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Herwig::MonacoSampler Class Reference

MonacoSampler samples XCombs bins using using Monaco. More...

#include <MonacoSampler.h>

Inheritance diagram for Herwig::MonacoSampler:

Public Member Functions

Standard constructors and destructors.
 MonacoSampler ()
 The default constructor.
virtual ~MonacoSampler ()
 The destructor.
Ptr< MonacoSampler >::ptr cloneMe () const
 Clone this object.
virtual double generate ()
 Generate the next point and return its weight; store the point in lastPoint().
virtual void adapt ()
 Adapt this sampler after an iteration has been run.
virtual bool existsGrid () const
 Return true, if grid data exists for this sampler.
virtual void saveGrid () const
 Save grid data.
virtual void initialize (bool progress)
 Initialize this bin sampler.
virtual void finalize (bool)
 Finalize this sampler.
virtual void fromXML (const XML::Element &)
 Fill Monaco grid data from an XML element.
virtual XML::Element toXML () const
 Return an XML element for the data of the Monaco grid.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Herwig::BinSampler
 BinSampler ()
 The default constructor.
Ptr< BinSampler >::ptr cloneMe () const
 Clone this object.
double evaluate (vector< double > p, bool remap=true)
 Evaluate the cross section.
double bias () const
 Return the bias with which this sampler is selected.
void bias (double b)
 Set the bias with which this sampler is selected.
void eventHandler (tStdEHPtr eh)
 Set the event handler.
tStdEHPtr eventHandler () const
 Return the event handler.
void sampler (Ptr< GeneralSampler >::tptr)
 Set the containing sampler.
Ptr< GeneralSampler >::tptr sampler () const
 Get the containing sampler.
int bin () const
 Return the bin.
void bin (int b)
 Set the bin.
string process () const
 Return a string describing the process handled by this sampler.
string shortprocess () const
 Return a short string describing the process handled by this sampler.
string id () const
 Return a string identifying the process handled by this sampler.
const vector< double > & lastPoint () const
 Return the last generated point.
vector< double > & lastPoint ()
 Access the last generated point.
double referenceWeight () const
 Return the reference weight to be used.
void referenceWeight (double w)
 Set the reference weight to be used.
virtual bool canUnweight () const
 Return true, if this sampler can provide unweighted events; if the proposal density is not an overestimate, weights larger than one can be generated, the handling of these points being subject to the GeneralSampler class.
virtual bool adaptsOnTheFly () const
 Return true, if this sampler adapts on the fly while generating events.
virtual bool compensating () const
 If this sampler features a compensation algorithm, return true if more events need to be generated to finish the compensation.
bool weighted () const
 Return true, if weighted events should be generated.
void doWeighted (bool yes=true)
 Indicate that weighted events should be generated.
virtual double generate ()
 Generate the next point and return its weight; store the point in lastPoint().
void fillRemappers (bool progress)
 Fill and finalize the remappers present.
void saveRemappers () const
 Write remappers to grid file.
void saveIntegrationData () const
 Write integration data to grid files.
virtual void saveGrid () const
 Save grid data.
void readIntegrationData ()
 Read integration data from grid files.
void setupRemappers (bool progress)
 Read remappers from grid file.
void runIteration (unsigned long n, bool progress)
 Run a single iteration of n points, optionally printing a progress bar to cout.
virtual void adapt ()
 Adapt this sampler after an iteration has been run.
virtual void initialize (bool progress)
 Initialize this bin sampler.
bool initialized () const
 Return true, if this sampler has already been initialized.
void isInitialized ()
 Indicate that this sampler has already been initialized.
bool integrated () const
 Return true, if integration has already been performed.
bool remappersFilled () const
 Return true, if remappers have been set up.
virtual bool existsGrid () const
 Return true, if grid data exists for this sampler.
bool hasGrids () const
 Return true, if this sampler has already read grid data.
void didReadGrids ()
 Indicate that this sampler has already read grid data.
virtual void finalize (bool)
 Finalize this sampler.
virtual CrossSection integratedXSec () const
 Return the total integrated cross section determined from the Monte Carlo sampling so far.
virtual CrossSection integratedXSecErr () const
 Return the error on the total integrated cross section determined from the Monte Carlo sampling so far.
int dimension () const
 Return the dimension.
unsigned long initialPoints () const
 Return the number of points to be used for initial integration.
void initialPoints (unsigned long n)
 Set the number of points to be used for initial integration.
size_t nIterations () const
 Return the number of iterations to be considered for initialization.
void nIterations (size_t n)
 Set the number of iterations to be considered for initialization.
void enhancementFactor (double f)
 Set the factor to enhance the number of points for the next iteration.
double enhancementFactor () const
 Return the factor to enhance the number of points for the next iteration.
string randomNumberString () const
 Return the folder for the random number plots.
double kappa () const
 In the AlmostUnweighted mode we do not need to unweight the events to the reference weight.
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
