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Herwig 7.3.0
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567891011]
 CHerwig::MatchboxMEBase::AccuracyHistogramSimple histogram for accuracy checks
 Cexsample::adaption_infoAdaption_info is a container for parameters relevant to sampling and adaption
 CHerwig::HardProcessAnalysis::AllHistogramsOutgoing partons and x distributions
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::AmplitudeCache< AmplitudeKey >Caching for amplitudes using spinor helicity techniques
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::AmplitudeCache< pair< size_t, size_t > >
 CXML::Element::AttributeRepresent an attribute
 CHerwig::Histogram::BinOne bin of the histogram
 Cexsample::binary_tree< Value >Binary_tree represents a binary tree with the ability to ‘cascade’ visitor objects down the tree
 Cexsample::binary_tree< exsample::cell >
 Cmatchbox::gsl::bisection_root_solver< Function, MaxIterations >Wrapper araound the bisection root solver
 Cexsample::bit_container< bits >Fixed-size, packed vector of bools
 Cexsample::bit_container< parameter_hash_bits >
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::AmplitudeCache< AmplitudeKey >::boolResetterHelper to reset flags
 CHerwig::bornVVKinematicsUsed to store information on the the kinematics of the real emission processes needed for the evaluation of matrix elements in the real part of the NLO process
 CHerwig::BranchingThe branching struct is used to store information on the branching
 CHerwig::BranchingElementTypedef to pair the SudakovFormFactor and the particles in a branching
 CHerwig::BranchingInfoStruct for the multiplcity data
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::BreitWignerThe density 1/((x-z)^2 + abs(w z))
 Cexsample::cellGeneral cell class
 Cexsample::cell_infoInformation contained in a leaf cell
 CExSample::CellGridA binary cell grid
 Ccmdline_parser_paramsThe additional parameters to pass to parser functions
 CColorFull::Col_ampThe full color amplitude is Scalar + Cs1+Cs2+Cs3... Col_amp is a class to contain info on several Col_strs, a color amplitude
 CColorFull::Col_basisTo contain a color basis, where each basis vector is a Col_amp
 CColorFull::Col_functionsLibrary class containing functions for index contraction and numerical evaluation
 CColorFull::Col_strA class to contain ONE color structure, a direct product of Quark_lines, multiplying a Polynomial, Poly
 CCVolver::ColourFlowA colour flow (basis tensor)
 CCVolver::ColourFlowCrossingThe crossing of a physical process to a colour flow basis
 CHerwig::ColourSinglet< Value >Struct to store colour singlets
 Cexsample::binary_tree< Value >::const_iteratorConst_iterator
 Cexsample::constant_interpolationException thrown, if a constant piece of the interpolation has been hit
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Container< Density >A density container
 CExSample::SimpleCellGrid::CounterA simple counter to store information used for adaption
 CStatistics::CounterA (weighted) counter
 CStatistics::CrossSectionsA simulation run
 CHerwig::ConstituentReshuffler::DecayReshuffleEquationThe function object defining the equation to be solved in the case of separate recoilers TODO - refine the whole implementation of separate partons and recoilers
 CHerwig::DiagramDrawerDiagramDrawer draws ASCII output from Tree2toNDiagram objects for diagnostic purposes
 CHerwig::DipoleUsed by the dipole shower to represent a dipole of two coloured partons
 CHerwig::DipoleChainUsed by the dipole shower to represent a chain of dipoles
 CHerwig::DipoleIndexDipoleIndex is used to index splitting generators for a particular dipole
 CHerwig::DipolePartonSplitterThe DipolePartonSplitter is a helper class to fix up colour and mother-child relations in typical shower splittings
 CHerwig::DipoleRepositoryRepository of known subtraction dipoles
 CHerwig::DipoleSplittingInfoDipoleSplittingInfo contains all parameters to generate a full dipole splitting
 CHerwig::PerturbativeDecayer::DipoleTypeType of dipole
 CStatistics::DistributionA (one dimensional) distribution
 CStatistics::Distribution::DistributionBinA bin in a distribution
 CXML::ElementElement represents a (tree of) XML elements
 CXML::ElementIOElementIO handles in/output of XML elements
 CStatistics::EventContributionA pointlike or boxlike eventContribution; serves to define the EventContribution concept
 CHerwig::ShowerParticle::EvolutionPartnerStruct for all the info on an evolution partner
 CHerwig::ShowerParticle::EvolutionScalesStruct to store the evolution scales
 CThePEG::Exception [external]
 Cexsample::exponential_generator< Function, Random >The generator for sudakov-type distributions
 Cexsample::exponential_generator< Herwig::DipoleSplittingGenerator, ThePEG::UseRandom >
 Cexsample::exponential_generator< ShowerApproximationKernel, UseRandom >
