state () const |
bool | locked () const |
bool | touched () const |
virtual IBPtr | fullclone () const |
![]() | |
void | debug () const |
virtual void | debugme () const |
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CounterType | referenceCount () const |
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Named (const string &newName=string()) | |
Named (const Named &)=default | |
const string & | name () const |
bool | operator== (const Named &other) const |
bool | operator< (const Named &other) const |
Protected Member Functions | |
Standard Interfaced functions. | |
virtual void | doinit () |
Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an EventGenerator to disk. | |
![]() | |
virtual void | doinitrun () |
Initialize this object. | |
virtual IBPtr | clone () const |
virtual IBPtr | fullclone () const |
virtual void | doinit () |
virtual void | doinitrun () |
virtual IBPtr | clone () const |
virtual IBPtr | fullclone () const |
![]() | |
void | reporeg (IBPtr object, string name) const |
bool | setDefaultReference (PtrT &ptr, string classname, string objectname) |
Interfaced (const string &newName) | |
Interfaced (const Interfaced &i) | |
void | setGenerator (tEGPtr generator) |
![]() | |
virtual void | readSetup (istream &is) |
virtual void | doupdate () |
virtual void | doinit () |
virtual void | doinitrun () |
virtual void | dofinish () |
virtual IVector | getReferences () |
virtual void | rebind (const TranslationMap &) |
virtual IBPtr | clone () const=0 |
InterfacedBase (string newName) | |
InterfacedBase (const InterfacedBase &i) | |
virtual void | readSetup (istream &is) |
virtual void | doupdate () |
virtual void | doinit () |
virtual void | doinitrun () |
virtual void | dofinish () |
virtual IVector | getReferences () |
virtual void | rebind (const TranslationMap &) |
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ReferenceCounted (const ReferenceCounted &) | |
ReferenceCounted & | operator= (const ReferenceCounted &) |
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const Named & | operator= (const Named &other) |
const string & | name (const string &newName) |
Clone Methods. | |
bool | unitarized = true |
unitarise the LO contributions. | |
bool | ransetup = false |
did run setup. | |
int | theonlymulti = -1 |
Debugging: push only multiplicities to the ME vector in range of specified mulltiplicity. | |
int | theM = -1 |
maximal legsize for NLO corrections. | |
int | theN = -1 |
maximal legsize for LO contributions. | |
map< int, vector< string > > | processMap |
map for processes. | |
map< int, vector< MatchboxMEBasePtr > > | thePureMEsMap |
MergerPtr | theMergingHelper |
the merging helper | |
Ptr< Cuts >::ptr | theNonQCDCuts |
Cut on non-QCD modified observables. | |
int | theChunk =0 |
For more complicated processes the number of subprocesses is large. | |
int | theChunkPart =0 |
This parameter selects a part chunkpart of the chunked subprocesses. | |
virtual IBPtr | clone () const |
Make a simple clone of this object. | |
virtual IBPtr | fullclone () const |
Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane. | |
MergingFactory & | operator= (const MergingFactory &)=delete |
The assignment operator is private and must never be called. | |
Functions used by the persistent I/O system. | |
void | persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const |
Function used to write out object persistently. | |
void | persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int) |
Function used to read in object persistently. | |
static void | Init () |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
typedef vector< HandlerGroupBase * > | GroupVector |
typedef vector< ReweightPtr > | ReweightVector |
![]() | |
enum | InitState |
![]() | |
typedef unsigned int | CounterType |
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static const Ptr< MatchboxFactory >::tptr | currentFactory () |
Pointer to the current factory object. | |
static bool | isMatchboxRun () |
Flag to indicate that at least one MatchboxFactory object is in action. | |
static void | Init () |
The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces. | |
![]() | |
static void | Init () |
![]() | |
static void | Init () |
![]() | |
static void | Init () |
![]() | |
static void | Init () |
![]() | |
static void | Init () |
![]() | |
initializing | |
uninitialized | |
initialized | |
runready | |
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const unsigned long | uniqueId |
![]() | |
static void | registerRepository (IBPtr) |
static void | registerRepository (IBPtr, string newName) |
MergingFactory automatically sets up a NLO QCD merging.
Definition at line 35 of file MergingFactory.h.
protectedvirtual |
Make a simple clone of this object.
Reimplemented from Herwig::MatchboxFactory.
protectedvirtual |
Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an EventGenerator to disk.
InitException | if object could not be initialized properly. |
Reimplemented from Herwig::MatchboxFactory.
protectedvirtual |
Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane.
Reimplemented from Herwig::MatchboxFactory.
inline |
maximal NLO mulitplicity: 0=NLO corrections to the productio process.
Definition at line 63 of file MergingFactory.h.
References theM.
inline |
pointer to the merging helper.
Definition at line 61 of file MergingFactory.h.
References theMergingHelper.
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 83 of file MergingFactory.h.
inline |
Debugging: push only multiplicities to the ME vector in range of specified mulltiplicity.
Definition at line 57 of file MergingFactory.h.
References processMap, and theonlymulti.
privatedelete |
The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
In fact, it should not even be implemented.
virtual |
Parse a process description.
Reimplemented from Herwig::MatchboxFactory.
void Herwig::MergingFactory::persistentInput | ( | PersistentIStream & | is, |
int | |||
) |
Function used to read in object persistently.
is | the persistent input stream read from. |
version | the version number of the object when written. |
void Herwig::MergingFactory::persistentOutput | ( | PersistentOStream & | os | ) | const |
Function used to write out object persistently.
os | the persistent output stream written to. |
virtual |
Check consistency and switch to porduction mode.
Reimplemented from Herwig::MatchboxFactory.
inline |
Access the Map of matrix elements to be considered (the Key is the number of additional jets)
Definition at line 73 of file MergingFactory.h.
inline |
Return the Map of matrix elements to be considered (the Key is the number of additional jets)
Definition at line 68 of file MergingFactory.h.
virtual |
main method to setup the ME vector
Reimplemented from Herwig::MatchboxFactory.
inlinevirtual |
Return true, if SubProcessGroups should be setup from this MEGroup.
If not, a single SubProcess is constructed from the data provided by the head matrix element.
Reimplemented from Herwig::MatchboxFactory.
Definition at line 81 of file MergingFactory.h.
private |
private |
did run setup.
Definition at line 141 of file MergingFactory.h.
private |
For more complicated processes the number of subprocesses is large.
This parameter allows to chunk the suprocesses into same sized cunks. It is in the responsibility of the user to add all chunk parts afterwards. The user also needs to take care that, e.g. output can be compined.
Definition at line 162 of file MergingFactory.h.
private |
This parameter selects a part chunkpart of the chunked subprocesses.
The user needs to take care to sum all chunkparts afterwards.
Definition at line 165 of file MergingFactory.h.
private |
maximal legsize for NLO corrections.
Definition at line 146 of file MergingFactory.h.
Referenced by M().
private |
private |
maximal legsize for LO contributions.
Definition at line 148 of file MergingFactory.h.
Referenced by N().
private |
Cut on non-QCD modified observables.
Definition at line 156 of file MergingFactory.h.
private |
Debugging: push only multiplicities to the ME vector in range of specified mulltiplicity.
Definition at line 144 of file MergingFactory.h.
Referenced by onlymulti().
private |
Definition at line 152 of file MergingFactory.h.
private |
unitarise the LO contributions.
Definition at line 139 of file MergingFactory.h.