This analysis studies the underlying event via transverse cones of $R = 0.7$ at 90 degrees in \phi relative to the leading (highest E) jet, at $\sqrt{s} = 630$ and 1800 GeV. This is similar to the 2001 CDF UE analysis, except that cones, rather than the whole central \eta range are used. The transverse cones are categorised as `TransMIN' and `TransMAX' on an event-by-event basis, to give greater sensitivity to the UE component. `Swiss Cheese' distributions, where cones around the leading $n$ jets are excluded from the distributions, are also included for $n = 2, 3$. This analysis is useful for constraining the energy evolution of the underlying event, since it performs the same analyses at two distinct CoM energies. WARNING! The pT plots are normalised to raw number of events. The min bias data have not been reproduced by MC, and are not recommended for tuning.
Generated at Saturday, 05. December 2015 12:08PM