 Cexsample::exponential_regenerateException thrown, if the exponential_generator has just changed its state
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::ExpressionA density expression
 CHerwig::ShowerHandler::ExtraScatterVetoStruct that is used to catch exceptions which are thrown due to energy conservation issues of additional scatters
 CHerwig::HwRemDecayer::ExtraSoftScatterVetoStruct that is used to catch exceptions which are thrown due to energy conservation issues of additional soft scatters
 Cexsample::fast_small_histogram< Statistics >Fast, zero memory-overhead one-dimensional histogram with 2^n equally spaced bins
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::FlatA constant density
 CHerwig::ThreeMesonCurrentBase::FormFactorsHelper class for form factors
 CHerwig::GeneralStatisticsGeneral Monte Carlo statistics
 Cexsample::generator< Function, Random >A generator for plain sampling and integrating
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Density >Define the generator concept
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< BreitWigner >Generate x with density 1/((x-z)^2 + abs(w z))
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Density1 >
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Density2 >
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Expression >Container base class for a general density
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Flat >Generate x flat
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Inverse >Generate x with density 1/|x-z|
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Piecewise< Density, ToBeDefined > >Generate a piecewise defined density
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Piecewise< Density1, Density2 > >Generate a piecewise defined density
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Piecewise< ToBeDefined, ToBeDefined > >Generate a piecewise defined density
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Power >Generate x with density |(x-z)|^p
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Remap< Density > >Generate a density remapped to a new interval
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Rescale< Density > >Generate a rescaled density
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Sum< Density1, Density2 > >Generate the sum of two densities
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Generator< Zero >Generate nothing
 Cexsample::generator_updateException thrown, if the generator has just changed its state
 Cgengetopt_args_infoWhere the command line options are stored
 CHerwig::GSLBisection::GSLerrorStruct that is used to throw and catch GSL errors
 CHerwig::GSLHelper< V, T >From, which can then be used by the GSL algorithms that need a pointer to a function and don't know about Units
 CHerwig::GSLHelper< CrossSection, CrossSection >
 CHerwig::GSLHelper< Energy2, InvEnergy2 >
 CHerwig::GSLHelper< InvEnergy2, Energy2 >
 CHerwig::GSLHelper< Length, Length >
 CHerwig::GSLHelper< LengthDiff, Length >
 CHerwig::HwRemDecayer::HadronContentSimple struct to store info about baryon quark and di-quark
 CHerwig::HadronInfoClass used to store all the hadron information for easy access
 CHerwig::HerwigUIHerwigUI is an interface to abstract the command line parameters
 CStatistics::HistogramA (one dimensional) histogram
 CHerwig::HardProcessAnalysis::HistogramsDifferential information per outgoing parton
 Cexsample::hit_and_miss_maxtryException thrown, if the maximum number of misses has been reached
 CHerwig::HPDiagramThe HPDiagram struct contains information about a 2->2 hard-process that has been automatically generated by HardProcessConstructor
 Cexsample::integral_accessorAccessor returning the integral of a cell
 CHerwig::GenericHGGVertex::InteractionStruct to store the stuff needed for the vertices
 CHerwig::GenericHPPVertex::InteractionStruct to store the stuff needed for the vertices
 CHerwig::GSLBisection::IntervalErrorStruct that is used to throw and catch GSL errors
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::InverseA density 1/|x-z|
 Cexsample::inversion_has_no_solutionException thrown, if inversion of the interpolation has no solution
 Cexsample::binary_tree< Value >::istream_generator< IStream >Generator reading binary tree from istream
 Cexsample::binary_tree< Value >::iteratorIterator
 CHerwig::JetKinStructA simple struct to store the information we need on the showering
 CHerwig::KaganIntegrandA struct for the integrand which can access the dimensional value member of the BtoSGammaKagan class
 CHerwig::KinematicsReconstructionVetoException class used to communicate failure of kinematics reconstruction
 CHerwig::KupcoClass designed to make STL routines easy to use
 CHerwig::LastMatchboxXCombInfoProvide easy access to MatchboxXComb XComb extensions
 CThePEG::LastXCombInfo< typename XC > [external]
 CThePEG::LastXCombInfo< StandardXComb > [external]
 CThePEG::LastXCombInfo<> [external]
 Cexsample::linear_interpolatorA linear interpolation allowing for inversion of the linear interpolation
 CHerwig::Tree2toNGenerator::LineMatcherHelper for topology restrictions
 CHerwig::MatchboxXCombDataMatchbox extensions to StandardXComb
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::matcher< Density >Indicate that the argument density should be matched to the previous one in a piecewise definition
 CThePEG::MatcherType [external]
 CHerwig::ColourBasis::matchRepMatch colour representation
 CHerwig::ShowerApproximationKernel::MaxTryExceptionException to communicate sampler maxtry events
 CHerwig::SubtractionDipole::MergeInfoA helpre struct to communicate diagram merging and remapping information
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::MinusConjugateSpinorTagTag for [p|
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::MinusSpinorTagTag for |p]
 Cexsample::missing_accessorAccessor returning the number of missing events
 CHerwig::MixingElementStruct for the elements of a mixing matrix
 CColorFull::MonomialA class to contain the factor of form TR^a*Nc^b*CF^c*int_part*cnum_part, where the powers a, b and c may be negative
 CHerwig::MultiplicityInfoStruct for the multiplcity data
 CThePEG::Named [external]
 CHerwig::NBVertexA simple vertex for the N-body diagram
 CHerwig::BinSampler::NextIterationException to be thrown if cross section information should be updated
 CHerwig::JetsPlusAnalysis::ObjectPropertiesCollection of object histograms; ranges are adjusted to the maximum, so range constraints and rebinning can be applied later
 CHerwig::LeptonsJetsAnalysis::ObjectPropertiesCollection of object histograms; ranges are adjusted to the maximum, so range constraints and rebinning can be applied later
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::onIndicate remapping of a density
 CHerwig::OneOffShellIntegrandClass for the integrand of a matrix element where one of the outgoing particles is off-shell.This class is used by the OneOffShellCalculator class to perform the integral
 CHerwig::OpenLoopsProcInfoProcess information for OpenLoops
 Cexsample::ostream_traits< OStream >Separate quantities written to an ostream
 Cexsample::ostream_traits< ThePEG::PersistentOStream >Separate quantities written to a ThePEG::PersistentOStream
 Cexsample::binary_tree< Value >::ostream_visitor< OStream >Forward visitor writing out the tree to given ostream
 CHerwig::ThreeBodyAllOnCalculator< T >::OuterThe class for the outer integrand of the integral of a three body decay matrix element
 Cexsample::parametric_missing_accessorAccessor returning the number of missing events for given parameter bin id
 Cexsample::parametric_sampling_selector< Random >Sampling selector selecting only bins which contain the given parameter point
 Cexsample::parametric_sampling_selector< exsample::rnd_generator< Random > >
 Cexsample::parametric_sampling_selector< exsample::rnd_generator< ThePEG::UseRandom > >
 Cexsample::parametric_sampling_selector< exsample::rnd_generator< UseRandom > >
 Cexsample::parametric_selectorSelector selecting only bins which contain the given parameter point
 CCVolver::ParticleDataTraits< ParticleData >ParticleData traits
 CCVolver::ParticleDataTraits< ThePEG::PDT::Colour >Specify particle data traits for ThePEG
 CHerwig::ParticleOrderingA struct to order the particles in the same way as in the DecayModes
 CHerwig::ShowerHandler::ParticleOrderingA struct to order the particles in the same way as in the DecayMode's
 CHerwig::PhaseSpaceChannelThis class is designed to store the information needed for a given phase-space channel for use by the multi-channel phase space decayer and perform the generation of the phase space for that channel
 CHerwig::PhasespaceHelpers::PhasespaceInfoGeneral information for phase space generation
 CHerwig::PhaseSpaceChannel::PhaseSpaceResonanceStruct for the intermediates in the phase-space channel
 CHerwig::PhasespaceHelpers::PhasespaceTreeA phase space tree
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Piecewise< Density1, Density2 >A piecewise defined density
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::PlusConjugateSpinorTagTag for <p|
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::PlusSpinorTagTag for |p>
 CColorFull::Poly_matrClass for containing a Polynomial matrix, and functions for Polynomial matrices
 CColorFull::Poly_vecClass for containing vector of Polynomials, and functions for Polynomial vectors
 CColorFull::PolynomialFor containing a Polynomial (in Nc, CF and TR), as a sum of Monomials
 CHerwig::PotentialTreeStruct to store a potential CKKWTree
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::PowerThe density |(x-z)|^p
 CHerwig::ProcessProcess information with coupling order
 CHerwig::ProductionMatrixElementThe storage of the helicity amplitude expression for the matrix element of a hard process
 CColorFull::Quark_lineA class to contain one quark-line with gluons attached multiplying a Polynomial, Poly
 CHerwig::BinSampler::RandomNumberHistogramDefine the key for the collinear subtraction data
 CHerwig::realVVKinematicsUsed to store information on the the kinematics of the real emission processes needed for the evaluation of matrix elements in the real part of the NLO process
 CHerwig::DipoleShowerHandler::RedoShowerIndicate a problem in the shower
 CThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted [external]
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Remap< Density >Remap a density to a new interval
 CHerwig::RemapperRemapper adapts indivdual MC dimensions
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Rescale< Density >Rescale a density
 CHerwig::MatchboxRambo::ReshuffleEquationThe function object defining the equation to be solved
 CHerwig::MatchboxXCombData::ReshuffleEquationHelper struct to define the reshuffling equation
 CHerwig::Reshuffler::ReshuffleEquation< PIterator, MIterator >The function object defining the equation to be solved
 CHerwig::VBFNLOPhasespace::ReshuffleEquationThe function object defining the equation to be solved
 CHerwig::ReshufflerImplements reshuffling of partons on their nominal mass shell to their constituent mass shells
 Cexsample::rnd_generator< Random >Random generator traits
 Cexsample::rnd_generator< ThePEG::UseRandom >
 Cexsample::rnd_generator< UseRandom >
 CStatistics::RunA simulation run
 CHerwig::RunDirectoriesHandle directories for external library and grid storage
 Cexsample::sampling_selector< Random >Flat sampling selector
 Cexsample::selection_maxtryException thrown if the maximum number of attempts to select a cell has been reached
 CThePEG::SelectorBase [external]
 CHerwig::ShowerHandler::ShowerTriesVetoStruct that is used to catch exceptions which are thrown due to fact that the Shower has been invoked more than a defined threshold on a certain configuration
 CHerwig::ShowerVariationA struct identifying a shower variation
 Cmatchbox::solve_input_lambda< AlphaS >
 Cmatchbox::solve_lambda_above< AlphaS >
 Cmatchbox::solve_lambda_below< AlphaS >
 CHerwig::SpinCorrelationTensorSpinCorrelationTensor represents a spin correlation tensor of the form
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::SpinorMultiplicationTraits< Value >Helpers for commonly encountered types
 CHerwig::MatchboxFactory::SplittingChannelIdentify a splitting channel
 CHerwig::StatDocumentation for the statistics struct
 Cexsample::static_binary< long >Compile time conversion of unsigned long to bool
 Cexsample::static_binary< 0 >Compile time conversion of unsigned long to bool
 CHerwig::StatisticSimple class designed to store a variable for statistical analysis
 Cexsample::statisticsStatistics is a helper class for keeping track of event generation statistics
 CHerwig::StreamingRndWrap around a vector of random numbers to behave as a stream of those
 CHerwig::SU2HelperHelpers for book keeping in electroweak processes
 CHerwig::SubtractedME::SubtractionHistogramSimple envelope histogram to keep track of subtraction
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::Sum< Density1, Density2 >Add two densities
 CXML::ElementIO::TagHelper struct representing a single tag or parsed content
 CHerwig::TBDiagramThe TBDiagram struct contains information about a \(1\to3\) decay that has been automatically generated by ThreeBodyDecayConstructor
 CHerwig::MEPP2HiggsVBF::tChannelPairStruct to contain the hadronic system
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::ToBeDefinedPlaceholder when constructing piecewise defined densities
 CHerwig::TwoBodyDecayStruct for the prototype of a two-body decay mode
 CHerwig::TwoOffShellIntegrandClass for the integrand of a matrix element where two of the outgoing particles is off-shell
 CHerwig::Tree2toNGenerator::VertexA node in internally used trees
 CHerwig::VertexOrderingA struct to order the particles in the same way as in the DecayMode's
 CHerwig::VetoShowerException class for vetoing a showering
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::WeylSpinor< Type, Value >Base class for Weyl spinors
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::WeylSpinorTraits< Type >Helpers for Weyl spinors
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::WeylSpinorTraits< MinusConjugateSpinorTag >
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::WeylSpinorTraits< MinusSpinorTag >
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::WeylSpinorTraits< PlusConjugateSpinorTag >
 CHerwig::SpinorHelicity::WeylSpinorTraits< PlusSpinorTag >
 CHerwig::YFSFormFactorsPure static class which implements the various YFS form factors we need for the decays
 CHerwig::RandomHelpers::ZeroA zero density