 Function used to write out object persistently.
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
 Function used to read in object persistently.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Herwig::MultiIterationStatistics
 MultiIterationStatistics ()
 The default constructor.
virtual ~MultiIterationStatistics ()
 The destructor.
void nextIteration ()
 Indicate the start of a new iteration.
const vector< GeneralStatistics > & iterations () const
 Return the iterations done so far.
vector< GeneralStatistics > & iterations ()
 Access the iterations done so far.
virtual double chi2 () const
 Return the last calculated chi^2.
virtual double averageWeight (bool useAll=false) const
 Return the average weight.
virtual double averageAbsWeight (bool useAll=false) const
 Return the average absolute weight.
virtual double averageWeightVariance (bool useAll=false) const
 Return the variance of the average weight.
virtual double averageAbsWeightVariance (bool useAll=false) const
 Return the variance of the average absolute weight.
unsigned int minIterationPoints () const
 Return the minimum number of events per iteration to take this iteration into account when calculating the total cross section.
void minIterationPoints (unsigned int n)
 Set the minimum number of events per iteration to take this iteration into account when calculating the total cross section.
bool useAllIterations () const
 Return true if integrals should be combined from all iterations.
void doUseAllIterations (bool yes=true)
 Indicate that integrals should be combined from all iterations.
void put (PersistentOStream &os) const
 Function used to write out object persistently.
void get (PersistentIStream &is)
 Function used to read in object persistently.
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
 Function used to write out object persistently.
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
 Function used to read in object persistently.
void fromXML (const XML::Element &)
 Fill statistics data from an XML element.
XML::Element toXML () const
 Return an XML element for the data of this statistics.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
virtual bool defaultInit ()
PPtr getParticle (PID) const
PDPtr getParticleData (PID) const
bool used () const
void useMe () const
tEGPtr generator () const
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
PPtr getParticle (PID) const
PDPtr getParticleData (PID) const
bool used () const
void useMe () const
tEGPtr generator () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
string fullName () const
string name () const
string path () const
string comment () const
void setup (istream &is)
void update ()
void init ()
virtual bool preInitialize () const
void initrun ()
void finish ()
void touch ()
void reset ()
void clear ()
InitState state () const
bool locked () const
bool touched () const
virtual IBPtr fullclone () const
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
virtual void debugme () const
void update ()
void init ()
virtual bool preInitialize () const
void initrun ()
void finish ()
void touch ()
void reset ()
void clear ()
InitState state () const
bool locked () const
bool touched () const
virtual IBPtr fullclone () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Base
void debug () const
virtual void debugme () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
CounterType referenceCount () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Named
 Named (const string &newName=string())
 Named (const Named &)=default
const string & name () const
bool operator== (const Named &other) const
bool operator< (const Named &other) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Herwig::GeneralStatistics
 GeneralStatistics ()
 The default constructor.
virtual ~GeneralStatistics ()
 The destructor.
void reset ()
 Reset these statistics.
double lastWeight () const
 Return the last weight encountered.
double maxWeight () const
 Return the maximum absolute weight.
double minWeight () const
 Return the minimum absolute weight.
void maxWeight (double w)
 Set the maximum absolute weight.
void minWeight (double w)
 Set the minimum absolute weight.
double sumWeights () const
 Return the sum of weights.
double sumSquaredWeights () const
 Return the sum of squared weights.
double sumAbsWeights () const
 Return the sum of absolute weights.
unsigned long selectedPoints () const
 Return the number of selected points.
unsigned long acceptedPoints () const
 Return the nnumber of accepted points.
unsigned long nanPoints () const
 Return the number of points where a nan or inf weight has been encountered.
unsigned long allPoints () const
 Return the number of all points.
virtual double averageWeight () const
 Return the average weight.
virtual double averageAbsWeight () const
 Return the average absolute weight.
double weightVariance () const
 Return the variance of weights.
double absWeightVariance () const
 Return the variance of absolute weights.
virtual double averageWeightVariance () const
 Return the variance of the average weight.
virtual double averageAbsWeightVariance () const
 Return the variance of the average absolute weight.
virtual void select (double weight, bool doIntegral=true)
 Select an event.
virtual void accept ()
 Accept an event.
virtual void reject ()
 Reject an event.
void put (PersistentOStream &os) const
 Function used to write out object persistently.
void get (PersistentIStream &is)
 Function used to read in object persistently.
void fromXML (const XML::Element &)
 Fill statistics data from an XML element.
XML::Element toXML () const
 Return an XML element for the data of this statistics.

Clone Methods.

double theAlpha
 Rate of grid modification (0 for no modification)
size_t theGridDivisions
 Number of grid divisions per dimension.
boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< double > theGrid
 Grid boundaries (first index: dimension of random numbers, second index: dimension of partitions per random number)
boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< double > theGridData
 Collected value per grid bin.
size_t theIterationPoints
 Number of points collected in iteration so far.
virtual IBPtr clone () const
 Make a simple clone of this object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone () const
 Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane.
MonacoSampleroperator= (const MonacoSampler &)=delete
 The assignment operator is private and must never be called.

Functions used by the persistent I/O system.

void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
 Function used to write out object persistently.
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
 Function used to read in object persistently.
static void Init ()
 The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Herwig::BinSampler
typedef pair< string, size_t > RandomNumberIndex
- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
enum  InitState
- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
typedef unsigned int CounterType
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Herwig::BinSampler
static void Init ()
 The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Herwig::MultiIterationStatistics
static void Init ()
 The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
static void Init ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
static void Init ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Base
static void Init ()
- Public Attributes inherited from Herwig::BinSampler
map< RandomNumberIndex, pair< RandomNumberHistogram, double > > RandomNumberHistograms
- Public Attributes inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
- Public Attributes inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
const unsigned long uniqueId
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Herwig::BinSampler
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Herwig::MultiIterationStatistics
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
void reporeg (IBPtr object, string name) const
bool setDefaultReference (PtrT &ptr, string classname, string objectname)
 Interfaced (const string &newName)
 Interfaced (const Interfaced &i)
void setGenerator (tEGPtr generator)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
virtual void readSetup (istream &is)
virtual void doupdate ()
virtual void doinit ()
virtual void doinitrun ()
virtual void dofinish ()
virtual IVector getReferences ()
virtual void rebind (const TranslationMap &)
virtual IBPtr clone () const=0
 InterfacedBase (string newName)
 InterfacedBase (const InterfacedBase &i)
virtual void readSetup (istream &is)
virtual void doupdate ()
virtual void doinit ()
virtual void doinitrun ()
virtual void dofinish ()
virtual IVector getReferences ()
virtual void rebind (const TranslationMap &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
 ReferenceCounted (const ReferenceCounted &)
ReferenceCountedoperator= (const ReferenceCounted &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Named
const Namedoperator= (const Named &other)
const string & name (const string &newName)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
static void registerRepository (IBPtr)
static void registerRepository (IBPtr, string newName)

Detailed Description

MonacoSampler samples XCombs bins using using Monaco.

Michael Rauch
See also
The interfaces defined for MonacoSampler.

Definition at line 40 of file MonacoSampler.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ adapt()

virtual void Herwig::MonacoSampler::adapt ( )

Adapt this sampler after an iteration has been run.

Reimplemented from Herwig::BinSampler.

◆ clone()

virtual IBPtr Herwig::MonacoSampler::clone ( ) const

Make a simple clone of this object.

a pointer to the new object.

Reimplemented from Herwig::BinSampler.

Referenced by cloneMe().

◆ cloneMe()

Ptr< MonacoSampler >::ptr Herwig::MonacoSampler::cloneMe ( ) const

Clone this object.

Definition at line 62 of file MonacoSampler.h.

References clone().

◆ existsGrid()

virtual bool Herwig::MonacoSampler::existsGrid ( ) const

Return true, if grid data exists for this sampler.

Reimplemented from Herwig::BinSampler.

◆ finalize()

virtual void Herwig::MonacoSampler::finalize ( bool  )

Finalize this sampler.

Reimplemented from Herwig::BinSampler.

◆ fullclone()

virtual IBPtr Herwig::MonacoSampler::fullclone ( ) const

Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane.

a pointer to the new object.

Reimplemented from Herwig::BinSampler.

◆ generate()

virtual double Herwig::MonacoSampler::generate ( )

Generate the next point and return its weight; store the point in lastPoint().

Reimplemented from Herwig::BinSampler.

◆ Init()

static void Herwig::MonacoSampler::Init ( )

The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.

Called exactly once for each class by the class description system before the main function starts or when this class is dynamically loaded.

◆ initialize()

virtual void Herwig::MonacoSampler::initialize ( bool  progress)

Initialize this bin sampler.

This default version calls runIteration.

Reimplemented from Herwig::BinSampler.

◆ operator=()

MonacoSampler & Herwig::MonacoSampler::operator= ( const MonacoSampler )

The assignment operator is private and must never be called.

In fact, it should not even be implemented.

◆ persistentInput()

void Herwig::MonacoSampler::persistentInput ( PersistentIStream is,
int  version 

Function used to read in object persistently.

isthe persistent input stream read from.
versionthe version number of the object when written.

◆ persistentOutput()

void Herwig::MonacoSampler::persistentOutput ( PersistentOStream os) const

Function used to write out object persistently.

osthe persistent output stream written to.

◆ saveGrid()

virtual void Herwig::MonacoSampler::saveGrid ( ) const

Save grid data.

Reimplemented from Herwig::BinSampler.

Member Data Documentation

◆ theAlpha

double Herwig::MonacoSampler::theAlpha

Rate of grid modification (0 for no modification)

Definition at line 163 of file MonacoSampler.h.

◆ theGrid

boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> Herwig::MonacoSampler::theGrid

Grid boundaries (first index: dimension of random numbers, second index: dimension of partitions per random number)

Definition at line 175 of file MonacoSampler.h.

◆ theGridData

boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> Herwig::MonacoSampler::theGridData

Collected value per grid bin.

Definition at line 180 of file MonacoSampler.h.

◆ theGridDivisions

size_t Herwig::MonacoSampler::theGridDivisions

Number of grid divisions per dimension.

Definition at line 168 of file MonacoSampler.h.

◆ theIterationPoints

size_t Herwig::MonacoSampler::theIterationPoints

Number of points collected in iteration so far.

Definition at line 187 of file MonacoSampler.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: